


WikiStart » History » Version 98

Andreas Müller, 03/28/2022 03:19 PM

1 96 Katja Luther
# EDIT Platform for Cybertaxonomy development wiki and issue tracker
2 1
3 91 Andreas Müller
*All information on this wiki is work in progress and generally aimed at developers. For released documents please see our main site: as well as the respective product sites*
4 83 Redmine Admin
7 92 Andreas Müller
**NOTE:** This Redmine instance is using [Markdown](, [Redmine Markdown-Cheatsheet]( as wiki syntax. (Another reference is the [GitHub Markdown-Cheatsheet]( this syntax is not fully supported by redmine). 
8 49 Pepe Ciardelli
9 1
10 49 Pepe Ciardelli
11 67 Niels Hoffmann
# Platform Components
12 1
13 67 Niels Hoffmann
* [[CommonDataModel|Common Data Model]], the domain model for the core EDIT software products
* [[CSSO|Community Single Sign On]], a security infrastructure to integrate the security domains of various EDIT software components and service providers
* [[ExpertsDatabase|Experts Database]], an online information service on European Taxonomic experts
* [[BDTracker|Biodiversity Service & Application Tracker]], a collection of links to software, tools and resources useful to taxonomists
17 1
18 67 Niels Hoffmann
19 1
20 52 Niels Hoffmann
21 72 Niels Hoffmann
# Software Components
22 1
23 90 Andreas Müller
Development resources for software tools and services built on top of the [[CommonDataModel|Common Data Model (CDM)]]:
24 42 Anton Güntsch
25 75 Niels Hoffmann
* [[CdmLibraryDev|CDM Java Library]], a java implementation of the CDM including a persistence, import/export and service layer
* [[TaxonomicEditorDev|EDIT Taxonomic Editor]], a desktop application to edit CDM data 
* [[CdmServerDev|CDM Community Server]], a central datastore to host versionable CDM data
28 93 Katja Luther
*  [CDM REST Services]( , a web based interface to resources stored in a CDM Community Server
29 75 Niels Hoffmann
* [[CdmDataportalDev|CDM Dataportal]], web portal software to publish taxonomic data hosted on a CDM Community Server
* [[PrintPublisherDev|CDM Print Publisher]], a set of tools to generate printer ready documents out of the CDM Community Store
31 1
* [[MapRestServiceApi|Map REST Service]], a web service delivering map images in response to given distribution data
32 78 Lorna Morris
* [[VibrantIndexInterface|VIBRANT Index Interface]], a web search interface that enables a user to search the CDM-ViBRANT index for scientific names
33 77 Lorna Morris
34 89 Andreas Müller
For an overview on the latest releases and on the **roadmap** regarding the CDM based platform components please refer to [[CdmPlatformRoadmap]].
37 76 Andreas Kohlbecker
38 2 anonymous -
40 97 Andreas Müller
# Documentation Parts
44 2 anonymous -
# Registration
46 79 Andreas Kohlbecker
You will need an EDIT user account to log into this site. User accounts can be requested by writing an email to the EDIT Support.