


Release Notes » History » Version 675

Andreas Müller, 06/01/2021 06:56 PM

1 149 Andreas Kohlbecker
# Cdm Platform Roadmap
2 148 Andreas Kohlbecker
4 203 Andreas Müller
_Please login to see all tickets_
5 10 Andreas Kohlbecker
6 270 Andreas Müller
7 314 Andreas Müller
8 672 Andreas Müller
## CDM Platform 5.25 (scheduled for Jun 30th, 2021)
9 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
10 649 Andreas Müller
*Issues: {{ref_issues(-f:fixed_version_id = 304 , -c)}}*
11 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
12 672 Andreas Müller
*Downloads:*(not yet available)   [TaxEditor](, [CDM Server](, [Data Portal](
## CDM Platform 5.24 (scheduled for Jun 2nd, 2021)
16 673 Andreas Müller
*Issues: {{ref_issues(-f:fixed_version_id = 309 , -c)}}*
17 672 Andreas Müller
18 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
*Downloads:*(not yet available)   [TaxEditor](, [CDM Server](, [Data Portal](
19 660 Andreas Müller
20 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
**What will be new?**
21 660 Andreas Müller
22 672 Andreas Müller
## CDM Platform 5.23 (released for May 19th, 2021)
23 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
24 674 Andreas Müller
**What is new?**
* - **CDM Library**
    * Formatting
28 675 Andreas Müller
          * remove full stop at the end of title caches for references
          * handle nomenclatural title cache similar to nomenclatural source formatting (but without detail) 
30 674 Andreas Müller
* - **Data Portal**
    * Search including misapplications works again
    * Bugfix for specimen with media
* - **TaxEditor**
    * Finalize "allow duplicates" handling for term trees
    * Handling of computed descriptions configurable (selectable modes: not visible, not enabled, enabled)
    * Editing field units works again
    * Fix delete synonyms that are used as "named used in source"
    * Improve handling of "OptionalDataException"
* - **Web editor**
    * Bugfix for name type designations in phycobank editor
43 662 Andreas Müller
*Issues: {{ref_issues(-f:fixed_version_id = 309 , -c)}}*
44 660 Andreas Müller
45 672 Andreas Müller
*Downloads:* [TaxEditor](, [CDM Server](, [Data Portal](
46 660 Andreas Müller
**What is new?**
* - **CDM Model**
50 663 Andreas Müller
    * Adaptations for the upcoming taxon concept/identifier strategy for E+M
51 668 Andreas Müller
    * Rename ICNB to ICN
    * Label for nomenclatural code editions
53 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
    * Unified word seperator (underscore) for role based groups
* - **CDM Library**
55 668 Andreas Müller
    * Formatting and Parsing
          * Improved formatting for teams (no et al. anymore for long citations, unified short citation handling)
          * Improved formatting for references
                 * year behind author and followed by colon, not at the end anymore
                 * pages for booksections
                 * improved formatting for subsections of booksections and articles
          * Improved formatting for misapplications (when being searched via titleCache e.g. in TaxEditor)
          * Improved formatting of specimen being media
63 669 Andreas Müller
          * Improved formatting for specimen being DNA samples
64 668 Andreas Müller
          * Improved formatting for condensed distribution string for areas having subareas with various status
65 669 Andreas Müller
          * parser for original spelling
66 668 Andreas Müller
    * Media info service added for fast image metadata reading
    * role "user manager" added
68 664 Andreas Müller
* - **Imports/Exports**
    * CDM Light
         * Add appended phrase to taxon table
71 667 Katja Luther
         * move condensed distribution string to simple facts
         * fix handling of sec references of misapplied names/pro parte synonyms
73 665 Andreas Müller
* - **CDM Server**
    * instances with severe problems should not start
75 663 Andreas Müller
* - **Data Portal**
    * Remove duplicates from specimen trees
77 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
    * Remove redundant field unit information from derived units in specimen view
78 663 Andreas Müller
    * Bugfix for regressions in context with using extended secundum sources in 5.22
79 668 Andreas Müller
    * Some further bug fixes for specimen related data 
80 660 Andreas Müller
* - **TaxEditor**
81 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
    * Flag to include authors in taxon and name search in TaxEditor
82 668 Andreas Müller
    * Include misapplications and pro parte synonyms in "set secundum for subtree"
    * Improved progress monitoring and reporting for some long running tasks (like "set XXX for subtree")
84 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
    * Refresh navigator after ABCD import
85 671 Andreas Müller
    * Improved handling of specimen being media or DNA sample
    * Sorting for distribution status drop downs in distribution editor improved
    * Disable computed descriptions in factual data view
88 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
    * Bug fixes:
