ref #6369 remove generics from interfaces
[cdmlib.git] / cdmlib-services / src / main / java / eu / etaxonomy / cdm / api / service /
1 /**
2 * Copyright (C) 2007 EDIT
3 * European Distributed Institute of Taxonomy
4 *
5 *
6 * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
7 * See LICENSE.TXT at the top of this package for the full license terms.
8 */
10 package eu.etaxonomy.cdm.api.service;
12 import java.util.ArrayList;
13 import java.util.Arrays;
14 import java.util.Collection;
15 import java.util.Collections;
16 import java.util.Comparator;
17 import java.util.HashMap;
18 import java.util.HashSet;
19 import java.util.List;
20 import java.util.Map;
21 import java.util.Set;
22 import java.util.TreeMap;
23 import java.util.UUID;
25 import javax.persistence.EntityNotFoundException;
27 import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils;
28 import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
29 import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
30 import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
31 import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
32 import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;
34 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.api.service.config.CreateHierarchyForClassificationConfigurator;
35 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.api.service.config.NodeDeletionConfigurator.ChildHandling;
36 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.api.service.config.TaxonDeletionConfigurator;
37 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.api.service.dto.EntityDTO;
38 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.api.service.dto.GroupedTaxonDTO;
39 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.api.service.dto.MarkedEntityDTO;
40 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.api.service.dto.TaxonInContextDTO;
41 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.api.service.pager.Pager;
42 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.api.service.pager.PagerUtils;
43 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.api.service.pager.impl.AbstractPagerImpl;
44 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.api.service.pager.impl.DefaultPagerImpl;
45 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.common.monitor.IProgressMonitor;
46 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.hibernate.HibernateProxyHelper;
47 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.common.CdmBase;
48 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.common.DefinedTermBase;
49 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.common.ITreeNode;
50 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.common.MarkerType;
51 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.common.TreeIndex;
52 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.description.DescriptionElementBase;
53 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.description.TaxonDescription;
54 import;
55 import;
56 import;
57 import;
58 import;
59 import;
60 import;
61 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.reference.Reference;
62 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.taxon.Classification;
63 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.taxon.ITaxonNodeComparator;
64 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.taxon.ITaxonTreeNode;
65 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.taxon.Synonym;
66 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.taxon.Taxon;
67 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.taxon.TaxonBase;
68 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.taxon.TaxonNode;
69 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.taxon.TaxonRelationshipType;
70 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.persistence.dao.common.IDefinedTermDao;
71 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.persistence.dao.initializer.IBeanInitializer;
72 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.persistence.dao.taxon.IClassificationDao;
73 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.persistence.dao.taxon.ITaxonDao;
74 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.persistence.dao.taxon.ITaxonNodeDao;
75 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.persistence.dto.ClassificationLookupDTO;
76 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.persistence.dto.TaxonNodeDto;
77 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.persistence.dto.TaxonStatus;
78 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.persistence.dto.UuidAndTitleCache;
79 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.persistence.query.OrderHint;
80 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.strategy.cache.common.IIdentifiableEntityCacheStrategy;
81 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.strategy.parser.NonViralNameParserImpl;
83 /**
84 * @author n.hoffmann
85 * @created Sep 21, 2009
86 */
87 @Service
88 @Transactional(readOnly = true)
89 public class ClassificationServiceImpl extends IdentifiableServiceBase<Classification, IClassificationDao>
90 implements IClassificationService {
91 private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ClassificationServiceImpl.class);
93 @Autowired
94 private ITaxonNodeDao taxonNodeDao;
96 @Autowired
97 private ITaxonDao taxonDao;
99 @Autowired
100 private ITaxonNodeService taxonNodeService;
102 @Autowired
103 private IDefinedTermDao termDao;
105 @Autowired
106 private IBeanInitializer defaultBeanInitializer;
108 @Override
109 @Autowired
110 protected void setDao(IClassificationDao dao) {
111 this.dao = dao;
112 }
114 private Comparator<? super TaxonNode> taxonNodeComparator;
116 @Autowired
