ref #9515 rename state in SpecimenImportBase to individualsAssociationDescriptionPerT...
[cdmlib.git] / cdmlib-io / src / main / java / eu / etaxonomy / cdm / io / specimen /
1 /**
2 * Copyright (C) 2007 EDIT
3 * European Distributed Institute of Taxonomy
4 *
5 *
6 * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
7 * See LICENSE.TXT at the top of this package for the full license terms.
8 */
10 package;
13 import java.util.ArrayList;
14 import java.util.EnumSet;
15 import java.util.HashMap;
16 import java.util.HashSet;
17 import java.util.List;
18 import java.util.Map;
19 import java.util.Set;
20 import java.util.UUID;
22 import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
24 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.api.application.ICdmRepository;
25 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.api.facade.DerivedUnitFacade;
26 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.api.service.config.FindOccurrencesConfigurator;
27 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.api.service.pager.Pager;
28 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.hibernate.HibernateProxyHelper;
29 import;
30 import;
31 import;
32 import;
33 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.agent.AgentBase;
34 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.agent.Institution;
35 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.agent.Person;
36 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.agent.Team;
37 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.common.CdmBase;
38 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.common.IdentifiableSource;
39 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.common.LanguageString;
40 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.description.DescriptionBase;
41 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.description.DescriptionElementSource;
42 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.description.DescriptionType;
43 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.description.Feature;
44 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.description.IndividualsAssociation;
45 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.description.TaxonDescription;
46 import;
47 import;
48 import;
49 import;
50 import;
51 import;
52 import;
53 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.occurrence.Collection;
54 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.occurrence.DerivedUnit;
55 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.occurrence.DeterminationEvent;
56 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.occurrence.SpecimenOrObservationBase;
57 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.occurrence.SpecimenOrObservationType;
58 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.reference.ISourceable;
59 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.reference.OriginalSourceBase;
60 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.reference.OriginalSourceType;
61 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.reference.Reference;
62 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.reference.ReferenceFactory;
63 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.taxon.Classification;
64 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.taxon.Synonym;
65 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.taxon.Taxon;
66 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.taxon.TaxonBase;
67 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.taxon.TaxonNode;
68 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.term.DefinedTerm;
69 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.persistence.query.MatchMode;
70 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.strategy.parser.NonViralNameParserImpl;
71 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.strategy.parser.ParserProblem;
72 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.strategy.parser.TimePeriodParser;
75 /**
76 * @author p.kelbert
77 * @since 20.10.2008
78 */
79 public abstract class SpecimenImportBase<CONFIG extends IImportConfigurator, STATE extends SpecimenImportStateBase>
80 extends CdmImportBase<CONFIG, STATE> {
82 private static final long serialVersionUID = 4423065367998125678L;
83 private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SpecimenImportBase.class);
85 protected static final UUID SPECIMEN_SCAN_TERM = UUID.fromString("acda15be-c0e2-4ea8-8783-b9b0c4ad7f03");
87 private static final String COLON = ":";
89 protected Map<String, DefinedTerm> kindOfUnitsMap;
93 @Override
94 protected abstract void doInvoke(STATE state);
96 /**
97 * Handle a single unit
98 * @param state
99 * @param item
100 */
101 protected abstract void handleSingleUnit(STATE state, Object item) ;
105 protected TaxonName getOrCreateTaxonName(String scientificName, Rank rank, boolean preferredFlag, STATE state, int unitIndexInAbcdFile){
106 TaxonName taxonName = null;
107 SpecimenImportConfiguratorBase<?,?,?> config = state.getConfig();
109 //check atomised name data for rank
110 //new name will be created
111 TaxonName atomisedTaxonName = null;
112 if (rank==null && unitIndexInAbcdFile>=0 && ((state.getDataHolder().getAtomisedIdentificationList() != null && !state.getDataHolder().getAtomisedIdentificationList().isEmpty())|| state.getDataHolder().getAtomisedIdentificationList().size() > 0)) {
113 atomisedTaxonName = setTaxonNameByType(state.getDataHolder().getAtomisedIdentificationList().get(unitIndexInAbcdFile), scientificName, state);
114 if(atomisedTaxonName!=null){
115 rank = atomisedTaxonName.getRank();
116 }
117 }
118 if(config.isReuseExistingTaxaWhenPossible()){
119 TaxonName parsedName = atomisedTaxonName;
120 if(parsedName==null){
122 parsedName = parseScientificName(scientificName, state, state.getReport(), rank);
124 }
125 atomisedTaxonName = parsedName;
126 if(config.isIgnoreAuthorship() && parsedName!=null){// && preferredFlag){
127 // do not ignore authorship for non-preferred names because they need
128 // to be created for the determination history
129 String nameCache = TaxonName.castAndDeproxy(parsedName).getNameCache();
130 List<TaxonName> names = getNameService().findNamesByNameCache(nameCache, MatchMode.EXACT, null);
131 if (!names.isEmpty()){
132 taxonName = getBestMatchingName(scientificName, new ArrayList<>(names), state);
133 }
134 if (taxonName == null && !names.isEmpty()){
135 taxonName = names.get(0);
136 }
138 } else {
139 //search for existing names
140 List<TaxonName> names = getNameService().listByTitleWithRestrictions(TaxonName.class, scientificName, MatchMode.EXACT, null, null, null, null, null);
141 taxonName = getBestMatchingName(scientificName, names, state);
142 //still nothing found -> try with the atomised name full title cache
143 if(taxonName==null && atomisedTaxonName!=null){
144 names = getNameService().listByTitleWithRestrictions(TaxonName.class, atomisedTaxonName.getFullTitleCache(), MatchMode.EXACT, null, null, null, null, null);