           * Error when swaping taxon and synonym
90 671 Andreas Müller
           * Incorrect handling of selected secundum references when moving a synonym to another accepted taxon
           * Removed warning (and data loss) before trying to open a taxon a second time in name editor
92 663 Andreas Müller
           * Problems when saving a polytoumos key (including fix for incorrect numbering after such changes)
93 660 Andreas Müller
           * Selection for team members does not filter on persons only
94 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
           * Disable details view for structure and property trees in character editor
95 663 Andreas Müller
           * Searching for not existing UUIDs in bulk editor throws exception
96 668 Andreas Müller
           * Remove duplicated terms from search in databases with >1 language (e.g. Englisch and Spanisch)
97 661 Andreas Müller
98 660 Andreas Müller
{{ref_issues(-q:Release5.23 , id, subject, status)}}
99 650 Andreas Müller
100 649 Andreas Müller
## CDM Platform 5.22 (released Apr 16th, 2021)
*Issues: {{ref_issues(-f:fixed_version_id = 303 , -c)}}*
104 641 Andreas Müller
*Downloads:* [TaxEditor](, [CDM Server](, [Data Portal](
105 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
106 650 Andreas Müller
**What is new?**
* - **CDM Model**
    * Handle taxon secundum source and classification source as "full" sources now with external links etc. (similar to nomenclatural sources) - classification sources are not yet handled as such in TaxEditor
    * Add "ratio to" for characters expressing a property ratio between 2 structures (e.g. length ration upper leave to lower leave)
* - **CDM Library**
    * Improve name parser to recognize journals like PhytoKeys and PLoS ONE
113 651 Andreas Müller
    * Improve name parser to recognize and handle "ser." correctly
    * Improve formatting for bibliographic in-references
115 650 Andreas Müller
    * Improved formatting for taxa using a webpage as secundum reference (title does not include the URI anymore)
116 651 Andreas Müller
    * Improve taxon search for names with protected title cache (for these taxa the search runs on the full name and not on the name without author only now)
117 650 Andreas Müller
    * Sorting for certain invalid designations improved (e.g. for misspellings, which are set to the end now)
* - **Imports/Exports**
    * Cdm light:
          * fix bug in type designation export
          * flag names in name type designations to make it possible to format them in italics
    * ABCD import:
          * mark taxon descriptions as specimens holding descriptions where suitable and use only a single description for holding specimens
* - **Data Portal**
125 658 Andreas Kohlbecker
    * New implementation of the specimen tree view that shows specimen data in a collapsible derivation tree
    * Lower default zoom level for occurrence maps
127 651 Andreas Müller
    * Fix sort order in condensed distribution strings for E+M
128 650 Andreas Müller
* - **TaxEditor**
    * Referencing objects
         * improve performance
         * cancelable if list is long
         * allow "open in ..." also for sources
         * improved label for some categories
134 656 Andreas Müller
         * recursive call of referencing objects view
135 650 Andreas Müller
    * Sources
         * implement advanced secundum sources
         * Reduce visible fields for nomenclatural sources
         * Remove "type" from all external links
    * Bulk editors
         * fix behavior when they are opened first time by selecting a single record (e.g. via "open in" context menu) - the bulk editor could then not be used for further search anymore
         * show and allow editing by "created by"
         * text in fields is copyable
    * Make handling of original spellings configurable when deleting a name
    * Add symbol to taxon factual datasets holding specimens 
145 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
    * Add preferred stable identifier field in type designation duplicate wizard
146 655 Andreas Müller
    * Bug fixes
         * correct saving of publish flags for occurrences/specimen
         * ordering in character editor structure tree 
         * multi-select handling for "open in distribution editor" in taxon navigator
         * unpersisted term tree title for newly created term trees
         * exception when reusing a name in new taxon dialogue
         * cancel behavior for "Change accepted to synonym"
153 650 Andreas Müller
* - **Web editor**
154 659 Andreas Kohlbecker
    * Bug fixes
        * problems with selection of media references of type specimens (#9568)
        * Error in data transfer object needed for name part search filters (#9490) 	
157 650 Andreas Müller
158 657 Andreas Müller
{{ref_issues(-q:Release5.22 , id, subject, status)}}
159 641 Andreas Müller
160 648 Andreas Müller
## CDM Platform 5.21 (released Mar 10th, 2021)
161 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
162 642 Andreas Müller
*Issues: {{ref_issues(-f:fixed_version_id = 302 , -c)}}*
