Latest TaxonX files for palms import added
[cdmlib.git] / app-import / src / main / resources / taxonX / palm_tc_133556.xml
1 <taxonx xmlns:dc="" xmlns:mods="" xmlns:xsi="">
2 <taxonxHeader>
3 <mods:mods>
4 <mods:titleInfo>
5 <mods:title>A Revision of the Genus Nenga</mods:title>
6 </mods:titleInfo>
7 <mods:name type="personal">
8 <mods:namePart type="family">Fernando</mods:namePart>
9 <mods:namePart type="given">E.S.</mods:namePart>
10 <role>
11 <roleTerm type="text">author</roleTerm>
12 <roleTerm type="code">aut</roleTerm>
13 </role>
14 </mods:name>
15 <mods:originInfo>
16 <mods:publisher>Principes 27: 55-70</mods:publisher>
17 <mods:dateIssued>1983</mods:dateIssued>
18 </mods:originInfo>
19 </mods:mods>
20 </taxonxHeader>
21 <taxonxBody>
22 <treatment rank="species">
23 <nomenclature>
24 <name>Nenga pumila var. pachystachya</name>
25 <author>(Blume) Fernando</author>
26 <citation>Principes 27: 61 (1983)</citation>
27 <type>Sumatra; Korthals Sumatra; No. 16</type>
28 <type_loc>Lectotype L</type_loc>
29 </nomenclature>
30 <div type="introduction"><p></p></div>
31 <div type="etymology"><p></p></div>
32 <div type="vernacular"><p>Kache (Thailand); Rasau, Pinang horaiung (Borneo); Keredan, Pinang muring (Malay Peninsula); Pinang unoo (Singapore); Kajoe djambe (Sumatra).</p></div>
33 <div type="diagnosis"><p></p></div>
34 <div type="description"><p>Caespitose, slender to moderate palm with stems sometimes stilt-rooted at the base, ca. 3-5 m long, (2) 3-6 (8) cm diam.; internodes to ca. 10 cm long, smooth, bright green to brown. Crownshaft elongate, cylindrical, ca. 35-80 cm long, only slightly swollen. Leaves to 7 in crown, leaf sheath ca. 25-60 cm long, pale green to greenish or yellowish-white; petiole ca. 4-50 cm long, to 1.5 cm diam. Leaflets to 30 on each side of the rachis, often drying dull reddish-brown; basal leaflets 1 costate, ca. 25-40 X 0.5-1.0 cm, long-acuminate; middle leaflets 2-3 costate, rarely 4 or 5 costate, ca. 35-70 X 2-4 (5) cm, long-acuminate; terminal leaflet pair 3-6 costate, rarely to 10 costate, ca. 20-40 X (1.5) 2-2.5 (4) cm, acuminate or slightly toothed at tips, sometimes joined to 4 cm at the base along the rachis, rarely more. Inflorescence infrafoliar, pendulous; prophyll ensiform or lanceolate, ca. (18) 20-25 (70) X 1.5-3.0 cm, drying chestnut-brown, caducous; peduncle ca. 1.5-3.0 (4) X 0.4-1.3 cm, flattened, glabrous; peduncular bract triangular to narrowly triangular, acuminate, ca. 8-15 X 8-10 mm, membranous; rachilla 2-4, usually 3, rarely to 6, ca. (15) 20-35 (50) cm long, to 6 mm thick, each subtended by a membranous triangular bract to 10 mm long. Staminate flower triangular, asymmetric, flexuous; sepals subequal, linear-subulate or very narrowly lanceolate, dorsally carinate, very flexuous, ca. 9-13 (20) mm long; petals elliptic to lanceolate, acuminate, straight to subfalcate, much shorter than sepals, ca. 5-7 (9) X 2-2.5 mm; filaments 1-2 mm long; anthers erect, linear, ca. 1.52 mm long, sagittate at base; pistillode conical, minute. Pistillate flower ovoid to subglobose, shorter than the staminate flower; sepals ca. 3-4 mm X 4 mm, petals as the sepals, or sometimes only slightly smaller; ovary ovoid to spherical, to 1.5 mm X 2 mm; stigma distinctly 3-lobed; staminodes indistinct. Infructescence pendulous, branches densely covered with fruits. Fruit ripening brick-red, oblong to oblong-ovoid or ovoid-ellipsoid, ca. (2) 2.43 X 1-1.5 (1.8) cm, beaked, tipped with a prominent 3-lobed stigma to 2 mm high, the lobes erect; epicarp often drying with shallow dimples. Seed broadly ovoid, ca. 10-15 mm X 7-9 mm, acuminate to spinescent at tip, base rounded-truncate, shallowly concave-intruded.</p></div>