117 public void setTaxonNodeComparator(ITaxonNodeComparator<? super TaxonNode> taxonNodeComparator){
118 this.taxonNodeComparator = (Comparator<? super TaxonNode>) taxonNodeComparator;
119 }
121 @Override
122 public TaxonNode loadTaxonNodeByTaxon(Taxon taxon, UUID classificationUuid, List<String> propertyPaths){
123 Classification tree = dao.load(classificationUuid);
124 TaxonNode node = tree.getNode(taxon);
126 return loadTaxonNode(node.getUuid(), propertyPaths);
127 }
129 @Override
130 @Deprecated // use loadTaxonNode(UUID, List<String>) instead
131 public TaxonNode loadTaxonNode(TaxonNode taxonNode, List<String> propertyPaths){
132 return taxonNodeDao.load(taxonNode.getUuid(), propertyPaths);
133 }
135 public TaxonNode loadTaxonNode(UUID taxonNodeUuid, List<String> propertyPaths){
136 return taxonNodeDao.load(taxonNodeUuid, propertyPaths);
137 }
139 @Override
140 @Transactional(readOnly = false)
141 public UpdateResult cloneClassification(UUID classificationUuid,
142 String name, Reference sec, TaxonRelationshipType relationshipType) {
143 UpdateResult result = new UpdateResult();
144 Classification classification = load(classificationUuid);
145 Classification clone = Classification.NewInstance(name);
146 clone.setReference(sec);
148 //clone taxa and taxon nodes
149 List<TaxonNode> childNodes = classification.getRootNode().getChildNodes();
150 for (TaxonNode taxonNode : childNodes) {
151 addChildTaxa(taxonNode, null, clone, relationshipType);
152 }
153 dao.saveOrUpdate(clone);
154 result.setCdmEntity(clone);
155 return result;
156 }
158 private void addChildTaxa(TaxonNode originalParentNode, TaxonNode cloneParentNode, Classification classification, TaxonRelationshipType relationshipType){
159 Reference reference = classification.getReference();
160 Taxon cloneTaxon = (Taxon) HibernateProxyHelper.deproxy(originalParentNode.getTaxon(), Taxon.class).clone();
161 cloneTaxon.setSec(reference);
162 String microReference = null;
163 List<TaxonNode> originalChildNodes = originalParentNode.getChildNodes();
165 //add relation between taxa
166 if (relationshipType != null){
167 cloneTaxon.addTaxonRelation(originalParentNode.getTaxon(), relationshipType, reference, microReference);
168 }
170 TaxonNode cloneChildNode = null;
171 //add taxon node to either parent node or classification (no parent node)
172 if(cloneParentNode==null){
173 cloneChildNode = classification.addChildTaxon(cloneTaxon, reference, microReference);
174 }
175 else{
176 cloneChildNode = cloneParentNode.addChildTaxon(cloneTaxon, reference, microReference);
177 }
178 taxonNodeDao.saveOrUpdate(cloneChildNode);
179 //add children
180 for (TaxonNode originalChildNode : originalChildNodes) {
181 addChildTaxa(originalChildNode, cloneChildNode, classification, relationshipType);
182 }
183 }
185 @Override
186 public List<TaxonNode> listRankSpecificRootNodes(Classification classification, Rank rank, Integer pageSize,
187 Integer pageIndex, List<String> propertyPaths) {
188 return pageRankSpecificRootNodes(classification, rank, pageSize, pageIndex, propertyPaths).getRecords();
189 }
191 @Override
192 public Pager<TaxonNode> pageRankSpecificRootNodes(Classification classification, Rank rank, Integer pageSize,
193 Integer pageIndex, List<String> propertyPaths) {
194 long[] numberOfResults = dao.countRankSpecificRootNodes(classification, rank);
195 long totalNumberOfResults = numberOfResults[0] + (numberOfResults.length > 1 ? numberOfResults[1] : 0);
197 List<TaxonNode> results = new ArrayList<TaxonNode>();
199 if (AbstractPagerImpl.hasResultsInRange(totalNumberOfResults, pageIndex, pageSize)) { // no point checking again
200 Integer limit = PagerUtils.limitFor(pageSize);
201 Integer start = PagerUtils.startFor(pageSize, pageIndex);
203 Integer remainingLimit = limit;
204 int[] queryIndexes = rank == null ? new int[]{0} : new int[]{0,1};
206 for(int queryIndex: queryIndexes) {
207 if(start != null && start > numberOfResults[queryIndex]) {
208 // start in next query with new start value
209 start = start - (int)numberOfResults[queryIndex];
210 continue;
211 }
213 List<TaxonNode> perQueryResults = dao.listRankSpecificRootNodes(classification, rank, remainingLimit, start, propertyPaths, queryIndex);
214 results.addAll(perQueryResults);
215 if(remainingLimit != null ){
216 remainingLimit = remainingLimit - results.size();
217 if(remainingLimit <= 0) {
218 // no need to run further queries if first query returned enough items!
219 break;
220 }
221 // start at with fist item of next query to fetch the remaining items
222 start = 0;
223 }
224 }
225 }
226 // long start_t = System.currentTimeMillis();
227 Collections.sort(results, taxonNodeComparator); // TODO is ordering during the hibernate query in the dao possible?
228 // System.err.println("service.pageRankSpecificRootNodes() - Collections.sort(results, taxonNodeComparator) " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start_t));
229 return new DefaultPagerImpl<TaxonNode>(pageIndex, (int) totalNumberOfResults, pageSize, results);
231 }
233 /**
234 * @implements {@link IClassificationService#loadTreeBranch(TaxonNode, Rank, List)
235 * @see eu.etaxonomy.cdm.api.service.ITaxonService#loadTreeBranchTo(eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.taxon.TaxonNode,, java.util.List)
236 * FIXME Candidate for harmonization
237 * move to classification service
238 */
239 @Override
240 public List<TaxonNode> loadTreeBranch(TaxonNode taxonNode, Rank baseRank, List<String> propertyPaths){
242 TaxonNode thisNode = taxonNodeDao.load(taxonNode.getUuid(), propertyPaths);
243 List<TaxonNode> pathToRoot = new ArrayList<TaxonNode>();
244 pathToRoot.add(thisNode);
246 while(!thisNode.isTopmostNode()){
247 //TODO why do we need to deproxy here?