163 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
164 647 Andreas Müller
*Downloads:* [TaxEditor](, [CDM Server](, [Data Portal](
165 622 Andreas Müller
166 643 Andreas Müller
**What is new?**
* - **CDM Library**
169 645 Andreas Müller
    * Added distribution status "undefined" to CDM library
    * Improved formatting for classifications
171 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
* - **Data Portal**
172 645 Andreas Müller
    * Correct formatting of condensed distribution string for E+M
    * Show distributions of "fallback" areas in textual representations of distributions (for E+M)
    * Remove distributions with status "undefined" from distributions in data portal (for E+M)
    * Media viewer shows source data for images
176 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
* - **TaxEditor**
177 645 Andreas Müller
    * Fix problem with using TaxEditor on a system using an non-standard encoding (e.g. Turkish)
    * Fix critical bug where data changes under certain conditions can get lost if a taxon and its parent taxon is edited at the same time
    * Improve performance when saving taxa (and some other operations), mostly for database with large classification trees
    * Support workflow for taxon operations (accepted -> synonym, syn -> acc, swap acc/syn, syn->misapplication, move taxon etc) if publish flag or secundum are not equal for taxon and "parent" taxon
    * Descriptive data matrix
         * Sources for "literature" records editable
         * Specimenlist added to taxon (individual associations) are marked as such
    * Make copyright statements reusable
    * Make abbreviated title and URI editable for rights statements in supplemental data view
    * Distribution status "isAbsent" attribute editable
    * Order termlists/-trees which are marked as unordered alphabetically by default
    * Remove multi-select from default feature tree selection
    * Improved image handling for images related to taxa or specimen (media view)
    * Further bugfixes
         * exception when swapping synonym and accepted if taxon is used in a descriptive dataset
         * exception when opening default feature tree selection preference page
         * exception when trying to open orphaned taxa in name editor
         * LayoutComposite exception when working with taxon related images
195 643 Andreas Müller
* - **Web editor**
    * Phycobank registration UI
197 646 Andreas Kohlbecker
         * full support for type designation references
         * UI-improvements and bugfixes 
199 622 Andreas Müller
200 644 Andreas Müller
{{ref_issues(-q:Release5.21 , id, subject, status)}}
202 639 Andreas Müller
## CDM Platform 5.20 (released Feb 10th, 2021)
203 626 Andreas Müller
204 624 Andreas Müller
*Issues: {{ref_issues(-f:fixed_version_id = 305 , -c)}}*
205 622 Andreas Müller
206 638 Andreas Müller
*Downloads:* [TaxEditor](, [CDM Server](, [Data Portal](
207 622 Andreas Müller
208 628 Andreas Kohlbecker
**What is new?**
209 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
210 628 Andreas Kohlbecker
* - **CDM Library**
211 637 Andreas Müller
    * support for pollen, leafs, and trichomes as tissue samples
    * fix formatting for taxa for taxa with secundum detail information
    * formatting for DNA Sample
    * bugfixes
215 640 Andreas Müller
    * role to allow setting the publish flag added 
216 628 Andreas Kohlbecker
* - **Data Portal**
217 637 Andreas Müller
    * bugfix related to missing source references of distribution data if aggregated data is involved
218 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
* - **TaxEditor**
219 637 Andreas Müller
    * if a new synonym is added the publish flag now gets the same value as the accepted taxon
    * bugfix for the reference select dialog
221 635 Andreas Müller
* - **Web editor**
    * Phycobank registration UI
223 637 Andreas Müller
         * designation refences for name and specimen type can now be edited
224 635 Andreas Müller
    * Distribution editor
         * fix exception when using textual taxon filter 
226 627 Andreas Kohlbecker
227 628 Andreas Kohlbecker
{{ref_issues(-q:Release5.20 , id, subject, status)}}
229 612 Andreas Müller
## CDM Platform 5.19 (released Jan 27th, 2021)
232 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
*Issues: {{ref_issues(-f:fixed_version_id = 298 , -c)}}*
233 599 Andreas Müller
234 634 Andreas Kohlbecker
*Downloads:*   [TaxEditor](, [CDM Server](, [Data Portal](
235 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
236 612 Andreas Müller
**What is new?**
238 630 Andreas Kohlbecker
* - **CDM Library**
    * fix handling of 2 person teams in short citations (author + year) 
* - **Data Portal**
    * specimen lists further improved (work in progress)
        * Specimens without assigned field unit are now visible in the tree and "compresses" table view
    * remove disabled classifications from advanced search classification filter
244 634 Andreas Kohlbecker
* - **TaxEditor**
245 614 Andreas Müller
 * show taxon name for references used as nomenclatural references in referencing objects view
 * distribution editor