35 <div type="distribution"><p>S. Thailand, Malay Peninsula, Singapore, Sumatra, Bangka, and Borneo</p></div>
36 <div type="biology_ecology"><p>Along the landward edge of mangrove or in dense humid Dipterocarp forest on hillslopes or river valleys, also in heath forest on sandstone or granitic sand, to ca. 1,100 m alt.</p></div>
37 <div type="conservation"><p></p></div>
38 <div type="uses"><p></p></div>
39 <div type="discussion"><p>Nenga pumila var. pachystachya is the most widespread of the taxa in the genus; until recently it was regarded as inseparable from the typical variety from West Java. N. schefferiana is here reduced to synonymy under the variety. Figures of flowers, fruit and seed (based on the type of N. schefferiana collected by Scheffer) mounted on a herbarium sheet at Kew show staminate flowers with extremely long sepals. A specimen in Leiden (? Korthals Sumatra No. 16) also cited by Beccari (1885) in the original publication of N. schefferiana, containing only a fragment of an inflorescence branch, likewise has staminate flowers with immensely long sepals. This is apparently only a size difference; similar specimens have never been collected again. Moore (1963) had earlier hinted that N. schefferiana might be no more than a variety of N. pumila. N. intermedia was based on a collection by Beccari himself from Sungei Bulu near Padang (Beccari PS 942) with leaves having very short petioles. To this species Beccari (1885) also referred a collection from Ching Forest in Malacca, Malay Peninsula, earlier described by Griffith (1845) as Areca (Anaclasmus) pumila, also with a short petiole. Griffith's species was later cited by Beccari (1889) as a synonym of N. wendlandiana var. malaccensis, but Beccari preferred to maintain N. intermedia from Sumatra as a distinct species. More recent collections have, however, revealed much overlapping in variation between the Malayan and Sumatran populations. Ridley (1907) had much earlier recognized this by reducing N. intermedia to synonymy under N. wendlandiana. Beccari (1889) described N. wendlandiana var. malaccensis forma hexapetala based on a single collection (Scortechini s.n.) from Perak with staminate flowers having 6 petals in two series. This must be considered as a monstrosity. The material from South Thailand and Borneo represent the first published records of the genus in these areas. N. pumila var. pachystachya does not appear to me sufficiently disjunct in reproductive characters to justify its separation as a distinct species from N. pumila. </p></div>