145 taxonName = getBestMatchingName(atomisedTaxonName.getTitleCache(), names, state);
146 //still nothing found -> try with the atomised name title cache
147 if(taxonName==null){
148 names = getNameService().listByTitleWithRestrictions(TaxonName.class, atomisedTaxonName.getTitleCache(), MatchMode.EXACT, null, null, null, null, null);
149 taxonName = getBestMatchingName(atomisedTaxonName.getTitleCache(), names, state);
150 }
151 }
153 }
155 }
157 if(taxonName==null && atomisedTaxonName!=null){
158 taxonName = atomisedTaxonName;
159 state.getReport().addName(taxonName);
160"Created new taxon name "+taxonName);
161 if(taxonName.hasProblem()){
162 state.getReport().addInfoMessage(String.format("Created %s with parsing problems", taxonName));
163 }
164 if(!atomisedTaxonName.getTitleCache().equals(scientificName)){
165 state.getReport().addInfoMessage(String.format("Taxon %s was parsed as %s", scientificName, atomisedTaxonName.getTitleCache()));
166 }
167 }
168 else if(taxonName==null){
169 //create new taxon name
171 if (state.getDataHolder().getNomenclatureCode().equals(NomenclaturalCode.ICNAFP)){
172 taxonName = TaxonNameFactory.NewBotanicalInstance(rank);
173 }else if (state.getDataHolder().getNomenclatureCode().equals(NomenclaturalCode.ICZN)){
174 taxonName = TaxonNameFactory.NewZoologicalInstance(rank);
175 }else{
176 taxonName = TaxonNameFactory.NewNonViralInstance(rank);
177 }
178 taxonName.setFullTitleCache(scientificName,true);
179 taxonName.setTitleCache(scientificName, true);
180 state.getReport().addName(taxonName);
181"Created new taxon name "+taxonName);
182 }
183 if (taxonName != null){
184 state.names.put(taxonName.getNameCache(), taxonName);
185 }
186 if(!taxonName.isPersited()) {
187 save(taxonName, state);
188 }
189 return taxonName;
190 }
192 protected TaxonName getBestMatchingName(String scientificName, java.util.Collection<TaxonName> names, STATE state){
193 Set<TaxonName> namesWithAcceptedTaxa = new HashSet<>();
194 List<TaxonName> namesWithAcceptedTaxaInClassification = new ArrayList<>();
195 for (TaxonName name : names) {
196 if(!name.getTaxa().isEmpty()){
197 Set<Taxon> taxa = name.getTaxa();
198 for (Taxon taxon:taxa){
199 if (!taxon.getTaxonNodes().isEmpty()){
200 //use only taxa included in a classification
201 for (TaxonNode node:taxon.getTaxonNodes()){
202 if (state.getClassification() != null && node.getClassification().equals(state.getClassification())){
203 namesWithAcceptedTaxaInClassification.add(name);
204 }else {
205 namesWithAcceptedTaxa.add(name);
206 }
207 }
209 }
210 }
212 }
213 }
214 String message = String.format("More than one taxon name was found for %s, maybe in other classifications!", scientificName);
215 //check for names with accepted taxa in classification
216 if(namesWithAcceptedTaxaInClassification.size()>0){
217 if(namesWithAcceptedTaxaInClassification.size()>1){
219 state.getReport().addInfoMessage(message);
220 logger.warn(message);
221 return null;
222 }
223 return namesWithAcceptedTaxaInClassification.iterator().next();
224 }
225 //check for any names with accepted taxa
226 if(namesWithAcceptedTaxa.size()>0){
227 if(namesWithAcceptedTaxa.size()>1){
229 state.getReport().addInfoMessage(message);
230 logger.warn(message);
231 return null;
232 }
233 return namesWithAcceptedTaxa.iterator().next();
234 }
235 //no names with accepted taxa found -> check accepted taxa of synonyms
236 List<Taxon> taxaFromSynonyms = new ArrayList<>();
237 for (TaxonName name : names) {
238 Set<TaxonBase> taxonBases = name.getTaxonBases();
239 for (TaxonBase taxonBase : taxonBases) {
240 if(taxonBase.isInstanceOf(Synonym.class)){
241 Synonym synonym = HibernateProxyHelper.deproxy(taxonBase, Synonym.class);
242 taxaFromSynonyms.add(synonym.getAcceptedTaxon());
243 }
244 }
245 }
246 if(taxaFromSynonyms.size()>0){
247 if(taxaFromSynonyms.size()>1){
248 state.getReport().addInfoMessage(message);
249 logger.warn(message);
250 return null;
251 }
252 return taxaFromSynonyms.iterator().next().getName();
253 }
254 //no accepted and no synonyms -> return one of the names and create a new taxon
255 if (names.isEmpty()){
256 return null;
257 }else{
258 return names.iterator().next();
259 }
260 }
261 /**
262 * Parse automatically the scientific name
263 * @param scientificName the scientific name to parse
264 * @param state the current import state
265 * @param report the import report
266 * @return a parsed name
267 */
269 protected TaxonName parseScientificName(String scientificName, STATE state, SpecimenImportReport report, Rank rank) {
271 NonViralNameParserImpl nvnpi = NonViralNameParserImpl.NewInstance();
272 TaxonName taxonName = null;
273 boolean problem = false;
275 if (logger.isDebugEnabled()){
276 logger.debug("parseScientificName " + state.getDataHolder().getNomenclatureCode().toString());
277 }
279 if (state.getDataHolder().getNomenclatureCode() != null && (state.getDataHolder().getNomenclatureCode().toString().equals("Zoological") || state.getDataHolder().getNomenclatureCode().toString().contains("ICZN"))) {
280 taxonName = (TaxonName)nvnpi.parseFullName(scientificName, NomenclaturalCode.ICZN, rank);
281 if (taxonName.hasProblem()) {
282 problem = true;
283 }
284 }
285 else if (state.getDataHolder().getNomenclatureCode() != null && (state.getDataHolder().getNomenclatureCode().toString().equals("Botanical") || state.getDataHolder().getNomenclatureCode().toString().contains("ICBN") || state.getDataHolder().getNomenclatureCode().toString().contains("ICNAFP"))) {
286 taxonName = (TaxonName)nvnpi.parseFullName(scientificName, NomenclaturalCode.ICNAFP, rank);
287 if (taxonName.hasProblem()) {
288 problem = true;
289 }
290 }
291 else if (state.getDataHolder().getNomenclatureCode() != null && (state.getDataHolder().getNomenclatureCode().toString().equals("Bacterial") || state.getDataHolder().getNomenclatureCode().toString().contains("ICBN"))) {
292 taxonName = (TaxonName)nvnpi.parseFullName(scientificName, NomenclaturalCode.ICNB, rank);
293 if (taxonName.hasProblem()) {
294 problem = true;
295 }
296 }
297 else if (state.getDataHolder().getNomenclatureCode() != null && (state.getDataHolder().getNomenclatureCode().toString().equals("Cultivar") || state.getDataHolder().getNomenclatureCode().toString().contains("ICNCP"))) {
298 taxonName = (TaxonName)nvnpi.parseFullName(scientificName, NomenclaturalCode.ICNCP, rank);
299 if (taxonName.hasProblem()) {
300 problem = true;
301 }
302 }
303 if (problem) {
304 String message = String.format("Parsing problems for %s", scientificName);
305 if(taxonName!=null){
306 for (ParserProblem parserProblem : taxonName.getParsingProblems()) {
307 message += "\n\t- "+parserProblem;
308 }
309 }
310 report.addInfoMessage(message);
312 }
313 return taxonName;
315 }
317 /**
318 * Create the name without automatic parsing, either because it failed, or because the user deactivated it.