248 // without this thisNode.getParent() will return NULL in
249 // some cases (environment dependend?) even if the parent exits
250 TaxonNode parentNode = CdmBase.deproxy(thisNode, TaxonNode.class).getParent();
252 if(parentNode == null){
253 throw new NullPointerException("taxonNode " + thisNode + " must have a parent since it is not top most");
254 }
255 if(parentNode.getTaxon() == null){
256 throw new NullPointerException("The taxon associated with taxonNode " + parentNode + " is NULL");
257 }
258 if(parentNode.getTaxon().getName() == null){
259 throw new NullPointerException("The name of the taxon associated with taxonNode " + parentNode + " is NULL");
260 }
262 Rank parentNodeRank = parentNode.getTaxon().getName() == null ? null : parentNode.getTaxon().getName().getRank();
263 // stop if the next parent is higher than the baseRank
264 if(baseRank != null && parentNodeRank != null && baseRank.isLower(parentNodeRank)){
265 break;
266 }
268 pathToRoot.add(parentNode);
269 thisNode = parentNode;
270 }
272 // initialize and invert order of nodes in list
273 defaultBeanInitializer.initializeAll(pathToRoot, propertyPaths);
274 Collections.reverse(pathToRoot);
276 return pathToRoot;
277 }
279 @Override
280 public List<TaxonNode> loadTreeBranchToTaxon(Taxon taxon, Classification classification, Rank baseRank, List<String> propertyPaths){
281 Classification tree = dao.load(classification.getUuid());
282 taxon = (Taxon) taxonDao.load(taxon.getUuid());
283 TaxonNode node = tree.getNode(taxon);
284 if(node == null){
285 logger.warn("The specified taxon is not found in the given tree.");
286 return null;
287 }
288 return loadTreeBranch(node, baseRank, propertyPaths);
289 }
292 @Override
293 public List<TaxonNode> loadChildNodesOfTaxonNode(TaxonNode taxonNode,
294 List<String> propertyPaths) {
295 taxonNode = taxonNodeDao.load(taxonNode.getUuid());
296 List<TaxonNode> childNodes = new ArrayList<TaxonNode>(taxonNode.getChildNodes());
297 defaultBeanInitializer.initializeAll(childNodes, propertyPaths);
298 Collections.sort(childNodes, taxonNodeComparator);
299 return childNodes;
300 }
302 @Override
303 public List<TaxonNode> listChildNodesOfTaxon(UUID taxonUuid, UUID classificationUuid, Integer pageSize,
304 Integer pageIndex, List<String> propertyPaths){
306 Classification classification = dao.load(classificationUuid);
307 Taxon taxon = (Taxon) taxonDao.load(taxonUuid);
309 List<TaxonNode> results = dao.listChildrenOf(taxon, classification, pageSize, pageIndex, propertyPaths);
310 Collections.sort(results, taxonNodeComparator); // FIXME this is only a HACK, order during the hibernate query in the dao
311 return results;
312 }
314 @Override
315 public Pager<TaxonNode> pageSiblingsOfTaxon(UUID taxonUuid, UUID classificationUuid, Integer pageSize,
316 Integer pageIndex, List<String> propertyPaths){
318 Classification classification = dao.load(classificationUuid);
319 Taxon taxon = (Taxon) taxonDao.load(taxonUuid);
321 long numberOfResults = dao.countSiblingsOf(taxon, classification);
323 List<TaxonNode> results;
324 if(PagerUtils.hasResultsInRange(numberOfResults, pageIndex, pageSize)) {
325 results = dao.listSiblingsOf(taxon, classification, pageSize, pageIndex, propertyPaths);
326 Collections.sort(results, taxonNodeComparator); // FIXME this is only a HACK, order during the hibernate query in the dao
327 } else {
328 results = new ArrayList<>();
329 }
331 return new DefaultPagerImpl<TaxonNode>(pageIndex, numberOfResults, pageSize, results);
332 }
334 @Override
335 public List<TaxonNode> listSiblingsOfTaxon(UUID taxonUuid, UUID classificationUuid, Integer pageSize,
336 Integer pageIndex, List<String> propertyPaths){
338 Pager<TaxonNode> pager = pageSiblingsOfTaxon(taxonUuid, classificationUuid, pageSize, pageIndex, propertyPaths);
339 return pager.getRecords();
340 }
342 @Override
343 public TaxonNode getTaxonNodeByUuid(UUID uuid) {
344 return taxonNodeDao.findByUuid(uuid);
345 }
347 @Override
348 public ITaxonTreeNode getTreeNodeByUuid(UUID uuid){
349 ITaxonTreeNode treeNode = taxonNodeDao.findByUuid(uuid);
350 if(treeNode == null){
351 treeNode = dao.findByUuid(uuid);
352 }
354 return treeNode;
355 }
357 @Override
358 public TaxonNode getRootNode(UUID classificationUuid){
359 return dao.getRootNode(classificationUuid);
360 }
362 @Override
363 public List<Classification> listClassifications(Integer limit, Integer start, List<OrderHint> orderHints, List<String> propertyPaths) {
364 return dao.list(limit, start, orderHints, propertyPaths);
365 }
367 @Override
368 public UUID removeTaxonNode(TaxonNode taxonNode) {
369 return taxonNodeDao.delete(taxonNode);
370 }
371 @Override
372 public UUID removeTreeNode(ITaxonTreeNode treeNode) {
373 if(treeNode instanceof Classification){
374 return dao.delete((Classification) treeNode);
375 }else if(treeNode instanceof TaxonNode){
376 return taxonNodeDao.delete((TaxonNode)treeNode);
377 }
378 return null;
379 }
380 @Override
381 public UUID saveTaxonNode(TaxonNode taxonNode) {
382 return;
383 }
385 @Override
386 public Map<UUID, TaxonNode> saveTaxonNodeAll(
387 Collection<TaxonNode> taxonNodeCollection) {
388 return taxonNodeDao.saveAll(taxonNodeCollection);
389 }
391 @Override
392 public UUID saveClassification(Classification classification) {
394 taxonNodeDao.saveOrUpdateAll(classification.getAllNodes());
395 UUID result =dao.saveOrUpdate(classification);
396 return result;
397 }
399 @Override
400 public UUID saveTreeNode(ITaxonTreeNode treeNode) {
401 if(treeNode instanceof Classification){
402 return treeNode).getUuid();
403 }else if(treeNode instanceof TaxonNode){
404 return;
405 }
406 return null;
407 }
409 @Override
410 public List<TaxonNode> getAllNodes(){
411 return taxonNodeDao.list(null,null);
412 }
414 @Override
