Merge branch 'release/5.45.0'
[cdmlib.git] / cdmlib-persistence / src / main / java / eu / etaxonomy / cdm / database / update /
1 /**
2 * Copyright (C) 2009 EDIT
3 * European Distributed Institute of Taxonomy
4 *
5 *
6 * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
7 * See LICENSE.TXT at the top of this package for the full license terms.
8 */
9 package eu.etaxonomy.cdm.database.update;
11 import java.sql.ResultSet;
13 import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
14 import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
15 import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
17 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.common.monitor.DefaultProgressMonitor;
18 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.common.monitor.IProgressMonitor;
19 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.database.CdmDataSource;
20 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.database.ICdmDataSource;
21 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.database.update.v54x_54x.SchemaUpdater_5431_5440;
22 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.metadata.CdmMetaData;
24 /**
25 * This class launches CDM model updates.
26 * <BR>
27 * For each new schema version number there usually exists 1 {@link ISchemaUpdater} which
28 * represents a list of schema update steps. {@link ISchemaUpdater schema updaters} are linked
29 * to previous updaters which are called, if relevant, previous to the latest updater.
30 * So it is possible to upgrade multiple schema version steps in one call.
31 * <BR><BR>
32 * As said before each {@link ISchemaUpdater schema updater} creates a list of
33 * {@link ISchemaUpdaterStep update steps}.
34 * <BR><BR>
35 * {@link ISchemaUpdater} support progression monitoring with each update step being one task.
36 * <BR><BR>
37 * ATTENTION: Some steps in the schema update are not transactional by nature. E.g. adding or removing a column
38 * to a table in a SQL database can not be handled in a transaction. Therefore failures in
39 * certain steps may not lead to a complete rollback of all steps covered by a {@link ISchemaUpdater}.
40 * This may lead to a situation where the database becomes inconsistent.
41 * <BR><BR>
43 * Adding a new updater currently still needs adjustment at multiple places.
44 * <BR>
45 * <BR>1.) Increment {@link CdmMetaData} schema version number.
46 * <BR>2.) Create a new class instance of {@link SchemaUpdaterBase} (e.g. by copying an old one).
47 * <BR>3.) Update startSchemaVersion and endSchemaVersion in this new class, where startSchemaVersion
48 * is the old schema version and endSchemaVersion is the new schema version.
49 * <BR>4.) Implement {@link ISchemaUpdater#getPreviousUpdater()} and {@link ISchemaUpdater#getNextUpdater()}
50 * in a way that the former returns an instance of the previous schema updater and the later returns null (for now).
51 * <BR>5.) Go to the previous schema updater class and adjust {@link ISchemaUpdater#getNextUpdater()}
52 * in a way that it returns an instance of the newly created updater.
53 * <BR>6.) Adjust {@link CdmUpdater#getCurrentSchemaUpdater()} to return
54 * instances of the newly created updater.
55 *
56 * NOTE: Prior to cdmlib version 4.8/schema version 4.7 the CdmUpdater was split into a schema updater
57 * and a term updater. This architecture caused problems and was therefore removed in 4.8.
58 *
59 * @see ISchemaUpdater
60 * @see ISchemaUpdaterStep
61 *
62 * @author a.mueller
63 * @since 10.09.2010
64 */
65 public class CdmUpdater {
67 private static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger();
69 private static final ISchemaUpdater getCurrentSchemaUpdater() {
70 return SchemaUpdater_5431_5440.NewInstance();
71 }
73 public static CdmUpdater NewInstance(){
74 return new CdmUpdater();
75 }
77 public SchemaUpdateResult updateToCurrentVersion(ICdmDataSource datasource, IProgressMonitor monitor){
78 SchemaUpdateResult result = new SchemaUpdateResult();
79 if (monitor == null){
80 monitor = DefaultProgressMonitor.NewInstance();
81 }
82 CaseType caseType = CaseType.caseTypeOfDatasource(datasource);
84 ISchemaUpdater currentSchemaUpdater = getCurrentSchemaUpdater();
86 int steps = currentSchemaUpdater.countSteps(datasource, monitor, caseType);
87 steps++; //for hibernate_sequences update
89 String taskName = "Update to schema version " + currentSchemaUpdater.getTargetVersion();
90 monitor.beginTask(taskName, steps);
92 try {
93 datasource.startTransaction();
94 currentSchemaUpdater.invoke(datasource, monitor, caseType, result);
95 if (result.isSuccess()){
96 //TODO should not run if no update was necesssary
97 updateHibernateSequence(datasource, monitor, caseType, result);
98 }
99 if (!result.isSuccess()){
100 datasource.rollback(); //does not work for ddl statements, therefore not really necessary
101 }else{
102 datasource.commitTransaction();
103 }
104 } catch (Exception e) {
105 String message = "Stopped schema updater";
106 result.addException(e, message, "CdmUpdater");
107 monitor.warning(message);
108 } finally {
109 String message = "Update finished " + (result.isSuccess() ? "successfully" : "with ERRORS");
110 monitor.subTask(message);
111 if (!result.isSuccess()){
112 monitor.warning(message);
113 monitor.setCanceled(true);
114 }else{
115 monitor.done();
116 }
118 }
120 return result;
121 }
123 /**
124 * Updating terms often inserts new terms, vocabularies and representations.