319 * The name is built upon the ABCD fields
320 * @param atomisedMap : the ABCD atomised fields
321 * @param fullName : the full scientific name
322 * @param state
323 * @return the corresponding Botanical or Zoological or... name
324 */
325 protected TaxonName setTaxonNameByType(
326 HashMap<String, String> atomisedMap, String fullName, STATE state) {
327 boolean problem = false;
328 if (logger.isDebugEnabled()){
329 logger.debug("settaxonnamebytype " + state.getDataHolder().getNomenclatureCode().toString());
330 }
332 if (state.getDataHolder().getNomenclatureCode().equals("Zoological") || state.getDataHolder().getNomenclatureCode().equals(NomenclaturalCode.ICZN.getUuid())) {
333 TaxonName taxonName = TaxonNameFactory.NewZoologicalInstance(null);
334 taxonName.setFullTitleCache(fullName, true);
335 taxonName.setGenusOrUninomial(NB(getFromMap(atomisedMap, "Genus")));
336 taxonName.setInfraGenericEpithet(NB(getFromMap(atomisedMap, "SubGenus")));
337 taxonName.setSpecificEpithet(NB(getFromMap(atomisedMap,"SpeciesEpithet")));
338 taxonName.setInfraSpecificEpithet(NB(getFromMap(atomisedMap,"SubspeciesEpithet")));
340 if (taxonName.getGenusOrUninomial() != null){
341 taxonName.setRank(Rank.GENUS());
342 }
344 if (taxonName.getInfraGenericEpithet() != null){
345 taxonName.setRank(Rank.SUBGENUS());
346 }
348 if (taxonName.getSpecificEpithet() != null){
349 taxonName.setRank(Rank.SPECIES());
350 }
352 if (taxonName.getInfraSpecificEpithet() != null){
353 taxonName.setRank(Rank.SUBSPECIES());
354 }
356 Team team = null;
357 if (getFromMap(atomisedMap, "AuthorTeamParenthesis") != null) {
358 team = Team.NewInstance();
359 team.setTitleCache(getFromMap(atomisedMap, "AuthorTeamParenthesis"), true);
360 }
361 else {
362 if (getFromMap(atomisedMap, "AuthorTeamAndYear") != null) {
363 team = Team.NewInstance();
364 team.setTitleCache(getFromMap(atomisedMap, "AuthorTeamAndYear"), true);
365 }
366 }
367 if (team != null) {
368 taxonName.setBasionymAuthorship(team);
369 }
370 else {
371 if (getFromMap(atomisedMap, "AuthorTeamParenthesis") != null) {
372 taxonName.setAuthorshipCache(getFromMap(atomisedMap, "AuthorTeamParenthesis"));
373 }
374 else if (getFromMap(atomisedMap, "AuthorTeamAndYear") != null) {
375 taxonName.setAuthorshipCache(getFromMap(atomisedMap, "AuthorTeamAndYear"));
376 }
377 }
378 if (getFromMap(atomisedMap, "CombinationAuthorTeamAndYear") != null) {
379 team = Team.NewInstance();
380 team.setTitleCache(getFromMap(atomisedMap, "CombinationAuthorTeamAndYear"), true);
381 taxonName.setCombinationAuthorship(team);
382 }
383 if (taxonName.hasProblem()) {
384"pb ICZN");
385 problem = true;
386 }
387 else {
388 return taxonName;
389 }
390 }
391 else if (state.getDataHolder().getNomenclatureCode().equals("Botanical") || state.getDataHolder().getNomenclatureCode().equals(NomenclaturalCode.ICNAFP.getUuid())) {
392 TaxonName taxonName = parseScientificName(fullName, state, state.getReport(), null);
393 if (taxonName != null){
394 return taxonName;
395 }
396 else{
397 taxonName = TaxonNameFactory.NewBotanicalInstance(null);
398 }
399 taxonName.setFullTitleCache(fullName, true);
400 taxonName.setGenusOrUninomial(NB(getFromMap(atomisedMap, "Genus")));
401 taxonName.setSpecificEpithet(NB(getFromMap(atomisedMap, "FirstEpithet")));
402 taxonName.setInfraSpecificEpithet(NB(getFromMap(atomisedMap, "InfraSpeEpithet")));
403 try {
404 taxonName.setRank(Rank.getRankByName(getFromMap(atomisedMap, "Rank")));
405 } catch (Exception e) {
406 if (taxonName.getInfraSpecificEpithet() != null){
407 taxonName.setRank(Rank.SUBSPECIES());
408 }
409 else if (taxonName.getSpecificEpithet() != null){
410 taxonName.setRank(Rank.SPECIES());
411 }
412 else if (taxonName.getInfraGenericEpithet() != null){
413 taxonName.setRank(Rank.SUBGENUS());
414 }
415 else if (taxonName.getGenusOrUninomial() != null){
416 taxonName.setRank(Rank.GENUS());
417 }
418 }
419 Team team = null;
420 if (getFromMap(atomisedMap, "AuthorTeamParenthesis") != null) {
421 team = Team.NewInstance();
422 team.setTitleCache(getFromMap(atomisedMap, "AuthorTeamParenthesis"), true);
423 taxonName.setBasionymAuthorship(team);
424 }
425 if (getFromMap(atomisedMap, "AuthorTeam") != null) {
426 team = Team.NewInstance();
427 team.setTitleCache(getFromMap(atomisedMap, "AuthorTeam"), true);
428 taxonName.setCombinationAuthorship(team);
429 }
430 if (team == null) {
431 if (getFromMap(atomisedMap, "AuthorTeamParenthesis") != null) {
432 taxonName.setAuthorshipCache(getFromMap(atomisedMap, "AuthorTeamParenthesis"));
433 }
434 else if (getFromMap(atomisedMap, "AuthorTeam") != null) {
435 taxonName.setAuthorshipCache(getFromMap(atomisedMap, "AuthorTeam"));
436 }
437 }
438 if (getFromMap(atomisedMap, "CombinationAuthorTeamAndYear") != null) {
439 team = Team.NewInstance();
440 team.setTitleCache(getFromMap(atomisedMap, "CombinationAuthorTeamAndYear"), true);
441 taxonName.setCombinationAuthorship(team);
442 }
443 if (taxonName.hasProblem()) {
444"pb ICBN");
445 problem = true;
446 }
447 else {
448 return taxonName;
449 }
450 }
451 else if (state.getDataHolder().getNomenclatureCode().equals("Bacterial") || state.getDataHolder().getNomenclatureCode().equals(NomenclaturalCode.ICNB.getUuid())) {
452 TaxonName taxonName = TaxonNameFactory.NewBacterialInstance(null);
453 taxonName.setFullTitleCache(fullName, true);
454 taxonName.setGenusOrUninomial(getFromMap(atomisedMap, "Genus"));
455 taxonName.setInfraGenericEpithet(NB(getFromMap(atomisedMap, "SubGenus")));
456 taxonName.setSpecificEpithet(NB(getFromMap(atomisedMap, "Species")));
457 taxonName.setInfraSpecificEpithet(NB(getFromMap(atomisedMap, "SubspeciesEpithet")));
459 if (taxonName.getGenusOrUninomial() != null){
460 taxonName.setRank(Rank.GENUS());
461 }
462 else if (taxonName.getInfraGenericEpithet() != null){
463 taxonName.setRank(Rank.SUBGENUS());
464 }
465 else if (taxonName.getSpecificEpithet() != null){
466 taxonName.setRank(Rank.SPECIES());
467 }
468 else if (taxonName.getInfraSpecificEpithet() != null){
469 taxonName.setRank(Rank.SUBSPECIES());
470 }
472 if (getFromMap(atomisedMap, "AuthorTeamAndYear") != null) {
473 Team team = Team.NewInstance();
474 team.setTitleCache(getFromMap(atomisedMap, "AuthorTeamAndYear"), true);
475 taxonName.setCombinationAuthorship(team);
476 }
477 if (getFromMap(atomisedMap, "ParentheticalAuthorTeamAndYear") != null) {
478 Team team = Team.NewInstance();
479 team.setTitleCache(getFromMap(atomisedMap, "ParentheticalAuthorTeamAndYear"), true);
480 taxonName.setBasionymAuthorship(team);
481 }
482 if (taxonName.hasProblem()) {
483"pb ICNB");
484 problem = true;
485 }
486 else {
487 return taxonName;
488 }
489 }
490 else if (state.getDataHolder().getNomenclatureCode().equals("Cultivar")) {
491 TaxonName taxonName = TaxonNameFactory.NewCultivarInstance(null);
493 if (taxonName.hasProblem()) {
494"pb ICNCP");
495 problem = true;
496 }
497 else {
498 return taxonName;
499 }
500 return taxonName;
501 }
503 if (problem) {
504"Problem im setTaxonNameByType ");
505 TaxonName taxonName = TaxonNameFactory.NewNonViralInstance(null);
506 taxonName.setFullTitleCache(fullName, true);
507 return taxonName;
508 }
509 TaxonName tn = TaxonNameFactory.NewNonViralInstance(null);
510 return tn;
511 }
513 /**
514 * Get a formated string from a hashmap
515 * @param atomisedMap
516 * @param key
517 * @return
518 */
519 private String getFromMap(HashMap<String, String> atomisedMap, String key) {
520 String value = null;
521 if (atomisedMap.containsKey(key)) {
522 value = atomisedMap.get(key);
523 }
525 try {
526 if (value != null && key.matches(".*Year.*")) {
527 value = value.trim();
528 if (value.matches("[a-z A-Z ]*[0-9]{4}$")) {
529 String tmp = value.split("[0-9]{4}$")[0];
530 int year = Integer.parseInt(value.split(tmp)[1]);
531 if (year >= 1752) {
532 value = tmp;
533 }
534 else {
535 value = null;
536 }
537 }
538 else {
539 value = null;
540 }
541 }
542 }
543 catch (Exception e) {
544 value = null;
545 }
546 return value;
547 }
549 /**
550 * Very fast and dirty implementation to allow handling of transient objects as described in
551 *
552 *
553 * Not yet complete.