415 public List<UuidAndTitleCache<TaxonNode>> getTaxonNodeUuidAndTitleCacheOfAcceptedTaxaByClassification(UUID classificationUuid, Integer limit, String pattern) {
416 return taxonDao.getTaxonNodeUuidAndTitleCacheOfAcceptedTaxaByClassification(dao.load(classificationUuid), limit, pattern);
417 }
419 @Override
420 public List<UuidAndTitleCache<TaxonNode>> getTaxonNodeUuidAndTitleCacheOfAcceptedTaxaByClassification(Classification classification, Integer limit, String pattern) {
421 return taxonDao.getTaxonNodeUuidAndTitleCacheOfAcceptedTaxaByClassification(classification, limit, pattern);
422 }
424 @Override
425 public List<UuidAndTitleCache<TaxonNode>> getTaxonNodeUuidAndTitleCacheOfAcceptedTaxaByClassification(UUID classificationUuid ) {
426 return taxonDao.getTaxonNodeUuidAndTitleCacheOfAcceptedTaxaByClassification(dao.load(classificationUuid), null, null);
427 }
429 @Override
430 public List<UuidAndTitleCache<TaxonNode>> getTaxonNodeUuidAndTitleCacheOfAcceptedTaxaByClassification(Classification classification ) {
431 return taxonDao.getTaxonNodeUuidAndTitleCacheOfAcceptedTaxaByClassification(classification, null, null);
432 }
434 @Override
435 public List<UuidAndTitleCache<Classification>> getUuidAndTitleCache(Integer limit, String pattern) {
436 return dao.getUuidAndTitleCache(limit, pattern);
437 }
439 @Override
440 public Map<UUID, List<MediaRepresentation>> getAllMediaForChildNodes(
441 TaxonNode taxonNode, List<String> propertyPaths, int size,
442 int height, int widthOrDuration, String[] mimeTypes) {
444 TreeMap<UUID, List<MediaRepresentation>> result = new TreeMap<UUID, List<MediaRepresentation>>();
445 List<Media> taxonMedia = new ArrayList<Media>();
446 List<MediaRepresentation> mediaRepresentations = new ArrayList<MediaRepresentation>();
448 //add all media of the children to the result map
449 if (taxonNode != null){
451 List<TaxonNode> nodes = new ArrayList<TaxonNode>();
453 nodes.add(loadTaxonNode(taxonNode, propertyPaths));
454 nodes.addAll(loadChildNodesOfTaxonNode(taxonNode, propertyPaths));
456 if (nodes != null){
457 for(TaxonNode node : nodes){
458 Taxon taxon = node.getTaxon();
459 for (TaxonDescription taxonDescription: taxon.getDescriptions()){
460 for (DescriptionElementBase descriptionElement: taxonDescription.getElements()){
461 for(Media media : descriptionElement.getMedia()){
462 taxonMedia.add(media);
464 //find the best matching representation
465 mediaRepresentations.add(MediaUtils.findBestMatchingRepresentation(media,null, size, height, widthOrDuration, mimeTypes));
467 }
468 }
469 }
470 result.put(taxon.getUuid(), mediaRepresentations);
472 }
473 }
475 }
477 return result;
479 }
481 @Override
482 public Map<UUID, List<MediaRepresentation>> getAllMediaForChildNodes(Taxon taxon, Classification taxTree, List<String> propertyPaths, int size, int height, int widthOrDuration, String[] mimeTypes){
483 TaxonNode node = taxTree.getNode(taxon);
485 return getAllMediaForChildNodes(node, propertyPaths, size, height, widthOrDuration, mimeTypes);
486 }
488 @Override
489 @Transactional(readOnly = false)
490 public void updateTitleCache(Class<? extends Classification> clazz, Integer stepSize, IIdentifiableEntityCacheStrategy<Classification> cacheStrategy, IProgressMonitor monitor) {
491 if (clazz == null){
492 clazz = Classification.class;
493 }
494 super.updateTitleCacheImpl(clazz, stepSize, cacheStrategy, monitor);
495 }
497 /**
498 *
499 * @param allNodesOfClassification
500 * @return null - if allNodesOfClassification is empty <br>
501 */
503 private Map<String, List<TaxonNode>> getSortedGenusList(Collection<TaxonNode> allNodesOfClassification){
505 if(allNodesOfClassification == null || allNodesOfClassification.isEmpty()){
506 return null;
507 }
508 Map<String, List<TaxonNode>> sortedGenusMap = new HashMap<>();
509 for(TaxonNode node:allNodesOfClassification){
510 final TaxonNode tn = node;
511 Taxon taxon = node.getTaxon();
512 INonViralName<?> name = taxon.getName();
513 String genusOrUninomial = name.getGenusOrUninomial();
514 //if rank unknown split string and take first word
515 if(genusOrUninomial == null){
516 String titleCache = taxon.getTitleCache();
517 String[] split = titleCache.split("\\s+");
518 for(String s:split){
519 genusOrUninomial = s;
520 break;
521 }
522 }
523 //if node has children
525 //retrieve list from map if not create List
526 if(sortedGenusMap.containsKey(genusOrUninomial)){
527 List<TaxonNode> list = sortedGenusMap.get(genusOrUninomial);
528 list.add(node);
529 sortedGenusMap.put(genusOrUninomial, list);
530 }else{
531 //create List for genus
532 List<TaxonNode> list = new ArrayList<TaxonNode>();
533 list.add(node);
534 sortedGenusMap.put(genusOrUninomial, list);
535 }
536 }
537 return sortedGenusMap;
538 }
540 /**
541 *
542 * creates new Classification and parent TaxonNodes at genus level
543 *
544 *
545 * @param map GenusMap which holds a name (Genus) and all the same Taxa as a list
546 * @param classification you want to improve the hierarchy (will not be modified)
547 * @param configurator to change certain settings, if null then standard settings will be taken
548 * @return new classification with parentNodes for each entry in the map
549 */
550 @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
551 @Transactional(readOnly = false)
552 @Override
553 public UpdateResult createHierarchyInClassification(Classification classification, CreateHierarchyForClassificationConfigurator configurator){
554 UpdateResult result = new UpdateResult();
555 classification = dao.findByUuid(classification.getUuid());
556 Map<String, List<TaxonNode>> map = getSortedGenusList(classification.getAllNodes());
558 final String APPENDIX = "repaired";
559 String titleCache = org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.isBlank(classification.getTitleCache()) ? " " : classification.getTitleCache() ;
560 //TODO classification clone???