    * improve sorting (now sorting is equal to sorting in taxon navigator)
 * new taxon dialogue
249 620 Andreas Müller
      * fix ignored publish flag
      * fix handling of reuse taxon in New Taxon dialogue
      * fix exception when reusing a name
252 614 Andreas Müller
 * terms
253 620 Andreas Müller
      * fix copy&paste in term tree editor
      * dirty flag not set when moving a feature in feature tree editor
      * add "open in " menu to context menu in term/term tree editor
      * main menu for term vocabularies and trees refactored and unified
257 614 Andreas Müller
 * details view
    * improve and fix handling of fields covered by (un-)protected caches
         * fix some inconsistencies
         * use light color for indirect protection
         * use various colors if >1 caches are using the field
 * media
263 620 Andreas Müller
      * changes not persisted in media bulk editor
      * missing reference detail in media specimen details view
      * update (unprotected) titlecache in media details view when underlying data is changing
266 614 Andreas Müller
      * fixing multiple bugs in media view
267 620 Andreas Müller
 * agents (person, team, instituion)
      * improve converting person to team handling (especially handling of cache fields)
269 614 Andreas Müller
      * fix duplicate entries in agent search dialogue
 * descriptive data sets navigator ordered alphabetically
 * further bug fixes:
272 620 Andreas Müller
      * fix incorrect state of taxon navigator toggle button which indicates if the taxon navigator jumps to the taxon that has the focus
      * remove area level from distribution label for distribution areas not having a level
274 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
      * alphabetic ordering of reference types in dropdown lists
275 620 Andreas Müller
      * exception when saving parsed hybrids in name editor
      * exception when adding specimen to character matrix
277 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
278 620 Andreas Müller
{{ref_issues(-q:Release5.19 , id, subject, status)}}
279 621 Andreas Müller
280 606 Andreas Müller
## CDM Platform 5.18 (released Dec 3rd, 2020)
281 599 Andreas Müller
*Issues: {{ref_issues(-f:fixed_version_id = 295 , -c)}}*
283 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
284 634 Andreas Kohlbecker
*Downloads:*   [TaxEditor](, [CDM Server](, [Data Portal](
285 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
**What is new?**
288 630 Andreas Kohlbecker
* - **Data Model**
289 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
 * "single sources"
290 605 Andreas Müller
     * some data that refer to a single source only are now handled as full sources (before it was only a reference and a reference detail), with possibility to add further information like name used in source and external links; 
291 610 Andreas Müller
     * protologues/original publications handled as external link for the nomenclatural source
     * original spelling handlied as name used in source of nomenclatural source now (before it was a name relationship)
293 605 Andreas Müller
 * added new nomenclatural status "comb. ined", protected, in sched., pro syn., orth. var. (as status)
 * labels updated for "is blocking name for" and "is isonym of", is correct spelling for, is earlier isonym of, conservation designated ; abbreviations updated for op. utique oppr., orth. cons., orth. cons. prop.
 * abbreviations added for "Flowering Period" (Fl.) and "Fruiting Period" (Fr.)
296 607 Andreas Müller
 * add [m] as predefined default measurement unit for altitude
297 609 Andreas Müller
 * improved handling of nomenclatural standing of a taxon name
298 630 Andreas Kohlbecker
* - **CDM Library**
    * improve formatting with citation detail
    * improved type designation formatting
301 634 Andreas Kohlbecker
    * cloning of taxonomic subtrees (not yet available in TaxEditor)
302 630 Andreas Kohlbecker
        * more configurable
        * cloning of subtrees, not only classifications, possible
    * major upgrade of third party code
* - **Data Portal**
306 606 Andreas Müller
 * specimen lists and pages fully refactored and improved (work in progress)
 * map serives improved
308 634 Andreas Kohlbecker
 * adapt sort order of taxon tree to sort order in TaxEditor
309 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
 * display of name facts improved
310 606 Andreas Müller
 * new base font size
 * improved rendering of footnotes
312 629 Andreas Kohlbecker
 * fix missing nomenclatural status on name pages and registration pages
313 630 Andreas Kohlbecker
* - **Exports**
314 607 Andreas Müller
 * Several major and minor issues fixed in cdmlight export (#9262, #9256)
315 608 Andreas Müller
 * less cryptic default name for cdmlight export file
316 634 Andreas Kohlbecker
* - **TaxEditor**
317 608 Andreas Müller
 * "Single Sources"
     * objects with single sources (like taxon name nomenclatural source or name relationship source, etc.) are handled as full sources now including "Name in source", "original Information", "external links" etc.