554 *
555 * @param cdmBase
556 * @param state
557 */
558 protected UUID save(CdmBase cdmBase, SpecimenImportStateBase state) {
559 ICdmRepository cdmRepository = state.getConfig().getCdmAppController();
560 if (cdmRepository == null){
561 cdmRepository = this;
562 }
564 if (cdmBase.isInstanceOf(LanguageString.class)){
565 return cdmRepository.getTermService().saveLanguageData(CdmBase.deproxy(cdmBase, LanguageString.class));
566 }else if (cdmBase.isInstanceOf(SpecimenOrObservationBase.class)){
567 SpecimenOrObservationBase specimen = CdmBase.deproxy(cdmBase, SpecimenOrObservationBase.class);
569 return cdmRepository.getOccurrenceService().saveOrUpdate(specimen);
570 }else if (cdmBase.isInstanceOf(Reference.class)){
571 return cdmRepository.getReferenceService().saveOrUpdate(CdmBase.deproxy(cdmBase, Reference.class));
572 }else if (cdmBase.isInstanceOf(Classification.class)){
573 return cdmRepository.getClassificationService().saveOrUpdate(CdmBase.deproxy(cdmBase, Classification.class));
574 }else if (cdmBase.isInstanceOf(AgentBase.class)){
575 return cdmRepository.getAgentService().saveOrUpdate(CdmBase.deproxy(cdmBase, AgentBase.class));
576 }else if (cdmBase.isInstanceOf(Collection.class)){
577 return cdmRepository.getCollectionService().saveOrUpdate(CdmBase.deproxy(cdmBase, Collection.class));
578 }else if (cdmBase.isInstanceOf(DescriptionBase.class)){
579 DescriptionBase description = CdmBase.deproxy(cdmBase, DescriptionBase.class);
581 return cdmRepository.getDescriptionService().saveOrUpdate(description);
582 }else if (cdmBase.isInstanceOf(TaxonBase.class)){
583 return cdmRepository.getTaxonService().saveOrUpdate(CdmBase.deproxy(cdmBase, TaxonBase.class));
584 }else if (cdmBase.isInstanceOf(TaxonName.class)){
585 return cdmRepository.getNameService().saveOrUpdate(CdmBase.deproxy(cdmBase, TaxonName.class));
586 }else if (cdmBase.isInstanceOf(TaxonNode.class)){
587 return cdmRepository.getTaxonNodeService().saveOrUpdate(CdmBase.deproxy(cdmBase, TaxonNode.class));
588 }else{
589 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Class not supported in save method: " + CdmBase.deproxy(cdmBase, CdmBase.class).getClass().getSimpleName());
590 }
592 }
595 protected SpecimenOrObservationBase findExistingSpecimen(String unitId, SpecimenImportStateBase state){
596 ICdmRepository cdmAppController = state.getConfig().getCdmAppController();
597 if(cdmAppController==null){
598 cdmAppController = this;
599 }
600 FindOccurrencesConfigurator config = new FindOccurrencesConfigurator();
601 config.setSignificantIdentifier(unitId);
602 List<String> propertyPaths = new ArrayList<>();
603 propertyPaths.add("derivedFrom.*");
604 config.setPropertyPaths(propertyPaths);
605 commitTransaction(state.getTx());
606 state.setTx(startTransaction());
607 try{
608 Pager<SpecimenOrObservationBase> existingSpecimens = cdmAppController.getOccurrenceService().findByTitle(config);
609 if(!existingSpecimens.getRecords().isEmpty()){
610 if(existingSpecimens.getRecords().size()==1){
611 return existingSpecimens.getRecords().iterator().next();
612 }
613 }
615 }catch(NullPointerException e){
616 logger.error("searching for existing specimen creates NPE: " + config.getSignificantIdentifier());
617 e.printStackTrace();
618 }
621 return null;
622 }
624 protected abstract void importAssociatedUnits(STATE state, Object item, DerivedUnitFacade derivedUnitFacade);
626 /**
627 * getFacade : get the DerivedUnitFacade based on the recordBasis
628 * @param state
629 *
630 * @return DerivedUnitFacade
631 */
632 protected DerivedUnitFacade getFacade(STATE state) {
633 if (logger.isDebugEnabled()){
635 }
636 SpecimenOrObservationType type = null;
638 // create specimen
639 if (NB((state.getDataHolder().getRecordBasis())) != null) {
640 if (state.getDataHolder().getRecordBasis().toLowerCase().startsWith("s") || state.getDataHolder().getRecordBasis().toLowerCase().indexOf("specimen")>-1) {// specimen
641 type = SpecimenOrObservationType.PreservedSpecimen;
642 }
643 if (state.getDataHolder().getRecordBasis().toLowerCase().startsWith("o") ||state.getDataHolder().getRecordBasis().toLowerCase().indexOf("observation")>-1 ) {
644 type = SpecimenOrObservationType.Observation;
645 }
646 if (state.getDataHolder().getRecordBasis().toLowerCase().indexOf("fossil")>-1){
647 type = SpecimenOrObservationType.Fossil;
648 }
649 if (state.getDataHolder().getRecordBasis().toLowerCase().indexOf("living")>-1) {
650 type = SpecimenOrObservationType.LivingSpecimen;
651 }
652 if (type == null) {
653"The basis of record does not seem to be known: " + state.getDataHolder().getRecordBasis());
654 type = SpecimenOrObservationType.DerivedUnit;
655 }
656 // TODO fossils?