561 Classification newClassification = Classification.NewInstance(titleCache +" "+ APPENDIX);
562 newClassification.setReference(classification.getReference());
564 for(Map.Entry<String, List<TaxonNode>> entry:map.entrySet()){
565 String genus = entry.getKey();
566 List<TaxonNode> listOfTaxonNodes = entry.getValue();
567 TaxonNode parentNode = null;
568 //Search for genus in list
569 for(TaxonNode tNode:listOfTaxonNodes){
570 //take that taxonNode as parent and remove from list with all it possible children
571 //FIXME NPE for name
572 TaxonNameBase name = tNode.getTaxon().getName();
573 if(name.getNameCache().equalsIgnoreCase(genus)){
574 TaxonNode clone = (TaxonNode) tNode.clone();
575 if(!tNode.hasChildNodes()){
576 //FIXME remove classification
577 // parentNode = newClassification.addChildNode(clone, 0, classification.getCitation(), classification.getMicroReference());
578 parentNode = newClassification.addChildNode(clone, 0, clone.getReference(), clone.getMicroReference());
579 //remove taxonNode from list because just added to classification
580 result.addUpdatedObject(tNode);
581 listOfTaxonNodes.remove(tNode);
582 }else{
583 //get all childNodes
584 //save prior Hierarchy and remove them from the list
585 List<TaxonNode> copyAllChildrenToTaxonNode = copyAllChildrenToTaxonNode(tNode, clone, result);
586 // parentNode = newClassification.addChildNode(clone, 0, classification.getCitation(), classification.getMicroReference());
587 //FIXME remove classification
588 parentNode = newClassification.addChildNode(clone, 0, clone.getReference(), clone.getMicroReference());
589 //remove taxonNode from list because just added to classification
590 result.addUpdatedObject(tNode);
591 listOfTaxonNodes.remove(tNode);
592 if(copyAllChildrenToTaxonNode != null){
593 listOfTaxonNodes = (List<TaxonNode>) CollectionUtils.removeAll(listOfTaxonNodes, copyAllChildrenToTaxonNode);
594 }
595 }
596 break;
597 }
598 }
599 if(parentNode == null){
600 //if no match found in list, create parentNode
601 NonViralNameParserImpl parser = NonViralNameParserImpl.NewInstance();
602 NonViralName nonViralName = parser.parseFullName(genus);
603 TaxonNameBase taxonNameBase = nonViralName;
604 //TODO Sec via configurator
605 Taxon taxon = Taxon.NewInstance(taxonNameBase, null);
606 parentNode = newClassification.addChildTaxon(taxon, 0, null, null);
607 result.addUpdatedObject(parentNode);
608 }
609 //iterate over the rest of the list
610 for(TaxonNode tn : listOfTaxonNodes){
611 //if TaxonNode has a parent and this is not the classification then skip it
612 //and add to new classification via the parentNode as children of it
613 //this should assures to keep the already existing hierarchy
614 //FIXME: Assert is not rootnode --> entrypoint is not classification in future but rather rootNode
616 if(!tn.isTopmostNode()){
617 continue; //skip to next taxonNode
618 }
620 TaxonNode clone = (TaxonNode) tn.clone();
621 //FIXME: citation from node
622 //TODO: addchildNode without citation and references
623 // TaxonNode taxonNode = parentNode.addChildNode(clone, classification.getCitation(), classification.getMicroReference());
624 TaxonNode taxonNode = parentNode.addChildNode(clone, clone.getReference(), clone.getMicroReference());
625 result.addUnChangedObject(clone);
626 if(tn.hasChildNodes()){
627 //save hierarchy in new classification
628 List<TaxonNode> copyAllChildrenToTaxonNode = copyAllChildrenToTaxonNode(tn, taxonNode, result);
629 if(copyAllChildrenToTaxonNode != null){
630 listOfTaxonNodes = (List<TaxonNode>) CollectionUtils.removeAll(listOfTaxonNodes, copyAllChildrenToTaxonNode);
631 }
632 }
633 }
634 }
635 dao.saveOrUpdate(newClassification);
636 result.setCdmEntity(newClassification);
637 return result;
638 }
640 /**
641 *
642 * recursive method to get all childnodes of taxonNode in classification.