319 607 Andreas Müller
     * protologues/original publications were moved to the new nomenclatural source section as external link for the nomenclatural source
320 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
     * original spelling now available in nomenclatural source section
321 607 Andreas Müller
 * term tree (hierarchy) editors and character editors fully refactored and many bugs fixed, also preferences for term tree display added
 * reduce download size and preparation for further reducing download size
 * remove incorrect "invalid designation" handling
 * assist for secundum handling when making a synonym an accepted taxon
325 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
 * add LSIDs to persons and references
326 599 Andreas Müller
 * improve default reference type for in-reference creation dialogue (depending of the original reference type), e.g. journal for articles
327 607 Andreas Müller
 * bug fixes:
      * missing dropdown list if no rank was selected yet in name details view
329 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
      * adding derived units to derived units (e.g. DNA sample to specimen) is possile again in specimen tree editor
330 599 Andreas Müller
      * error in LSID handling
331 630 Andreas Kohlbecker
* - **Web editor (Phycobank registration UI)**
332 606 Andreas Müller
 * annotations for names and field units visible
 * #8859
334 617 Andreas Kohlbecker
{{ref_issues(-q:Release5.18 , id, subject, status)}}
336 599 Andreas Müller
337 590 Andreas Müller
338 598 Andreas Müller
## CDM Platform 5.17 (released Aug 19th, 2020)
339 590 Andreas Müller
340 592 Andreas Müller
*Issues: {{ref_issues(-f:fixed_version_id = 299 , -c)}}*
341 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
342 634 Andreas Kohlbecker
*Downloads:*   [TaxEditor](, [CDM Server](, [Data Portal](
343 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
344 593 Andreas Müller
**What is new?**
346 631 Andreas Kohlbecker
* - **Data Portal**
347 595 Andreas Müller
 * image viewer
       * improved thumbnail handling
       * automated creation of thumbnail URLs (avoids that always 2 or 3 versions of the image have to be stored in the database)
       * improved image meta data handling
351 594 Andreas Müller
 * possible default copyright statement below image viewer
 * improve handling of annotations and other footnotes like sources
      * some more annotations and sources are shown now
354 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
 * improved map representation for TDWG area maps
355 595 Andreas Müller
 * occurrence maps hidden if no data exists 
356 594 Andreas Müller
 * fix bug that misapplied name taxa are not shown and not found in search
 * fix bug that placemark icons are not clickable in map
358 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
 * improve test system
359 631 Andreas Kohlbecker
* - **CDM Library**
360 594 Andreas Müller
 * fix https handling for images 
361 631 Andreas Kohlbecker
* - **Web Services**
362 594 Andreas Müller
 * fix bug in taxon service that misapplied name taxa return no result
363 634 Andreas Kohlbecker
* - **TaxEditor**
364 595 Andreas Müller
 * reduce download size (by >100MB)
 * make specimen media editable in specimen assistants and in specimen list editor details view (to improve workflow when editing e.g. type specimen)
 * find doubtful taxa without having "?" at beginning of search string
 * new layout for taxon node dialogue
 * additional parameters editable for taxon node placement source
369 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
 * move update site to https
370 595 Andreas Müller
 * open in browser button for ORCIDS
 * bugfixes
     * when moving synonym into homotypical group of accepted taxon
     * missing synchronization between taxon node dialogue and name editor
374 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
     * problems with name fact preferences
     * exception when editing data in bulk editor
376 631 Andreas Kohlbecker
* - **Web editor (Phycobank registration UI)**
377 597 Andreas Kohlbecker
    * Collection editor extended by name filed
    * Improved authorship inferrence redarding ex-authorship
    * NameTypePopupEditor: Genus can be selectable as the name type for higher ranks
    * Registration items show type status in bold letters
381 595 Andreas Müller
382 596 Andreas Kohlbecker
{{ref_issues(-q:Release5.17 , id, subject, status)}}
383 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
384 593 Andreas Müller
## CDM Platform 5.16 (released June 30th, 2020)
385 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
386 583 Andreas Müller
*Issues: {{ref_issues(-f:fixed_version_id = 297 , -c)}}*
387 585 Andreas Müller
388 634 Andreas Kohlbecker
*Downloads:*   [TaxEditor](, [CDM Server](, [Data Portal](
389 629 Andreas Kohlbecker
390 583 Andreas Müller
**What is new?**
392 631 Andreas Kohlbecker
* - **Data Portal**
393 587 Andreas Kohlbecker
 * Fix for sortorder of taxon nodes in taxon tree
394 583 Andreas Müller
 * Fix for incorrect link for geo-coordinates in point maps
 * Fix for missing information on taxon pages (see #9095)
396 631 Andreas Kohlbecker
* - **CDM Library**
397 629 Andreas Kohlbecker