657 } else {
658"The basis of record is null");
659 type = SpecimenOrObservationType.DerivedUnit;
660 }
661 DerivedUnitFacade derivedUnitFacade = DerivedUnitFacade.NewInstance(type);
662 return derivedUnitFacade;
663 }
665 /**
666 * Look if the Institution does already exist
667 * @param institutionCode: a string with the institutioncode
668 * @param config : the configurator
669 * @return the Institution (existing or new)
670 */
671 protected Institution getInstitution(String institutionCode, STATE state) {
672 SpecimenImportConfiguratorBase config = state.getConfig();
673 Institution institution=null;
674 institution = (Institution)state.institutions.get(institutionCode);
675 if (institution != null){
676 return institution;
677 }
678 List<Institution> institutions;
679 try {
680 institutions = getAgentService().searchInstitutionByCode(institutionCode);
682 } catch (Exception e) {
683 institutions = new ArrayList<Institution>();
684 logger.warn(e);
685 }
686 if (institutions.size() > 0 && config.isReuseExistingMetaData()) {
687 for (Institution institut:institutions){
688 try{
689 if (institut.getCode().equalsIgnoreCase(institutionCode)) {
690 institution=institut;
691 break;
692 }
693 }catch(Exception e){logger.warn("no institution code in the db");}
694 }
695 }
696 if (logger.isDebugEnabled()){
697 if(institution !=null) {
698"getinstitution " + institution.toString());
699 }
700 }
701 if (institution == null){
702 // create institution
703 institution = Institution.NewInstance();
704 institution.setCode(institutionCode);
705 institution.setTitleCache(institutionCode, true);
706 UUID uuid = save(institution, state);
707 }
710 state.institutions.put(institutionCode, institution);
711 return institution;
712 }
714 /**
715 * Look if the Collection does already exist
716 * @param collectionCode
717 * @param collectionCode: a string
718 * @param config : the configurator
719 * @return the Collection (existing or new)
720 */
721 protected Collection getCollection(Institution institution, String collectionCode, STATE state) {
722 SpecimenImportConfiguratorBase config = state.getConfig();
723 Collection collection = null;
724 List<Collection> collections;
725 collection = (Collection) state.collections.get(collectionCode);
726 if (collection != null){
727 return collection;
728 }
729 try {
730 collections = getCollectionService().searchByCode(collectionCode);
731 } catch (Exception e) {
732 collections = new ArrayList<Collection>();
733 }
734 if (collections.size() > 0 && config.isReuseExistingMetaData()) {
735 for (Collection coll:collections){
736 if (coll.getCode() != null && coll.getInstitute() != null
737 && coll.getCode().equalsIgnoreCase(collectionCode) && coll.getInstitute().equals(institution)) {
738 collection = coll;
739 break;
740 }
741 }
742 }
744 if(collection == null){
745 collection =Collection.NewInstance();
746 collection.setCode(collectionCode);
747 collection.setInstitute(institution);
748 collection.setTitleCache(collectionCode);
749 UUID uuid = save(collection, state);
750 }
754 state.collections.put(collectionCode, collection);
756 return collection;
757 }
759 /**
760 * @param reference
761 * @param citationDetail
762 * @return
763 */
764 //FIXME this method is highly critical, because
765 // * it will have serious performance and memory problems with large databases
766 // (databases may easily have >1 Mio source records)
767 // * it does not make sense to search for existing sources and then clone them
768 // we need to search for existing references instead and use them (if exist)
769 // for our new source.
770 protected IdentifiableSource getIdentifiableSource(Reference reference, String citationDetail) {
772 IdentifiableSource sour = IdentifiableSource.NewInstance(OriginalSourceType.Import,null,null, reference,citationDetail);
773 return sour;
774 }
776 /**
777 * Add the hierarchy for a Taxon(add higher taxa)
778 * @param classification
779 * @param taxon: a taxon to add as a node
780 * @param state: the ABCD import state
781 */
782 protected void addParentTaxon(Taxon taxon, STATE state, boolean preferredFlag, Classification classification){
783 INonViralName nvname = taxon.getName();
784 Rank rank = nvname.getRank();
785 Taxon genus =null;
786 Taxon subgenus =null;
787 Taxon species = null;
788 Taxon subspecies = null;
789 Taxon parent = null;
790 if(rank!=null){
791 if (rank.isLower(Rank.GENUS() )){
792 String genusOrUninomial = nvname.getGenusOrUninomial();
793 TaxonName taxonName = getOrCreateTaxonName(genusOrUninomial, Rank.GENUS(), preferredFlag, state, -1);
794 genus = getOrCreateTaxonForName(taxonName, state);
795 if (genus == null){
796 logger.debug("The genus should not be null " + taxonName);
797 }
798 if (preferredFlag) {
799 parent = linkParentChildNode(null, genus, classification, state);
800 }
802 }
803 if (rank.isLower(Rank.SUBGENUS())){
804 String prefix = nvname.getGenusOrUninomial();
805 String name = nvname.getInfraGenericEpithet();
806 if (name != null){
807 TaxonName taxonName = getOrCreateTaxonName(prefix+" "+name, Rank.SUBGENUS(), preferredFlag, state, -1);
808 subgenus = getOrCreateTaxonForName(taxonName, state);
809 if (preferredFlag) {
810 parent = linkParentChildNode(genus, subgenus, classification, state);
811 } }
812 }
813 if (rank.isLower(Rank.SPECIES())){
814 if (subgenus!=null){
815 String prefix = nvname.getGenusOrUninomial();
816 String name = nvname.getInfraGenericEpithet();
817 String spe = nvname.getSpecificEpithet();
818 if (spe != null){
819 TaxonName taxonName = getOrCreateTaxonName(prefix+" "+name+" "+spe, Rank.SPECIES(), preferredFlag, state, -1);
820 species = getOrCreateTaxonForName(taxonName, state);
821 if (preferredFlag) {
822 parent = linkParentChildNode(subgenus, species, classification, state);
823 }
824 }
825 }
826 else{
827 String prefix = nvname.getGenusOrUninomial();
828 String name = nvname.getSpecificEpithet();
829 if (name != null){
830 TaxonName taxonName = getOrCreateTaxonName(prefix+" "+name, Rank.SPECIES(), preferredFlag, state, -1);
831 species = getOrCreateTaxonForName(taxonName, state);
832 if (preferredFlag) {
833 parent = linkParentChildNode(genus, species, classification, state);
834 }
835 }
836 }
837 }
838 if (rank.isLower(Rank.INFRASPECIES())){
839 TaxonName taxonName = getOrCreateTaxonName(nvname.getFullTitleCache(), Rank.SUBSPECIES(), preferredFlag, state, -1);
840 subspecies = getOrCreateTaxonForName(taxonName, state);
841 if (preferredFlag) {
842 parent = linkParentChildNode(species, subspecies, classification, state);
843 }
844 }
845 }else{
846 //handle cf. and aff. taxa
847 String genusEpithet = null;
848 if (nvname.getTitleCache().contains("cf.")){
849 genusEpithet = nvname.getTitleCache().substring(0, nvname.getTitleCache().indexOf("cf."));
850 } else if (nvname.getTitleCache().contains("aff.")){
851 genusEpithet = nvname.getTitleCache().substring(0, nvname.getTitleCache().indexOf("aff."));
