fixing project version after HFX release to 4.5.0-SNAPSHOT
[cdm-vaadin.git] / pom.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
3 <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
4 <groupId>eu.etaxonomy</groupId>
5 <artifactId>cdm-vaadin</artifactId>
6 <packaging>war</packaging>
7 <version>4.5.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
8 <name>Vaadin Web Application</name>
9 <properties>
10 <>UTF-8</>
11 <vaadin.version>7.6.3</vaadin.version>
12 <vaadin.plugin.version>${vaadin.version}</vaadin.plugin.version>
13 <cdmlib.version>4.5.0-SNAPSHOT</cdmlib.version>
14 <unitils.version>3.4.2</unitils.version>
15 <!--
16 lucene.version must match the version as defined in cdmlib
17 -->
18 <lucene.version>5.4.1</lucene.version>
19 <maven.compiler.source>1.7</maven.compiler.source>
20 <>1.7</>
21 </properties>
22 <prerequisites>
23 <maven>3.0.5</maven>
24 </prerequisites>
25 <repositories>
26 <!-- the cdm internal repository -->
27 <repository>
28 <id>EditRepository</id>
29 <url></url>
30 </repository>
31 <!-- current spring source repositories -->
32 <repository>
33 <id>SpringSource Enterprise Bundle Repository - External Bundle Milestones</id>
34 <url></url>
35 </repository>
36 <repository>
37 <id>SpringSource Enterprise Bundle Repository - SpringSource Bundle Releases</id>
38 <url></url>
39 </repository>
40 <repository>
41 <id>SpringSource Enterprise Bundle Repository - External Bundle Releases</id>
42 <url></url>
43 </repository>
44 <repository>
45 <id>vaadin-addons</id>
46 <url></url>
47 </repository>
48 <repository>
49 <id>vaadin-snapshots</id>
50 <url></url>
51 <releases>
52 <enabled>false</enabled>
53 </releases>
54 <snapshots>
55 <enabled>true</enabled>
56 </snapshots>
57 </repository>
58 </repositories>
59 <pluginRepositories>
60 <pluginRepository>
61 <id>vaadin-snapshots</id>
62 <url></url>
63 <releases>
64 <enabled>false</enabled>
65 </releases>
66 <snapshots>
67 <enabled>true</enabled>
68 </snapshots>
69 </pluginRepository>
70 </pluginRepositories>
71 <dependencyManagement>
72 <dependencies>
73 <dependency>
74 <groupId>com.vaadin</groupId>
75 <artifactId>vaadin-bom</artifactId>
76 <version>${vaadin.version}</version>
77 <type>pom</type>
78 <scope>import</scope>
79 </dependency>
80 <dependency>
81 <groupId>eu.etaxonomy</groupId>
82 <artifactId>cdmlib-parent</artifactId>
83 <version>${cdmlib.version}</version>
84 <type>pom</type>
85 <scope>import</scope>
86 </dependency>
87 </dependencies>
88 </dependencyManagement>
89 <distributionManagement>
90 <repository>
91 <uniqueVersion>false</uniqueVersion>
92 <id></id>
93 <name>Edit Maven Repository</name>
94 <url>scpexe://</url>
95 <layout>default</layout>
96 </repository>
97 </distributionManagement>
98 <profiles>
99 <profile>
100 <activation>
101 <property>
102 <name>align-cdmlib-version</name>
103 </property>
104 </activation>
105 <build>
106 <plugins>
107 <plugin>
108 <groupId></groupId>
109 <artifactId>replacer</artifactId>
110 <version>1.5.3</version>
111 <executions>
112 <execution>
113 <phase>process-sources</phase>
114 <goals>
115 <goal>replace</goal>
116 </goals>
117 </execution>
118 </executions>
119 <configuration>
120 <file>pom.xml</file>
121 <!-- \u003C = < , \u003E = > -->
122 <token>(\u003Ccdmlib\.version\u003E)[^\u003C]*</token>
123 <value>$1${project.version}</value>
124 </configuration>
125 </plugin>
126 </plugins>
127 </build>
128 </profile>
129 <profile>
130 <id>java8-doclint-disabled</id>
131 <activation>
132 <jdk>[1.8,)</jdk>
133 </activation>
134 <properties>
135 <javadoc.opts>-Xdoclint:none</javadoc.opts>
136 </properties>
137 </profile>
138 </profiles>
139 <build>
140 <resources>
141 <resource>
142 <!-- replace the place holders like ${...} in datasources.xml -->
143 <filtering>true</filtering>
144 <directory>src/test/resources</directory>
145 <targetPath>../test-classes</targetPath>
146 <includes>
147 <include>datasources.xml</include>
