added FEATURE_STORE to be compliant with XML-IMPORT for cdmlib-app
[cdmlib.git] / cdmlib-io / src / main / java / eu / etaxonomy / cdm / io / common /
1 /**
2 * Copyright (C) 2009 EDIT
3 * European Distributed Institute of Taxonomy
4 *
5 *
6 * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
7 * See LICENSE.TXT at the top of this package for the full license terms.
8 */
10 package;
12 /*
13 * Created on 14.05.2005
14 * @author Andreas M�ller
15 * Updated 20.08.2006
16 */
19 import;
20 import java.sql.Connection;
21 import java.sql.DriverManager;
22 import java.sql.ResultSet;
23 import java.sql.SQLException;
24 import java.sql.Statement;
26 import org.apache.http.MethodNotSupportedException;
27 import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
29 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.database.ICdmDataSource;
30 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.database.update.DatabaseTypeNotSupportedException;
33 /**
34 *
35 * Creates Cursors from extern relational DB.
36 * Used only for developpers convienence hence undocumented.
37 * You may create input cursors in any other way you want
38 * @author Andreas Müller
39 */
40 public class Source {
41 static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Source.class);
43 /* ************ Constants **************************************/
44 //Mode
45 private final static boolean DEBUG_MODE = false;
46 private final static boolean DEBUG_LOG_WRITER = false;
48 //DB info
49 // public final static String SQL_SERVER_2000 = "SQLServer2000";
50 public final static String SQL_SERVER_2005 = "SQLServer2005";
51 public final static String SQL_SERVER_2008 = "SQLServer2008";
52 public final static String ACCESS = "Access";
53 public final static String EXCEL = "Excel";
54 public final static String ODDBC = "ODBC";
55 public final static String ORACLE = "Oracle";
56 public final static String DB2 = "DB2";
58 //coursor mode
59 public final static String SELECT_DIRECT = "direct";
60 public final static String SELECT_CURSOR = "cursor";
62 //driver class
63 // private static String clsSQLServer2000 = "";
64 private static String clsSQLServer2005 = "";
65 private static String clsSQLServer2008 = "";
66 private static String clsODBC = "sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver";
67 private static String clsOracle = "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver";
68 private static String clsDB2 = "";
69 private static String clsSQLServerDdtek = "com.ddtek.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver";
70 private static String clsDefault = "";
72 //url
73 // private static String urlSQLServer = "jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://";
74 private static String urlSQLServer2005 = "jdbc:sqlserver://";
75 private static String urlSQLServer2008 = "jdbc:sqlserver://";
76 private static String urlDB2 = "jdbc:db2://";
77 private static String urlOracle = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@:1243:";
78 private static String urlDataDirectSQLServer = "jdbc:datadirect:sqlserver://";
79 private static String urlODBC = "jdbc:odbc:";
80 // FIXME this default is not acceptable
81 private static String urlDefault = "jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://LAPI:1433;DatabaseName=studienarbeit;SelectMethod=direct";
84 /* *************** VARIABLES *******************************/
85 private Connection mConn;
86 private Statement mStmt;
87 private String mQuery;
88 private String mUrl = null;
89 private String mDb = null;
90 private int mPort = 1433; //default port TODO 2 currently only for SQLServer, needs to be implemented also for othe DBMS
91 private String mDbms = null;
92 private String mServer = null;
93 private boolean isCursor;
94 private boolean connExist = false; //does a Connection exist?
95 private String mUserName;
96 private String mPwd;
98 private boolean doLog = false;
101 private static String userNameDefault = "sa"; //default user
102 private static String pwdDefault = "sa"; //default PWD
105 /* ******************** CONSTRUCTORS **********************************/
108 /**
109 * Creates a source and sets the according variables
110 * @param dbms name of database management system (e.g. "SQLServer", "Access", "Excel", "Oracle"
111 * @param server name of server, if dbms is ODBC, this must be the ODBC name
112 * @param db name of database
113 */
114 public Source(String dbms, String server, String db){
115 mDbms = dbms;
116 mServer = server;
117 mDb = db;
118 this.mPwd = pwdDefault;
119 this.mUserName = userNameDefault;
120 }
122 /**
123 * Creates a source and sets the query string
124 * @param dbms name of database management system (e.g. "SQLServer", "Access", "Excel", "Oracle"
125 * @param server name of server, if dbms is ODBC, this must be the ODBC name
126 * @param db name of database
127 * @param query the query
128 */
129 public Source(String dbms, String server, String db, String query){
130 this(dbms, server, db);
131 this.setQuery(query);
132 }
134 /**
135 * Creates a source and sets the parameter.
136 * @param cursor access mode, if true 'cursor', if false 'direct'
137 */
138 public Source(String dbms, String server, String db, boolean cursor) {
139 this(dbms, server, db);
140 isCursor = cursor;
141 }
144 /**
145 * Creates a source and sets the parameter. If port is -1 the databases default port is used.