852 }
853 if (genusEpithet != null){
854 genusEpithet = genusEpithet.trim();
855 TaxonName taxonName = null;
856 if (genusEpithet.contains(" ")){
857 taxonName = getOrCreateTaxonName(genusEpithet, Rank.SPECIES(), preferredFlag, state, -1);
858 }else{
859 taxonName = getOrCreateTaxonName(genusEpithet, Rank.GENUS(), preferredFlag, state, -1);
860 }
861 genus = getOrCreateTaxonForName(taxonName, state);
862 if (genus == null){
863 logger.debug("The genus should not be null " + taxonName);
864 }
865 if (preferredFlag) {
866 parent = linkParentChildNode(null, genus, classification, state);
867 }
868 }
869 }
870 if (preferredFlag && parent!=taxon ) {
871 linkParentChildNode(parent, taxon, classification, state);
872 }
873 }
875 /**
876 * Link a parent to a child and save it in the current classification
877 * @param parent: the higher Taxon
878 * @param child : the lower (or current) Taxon
879 * return the Taxon from the new created Node
880 * @param classification
881 * @param state
882 */
883 protected Taxon linkParentChildNode(Taxon parent, Taxon child, Classification classification, STATE state) {
884 TaxonNode node =null;
885 List<String> propertyPaths = new ArrayList<>();
886 propertyPaths.add("childNodes");
887 if (parent != null) {
889 parent = (Taxon) getTaxonService().load(parent.getUuid(), propertyPaths);
890 child = (Taxon) getTaxonService().load(child.getUuid(), propertyPaths);
891 //here we do not have to check if the taxon nodes already exists
892 //this is done by classification.addParentChild()
893 //do not add child node if it already exists
894 if(hasTaxonNodeInClassification(child, classification)){
895 return child;
896 }
897 else{
898 node = classification.addParentChild(parent, child, state.getRef(), "");
899 save(node, state);
900 }
901 }
902 else {
903 if (child == null){
904 logger.debug("The child should not be null!");
905 }
906 child = (Taxon) getTaxonService().find(child.getUuid());
907 //do not add child node if it already exists
908 if(hasTaxonNodeInClassification(child, classification)){
909 return child;
910 }
911 else{
912 node = classification.addChildTaxon(child, state.getRef(), null);
913 save(node, state);
914 }
915 }
916 if(node!=null){
917 state.getReport().addTaxonNode(node);
918 return node.getTaxon();
919 }
920 String message = "Could not create taxon node for " +child;
921 state.getReport().addInfoMessage(message);
922 logger.warn(message);
923 return null;
924 }
926 protected Taxon getOrCreateTaxonForName(TaxonName taxonName, STATE state){
927 if (taxonName != null){
928 Set<Taxon> acceptedTaxa = taxonName.getTaxa();
929 if(acceptedTaxa.size()>0){
930 Taxon firstAcceptedTaxon = acceptedTaxa.iterator().next();
931 if(acceptedTaxa.size()>1){
932 String message = "More than one accepted taxon was found for taxon name: "
933 + taxonName.getTitleCache() + "!\n" + firstAcceptedTaxon + "was chosen for "+state.getDerivedUnitBase();
934 state.getReport().addInfoMessage(message);
935 logger.warn(message);
936 }
937 else{
938 return firstAcceptedTaxon;
939 }
940 }
941 else{
942 Set<TaxonBase> taxonAndSynonyms = taxonName.getTaxonBases();
943 for (TaxonBase taxonBase : taxonAndSynonyms) {
944 if(taxonBase.isInstanceOf(Synonym.class)){
945 Synonym synonym = HibernateProxyHelper.deproxy(taxonBase, Synonym.class);
946 Taxon acceptedTaxonOfSynonym = synonym.getAcceptedTaxon();
947 if(acceptedTaxonOfSynonym == null){
948 String message = "No accepted taxon could be found for taxon name: "
949 + taxonName.getTitleCache()
950 + "!";
951 state.getReport().addInfoMessage(message);
952 logger.warn(message);
953 }
954 else{
955 return acceptedTaxonOfSynonym;
956 }
957 }
958 }
959 }
960 Taxon taxon = Taxon.NewInstance(taxonName, state.getRef());
961 save(taxon, state);
962 state.getReport().addTaxon(taxon);
963"Created new taxon "+ taxon);
964 return taxon;
965 }
966 return null;
968 }
970 private boolean hasTaxonNodeInClassification(Taxon taxon, Classification classification){
971 if(taxon.getTaxonNodes()!=null){
972 for (TaxonNode node : taxon.getTaxonNodes()){
973 if(node.getClassification().equals(classification)){
974 return true;
975 }
976 }
977 }
978 return false;
979 }
981 /**
982 * HandleIdentifications : get the scientific names present in the ABCD
983 * document and store link them with the observation/specimen data
984 * @param state: the current ABCD import state
985 * @param derivedUnitFacade : the current derivedunitfacade
986 */
987 protected void handleIdentifications(STATE state, DerivedUnitFacade derivedUnitFacade) {
988 SpecimenImportConfiguratorBase config = state.getConfig();
991 String scientificName = "";
992 boolean preferredFlag = false;
994 if (state.getDataHolder().getNomenclatureCode() == ""){
995 if (config.getNomenclaturalCode() != null){
996 if (config.getNomenclaturalCode() != null){
997 state.getDataHolder().setNomenclatureCode(config.getNomenclaturalCode().toString());
999 }
1000 }
1001 }
1003 for (int i = 0; i < state.getDataHolder().getIdentificationList().size(); i++) {
1004 Identification identification = state.getDataHolder().getIdentificationList().get(i);
1005 scientificName = identification.getScientificName().replaceAll(" et ", " & ");
1007 String preferred = identification.getPreferred();
1008 preferredFlag = false;
1009 if (preferred != null || state.getDataHolder().getIdentificationList().size()==1){
1010 if (state.getDataHolder().getIdentificationList().size()==1){
1011 preferredFlag = true;
1012 }else if (preferred != null && (preferred.equals("1") || preferred.toLowerCase().indexOf("true") != -1) ) {
1013 preferredFlag = true;
1014 }
1016 }
1017 if (identification.getCode() != null){
1018 if (identification.getCode().indexOf(':') != -1) {
1019 state.getDataHolder().setNomenclatureCode(identification.getCode().split(COLON)[1]);
1020 }
1021 else{
1022 state.getDataHolder().setNomenclatureCode(identification.getCode());
1023 }
1024 }
1025 TaxonName taxonName = getOrCreateTaxonName(scientificName, null, preferredFlag, state, i);
1026 Taxon taxon = getOrCreateTaxonForName(taxonName, state);
1027 addTaxonNode(taxon, state,preferredFlag);
1028 linkDeterminationEvent(state, taxon, preferredFlag, derivedUnitFacade, identification.getIdentifier(), identification.getDate(), identification.getModifier());
1029 }
1030 }
1032 /**
1033 * @param taxon : a taxon to add as a node
1034 * @param state : the ABCD import state
1035 */
1036 protected void addTaxonNode(Taxon taxon, STATE state, boolean preferredFlag) {
1037 SpecimenImportConfiguratorBase<?,?,?> config = state.getConfig();
1038"link taxon to a taxonNode "+taxon.getTitleCache());
1039 //only add nodes if not already existing in current classification or default classification
1041 //check if node exists in current classification
1042 //NOTE: we cannot use hasTaxonNodeInClassification() here because we are first creating it here