125 * Therefore the counter in hibernate_sequences must be increased.
126 * We do this once at the end of term updating.
127 * @param caseType
128 * @param result2
129 * @return true if update was successful, false otherwise
130 */
131 private void updateHibernateSequence(ICdmDataSource datasource, IProgressMonitor monitor,
132 CaseType caseType, SchemaUpdateResult result) {
133 monitor.subTask("Update hibernate sequences");
134 try {
135 String sql = "SELECT * FROM hibernate_sequences ";
136 ResultSet rs = datasource.executeQuery(sql);
137 while ({
138 String table = rs.getString("sequence_name");
139 Integer val = rs.getInt("next_val");
140 updateSingleValue(datasource, monitor, table, val, caseType, result);
141 }
142 } catch (Exception e) {
143 String message = "Exception occurred when trying to update hibernate_sequences table: " + e.getMessage();
144 monitor.warning(message, e);
145 logger.error(message);
146 result.addException(e, message, "CdmUpdater.updateHibernateSequence");
147 }finally{
148 monitor.worked(1);
149 }
150 return;
151 }
153 private void updateSingleValue(ICdmDataSource datasource, IProgressMonitor monitor, String table,
154 Integer oldVal, CaseType caseType, SchemaUpdateResult result){
155 if (table.equals("default")){ //found in flora central africa test database
156 return;
157 }
158 try {
159 Integer newVal;
160 try {
161 String id = table.equalsIgnoreCase("AuditEvent")? "revisionNumber" : "id";
162 String sql = " SELECT max(%s) FROM %s ";
163 newVal = (Integer)datasource.getSingleValue(String.format(sql, id, caseType.transformTo(table)));
164 } catch (Exception e) {
165 String message = "Could not retrieve max value for table '%s'. Will not update hibernate_sequence for this table. " +
166 "Usually this will not cause problems, however, if new data has been added to " +
167 "this table by the update script one may encounter 'unique identifier' " +
168 "exceptions when trying to add further data.";
169 monitor.warning(String.format(message,table), e);
170 result.addWarning(message, (String)null, "table = " + table);
171 return;
172 }
174 if (newVal != null){
175 //This is how {@link PooledOptimizer#generate(} works
176 //it substracts the increment size from the value in hibernate_sequences to get the initial value.
177 //Haven't checked why.
178 //For the correct increment size see
179 int incrementSize = 10;
180 newVal = newVal + incrementSize;
181 if (newVal >= oldVal){
182 String sql = " UPDATE hibernate_sequences " +
183 " SET next_val = %d " +
184 " WHERE sequence_name = '%s' ";
185 datasource.executeUpdate(String.format(sql, newVal + 1 , table) );
186 }
187 }
188 return;
189 } catch (Exception e) {
190 String message = "Exception occurred when trying to read or update hibernate_sequences table for value " + table + ": " + e.getMessage();
191 monitor.warning(message, e);
192 logger.error(message);
193 result.addException(e, message, "CdmUpdater.updateSingleValue(table = " + table + ")");
194 }
195 }
197 /**
198 * @param args SERVER DB_NAME1[,DB_NAME2,...] [USER] [PASSWORD] [PORT]
199 */
200 public static void main(String[] args) {
201 // logger.warn("main method not yet fully implemented (only works with mysql!!!)");
202 // if(args.length < 2){
203 // logger.error("Arguments missing: server database [username [password]]");
204 // }
205 //TODO better implementation
206 CdmUpdater myUpdater = new CdmUpdater();
207 System.out.println("CdmUpdater\nArguments: SERVER DB_NAME1[,DB_NAME2,...] [USER] [PASSWORD] [PORT]");
208 String server = args[0];
209 String database = args[1];
210 String[] databaseNames = StringUtils.split(database, ',');
211 String username = args.length > 2 ? args[2] : null;
212 String password = args.length > 3 ? args[3] : null;
213 int port = 3306;
214 if( args.length > 4){
215 try {
216 port = Integer.parseInt(args[4]);
217 } catch (Exception e) {
218 // ignore
219 }
220 }
221 System.out.println("Number of databases to update: " + databaseNames.length);
222 for(String dnName : databaseNames){
223 System.out.println(dnName + " UPDATE ...");
224 ICdmDataSource dataSource = CdmDataSource.NewMySqlInstance(server, dnName, port, username, password);
225 SchemaUpdateResult result = myUpdater.updateToCurrentVersion(dataSource, null);
226 System.out.println(dnName + " DONE " + (result.isSuccess() ? "successfully" : "with ERRORS"));
227 System.out.println(result.createReport().toString());
228 System.out.println("====================================================================");
229 }
230 }
231 }