146 * @param dbms name of database management system (e.g. "SQLServer", "Access", "Excel", "Oracle"
147 * @param server name of server, if dbms is ODBC, this must be the ODBC name
148 * @param db name of database
149 * @param port the databases port (-1: use default port)
150 */
151 public Source(String dbms, String server, String db, int port) {
152 this(dbms, server, db);
153 if (port != -1){
154 this.setPort(port);
155 };
156 }
158 /**
159 * Creates a source with parameters of a ICdmDataSource instance
160 *
161 * @param cdmDataSource
162 */
163 public Source(ICdmDataSource cdmDataSource){
164 mDbms = cdmDataSource.getDatabaseType().getName();
165 mServer = cdmDataSource.getServer();
166 mDb = cdmDataSource.getDatabase();
167 mPwd = cdmDataSource.getPassword();
168 mUserName = cdmDataSource.getUsername();
169 this.setPort(cdmDataSource.getPort());
170 }
172 //********************* METHODS *****************************************************/
174 //******* RESULTSETS *******************//
175 /**
176 * Returns the Resultset for query 'query'.
177 * Does not change the Sources query-string!!
178 * @return Resultset for the query.
179 */
180 public ResultSet getResultSet (String query){
181 ResultSet rs;
182 try {
183 this.getConnection(); //establish connection
184 if (query == null){
185 return null;
186 }
187 mStmt = mConn.createStatement();
188 rs = mStmt.executeQuery(query);
189 return rs;
190 }catch(Exception e){
191 logger.error("Problems when creating Resultset for query \n " + query + " \n" + "Exception: " + e);
192 throw new RuntimeException(e);
193 }
194 }
196 //******* INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE *******************//
197 /**
198 * Executes an insert, update or delete statement.
199 * Returns the number of rows changed or -1 if updatedStatement was 0 or and error occurred.
200 * Does not change the Sources query-string!!
201 * @return Resultset for the query.
202 */
203 public int update (String updateStatement){
204 int result;
205 try {
206 this.getConnection(); //establish connection
207 if (updateStatement == null){
208 return -1;
209 }
210 mStmt = mConn.createStatement();
211 result = mStmt.executeUpdate(updateStatement);
212 return result;
213 }catch(SQLException e){
214 logger.error("Problems when creating Resultset for query \n " + updateStatement + " \n" + "Exception: " + e);
215 return -1;
216 }
217 }
220 /**
221 * Returns the Resultset for Sources query.
222 * @return Resultset for the Sources query
223 */
224 public ResultSet getResultSet (){
225 return getResultSet(mQuery);
226 }
229 // ***************CONNECTION *************************************//
230 /**
231 * Returns the connection.
232 * @return the Sources connection
233 */
234 public Connection getConnection(){
235 try {
236 if (this.connExist == false){
237 if (mConn != null){
238 mConn.close();
239 }
240 this.makeConnection() ;
241 }
242 return this.mConn;
243 } catch (SourceConnectionException e) {
244 throw new RuntimeException("Error when establishing Connection.", e);
245 } catch (SQLException e) {
246 throw new RuntimeException("SQLException in getConnection.", e);
247 }
248 }
251 /**
252 * Makes the connection.
253 * @return true if connection created
254 * @throws SourceConnectionException
255 */
256 private boolean makeConnection()throws SourceConnectionException {
257 if (doLog ){
258 DriverManager.setLogWriter(new PrintWriter(System.out));
259 }
260 try {
261 if (makeConnectionString() == false){
262 throw new SourceConnectionException ("Error in Connection String");
263 }
264 if (mDbms.equalsIgnoreCase(ODDBC) ){
265 //not necessarily limited to ODBC
266 java.util.Properties prop = new java.util.Properties();
267 // prop.put("charSet", "Big5");
268 prop.put("user", mUserName);
269 prop.put("password", mPwd);
270 // DriverManager.setLogWriter(new PrintWriter(System.out));
271 mConn = DriverManager.getConnection(mUrl, prop);
272 }else{
273 mConn = DriverManager.getConnection(mUrl, mUserName, mPwd);
274 }
278 mConn.setCatalog(mDb); //
279"Connected to " + mConn.getCatalog());
280 mStmt = mConn.createStatement();
281 this.connExist = true;
282 return true;
283 }catch (SQLException e){
284 logger.error("Problems when trying to open the database !!!\n" +
285 "URL: " + mUrl + "\n" +
286 "Exception: " + e);
287 throw new SourceConnectionException ();
288 }
289 }
291 /**
292 * Makes the connection string
293 * @return false if ClassNotFoundException, else true
294 */
295 private boolean makeConnectionString(){
296 String selectMethod;
297 String server;
299 if (isCursor)
300 selectMethod = SELECT_CURSOR;
301 else
302 selectMethod = SELECT_DIRECT;