643 *
644 * @param classification just for References and Citation, can be null
645 * @param copyFromNode TaxonNode with Children
646 * @param copyToNode TaxonNode which will receive the children
647 * @return List of ChildNode which has been added. If node has no children returns null
648 */
649 private List<TaxonNode> copyAllChildrenToTaxonNode(TaxonNode copyFromNode, TaxonNode copyToNode, UpdateResult result) {
650 List<TaxonNode> childNodes;
651 if(!copyFromNode.hasChildNodes()){
652 return null;
653 }else{
654 childNodes = copyFromNode.getChildNodes();
655 }
656 for(TaxonNode childNode:childNodes){
657 TaxonNode clone = (TaxonNode) childNode.clone();
658 result.addUnChangedObject(clone);
659 if(childNode.hasChildNodes()){
660 copyAllChildrenToTaxonNode(childNode, clone, result);
661 }
662 //FIXME: citation from node instead of classification
663 // copyToNode.addChildNode(clone,classification.getCitation(), classification.getMicroReference());
664 copyToNode.addChildNode(clone, clone.getReference(), clone.getMicroReference());
665 }
666 return childNodes;
667 }
669 /**
670 * {@inheritDoc}
671 */
672 @Override
673 public ClassificationLookupDTO classificationLookup(Classification classification) {
674 return dao.classificationLookup(classification);
675 }
678 @Override
679 public DeleteResult delete(UUID classificationUuid, TaxonDeletionConfigurator config){
680 DeleteResult result = new DeleteResult();
681 Classification classification = dao.findByUuid(classificationUuid);
682 if (classification == null){
683 result.addException(new IllegalArgumentException("The classification does not exist in database."));
684 result.setAbort();
685 return result;
686 }
687 if (!classification.hasChildNodes()){
688 dao.delete(classification);
689 }
690 if (config.getTaxonNodeConfig().getChildHandling().equals(ChildHandling.DELETE) ){
691 TaxonNode root = classification.getRootNode();
692 taxonNodeDao.delete(root, true);
693 dao.delete(classification);
694 }
697 return result;
698 }
700 @Override
701 public List<GroupedTaxonDTO> groupTaxaByHigherTaxon(List<UUID> originalTaxonUuids, UUID classificationUuid, Rank minRank, Rank maxRank){
702 List<GroupedTaxonDTO> result = new ArrayList<>();
704 //get treeindex for each taxonUUID
705 Map<UUID, TreeIndex> taxonIdTreeIndexMap = dao.treeIndexForTaxonUuids(classificationUuid, originalTaxonUuids);
707 //build treeindex list (or tree)
708 //TODO make it work with TreeIndex or move there
709 List<String> treeIndexClosureStr = new ArrayList<>();
710 for (TreeIndex treeIndex : taxonIdTreeIndexMap.values()){
711 String[] splits = treeIndex.toString().substring(1).split(ITreeNode.separator);
712 String currentIndex = ITreeNode.separator;
713 for (String split : splits){
714 if (split.equals("")){
715 continue;
716 }
717 currentIndex += split + ITreeNode.separator;
718 if (!treeIndexClosureStr.contains(currentIndex) && !split.startsWith(ITreeNode.treePrefix)){
719 treeIndexClosureStr.add(currentIndex);
720 }
721 }
722 }
724 //get rank sortindex for all parent taxa with sortindex <= minRank and sortIndex >= maxRank (if available)
725 Integer minRankOrderIndex = minRank == null ? null : minRank.getOrderIndex();
726 Integer maxRankOrderIndex = maxRank == null ? null : maxRank.getOrderIndex();
727 List<TreeIndex> treeIndexClosure = TreeIndex.NewListInstance(treeIndexClosureStr);
729 Map<TreeIndex, Integer> treeIndexSortIndexMapTmp = taxonNodeDao.rankOrderIndexForTreeIndex(treeIndexClosure, minRankOrderIndex, maxRankOrderIndex);
731 //remove all treeindex with "exists child in above map(and child.sortindex > xxx)
732 List<TreeIndex> treeIndexList = TreeIndex.sort(treeIndexSortIndexMapTmp.keySet());
734 Map<TreeIndex, Integer> treeIndexSortIndexMap = new HashMap<>();
735 TreeIndex lastTreeIndex = null;
736 for (TreeIndex treeIndex : treeIndexList){
737 if (lastTreeIndex != null && lastTreeIndex.hasChild(treeIndex)){
738 treeIndexSortIndexMap.remove(lastTreeIndex);
739 }
740 treeIndexSortIndexMap.put(treeIndex, treeIndexSortIndexMapTmp.get(treeIndex));
741 lastTreeIndex = treeIndex;
742 }
744 //get taxonID for treeIndexes
745 Map<TreeIndex, UuidAndTitleCache<?>> treeIndexTaxonIdMap = taxonNodeDao.taxonUuidsForTreeIndexes(treeIndexSortIndexMap.keySet());
747 //fill result list
748 for (UUID originalTaxonUuid : originalTaxonUuids){