1043 if (!existsInClassification(taxon,state.getClassification(), state)){
1044 if(config.isMoveNewTaxaToDefaultClassification()){
1045 //check if node exists in default classification
1046 if (!existsInClassification(taxon, state.getDefaultClassification(true), state)){
1047 addParentTaxon(taxon, state, preferredFlag, state.getDefaultClassification(true));
1048 }
1049 }else{
1050 //add non-existing taxon to current classification
1051 addParentTaxon(taxon, state, preferredFlag, state.getClassification());
1052 }
1054 }
1055 }
1058 private boolean existsInClassification(Taxon taxon, Classification classification, STATE state){
1059 boolean exist = false;
1060 ICdmRepository cdmAppController = state.getConfig().getCdmAppController();
1061 if(cdmAppController==null){
1062 cdmAppController = this;
1063 }
1064 if (classification != null){
1065 if (!taxon.getTaxonNodes().isEmpty()){
1066 for (TaxonNode node:taxon.getTaxonNodes()){
1067 if (node.getClassification().equals(classification)){
1068 return true;
1069 }
1070 }
1071 }
1072 // we do not need this because we already searched for taxa in db in the previous steps
1073 // List<UuidAndTitleCache<TaxonNode>> uuidAndTitleCacheOfAllTaxa = cdmAppController.getClassificationService().getTaxonNodeUuidAndTitleCacheOfAcceptedTaxaByClassification(classification.getUuid());
1074 // if (uuidAndTitleCacheOfAllTaxa != null){
1075 // for (UuidAndTitleCache p : uuidAndTitleCacheOfAllTaxa){
1076 // try{
1077 // if(p.getTitleCache().equals(taxon.getTitleCache())) {
1078 // exist = true;
1079 // }
1080 // }
1081 // catch(Exception e){
1082 // logger.warn("TaxonNode doesn't seem to have a taxon");
1083 // }
1084 // }
1085 // }
1086 }
1087 return exist;
1088 }
1090 /**
1091 * join DeterminationEvent to the Taxon Object
1092 * @param state : the ABCD import state
1093 * @param taxon: the current Taxon
1094 * @param preferredFlag :if the current name is preferred
1095 * @param derivedFacade : the derived Unit Facade
1096 */
1097 @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
1098 protected void linkDeterminationEvent(STATE state, Taxon taxon, boolean preferredFlag, DerivedUnitFacade derivedFacade, String identifierStr, String dateStr, String modifier) {
1099 SpecimenImportConfiguratorBase config = state.getConfig();
1100 if (logger.isDebugEnabled()){
1101"start linkdetermination with taxon:" + taxon.getUuid()+", "+taxon);
1102 }
1104 DeterminationEvent determinationEvent = DeterminationEvent.NewInstance();
1105 //determinationEvent.setTaxon(taxon);
1106 determinationEvent.setTaxonName(taxon.getName());
1107 determinationEvent.setPreferredFlag(preferredFlag);
1110 determinationEvent.setIdentifiedUnit(state.getDerivedUnitBase());
1111 if (state.getPersonStore().get(identifierStr) != null){
1112 determinationEvent.setActor((AgentBase)state.getPersonStore().get(identifierStr));
1113 } else if (identifierStr != null){
1114 Person identifier = Person.NewTitledInstance(identifierStr);
1115 determinationEvent.setActor(identifier);
1116 }
1117 if (dateStr != null){
1118 determinationEvent.setTimeperiod(TimePeriodParser.parseString(dateStr));
1119 }
1120 if (modifier != null){
1121 if (modifier.equals("cf.")){
1122 determinationEvent.setModifier(DefinedTerm.DETERMINATION_MODIFIER_CONFER());
1123 }else if (modifier.equals("aff.")){
1124 determinationEvent.setModifier(DefinedTerm.DETERMINATION_MODIFIER_AFFINIS());
1125 }
1126 }
1127 state.getDerivedUnitBase().addDetermination(determinationEvent);
1129 if (logger.isDebugEnabled()){
1130 logger.debug("NB TYPES INFO: "+ state.getDataHolder().getStatusList().size());
1131 }
1132 for (SpecimenTypeDesignationStatus specimenTypeDesignationstatus : state.getDataHolder().getStatusList()) {
1133 if (specimenTypeDesignationstatus != null) {
1134 if (logger.isDebugEnabled()){
1135 logger.debug("specimenTypeDesignationstatus :"+ specimenTypeDesignationstatus);
1136 }
1138 ICdmRepository cdmAppController = config.getCdmAppController();
1139 if(cdmAppController == null){
1140 cdmAppController = this;
1141 }
1142 specimenTypeDesignationstatus = HibernateProxyHelper.deproxy(cdmAppController.getTermService().find(specimenTypeDesignationstatus.getUuid()), SpecimenTypeDesignationStatus.class);
1143 //Designation
1144 TaxonName name = taxon.getName();
1145 SpecimenTypeDesignation designation = SpecimenTypeDesignation.NewInstance();
1147 designation.setTypeStatus(specimenTypeDesignationstatus);
1148 designation.setTypeSpecimen(state.getDerivedUnitBase());
1149 name.addTypeDesignation(designation, true);
1150 }
1151 }
1152 save(state.getDerivedUnitBase(), state);
1154 for (String[] fullReference : state.getDataHolder().getReferenceList()) {
1157 String strReference=fullReference[0];
1158 String citationDetail = fullReference[1];
1159 String citationURL = fullReference[2];
1160 List<Reference> references = getReferenceService().listByTitleWithRestrictions(Reference.class, "strReference", MatchMode.EXACT, null, null, null, null, null);
1162 if (!references.isEmpty()){
1163 Reference reference = null;
1164 for (Reference refe: references) {
1165 if (refe.getTitleCache().equalsIgnoreCase(strReference)) {
1166 reference =refe;
1167 break;
1168 }
1169 }
1170 if (reference ==null){
1171 reference = ReferenceFactory.newGeneric();
1172 reference.setTitleCache(strReference, true);
1173 save(reference, state);
1174 }
1175 determinationEvent.addReference(reference);
1176 }
1177 }
1178 save(state.getDerivedUnitBase(), state);
1180 if (config.isAddIndividualsAssociationsSuchAsSpecimenAndObservations() && preferredFlag) {
1181 //do not add IndividualsAssociation to non-preferred taxa
1182 if (logger.isDebugEnabled()){
1183 logger.debug("isDoCreateIndividualsAssociations");
1184 }
1186 makeIndividualsAssociation(state, taxon, determinationEvent);
1188 save(state.getDerivedUnitBase(), state);
1189 }
1190 }
1192 /**
1193 * create and link each association (specimen, observation..) to the accepted taxon
1194 * @param state : the ABCD import state
1195 * @param taxon: the current Taxon
1196 * @param determinationEvent:the determinationevent
1197 */
1198 protected void makeIndividualsAssociation(STATE state, Taxon taxon, DeterminationEvent determinationEvent) {
1199 SpecimenImportConfiguratorBase<?,?,?> config = state.getConfig();
1200 SpecimenUserInteraction sui = config.getSpecimenUserInteraction();
1202 if (logger.isDebugEnabled()){
1204 }
1206 TaxonDescription taxonDescription = null;
1207 Set<TaxonDescription> descriptions= taxon.getDescriptions();
1208 if (state.getIndividualsAssociationDescriptionPerTaxon(taxon.getUuid()) != null){
1209 taxonDescription = state.getIndividualsAssociationDescriptionPerTaxon(taxon.getUuid());
1210 }
1211 if (taxonDescription == null && !descriptions.isEmpty() && state.getConfig().isReuseExistingDescriptiveGroups()){
1212 for (TaxonDescription desc: descriptions){