303 try{
304 if (DEBUG_LOG_WRITER) DriverManager.setLogWriter((new PrintWriter(System.out)));
305 // if (mDbms.equalsIgnoreCase(SQL_SERVER_2000)) {
306 // Class.forName(clsSQLServer2000);
307 // server = mServer + ":" + mPort;
308 // mUrl = urlSQLServer + server + ";DataBase=" + mDb + ";SelectMethod="+ selectMethod;
309 // }
310 else if (mDbms.equalsIgnoreCase(SQL_SERVER_2005)) {
311 Class.forName(clsSQLServer2005);
312 server = mServer + ":" + mPort;
313 mUrl = urlSQLServer2005 + server + ";databaseName=" + mDb +";SelectMethod="+ selectMethod;
314 }
315 else if (mDbms.equalsIgnoreCase(SQL_SERVER_2008)) {
316 Class.forName(clsSQLServer2008);
317 server = mServer + ":" + mPort;
318 mUrl = urlSQLServer2008 + server + ";databaseName=" + mDb +";SelectMethod="+ selectMethod;
319 }
320 else if (mDbms.equalsIgnoreCase(ACCESS)) {
321 Class.forName(clsODBC);
323 //mDb must be the file path
324 mUrl = urlODBC + "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=";
325 mUrl += mDb.trim() + ";DriverID=22;READONLY=false}";
326 }
327 else if (mDbms.equalsIgnoreCase(EXCEL)) {
328 Class.forName(clsODBC);
329 mUrl = urlODBC + "jdbc:odbc:Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)};DBQ=";
330 mUrl += mDb.trim() + ";DriverID=22;READONLY=false";
331 }
332 else if (mDbms.equalsIgnoreCase(ODDBC)) {
333 //mDb must be the System DNS name
334 Class.forName(clsODBC);
335 mUrl = urlODBC + mDb ;
336 }
337 else if (mDbms.equalsIgnoreCase(ORACLE)) {
338 Class.forName(clsOracle);
339 mUrl = urlOracle + mDb ;
340 }
341 else if (mDbms.equalsIgnoreCase(DB2)) {
342 Class.forName(clsDB2);
343 mUrl = urlDB2 + mDb;
344 }
345 else if (mDbms.equalsIgnoreCase("SQLServerDdtek")) {
346 Class.forName(clsSQLServerDdtek);
347 mUrl = urlDataDirectSQLServer + mServer;
348 }
349 else {
350 Class.forName(clsSQLServer2005);
351 mUrl = urlDefault;
352 }
353 logger.debug("Connection String: " + mUrl);
354 return true;
355 }catch (ClassNotFoundException e){
356 logger.error("Datenbank-Treiber-Klasse konnte nicht geladen werden\n" + "Exception: " + e.toString());
357 return false;
358 }
359 }
362 /* ******************** SETTER *************************************/
364 /**
365 * @param query
366 */
367 public Source setQuery (String query){
368 mQuery = query;
369 return this;
370 }
372 /**
373 * Sets the username.
374 * @param userName
375 */
376 public Source setUsername (String userName){
377 if (userName == null){
378 this.mUserName = userNameDefault;
379 }else{
380 this.mUserName = userName;
381 }
382 this.connExist = false;
383 return this;
384 }
386 /**
387 * Sets the password.
388 * @param pwd
389 */
390 public Source setPassword (String pwd){
391 if (pwd == null){
392 this.mPwd = pwdDefault;
393 }else{
394 this.mPwd = pwd;
395 }
396 this.connExist = false;
397 return this;
398 }
400 /**
401 * Sets the username and password.
402 * @param userName
403 * @param pwd
404 */
405 public Source setUserAndPwd (String userName, String pwd){
406 setUsername(userName);
407 setPassword(pwd);
408 return this;
409 }
411 /**
412 * Sets the port.
413 * @param userName
414 * @param pwd
415 */
416 public Source setPort (int port){
417 this.mPort = port;
418 this.connExist = false;
419 return this;
420 }
422 public String getDatabase(){
423 return mDb;
424 }
426 public String getServer(){
427 return mServer;
428 }
431 public boolean isDoLog() {
432 return doLog;
433 }
435 public void setDoLog(boolean doLog) {
436 this.doLog = doLog;
437 }
439 /**
440 * Checks if an attribute exists in the database schema. At the moment only supported
441 * for SQL Server.
442 * TODO implement for others.
443 * @param tableName
444 * @param dbAttribute
445 * @return
446 * @throws MethodNotSupportedException
447 */
448 public boolean checkColumnExists(String tableName, String dbAttribute) throws DatabaseTypeNotSupportedException{
449 if (mDbms.equalsIgnoreCase(SQL_SERVER_2005)|| mDbms.equalsIgnoreCase(SQL_SERVER_2008) ){
450 String strQuery = "SELECT Count( as n " +
451 " FROM sysobjects AS t " +
452 " INNER JOIN syscolumns AS c ON = " +
453 " WHERE (t.xtype = 'U') AND " +
454 " ( = '" + tableName + "') AND " +
455 " ( = '" + dbAttribute + "')";
456 ResultSet rs = getResultSet(strQuery) ;
457 int n;
458 try {
460 n = rs.getInt("n");
461 return n>0;
462 } catch (SQLException e) {
463 e.printStackTrace();
464 return false;
465 }
466 }else{
467 throw new DatabaseTypeNotSupportedException("Check column exist is not supported by the database system");
468 }
469 }
471 @Override
472 public String toString(){
473 if (mDb != null){
474 return mDb;
475 }else if (mUrl == null){
476 return super.toString();
477 }else{
478 return mUrl;
479 }
480 }
483 }