40 <div type="materials_examined"><p>S. THAILAND: Pato: Langsuan, 100 m alt., fr., Kerr 12122 (BM, K); Ranawang: Lam Lieng, 50 m alt., fr., Kerr 11727 (K), Ja-un, 150 m alt., fr., Kerr 16483 (BM, K), Muang Len, 150 m alt., fl., Hansen &amp; Smitinand 11944 (L); Terutao: Satul, fl., Kerr 14227 (BM, K). MALAY PENINSULA: Langkawi Is.: Burau, fl. and fr., Robinson 6264 (K); Kelantan: Sungei Keteh, fr., Md. Nur SFN 12001 (K); Perak: Larut, fl. and fr., Kunstler 4022 (Type of N. wendlandiana Scheff. var. malaccensis Becc.; Isotypes BM, K, L), Gopeng, G. Cantek, fr., Furtado SFN 33084 (BH, K, L).-Locality unknown, fl., Scortechini s.n. (Type of N. wendLandiana Scheff. var. malaccensis Becc. forma hexapetala Becc.; Holotype FI); Pahang, Temerloh, Kemansul Forest Reserve, fl., Hamid 10580 (K) Selangor: Klang, Bt. Canggang, fl. and fr., Md. Nur SFN 33998 (BM, K), Ulu Gombak, fl. and fr., Ridley s.n. (K), Lampang Mines, fr., Ridley 15880 (K); Negri Sembilan: G. Angsi, fr., Md. Nur SFN 11707 (K); lohore: between G. Blumut and G. Bacya, fl., Holttum SFN 10843 (K), Telerau, Bunei, fl., Ridley 13236 (BM, K), Mersing, Jemeluang Forest Reserve, 100 m alt., fr., Dransfield 895 (K) fr., Moore &amp; Pennington 9053, 9056, 9071 (BH), Kluang Forest Reserve, ster., Tan Ah King 16, 17 (K); Locality unknown, fr., Furtado s.n. (BH). SINGAPORE: Seletar: Nee Soon area, fl. and fr., Maxwell 77-80 (L), fr., Ridley 3164 (BM, K); lurong: fr., Corner SFN 26101 (BH, BM, K): Chenchu Kang: fl., Corporal 3162 (BM), fl., Ridley s.n. (BM); Mandai Rd: fr., Sinclair s.n. (K).-SUMATRA: Langkat: Bohorok, Bt. Lawang, 450 m alt., fr., Dransfield 3147 (K, L); Sigamata: near Rantau Parapat, fl., Toroes 3244 (L); Payakumbuh: Taram, 5001,000 m alt., fl. and fr., Meijer 6880, 6972 (L), fl., Meijer 7010 (L); Padang: Sungei Bulu, fl. and fr., Beccari PS942 (Type of N. intermedia, Holotype FI; Isotypes BM, K); Jambi: Sungei Penuh, Tapan, 700 m alt., fl., Dransfield &amp; Mogea 4130 (L); Palembang: Bt. Seburong, Negeri Batin, Muara Dua, 250 m alt., fl. Dransfield &amp; Saerudin 2438 (L), Locality unknown, fr., Kostermans 12081 (L); Bengkulu: Kepahiang, 700 m alt., fl. and fr., Dransfield 3571 (K, L), 3572 (L); Kerang Berak: S. Sumatra 1st Nature Reserve, 100 m alt., fl. and fr., Dransfield 1256 (L). Localities unknown: Korthals? 16 (Lectotype of Pinanga nenga BI. var. pachystachya, L), Korthals s.n. (L) (fragments of inflorescence only); ster., Blume s.n. (Herb. Ludg. Bat. 335-336) (L). BANGKA IS: Lobok Besar: G. Pading, fr., Kosterman &amp; Anta 913 (L). BORNEO: Sabah: Semporna Mapat Reserve, Timbun Mata F.R., fl. and fr., Puasa BNB For. Dept. 7412 (K); Sepi10k, Kabili, Bakarit, fr., Agama BNB For. Dept. 7265 (L); Keningau, 100 malt., fl., Dransfield 5517 (K); Elphinstone Prov., near Tawau, fr., Elmer 21256 (BM, K); Sarawak: Niah, G. Subis, fl. and fr., Mohidin 521628 (K); 1st Division, Lundu District, G. Pueh Forest Reserve, near Bahuching, fr., fames et al. 534611 (BH); 4th Division, Ulu Koyan, Mt. Dulit, 800 m alt., fl., Richards 2020 (K); 5th Division, Lawas, Ulu Sungei Masia, Kota F.R., 1,100 m alt., fl. and fr., Tong &amp; fugah 532923 (BH); Baleh, Ulu Mujong, 950 m alt., fl., Ashton 513996 (BH, K); Kalimantan Selatan: Barabai, Pergunungan Meratus, 800 m alt., fl., Dransfield 2829 (L); Locality unknown: fl., Low s.n. (K). CULTIVATED: Singapore Bot. Gard., fr., Flippance s.n. (K).</p></div>
41 </treatment>
42 </taxonxBody>
43 </taxonx>