1213 if (desc.getTypes().contains(DescriptionType.INDIVIDUALS_ASSOCIATION)){
1214 taxonDescription = desc;
1215 break;
1216 }
1217 }
1218 }
1220 if (taxonDescription == null){
1221 taxonDescription = TaxonDescription.NewInstance(taxon, false);
1222 taxonDescription.setTypes(EnumSet.of(DescriptionType.INDIVIDUALS_ASSOCIATION));
1223 if(sourceNotLinkedToElement(taxonDescription,state.getRef(),null)) {
1224 taxonDescription.addSource(OriginalSourceType.Import, null, null, state.getRef(), null);
1225 }
1226 state.setIndividualsAssociationDescriptionPerTaxon(taxonDescription);
1227 taxon.addDescription(taxonDescription);
1228 }
1232 Map<String,OriginalSourceBase> sourceMap = new HashMap<String, OriginalSourceBase>();
1234 List<IdentifiableSource> issTmp = new ArrayList<>();//getCommonService().list(IdentifiableSource.class, null, null, null, null);
1235 List<DescriptionElementSource> issTmp2 = new ArrayList<>();//getCommonService().list(DescriptionElementSource.class, null, null, null, null);
1237 Set<OriginalSourceBase> osbSet = new HashSet<>();
1238 if(issTmp2!=null) {
1239 osbSet.addAll(issTmp2);
1240 }
1241 if(issTmp!=null) {
1242 osbSet.addAll(issTmp);
1243 }
1246 addToSourceMap(sourceMap, osbSet);
1249 if(sourceNotLinkedToElement(taxonDescription,state.getRef(),null)) {
1250 taxonDescription.addSource(OriginalSourceType.Import,null, null, state.getRef(), null);
1251 }
1253 state.setIndividualsAssociationDescriptionPerTaxon(taxonDescription);
1255 IndividualsAssociation indAssociation = IndividualsAssociation.NewInstance();
1256 Feature feature = makeFeature(state.getDerivedUnitBase());
1257 indAssociation.setAssociatedSpecimenOrObservation(state.getDerivedUnitBase());
1258 indAssociation.setFeature(feature);
1260 if(sourceNotLinkedToElement(indAssociation,state.getImportReference(state.getActualAccessPoint()),null)) {
1261 indAssociation.addSource(OriginalSourceType.Import,null, null, state.getImportReference(state.getActualAccessPoint()), null);
1262 }
1263 if(sourceNotLinkedToElement(state.getDerivedUnitBase(), state.getImportReference(state.getActualAccessPoint()),null)) {
1264 state.getDerivedUnitBase().addSource(OriginalSourceType.Import,null, null, state.getImportReference(state.getActualAccessPoint()), null);
1265 }
1266 for (Reference citation : determinationEvent.getReferences()) {
1267 if(sourceNotLinkedToElement(indAssociation,citation,null))
1268 {
1269 indAssociation.addSource(DescriptionElementSource.NewInstance(OriginalSourceType.Import, null, null, citation, null));
1270 }
1271 if(sourceNotLinkedToElement(state.getDerivedUnitBase(), state.getImportReference(state.getActualAccessPoint()),null)) {
1272 state.getDerivedUnitBase().addSource(OriginalSourceType.Import,null, null, state.getImportReference(state.getActualAccessPoint()), null);
1273 }
1274 }
1277 taxonDescription.addElement(indAssociation);
1279 save(taxonDescription, state);
1280 save(taxon, state);
1281 state.getReport().addDerivate(state.getDerivedUnitBase(), config);
1282 state.getReport().addIndividualAssociation(taxon, state.getDataHolder().getUnitID(), state.getDerivedUnitBase());
1283 }
1285 /**
1286 * @param derivedUnitBase2
1287 * @param ref2
1288 * @param object
1289 * @return
1290 */
1291 private boolean sourceNotLinkedToElement(DerivedUnit derivedUnitBase2, Reference b, String d) {
1292 Set<IdentifiableSource> linkedSources = derivedUnitBase2.getSources();
1293 for (IdentifiableSource is:linkedSources){
1294 Reference a = is.getCitation();
1295 String c = is.getCitationMicroReference();
1297 boolean refMatch=false;
1298 boolean microMatch=false;
1300 try{
1301 if (a==null && b==null) {
1302 refMatch=true;
1303 }
1304 if (a!=null && b!=null) {
1305 if (a.getTitleCache().equalsIgnoreCase(b.getTitleCache())) {
1306 refMatch=true;
1307 }
1308 }
1309 }catch(Exception e){}
1312 try{
1313 if (c==null && d==null) {
1314 microMatch=true;
1315 }
1316 if(c!=null && d!=null) {
1317 if(c.equalsIgnoreCase(d)) {
1318 microMatch=true;
1319 }
1320 }
1321 }
1322 catch(Exception e){}
1324 if (microMatch && refMatch) {
1325 return false;
1326 }
1329 }
1330 return true;
1331 }
1333 private <T extends OriginalSourceBase> boolean sourceNotLinkedToElement(ISourceable<T> sourcable, Reference reference, String microReference) {
1334 Set<T> linkedSources = sourcable.getSources();
1335 for (T is:linkedSources){
1336 Reference unitReference = is.getCitation();
1337 String unitMicroReference = is.getCitationMicroReference();
1339 boolean refMatch=false;
1340 boolean microMatch=false;
1342 try{
1343 if (unitReference==null && reference==null) {
1344 refMatch=true;
1345 }
1346 if (unitReference!=null && reference!=null) {
1347 if (unitReference.getTitleCache().equalsIgnoreCase(reference.getTitleCache())) {
1348 refMatch=true;
1349 }
1350 }
1351 }catch(Exception e){}
1353 try{
1354 if (unitMicroReference==null && microReference==null) {
1355 microMatch=true;
1356 }
1357 if(unitMicroReference!=null && microReference!=null) {
1358 if(unitMicroReference.equalsIgnoreCase(microReference)) {
1359 microMatch=true;
1360 }
1361 }
1362 }
1363 catch(Exception e){}
1365 if (microMatch && refMatch) {
1366 return false;
1367 }
1368 }
1369 return true;
1370 }
1372 /**
1373 * look for the Feature object (FieldObs, Specimen,...)
1374 * @param unit : a specimen or obersvation base
1375 * @return the corresponding Feature
1376 */
1377 private Feature makeFeature(SpecimenOrObservationBase<?> unit) {
1378 SpecimenOrObservationType type = unit.getRecordBasis();
1382 if (type.isFeatureObservation()){
1383 return Feature.OBSERVATION();
1384 }else if (type.isFeatureSpecimen()){
1385 return Feature.SPECIMEN();
1386 }else if (type == SpecimenOrObservationType.DerivedUnit){
1387 return Feature.OBSERVATION();
1388 // return getFeature("Specimen or observation");
1389 }else{
1390 String message = "Unhandled record basis '%s' for defining individuals association feature type. Use default.";
1391 logger.warn(String.format(message, type.getLabel()));
1392 return Feature.OBSERVATION();
1393 // return getFeature("Specimen or observation");
1395 }
1396 }
1399 /**
1400 * @param sourceMap
1401 * @param osbSet
1402 */
1403 protected void addToSourceMap(Map<String, OriginalSourceBase> sourceMap, Set<OriginalSourceBase> osbSet) {
1404 for( OriginalSourceBase osb:osbSet) {
1405 if(osb.getCitation()!=null && osb.getCitationMicroReference() !=null && !osb.getCitationMicroReference().isEmpty()) {
1406 try{
1407 sourceMap.put(osb.getCitation().getTitleCache()+ "---"+osb.getCitationMicroReference(),osb);
1408 }catch(NullPointerException e){logger.warn("null pointer problem (no ref?) with "+osb);}
1409 } else if(osb.getCitation()!=null){
1410 try{
1411 sourceMap.put(osb.getCitation().getTitleCache(),osb);
1412 }catch(NullPointerException e){logger.warn("null pointer problem (no ref?) with "+osb);}
1413 }
1414 }
1415 }
1420 }