Latest TaxonX files for palms import added
[cdmlib.git] / app-import / src / main / resources / taxonX / palm_tc_93399.xml
1 <taxonx xmlns:dc="" xmlns:mods="" xmlns:xsi="">
2 <taxonxHeader>
3 <mods:mods>
4 <mods:titleInfo>
5 <mods:title>Guihaia, a New Coryphoid Genus from China and Vietnam</mods:title>
6 </mods:titleInfo>
7 <mods:name type="personal">
8 <mods:namePart type="family">Dransfield</mods:namePart>
9 <mods:namePart type="given">J.</mods:namePart>
10 <role>
11 <roleTerm type="text">author</roleTerm>
12 <roleTerm type="code">aut</roleTerm>
13 </role>
14 </mods:name>
15 <mods:name type="personal">
16 <mods:namePart type="family">Shu-kang</mods:namePart>
17 <mods:namePart type="given">L.</mods:namePart>
18 <role>
19 <roleTerm type="text">author</roleTerm>
20 <roleTerm type="code">aut</roleTerm>
21 </role>
22 </mods:name>
23 <mods:name type="personal">
24 <mods:namePart type="family">Fa-nan</mods:namePart>
25 <mods:namePart type="given">W.</mods:namePart>
26 <role>
27 <roleTerm type="text">author</roleTerm>
28 <roleTerm type="code">aut</roleTerm>
29 </role>
30 </mods:name>
31 <mods:originInfo>
32 <mods:publisher>Principes 29: 3-12</mods:publisher>
33 <mods:dateIssued>1985</mods:dateIssued>
34 </mods:originInfo>
35 </mods:mods>
36 </taxonxHeader>
37 <taxonxBody>
38 <treatment rank="species">
39 <nomenclature>
40 <name>Guihaia grossifibrosa</name>
41 <author>(Gagnep.) J.Dransf., S.K.Lee &amp; F.N.Wei</author>
42 <citation>Principes 29: 12 (1985)</citation>
43 <type>Vietnam, Vinh Province, Lin-ca; Poilane; 16383</type>
44 <type_loc>Holotype P</type_loc>
45 <synonymy>
46 <name>Rhapis grossifibrosa</name>
47 <author>Gagnep.</author>
48 <bibref>Gagnep., Notul. Syst. (Paris) 6: 159 (1937)</bibref>
49 <bibref>Humbert, Fl. Gimerale de l'Indochine 6: 994. 1937.</bibref>
50 </synonymy>
51 </nomenclature>
52 <div type="introduction"><p></p></div>
53 <div type="etymology"><p></p></div>
54 <div type="vernacular"><p></p></div>
55 <div type="diagnosis"><p></p></div>
56 <div type="description"><p>Clustering fan palm to ca. 1.8 m tall; stem erect or decumbent, ca. 1 m tall, 23 cm diam. Leaves several in crown; sheath tubular, prolonged into a triangular tongue-like lobe to 10 cm opposite the petiole, distintegrating into a lattice of broad flat fibers but the margins remaining entire; petiole usually 40-50 cm long, the longest up to 1.8 m, ca. 3-4 mm wide, ± hemispherical in cross-section, unarmed, bearing scattered caducous scales; adaxial hastula rounded, ca. 6 mm x 6 mm, fringed with caducous hairs; lamina to ca. 35 cm diam. at the mid-line, divided to ca. 'Ys or almost to the insertion into ca. 10-21 single-fold (rarely two-fold) reduplicate segments up to ca. 15 mm wide, the outermost segments very narrow, the segment tips very briefly bifid, adaxial surface glabrous, abaxial surface slightly paler, with very sparse dot-like scales; transverse veinlets short, conspicuous. Inflorescences 80 cm long, with 25 partial inflorescences branching to the 4th order; peduncle to ca. 40 cm long bearing a single peduncular bract; rachis shorter than the peduncle; rachillae to 10 cm x 1 mm or less. Staminate flower ca. 2.2 mm long; sepals ca. 0.8 x 0.8 mm, apex mucronate; corolla ca. 2 mm long, the lobes ca. 1.5 mm wide, with appendage on adaxial surface; anthers ca. 0.3 mm diam. Pistillate flower ca. 2.2 x 1.5 mm; sepals ca. 1 x 1 mm ovate-orbicular, glabrous; corolla ca. 2 mm long, the lobes ca. 1.5 mm wide, with appendage on adaxial surface; staminodes minute, the empty anthers ca. 0.3 mm long; carpels ca. 0.6 x 0.4 mm. Mature fruit ± ellipsoidal, ca. 6-8 x 4-5 mm; epicarp blueblack; seed ± ellipsoidal ca. 5 x 2.5 mm. </p></div>
57 <div type="distribution"><p></p></div>
58 <div type="biology_ecology"><p></p></div>
59 <div type="conservation"><p></p></div>
60 <div type="uses"><p></p></div>
61 <div type="discussion"><p></p></div>
62 <div type="materials_examined"><p>VIETNAM, Vinh Province, massif de Lin Ca, 27. 7. 1929, Poilane 16383 (holotype P). CHINA. Guangxi, Gou Chang, Feng Wang Shan, 20. 6. 1955, Guangxi Expedition 493 (PE); Daxin, 13. 8. 1958, Zhang Zongxiang Wang Shan-ling 3952, (fr., IBK); Debao, 27. 5. 1983, Wei Fa-nan 1562 (fl. &#9792;, IBK), 1563 (fl. &#9794;, IBK). Guangdong, Yangchun, 3. 5. 1957, S. China Bot. Inst. 03373 (IBSC). </p></div>
63 </treatment>
64 </taxonxBody>
65 </taxonx>