 * Improved deduplication of references and authors during name parsing (the relatively empty parsed references and authors are now merged with richer references and authors, which include e.g. also URI, ISBN, lifespan, first name, etc. information)
398 634 Andreas Kohlbecker
 * Improved caching mechanism (which hopefully leads to less multiple representation exceptions in TaxEditor)
399 583 Andreas Müller
 * Improved formatting and parsing of dates and periods (now we generally use a format like "30 Jun 2020" which is more language independent)
400 634 Andreas Kohlbecker
* - **TaxEditor**
401 584 Andreas Müller
  * Setting focus automatically to newly created facts in Fact View
  * Improved reference and author deduplication during creation of new taxa and synonyms
403 588 Andreas Müller
  * Improved handling of malformed URIs
  * Fix bug which threw multiple representation exceptions when editing taxa with a taxon node source (which exists very often in some databases)
405 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
  * Fix bug throwing an exception when deleting a classification
  * Fix bug throwing an exception when deleting multiple records in bulk editor  
408 596 Andreas Kohlbecker
{{ref_issues(-q:Release5.16 , id, subject, status)}}
411 583 Andreas Müller
412 568 Andreas Müller
## CDM Platform 5.15 (released June 23rd, 2020)
413 558 Andreas Müller
414 574 Andreas Müller
*Issues: {{ref_issues(-q:Release5.15 , -c)}}*
415 548 Andreas Kohlbecker
416 634 Andreas Kohlbecker
*Downloads:*   [TaxEditor](, [CDM Server](, [Data Portal](
417 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
**What will be new?**
419 563 Andreas Müller
420 631 Andreas Kohlbecker
* - **Data Model**
421 565 Andreas Müller
 * TaxonNode has a "status" attribute now instead of flags "doubtful", "unplaced" and "excluded"
422 567 Andreas Müller
     * Allows to use only max. 1 of the above status for the same node
423 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
     * "Excluded Notes" changed to => "Status notes" and is valid for what ever status has been chosen
424 566 Andreas Müller
 * Measurement values handled as "BigDecimal" to avoid rounding errors related to floating point algebra and to allow to handle exactness (e.g. 1.6 differs from 1.60) 
 * "Available for" attribute for features to distinguish if features are available for taxa, for names and/or for specimen
426 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
 * Temporal fact datatype for e.g. flowering periods supporting time periods like (Apr-)May-July(-Aug)
427 566 Andreas Müller
 * New feature "Flowering period"
428 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
 * New feature "Altitude" added
429 572 Andreas Müller
 * Rename "later homonym for" to "later homonym of"#
 * "Links" added to main classes like taxa, names, references, authors, ... - these allow adding an unlimited number of URL-links to these objects together with a description what this link is for
 * Key-Value structure for storing media metadata (not yet used)
432 631 Andreas Kohlbecker
* - **Data Portal**
433 580 Andreas Kohlbecker
 * New implementation of the occurrence point display is maps which allows new important features:
434 579 Andreas Kohlbecker
     * Field unit information can now be shown. 
435 581 Andreas Müller
     * Display of error radius
     * NOTE: More exciting features will come with the following releases.
437 572 Andreas Müller
 * The new image viewer which has been integrated into the dataportal with version 5.13 is now stable and available for all data portal installations. The new image viewer uses the iiif conform Universalviewer. The new viewer adapts to different screen sizes and supports mobile devices.
438 571 Andreas Müller
 * The beautiful Noto font family is now the default for the data portal and brings improved readability and excellent unicode support.
439 568 Andreas Müller
 * The status (unplaced, doubtful, excluded) of a taxon node is now shown on taxon pages and in the classification tree. 
440 631 Andreas Kohlbecker
* - **CDM Server**
441 571 Andreas Müller
 * Improved logging
442 568 Andreas Müller
 * Debian installation package improved
443 631 Andreas Kohlbecker
* - **CDM Library**
444 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
 * Improved permissions for users being allowed to edit all taxonomies
445 634 Andreas Kohlbecker
* - **TaxEditor**
446 570 Andreas Müller
 * Improved deduplication, especially for taxa entered via taxon node editor
447 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
 * Persons: allow editing lifespan
448 568 Andreas Müller
 * Possibility to create or update database schema via connect dialog
 * Improved layout of connect dialog
450 572 Andreas Müller
 * Taxon nodes status with status notes (see Data Model), available in taxon node wizard and in CDM light export
451 570 Andreas Müller
 * Factual Data:
     * Possibility to enter temporal data (phenology)
     * Factual dataset source is shown as (uneditable) source for each fact
     * Facts view: remember expansion state after deleting
     * Remove caching form facts view which (resulted in unexpected results)
 * Descriptive dataset editor and matrix editor:
     * Improve performance of matrix editor
     * Add context menu to matrix editor (and remove preliminary buttons)
     * Fix failing adding of specimen which are not attached to a field unit