148 </includes>
149 </resource>
150 <resource>
151 <!-- all other test resources without filtering -->
152 <directory>src/test/resources</directory>
153 <targetPath>../test-classes</targetPath>
154 <excludes>
155 <exclude>datasources.xml</exclude>
156 </excludes>
157 </resource>
158 <resource>
159 <!-- all main resources without filtering -->
160 <directory>src/main/resources</directory>
161 </resource>
162 </resources>
163 <plugins>
164 <plugin>
165 <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
166 <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId>
167 <version>3.3</version>
168 <configuration>
169 <source>${maven.compiler.source}</source>
170 <target>${}</target>
171 <encoding>UTF-8</encoding>
172 </configuration>
173 </plugin>
174 <plugin>
175 <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
176 <artifactId>maven-surefire-plugin</artifactId>
177 <version>2.19.1</version>
178 <configuration>
179 <argLine>-Xms256m -Xmx512m</argLine>
180 </configuration>
181 </plugin>
182 <!-- As we are doing "inplace" GWT compilation, ensure the widgetset -->
183 <!-- directory is cleaned properly -->
184 <plugin>
185 <artifactId>maven-clean-plugin</artifactId>
186 <version>2.4.1</version>
187 <configuration>
188 <filesets>
189 <fileset>
190 <directory>src/main/webapp/VAADIN/widgetsets</directory>
191 </fileset>
192 </filesets>
193 </configuration>
194 </plugin>
195 <plugin>
196 <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
197 <artifactId>maven-javadoc-plugin</artifactId>
198 <version>2.9.1</version>
199 <configuration>
200 <additionalparam>${javadoc.opts}</additionalparam>
201 </configuration>
202 </plugin>
203 <plugin>
204 <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
205 <artifactId>maven-war-plugin</artifactId>
206 <version>2.2</version>
207 <configuration>
208 <failOnMissingWebXml>false</failOnMissingWebXml>
209 <warSourceExcludes>WEB-INF/*,WEB-INF/datasources/*</warSourceExcludes>
210 </configuration>
211 </plugin>
212 <plugin>
213 <groupId>com.vaadin</groupId>
214 <artifactId>vaadin-maven-plugin</artifactId>
215 <version>${vaadin.plugin.version}</version>
216 <configuration>
217 <extraJvmArgs>-Xmx512M -Xss1024k</extraJvmArgs>
218 <!-- We are doing "inplace" but into subdir VAADIN/widgetsets.
219 This way compatible with Vaadin eclipse plugin. -->
220 <webappDirectory>${basedir}/src/main/webapp/VAADIN/widgetsets</webappDirectory>
221 <hostedWebapp>${basedir}/src/main/webapp/VAADIN/widgetsets</hostedWebapp>
222 <!-- Most Vaadin apps don't need this stuff, guide that to target -->
223 <persistentunitcachedir>${}</persistentunitcachedir>
224 <deploy>${}/gwt-deploy</deploy>
225 <!-- Compile report is not typically needed either, saves hunreds
226 of mb disk -->
227 <compileReport>false</compileReport>
228 <noServer>true</noServer>
229 <!-- Remove draftCompile when project is ready -->
230 <draftCompile>false</draftCompile>
231 <style>OBF</style>
232 <strict>true</strict>
233 <runTarget>http://localhost:8080/</runTarget>
234 </configuration>
235 <executions>
236 <execution>
237 <configuration>
238 <!-- if you don't specify any modules, the plugin will find
239 them -->
240 <!-- <modules> <module>com.vaadin.demo.mobilemail.gwt.ColorPickerWidgetSet</module>
241 </modules> -->
242 </configuration>
243 <goals>
244 <goal>clean</goal>
245 <goal>resources</goal>
246 <goal>update-theme</goal>
247 <goal>update-widgetset</goal>
248 <goal>compile-theme</goal>
249 <goal>compile</goal>
250 </goals>
251 </execution>
252 </executions>
253 </plugin>
254 <plugin>
255 <groupId>org.eclipse.jetty</groupId>
256 <artifactId>jetty-maven-plugin</artifactId>
257 <version>9.4.0.RC1</version>
258 <!--
259 NOTE:
260 9.4.0.RC1 requires jdk 1.8, formerly we've been using version 9.1.3.v20140225 which was
261 the last version compatible to java 7, but this was causing other problems related to asm
262 which could not be easily solved.
