



Firefox: How to import CA certificates

The following sections will guide you through all necessary steps to import the certificates of the EDIT WP 5.7 Certification Authority

Once you have successfully installed the certificates of the EDIT WP 5.7 RootCA and the EDIT WP 5.7 ServerCA*, you should never see error messages like *Secure Connection failed or Connection is untrusted when accessing EDIT web sites using certificates issued by the EDIT WP 5.7 Certification Authority

Note: You MUST proceed the following steps for BOTH certificates.

Step 1: Download certificates

Before starting the certificate installation procedure, you will need to store the certificate files on your computer. Please, download the files from both following links:

Step 2: Select the certificate file to be imported

  • Open your Firefox Browser

  • For Windows users: Select the entry Options from the Tools menu

  • For Linux users: Select the entry Options from the EDIT menu


  • Select the menu item Advanced

  • Select the tab Encryption

  • Push the button View Certificates


  • Select the tab Authorities

  • Push the button Import

Note: Be sure that you have selected the tab Authorities first !


  • Go to the directory where you saved the downloaded certificate files

  • Select the file EDIT-WP5.7-cacert.pem or EDIT-WP5.7-ServerCA-cacert.pem respectively.


Step 2: Verify the CA certificate

Before you import an EDIT CA certificate, you MUST be sure you can trust it. This can be done by examining the CA certificate fingerprints and compare them with the fingerprints published by the EDIT WP 5.7 Certification Authority

  • Push the button View


  • Compare the SHA1 and/or MD5 fingerprint with the relating fingerprints published by EDIT WP 5.7 Certification Authority for EDIT WP 5.7 RootCA or EDIT WP 5.7 ServerCA respectively.



  • Go back to the windows Certificate Viewer and push the button Close

Step 3: Confirm the import of the CA certificate

Note: Proceed only, if the fingerprints are identical. Otherwise, inform the EDIT Support Team immediately !

  • Mark the entry "Trust this CA to identify web sites"

  • Push the button OK


Step 4: Import the second CA certificate

You will need to import both CA certificate files, in order to have installed the full certificate chain into the browser. The browser needs the chain to successfully verify the identity of a web server presenting a web server certificate issued by the EDIT WP 5.7 Certification Authority

  • Repeat step 2 and 3, but select the second certificate file (EDIT-WP5.7-ServerCA-cacert.pem or EDIT-WP5.7-cacert.pem respectively)

Step 5: Check the existence of both CA certificates

  • Be sure, that the tab Authorities is always selected

  • Look for the term European Distributed Institute of Taxonomy (EDIT) within the list of certificates

  • If you can see both EDIT CA certificates below the term mentioned above, everything is OK

  • Otherwise, repeat carefully steps 1-4 or contact the EDIT Support Team


Updated by Andreas Müller about 2 years ago · 16 revisions