


VaadinEditorDevelopersGuide » History » Revision 23

Revision 22 (Andreas Kohlbecker, 03/09/2017 05:16 PM) → Revision 23/36 (Andreas Kohlbecker, 05/02/2017 03:14 PM)

# Vaadin Editors Developers Guide 

 This page contains all information related to developing the Vaadin based editors and UIs. 
 See also the [[VaadinNotes]] for general information on Vaadin. 


 ## Development Environment Setup 

 ### Requirements 

 1. Eclipse IDE: This guide assumes that you are using the Eclipse IDE. For installing and setting up eclipse, please see [[EclipsePreferencesforTeams]] 
 1. Maven 3: Install maven either via your packagemanegment or download it from [Maven]( 
 1. Install the Eclipse [Jetty Integration]( plugin (current version 3.9.0). Using the outdated run-jetty-run plugin ( is not recommended. If you need to use the RunJettyRun plugin for some reasonm make sure you are using version 9.0.0+ which is available via the nightly update site - The reason for the specific version of Jetty is due to the dependency on Servlet 3.0+ API which is used in the project. 
 1. Vaadin Plugin for Eclipse: For details on this plugin see section [2.4.2 from the Book of Vaadin]( This plugin provides tools for compiling widgetsets, creating Vaadin specific objects and designing components using the included Vaadin Visual Designer. 

 ### Setup 

 Get the cdm-vaadin project source code with 

 git clone 

 and build the project with 

 mvn clean install 

 A. If you have the [m2e eclipse plugin]( installed: Import the project via `File->Import->Maven/Existing Maven Projects ...` 
 B. Otherwise you need to run `mvn eclipse:eclipse` and import the project into Eclipse as `File->Import->General/Existing Projects into Workspace ...` 

 Now you need to create the configuration files for the data sources: 

 1. In {home}/.cdmlibrary folder create a file (if not yet exists) with an entry to a datasource e.g. cdm.datasource=testDataSource 
 1. In the same folder copy/create a datasources.xml with the according datasource (testDataSource) in it: 

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
 <beans xmlns="" 
   xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:context="" 

    <bean id="testDataSource"    lazy-init="true" class="com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource"> 
         <property name="driverClass" value="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"/> 
         <property name="user" value="user"/> 
         <property name="password" value="password"/> 
         <property name="jdbcUrl" value="jdbc:mysql://localhost/testDataSource?autoReconnect=true&amp;autoReconnectForPools=true&amp;"/> 

 # Starting the Vaadin web app 

 There are various ways to start the Vaadin web app from the development environment. 

 Independently from the way you choose the application will run at `http://localhost:8080`. After launching check if http://localhost:8080/app-test/navi is available. 

 Further GUIs are available from the following endpoints: 

   * http://localhost:8080/app  
   * http://localhost:8080/app/editstatus 
   * http://localhost:8080/app/distribution 
   * http://localhost:8080/app/concept 

 ## SuperDev Mode 

 The Book of Vaadin describes the SuperDev mode in chapter 14.6.1. The wiki page [Using SuperDevMode]( is also an valuable source of information. 

 The SuperDev mode is per default disabled in src/main/java/eu/etaxonomy/cdm/vaadin/AppWidgetSet.gwt.xml`: 

      SuperDev mode is enabled default starting with GWT 2.6.0 
      For more information and instructions see:  
     <set-configuration-property name="devModeRedirectEnabled" value="false" /> 

     <inherits name="org.vaadin.peter.contextmenu.ContextmenuWidgetset" /> 

 Once it is enabled the vaadin application requires also the Vaadin code server to run which listens per default at port `9876` 

 ## Launch via Eclipse launchers 

 If the vaadin project is correctly set up a launcher configuration should be available which is named *cdm-vaadin - run*. If it is missing try to fix the *Resource* configuration in the project setting. 
 Please refer to [[EclipseLauncherConfigurations]] for **further required preparation steps** for using these launchers. 

 As last resort you can also import the cdm-vaadin jetty launch configuration in Eclipse by selecting File->Import->Launch Configurations and choosing the cdm-vaadin.launch file in the ide/eclipse directory (*not recommended!*).  

 Setting details of the    launch configuration 

 * Tab Webapp 
   * Name: `cdm-vaadin - run` 
   * Project: `vaadin project` 
   * WebApp folder: `src/main/webapp` 
   * HTTP/HTTPS port: `8080` 
 * Tab Dependencies (only the following check boxes are active) 
   * Compile Scope `[x]` 
   * Runtime Scope `[x]` 
   * Test Scope `[x]` 

 ### Auto Login 

 The `LoginPresenter` class offers a auto login feature for developers. To activate the auto login you need to provide the user name and password using the environment variables `cdm-vaadin.login.usr` and `cdm-vaadin.login.pwd`, e.g.: 

  -Dcdm-vaadin.login.usr=admin -Dcdm-vaadin.login.pwd=00000 

 ### SuperDev Mode 

 No prepared launcher available **TODO** 

 ## Launch via the Maven Jetty plugin 

 Start the Vaadin application: 

 mvn jetty:run 

 ### SuperDev Mode 

 Start the code server for the SuperDev mode 

 mvn vaadin:run-codeserver 

 The command 

 mvn vaadin:run 

 also starts the code server. As of the documentation `mvn vaadin:help` this should start the widget in Hosted Mode but only the Code Server seems to be running.