263 -->
264 <configuration>
265 <useTestScope>true</useTestScope>
266 <scanIntervalSeconds>2</scanIntervalSeconds>
267 <systemProperties>
268 <force>true</force>
269 <systemProperty>
270 <name>cdm.datasource</name>
271 <value>h2_cdmTest</value>
272 </systemProperty>
273 <systemProperty>
274 <!--
275 The lucene index should be placed into the target folder,
276 so user.home needs to be set to this folder. user.home needs to be overridden
277 since it already exists, thus the force option is turned on above
278 -->
279 <name>user.home</name>
280 <value>${basedir}/target/</value>
281 </systemProperty>
282 <systemProperty>
283 <!--
284 datasources.xml is prepared by <plugins><resources>..</resources> above
285 -->
286 <name>cdm.beanDefinitionFile</name>
287 <value>${}/test-classes/datasources.xml</value>
288 </systemProperty>
289 <systemProperty>
290 <name>log4j.configuration</name>
291 <value>file:///home/andreas/.cdmLibrary/</value>
292 </systemProperty>
293 </systemProperties>
294 </configuration>
295 <dependencies>
296 <dependency>
297 <groupId>org.slf4j</groupId>
298 <artifactId>slf4j-log4j12</artifactId>
299 <version>1.6.4</version>
300 </dependency>
301 </dependencies>
302 </plugin>
303 <plugin>
304 <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
305 <artifactId>maven-failsafe-plugin</artifactId>
306 <version>2.17</version>
307 <configuration>
308 <!-- Remove the skipTests line below to run TestBench tests -->
309 <!-- <skipTests>true</skipTests> -->
310 </configuration>
311 <executions>
312 <execution>
313 <goals>
314 <goal>integration-test</goal>
315 <goal>verify</goal>
316 </goals>
317 </execution>
318 </executions>
319 </plugin>
320 <plugin>
321 <groupId>external.atlassian.jgitflow</groupId>
322 <artifactId>jgitflow-maven-plugin</artifactId>
323 <version>1.0-m6</version>
324 <configuration>
325 <pushHotfixes>true</pushHotfixes>
326 <pushReleases>true</pushReleases>
327 <enableSshAgent>true</enableSshAgent>
328 <allowSnapshots>true</allowSnapshots>
329 <allowUntracked>true</allowUntracked>
330 </configuration>
331 <dependencies>
332 <!-- upgrading dependency jsch.agent.version of jgit-flow plugin
333 to 0.1.53 in order have ssl key exchange algorithms compatible with openssh
334 6.7 -->
335 <dependency>
336 <groupId>com.jcraft</groupId>
337 <artifactId>jsch</artifactId>
338 <version>0.1.53</version>
339 </dependency>
340 </dependencies>
341 </plugin>
342 </plugins>
343 <extensions>
344 <extension>
345 <groupId>org.apache.maven.wagon</groupId>
346 <artifactId>wagon-scm</artifactId>
347 <version>1.0-beta-6</version>
348 </extension>
349 <extension>
350 <groupId>org.apache.maven.wagon</groupId>
351 <artifactId>wagon-ssh</artifactId>
352 <version>1.0-beta-6</version>
353 </extension>
354 <extension>
355 <groupId>org.apache.maven.wagon</groupId>
356 <artifactId>wagon-ssh-external</artifactId>
357 <version>1.0-beta-6</version>
358 </extension>
359 <extension>
360 <groupId>org.apache.maven.scm</groupId>
361 <artifactId>maven-scm-manager-plexus</artifactId>
362 <version>1.0</version>
363 </extension>
364 <extension>
365 <groupId>org.apache.maven.scm</groupId>
366 <artifactId>maven-scm-provider-svnexe</artifactId>
367 <version>1.0</version>
368 </extension>
369 <!-- WebDAV plugin to upload snapshots -->
370 <extension>
371 <groupId>org.apache.maven.wagon</groupId>
372 <artifactId>wagon-webdav</artifactId>
373 <version>1.0-beta-2</version>
374 </extension>
375 </extensions>
376 <pluginManagement>
377 <plugins>
378 <plugin>
379 <artifactId>maven-eclipse-plugin</artifactId>
380 <configuration>
381 <wtpversion>2.0</wtpversion>
382 <additionalProjectnatures>
383 <projectnature>com.vaadin.integration.eclipse.widgetsetNature</projectnature>
384 </additionalProjectnatures>
385 <additionalBuildcommands>
386 <buildcommand>com.vaadin.integration.eclipse.widgetsetBuilder</buildcommand>
387 <buildcommand>com.vaadin.integration.eclipse.addonStylesBuilder</buildcommand>
388 </additionalBuildcommands>
389 </configuration>
390 </plugin>
391 </plugins>
392 </pluginManagement>
393 </build>
394 <dependencies>
395 <!-- ============ Vaadin ============ -->
396 <dependency>
397 <groupId>com.vaadin</groupId>
398 <artifactId>vaadin-server</artifactId>
399 </dependency>
400 <dependency>
401 <groupId>com.vaadin</groupId>
402 <artifactId>vaadin-client-compiled</artifactId>
403 </dependency>
404 <!-- Needed when using the widgetset optimizer (custom ConnectorBundleLoaderFactory).
