


ExpertsDatabaseImplementationNotes » History » Revision 4

Revision 3 (Andreas Kohlbecker, 10/23/2007 11:25 AM) → Revision 4/10 (Andreas Kohlbecker, 10/23/2007 11:30 AM)

The [[ExpertsDatabase]] is going to be implemented in Drupal by mainly using Drupal core and contributed modules. The final [[ExpertsDatabase]] will be released as a Drupal module which will perform some automatic installation task but manual installation and configuration will be also required.  


 # Drupal Modules 

 Beside core modules the following contributed modules are used to build up the [[ExpertsDatabase]]: 

 * auto_nodetitle 

 * cck (with cck_nodereference_views_fusion_47.patch) 

 * cck_taxonomy_ssu 

 * subform_element 

 * taxonomy_xml 

 * views 

 * views_fusion  

 # How to install the [[ExpertsDatabase]] 

 ### Import taxonomies 

 Import all taxonomies xml files from ./expertDB/resources/  

 When importing the taxonomies by the taxonomy_xml it is highly recommended that you set  

 the max_execution_time and max_input_time in the php.ini to a value which is high   

 enough to prevent from interrupting the import process.  

 We use the following setting. Five Minutes of max_execution_time should be sufficient: 

 max_execution_time = 300      
 max_input_time = 120 

 *IMPORTANT*: You must check the 'Allow duplicate terms' option when importing  

	 - DAISIE taxonomy structure.import.xml 

	 - geography-ed2.import.xml  

 Once all taxonomies are imported you should restore the former values of max_execution_time and max_input_time.  

 ### Setup access control 

 To setup the access control go to {{admin/user/access}} and set the permissions according to the following notes: 

 In the following the _authenticated user_ role will be abbreviated by _AU_ and the asterisk character '*' is going to be used as wild card. 

 #### Module: [[DrupalModuleNodeProfile|NodeProfile]] 

 Grant access to the role _authenticated user_ for the following permissions: 

 * each _create expertbd_* content_ 

 * each _edit own expertbd_* content_  

 * (each _edit each _create expertbd_* content_ )