749 GroupedTaxonDTO item = new GroupedTaxonDTO();
750 result.add(item);
751 item.setTaxonUuid(originalTaxonUuid);
752 TreeIndex groupTreeIndex = taxonIdTreeIndexMap.get(originalTaxonUuid);
753 String groupIndexX = TreeIndex.toString(groupTreeIndex);
754 while (groupTreeIndex != null){
755 if (treeIndexTaxonIdMap.get(groupTreeIndex) != null){
756 UuidAndTitleCache<?> uuidAndLabel = treeIndexTaxonIdMap.get(groupTreeIndex);
757 item.setGroupTaxonUuid(uuidAndLabel.getUuid());
758 item.setGroupTaxonName(uuidAndLabel.getTitleCache());
759 break;
760 }else{
761 groupTreeIndex = groupTreeIndex.parent();
762 // int index = groupIndex.substring(0, groupIndex.length()-1).lastIndexOf(ITreeNode.separator);
763 // groupIndex = index < 0 ? null : groupIndex.substring(0, index+1);
764 }
765 }
766 }
768 return result;
769 }
771 /**
772 * {@inheritDoc}
773 */
774 @Override
775 public List<GroupedTaxonDTO> groupTaxaByMarkedParents(List<UUID> originalTaxonUuids, UUID classificationUuid,
776 MarkerType markerType, Boolean flag) {
778 List<GroupedTaxonDTO> result = new ArrayList<>();
780 //get treeindex for each taxonUUID
781 Map<UUID, TreeIndex> taxonIdTreeIndexMap = dao.treeIndexForTaxonUuids(classificationUuid, originalTaxonUuids);
783 //get all marked tree indexes
784 Set<TreeIndex> markedTreeIndexes = dao.getMarkedTreeIndexes(markerType, flag);
787 Map<TreeIndex, TreeIndex> groupedMap =, taxonIdTreeIndexMap.values());
788 Set<TreeIndex> notNullGroups = new HashSet<>(groupedMap.values());
789 notNullGroups.remove(null);
791 //get taxonInfo for treeIndexes
792 Map<TreeIndex, UuidAndTitleCache<?>> treeIndexTaxonIdMap = taxonNodeDao.taxonUuidsForTreeIndexes(notNullGroups);
794 //fill result list
795 for (UUID originalTaxonUuid : originalTaxonUuids){
796 GroupedTaxonDTO item = new GroupedTaxonDTO();
797 result.add(item);
798 item.setTaxonUuid(originalTaxonUuid);
800 TreeIndex toBeGroupedTreeIndex = taxonIdTreeIndexMap.get(originalTaxonUuid);
801 TreeIndex groupTreeIndex = groupedMap.get(toBeGroupedTreeIndex);
802 UuidAndTitleCache<?> uuidAndLabel = treeIndexTaxonIdMap.get(groupTreeIndex);
803 if (uuidAndLabel != null){
804 item.setGroupTaxonUuid(uuidAndLabel.getUuid());
805 item.setGroupTaxonName(uuidAndLabel.getTitleCache());
806 }
807 }
809 return result;
810 }
812 /**
813 * {@inheritDoc}
814 */
815 @Override
816 public UUID getTaxonNodeUuidByTaxonUuid(UUID classificationUuid, UUID taxonUuid) {
817 Map<UUID, UUID> map = dao.getTaxonNodeUuidByTaxonUuid(classificationUuid, Arrays.asList(taxonUuid));
818 UUID taxonNodeUuid = map.get(taxonUuid);
819 return taxonNodeUuid;
820 }
822 /**
823 * {@inheritDoc}
824 */
825 @Override
826 public TaxonInContextDTO getTaxonInContext(UUID classificationUuid, UUID taxonBaseUuid,
827 Boolean doChildren, Boolean doSynonyms, List<UUID> ancestorMarkers,
828 NodeSortMode sortMode) {
829 TaxonInContextDTO result = new TaxonInContextDTO();
831 TaxonBase<?> taxonBase = taxonDao.load(taxonBaseUuid);
832 if (taxonBase == null){
833 throw new EntityNotFoundException("Taxon with uuid " + taxonBaseUuid + " not found in datasource");
834 }
835 boolean isSynonym = false;
836 Taxon acceptedTaxon;
837 if (taxonBase.isInstanceOf(Synonym.class)){
838 isSynonym = true;
839 Synonym synonym = CdmBase.deproxy(taxonBase, Synonym.class);
840 acceptedTaxon = synonym.getAcceptedTaxon();
841 if (acceptedTaxon == null) {
842 throw new EntityNotFoundException("Accepted taxon not found for synonym" );
843 }
844 TaxonStatus taxonStatus = TaxonStatus.Synonym;
845 if (synonym.getName()!= null && acceptedTaxon.getName() != null
846 && synonym.getName().getHomotypicalGroup().equals(acceptedTaxon.getName().getHomotypicalGroup())){
847 taxonStatus = TaxonStatus.SynonymObjective;
848 }
849 result.setTaxonStatus(taxonStatus);
851 }else{
852 acceptedTaxon = CdmBase.deproxy(taxonBase, Taxon.class);
853 result.setTaxonStatus(TaxonStatus.Accepted);
854 }
855 UUID acceptedTaxonUuid = acceptedTaxon.getUuid();
857 UUID taxonNodeUuid = getTaxonNodeUuidByTaxonUuid(classificationUuid, acceptedTaxonUuid);
858 if (taxonNodeUuid == null) {
859 throw new EntityNotFoundException("Taxon not found in classficiation with uuid " + classificationUuid + ". Either classification does not exist or does not contain taxon/synonym with uuid " + taxonBaseUuid );
860 }
861 result.setTaxonNodeUuid(taxonNodeUuid);