405 For widgetset compilation, vaadin-client-compiler is automatically added
406 on the compilation classpath by vaadin-maven-plugin so normally there is
407 no need for an explicit dependency. -->
408 <!-- <dependency> <groupId>com.vaadin</groupId> <artifactId>vaadin-client-compiler</artifactId>
409 <version>${vaadin.version}</version> <scope>provided</scope> </dependency> -->
410 <dependency>
411 <groupId>com.vaadin</groupId>
412 <artifactId>vaadin-client</artifactId>
413 <scope>test</scope>
414 </dependency>
415 <!-- disabling push for the moment because it does not work with run-jetty-run
416 due to the fact that the latest (even nightly) version of run-jetty-run uses
417 9.0.0 M3 which is incompatible with atmoshpere. this does work with the jetty
418 included in this pom which is 9.2.5.xx, implying that enabling the dependency
419 and running the web app via 'mvn jetty:run' works fine. -->
420 <!-- <dependency> -->
421 <!-- <groupId>com.vaadin</groupId> -->
422 <!-- <artifactId>vaadin-push</artifactId> -->
423 <!-- <version>${vaadin.version}</version> -->
424 <!-- </dependency> -->
425 <dependency>
426 <groupId>com.vaadin</groupId>
427 <artifactId>vaadin-themes</artifactId>
428 </dependency>
429 <dependency>
430 <groupId>com.vaadin</groupId>
431 <artifactId>vaadin-testbench-api</artifactId>
432 <version>RELEASE</version>
433 <scope>test</scope>
434 </dependency>
435 <!-- vaadin addons / extensions -->
436 <dependency>
437 <groupId>org.vaadin.addons</groupId>
438 <artifactId>contextmenu</artifactId>
439 <version>4.5</version>
440 </dependency>
441 <!-- ============ cdmlib ============ -->
442 <dependency>
443 <groupId>eu.etaxonomy</groupId>
444 <artifactId>cdmlib-remote</artifactId>
445 <scope>compile</scope>
446 </dependency>
447 <dependency>
448 <groupId>eu.etaxonomy</groupId>
449 <artifactId>cdmlib-test</artifactId>
450 <scope>test</scope>
451 </dependency>
452 <dependency>
453 <groupId>eu.etaxonomy</groupId>
454 <artifactId>cdmlib-db</artifactId>
455 <version>${cdmlib.version}</version>
456 <scope>test</scope>
457 </dependency>
458 <!-- ============ Other ============ -->
459 <!--
460 to override version number coming with vaadin client
461 version is managed in cdmlib-parent
462 -->
463 <dependency>
464 <groupId>javax.validation</groupId>
465 <artifactId>validation-api</artifactId>
466 </dependency>
467 <dependency>
468 <groupId>org.springmodules</groupId>
469 <artifactId>spring-modules-cache</artifactId>
470 <version>0.7</version>
471 <exclusions>
472 <exclusion>
473 <groupId>org.springframework</groupId>
474 <artifactId>spring</artifactId>
475 </exclusion>
476 <exclusion>
477 <groupId>org.springframework</groupId>
478 <artifactId>spring-mock</artifactId>
479 </exclusion>
480 </exclusions>
481 <scope>test</scope>
482 </dependency>
483 <dependency>
484 <groupId>org.springframework</groupId>
485 <artifactId>spring-mock</artifactId>
486 <version>2.0.8</version>
487 <scope>test</scope>
488 </dependency>
489 <dependency>
490 <!-- Try updating in cdmlib to 20090211 -->
491 <groupId>org.json</groupId>
492 <artifactId>json</artifactId>
493 <version>20151123</version>
494 </dependency>
495 <dependency>
496 <groupId>javax.servlet</groupId>
497 <artifactId>javax.servlet-api</artifactId>
498 <scope>provided</scope>
499 </dependency>
500 </dependencies>
501 </project>