     * Remove taxon in descriptive dataset editor only available if taxon has focus
     * Fix bug when selecting a character tree for a descriptive dataset
 * Reference bulk editor table has new included columns: year, in-reference, uri
 * Open link button for entering DOIs in reference details view
 * Features:
     * Possibility to define if a feature is available for taxa, specimen and/or taxon names
 * Improved decimal/rounding handling of quantitative data (e.g. distinguish 9.1 form 9.10)
 * Configurable if the old specimen list editor should be avialable via main menu
468 569 Andreas Müller
 * Bug fixes:
469 570 Andreas Müller
     * Broken media deatils view fixed for "MediaSpecimen" 
470 568 Andreas Müller
     * Exception when creating a new taxon 
471 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
     * Search does find orphaned synonyms now
472 569 Andreas Müller
     * Term search fixed
473 570 Andreas Müller
     * Exception in referencing objects view for TextualTypeDesignations
474 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
     * Exception in name details view if name relations were incomplete (no type, no from-name or no to-name)
     * Exception when deleting a descriptive dataset
     * Incorrect context menu for synonyms after moving a synonym into or out of the homotypic group
     * Opened selection dialogs lock editing in other windows
     * Remember expansions state of sections in details view and supplemental data view (this feature was lost for some time)
479 570 Andreas Müller
     * Recently used references list is not emptied anymore after using search dialog for nomenclatural reference
     * Bulk editor: multiple deduplications without saving do now remember all deduplications
     * Some widget is disposed exceptions fixed
     * fix verbatime date not persisted for books
484 573 Andreas Müller
{{ref_issues(-q:Release5.15 , id, subject, status)}}
485 563 Andreas Müller
486 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
## CDM Platform 5.14 (released April 8th, 2020)
488 629 Andreas Kohlbecker
*Issues: {{ref_issues(-f:fixed_version_id = 293 , -c)}}*
489 563 Andreas Müller
490 634 Andreas Kohlbecker
*Downloads:*   [TaxEditor](, [CDM Server](, [Data Portal](
491 558 Andreas Müller
**What's new?**
493 559 Andreas Müller
494 631 Andreas Kohlbecker
* - **Data Portal**
495 559 Andreas Müller
    * Structured descriptive data is shown on specimen page as continous text
496 558 Andreas Müller
    * Bugfix for the new universal media viewer
497 559 Andreas Müller
    * Bugfix for some descriptive data pages for taxon descriptions
498 631 Andreas Kohlbecker
* - **Import/Export**
499 559 Andreas Müller
    * Handling of descriptions improved for ABCD import
    * Bug fix for CDM lite export of textual type designation missing a language
501 634 Andreas Kohlbecker
* - **TaxEditor**
502 559 Andreas Müller
    * Set as basionym available also for accepted taxa
    * Distribution details view: configurable to show also abbreviation for selected named areas
504 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
    * Performance improved for preference dependend descriptive data matrix editing
505 559 Andreas Müller
    * Cloned descriptions show according icon
    * User/roles/rights:
507 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
            * ROLE_USER_MANAGER is allowed to change passwords
508 559 Andreas Müller
            * unnecessary "expired" flags removed from User UI
509 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
            * isAdmin valid for all users having ROLE_ADMIN
510 559 Andreas Müller
    * DNA Sample view allows editing of determinations
    * Export dialogue remembers last selected folder
512 560 Andreas Müller
    * Bug fixes:
513 559 Andreas Müller
         * Handling of preferences for term lists fixed
         * ConcurrentModificationException occurring at different places fixed
         * Incorrect handling of "show descriptions only for field units" fixed
516 560 Andreas Müller
         * Missing "id in vocabulary" in term labels fixed
517 559 Andreas Müller
         * Freetext filter for name relationship type selection in name relationship dialogue fixed
518 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
         * Exception caused by missing "number of rows in status dropdown" fixed
519 558 Andreas Müller
         * Exception when opening orphaned names in name bulk editor from search result fixed
520 546 Andreas Müller
521 561 Andreas Müller
522 533 Andreas Müller
{{ref_issues(-q:Release5.14 , id, subject, status)}}
523 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
524 551 Andreas Kohlbecker
## CDM Platform 5.13 (released March 23th, 2020)
525 629 Andreas Kohlbecker
526 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
*Issues: {{ref_issues(-f:fixed_version_id = 284 , -c)}}*
527 548 Andreas Kohlbecker
528 634 Andreas Kohlbecker
*Downloads:*   [TaxEditor](, [CDM Server](, [Data Portal](
529 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
**What's new?**
531 549 Andreas Kohlbecker
532 631 Andreas Kohlbecker
* - **Data Portal**
533 548 Andreas Kohlbecker
    * A new image viewer for the dataportal is now available. The new image viewer uses the [iiif]( conform [Universalviewer](   
    * Several bugfixes regarding security and display of structured descriptions etc...