863 //TODO make it a dao call
864 Taxon parentTaxon = getParentTaxon(classificationUuid, acceptedTaxon);
865 if (parentTaxon != null){
866 result.setParentTaxonUuid(parentTaxon.getUuid());
867 result.setParentTaxonLabel(parentTaxon.getTitleCache());
868 if (parentTaxon.getName() != null){
869 result.setParentNameLabel(parentTaxon.getName().getTitleCache());
870 }
871 }
874 result.setTaxonUuid(taxonBaseUuid);
875 result.setClassificationUuid(classificationUuid);
876 if (taxonBase.getSec() != null){
877 result.setSecundumUuid(taxonBase.getSec().getUuid());
878 result.setSecundumLabel(taxonBase.getSec().getTitleCache());
879 }
880 result.setTaxonLabel(taxonBase.getTitleCache());
882 TaxonNameBase<?,?> name = taxonBase.getName();
883 result.setNameUuid(name.getUuid());
884 result.setNameLabel(name.getTitleCache());
885 result.setNameWithoutAuthor(name.getNameCache());
886 result.setGenusOrUninomial(name.getGenusOrUninomial());
887 result.setInfraGenericEpithet(name.getInfraGenericEpithet());
888 result.setSpeciesEpithet(name.getSpecificEpithet());
889 result.setInfraSpecificEpithet(name.getInfraSpecificEpithet());
891 result.setAuthorship(name.getAuthorshipCache());
893 Rank rank = name.getRank();
894 if (rank != null){
895 result.setRankUuid(rank.getUuid());
896 String rankLabel = rank.getAbbreviation();
897 if (StringUtils.isBlank(rankLabel)){
898 rankLabel = rank.getLabel();
899 }
900 result.setRankLabel(rankLabel);
901 }
903 boolean recursive = false;
904 Integer pageSize = null;
905 Integer pageIndex = null;
906 Pager<TaxonNodeDto> children = taxonNodeService.pageChildNodesDTOs(taxonNodeUuid, recursive, doSynonyms, sortMode, pageSize, pageIndex);
908 //children
909 if(! isSynonym) {
910 for (TaxonNodeDto childDto : children.getRecords()){
911 if (doChildren && childDto.getStatus().equals(TaxonStatus.Accepted)){
912 EntityDTO<Taxon> child = new EntityDTO<Taxon>(childDto.getTaxonUuid(), childDto.getTitleCache());
913 result.addChild(child);
914 }else if (doSynonyms && childDto.getStatus().isSynonym()){
915 EntityDTO<Synonym> child = new EntityDTO<Synonym>(childDto.getTaxonUuid(), childDto.getTitleCache());
916 result.addSynonym(child);
917 }
918 }
919 }else{
920 result.setAcceptedTaxonUuid(acceptedTaxonUuid);
921 String nameTitel = acceptedTaxon.getName() == null ? null : acceptedTaxon.getName().getTitleCache();
922 result.setAcceptedTaxonLabel(acceptedTaxon.getTitleCache());
923 result.setAcceptedNameLabel(nameTitel);
924 }
926 //marked ancestors
927 if (ancestorMarkers != null && !ancestorMarkers.isEmpty()){
928 List<DefinedTermBase> markerTypesTerms = termDao.list(ancestorMarkers, pageSize, null, null, null);
929 List<MarkerType> markerTypes = new ArrayList<>();
930 for (DefinedTermBase<?> term : markerTypesTerms){
931 if (term.isInstanceOf(MarkerType.class)){
932 markerTypes.add(CdmBase.deproxy(term, MarkerType.class));
933 }
934 }
935 if (! markerTypes.isEmpty()){
936 TaxonNode node = taxonNodeDao.findByUuid(taxonNodeUuid);
937 handleAncestorsForMarkersRecursive(result, markerTypes, node);
938 }
939 }
941 return result;
942 }
944 /**
945 * @param classificationUuid
946 * @param acceptedTaxon
947 * @return
948 */
949 private Taxon getParentTaxon(UUID classificationUuid, Taxon acceptedTaxon) {
950 if (classificationUuid == null){
951 return null;
952 }
953 TaxonNode parent = null;
954 for (TaxonNode node : acceptedTaxon.getTaxonNodes()){
955 if (classificationUuid.equals(node.getClassification().getUuid())){
956 parent = node.getParent();
957 }
958 }
959 if (parent != null){
960 return parent.getTaxon();
961 }
962 return null;
963 }
965 /**
966 * @param result
967 * @param markerTypes
968 * @param node
969 */
970 private void handleAncestorsForMarkersRecursive(TaxonInContextDTO result, List<MarkerType> markerTypes, TaxonNode node) {
971 for (MarkerType type : markerTypes){
972 Taxon taxon = node.getTaxon();
973 if (taxon != null && taxon.hasMarker(type, true)){
974 String label = taxon.getName() == null? taxon.getTitleCache() : taxon.getName().getTitleCache();
975 MarkedEntityDTO<Taxon> dto = new MarkedEntityDTO<>(type, true, taxon.getUuid(), label);
976 result.addMarkedAncestor(dto);
977 }
978 }
979 TaxonNode parentNode = node.getParent();
980 if (parentNode != null){
981 handleAncestorsForMarkersRecursive(result, markerTypes, parentNode);
982 }
983 }
986 }