535 631 Andreas Kohlbecker
* - **Import/Export**
536 548 Andreas Kohlbecker
    * DarwinCoreArchive: Categorical and quantitative data added to export
537 631 Andreas Kohlbecker
* - **CDM Library**
538 552 Andreas Müller
    * Caching of in-references for nomenclatural references: only author's family name (without initials) is used now if available
    * Some improvements to the rights&roles management for editing of references
    * Bugfixes:
         * Names without ranks not found in taxon searches
         * Find best matching (in terms of size) image representation fixed/improved
         * some further bugfixes
544 634 Andreas Kohlbecker
* - **TaxEditor**
545 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
     * Fix for failing connections (this might be the reason for many unclear errors that occurred in the past)
546 634 Andreas Kohlbecker
     * MacOS X version fixed (TaxEditor available for MacOS X again)
547 629 Andreas Kohlbecker
     * Search in bulk editors now also works on abbreviated title(caches)
548 552 Andreas Müller
     * Some improvements to the distribution editor
     * Some improvements to preference pages
550 553 Andreas Müller
     * Freetext search for all dropdown boxes available now
551 555 Andreas Müller
     * Search result view moved to the bottom of taxon navigator view (as default)
552 553 Andreas Müller
     * Taxon navigator allows open-in for multi-selection for name editor and distribution editor
     * Suggested file name for DwC-A export improved
554 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
     * Move-to functionality improved in term editor and term tree editor
555 553 Andreas Müller
     * Bugfixes:
556 555 Andreas Müller
         * Names without ranks not found in search
557 552 Andreas Müller
         * NameInSource only added after moving factual data if requested by the user
558 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
         * Measurment units added to quantitative data in descriptive data matrix editor
559 553 Andreas Müller
         * Automatically refresh available-specimen list for descriptive data matrix if descriptive dataset changes
         * Name features not visible in taxon factual data view anymore, but only in name factual data view
561 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
         * Inheriting sec-reference for root taxa from classification reference works again
562 553 Andreas Müller
         * Selection list for entering states for categorical data is sorted now
563 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
         * Deleting specimen descriptions possible now
564 555 Andreas Müller
         * Fix for deleting name types
565 631 Andreas Kohlbecker
* - **Web editor (Phycobank registration UI)**
566 556 Andreas Müller
    * Bug fix in reference editor 
567 550 Andreas Kohlbecker
568 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
569 547 Andreas Müller
{{ref_issues(-q:Release5.13 , id, subject, status)}}
570 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
571 533 Andreas Müller
## CDM Platform 5.12 (released Jan 20th, 2020)
572 542 Andreas Müller
573 496 Andreas Müller
*Issues: {{ref_issues(-f:fixed_version_id = 283 , -c)}}*
574 629 Andreas Kohlbecker
575 634 Andreas Kohlbecker
*Downloads:*   [TaxEditor](, [CDM Server](, [Data Portal](
576 537 Andreas Müller
**What's new?**
579 631 Andreas Kohlbecker
* - **Data Model**
580 537 Andreas Müller
    * Added "per mm²" to measurement units
581 634 Andreas Kohlbecker
    * Allow linking to CDM taxa as information source (currently only available for algorithms, not (yet) for editing in TaxEditor)
582 631 Andreas Kohlbecker
* - **Data Portal**
583 537 Andreas Müller
    * Structured Descriptions
584 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
          * Show structure descriptions in general page as pseudo feature block (position configurable)
585 537 Andreas Müller
          * Implement explicit page for descriptions, using dataset character/feature tree (or general feature tree) for ordering
          * Order states by frequency
          * Improve display of average values (and other statistical vlaues) and single values
588 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
          * Support for linking to other CDM records as information source (for aggregated desciptions)
589 537 Andreas Müller
    * Show type designations for synonyms
    * Improved handling for URLs linking to not existing/deleted records (e.g. deleted polytomous keys)
591 631 Andreas Kohlbecker
* - **Import/Export**
592 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
    * CDM light:
593 537 Andreas Müller
        * Typification column added to name and homotypical group files
        * Handling of name identifiers fixed
595 631 Andreas Kohlbecker
* - **CDM Library**
596 537 Andreas Müller
    * Algorithms for descriptive data aggregation (distributions/structured descriptive data) fixed/improved
    * Polynomous key generation algorithm improved
598 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
    * Fix bug for deleting a taxon used in 2 different classifications
599 537 Andreas Müller
    * Fix repair term tree sortindex
600 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
    * Allow distribution aggregation to run on taxonomic subtrees
601 631 Andreas Kohlbecker
* - **Documentation**
602 537 Andreas Müller
    * New Documentation available at
603 634 Andreas Kohlbecker
* - **TaxEditor**
604 539 Andreas Müller
    * Documentation: see above
605 537 Andreas Müller
    * Editing of structured descriptive data now available as standard feature (was experimental before)
606 538 Andreas Müller
            * Character editor
607 537 Andreas Müller
            * Term search
            * Matrix editor
            * GFBio and ontology imports
            * Support for "allow duplicates" for term collections
611 538 Andreas Müller
            * Note: however there are still issues especially with the Character editor which hopefully will be fixed in the next version (we recommend to contact the EDIT team before using this feature)
612 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
    * Distribution aggregation available in taxon navigator
    * Added freetext filter to combo boxes
614 538 Andreas Müller
    * Links to other CDM records as information sources visible (but not editable)
615 537 Andreas Müller
    * "Move to ..." added to term editor
616 536 Andreas Müller
    * Improved handling for different term tree types (ordered, flat, distinct, ...)
    * Specimen import: list of existing BioCase endpoints available as dropdown
618 542 Andreas Müller
    * Fix multiple bugs related to BioCase specimen import
619 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
    * Fix collapsing tree bug when moving taxa in taxon navigator
620 535 Andreas Müller
    * Fix bug that reference search dialog does not open under certain conditions
622 563 Andreas Müller
{{ref_issues(-q:Release5.12 , id, subject, status)}}
624 1 Andreas Kohlbecker
## Previous Releases Archive
see [[CdmPlatformRoadmapArchive]]