


Release Notes » History » Revision 190

Revision 189 (Andreas Müller, 09/26/2016 04:40 PM) → Revision 190/864 (Andreas Müller, 09/26/2016 04:42 PM)

 # Cdm Platform Roadmap 

 _Please login to see the tickets_ 


 ## CDM Platform 4.4 (scheduled for Oct 26th, 2016) 

  **What will be new?**  

 ## CDM Platform 4.3 (released on (scheduled for September 26th, 2016) 

  **What's new?**  
 {{ref_issues(-q:Release4.3 , id, subject, status)}} 

 ## CDM Platform 4.2 (released on July 6th, 2016) 

  **What's new?**  

 * General 

   * Some new terms: feature "Notes", nomenclatural status "ined." and taxon relationships "unclear" and "not yet worked on" 

   * Improved aggregation for distribution data (transmission engine) 

   * Improved multi-language support 

   * Some new machine readable web-services 

 * DataPortal 

   * Improved usability of breadcrumb navigation 

   * minor formatting issues 

   * geo filtered search fixed 

   * support for taxon secundum micro reference 

   * Display of children on "General" tab (first version, block needs to be switched on) 

   * Spanish translation for Dataportal module 

 * TaxEditor 

   * Improved performance for selection boxes 

   * Fix bugs in feature tree editing 

   * Support for species with infrageneric epithet 

   * Multi-language editing for terms 

   * "Open in ... bulk editor" for taxon navigator and referencing objects view 

   * Support for "additional identifiers" in supplemental data view 

   * Improved taxon name and reference parsing 

   * Nomenclatural reference parser uses abbrev title 

   * Improved "Changed Password" functionality 

   * Improved session handling for bulk editor searches (fixing unexpected results and memory effects) 

   * Ordering in specimen derivative editor 

   * Improved labels in referencing objects view for specimen determinations and taxa in classifications (taxon nodes) 

   * bug fixes 

  **Milestones and tickets**  

 {{ref_issues(-q:Release4.2 , id, subject, status)}} 

 ## CDM Platform 4.1 (released on June 1st, 2016) 

  **What's new?**  

 * General 

   * Support for persistent stable identifiers (e.g. "CETAF Identifiers") 

   * Support for secundum micro reference 

 * DataPortal 

   * Breadcrumb navigation shows child taxa 

     * Changing to breadcrumb navigation and removing tree navigation improves performance of data portals significantly 

 * TaxEditor 

   * "Standalone" functionality removed 

     * Connection to datasources is now only possible via [remoting" functionality introduced in "v3.12]( 

     * Datasource was adapted to only support editing user defined datasources (connect to "localhost mgd." server) and to create a new database schema in such datasources if they are still empty 

   * Search for nomenclatural authors works on abbrev. title now 

   * Labels for referencing objects improved 

   * Some major bugs fixed that lead to error messages when saving taxa 

   * Bugfix for "unavailable" authors after creation of new authors 

   * Symbols for distribution strings and concept relationships editable 

   * Error handling for connection process 

   * Performance for save improved 

   * Couple of minor bug fixes 

  **Milestones and tickets**  

 {{ref_issues(-q:Release4.1 , id, subject, status)}} 

 ## CDM Platform 4.0 (released on May 3rd, 2016) 

  **What's new?**  

 * Upgrades to all underlying software libraries 

   * Full Java 8 support (Downloading TaxEditor JRE version not necessary anymore) 

   * Improved freetext indexing (faster and more stable) and search support 

   * Improved webservice documentation 

 * DataPortal 

   * Breadcrumb menu for higher taxonomy 

     * Clickable list of all parent taxa of a given taxon shown in 1 line 

     * Needs to be switched on by dataportal admin 

   * Improved multi-language support 

   * Improved support for taxon concepts, misapplied names and doubtful taxa formatting 

   * Maps 

     * Animated "Hourglass" while loading maps 

     * Improved stability for distribution and occurrence maps 

     * Improved display of textual distributions for hierarchically ordered distributions 

     * Faster loading of the most important base layers through the new EDIT MapProxy  

   * Condensed distribution string configurable and improved 

   * Support for hierarchical feature trees for factual data 

   * Improved display of reference pages (e.g. ) 

   * Specimen linking to associated taxa 

   * Improved error and warning messages 

   * Bugfixes 

     * Fix display of taxon interactions 

     * Fix name page display 

  Examples for many of the new features (like breadcrumb menu, multi-language support and condensed distribution strings) can be found at (e.g. ) 

 * TaxEditor 

   * Improvements to the name and coordinate parsers 

   * Ordering of sources (according to rules described in #3185) 

   * Editing supplemental data for type designations and name relationships 

   * New generic "Open in ..." right mouse click menu 

   * Available servers configurable 

   * Renaming Descriptions to Factual data finalized 

   * Many bugfixes to stabilize existing functionality 

     * PolytomousKey editing and deleting 

     * Creation of new terms 

     * ... 

 * Data Model (CDM) 

   * Preferred persistent identifiers for specimen 

   * Symbols for condensed distribution strings and concept relationships 

   * Secundum micro reference for taxa 


  **Milestones and tickets**  

 {{ref_issues(-q:Release4.0 , id, subject, status)}} 

 ## CDM Platform 3.12 - Hotfixes (released on February 15th, 2016) 

 This is a pure bugfix release for Release 3.12 with no new functionality 

  **Milestones and tickets**  

 {{ref_issues(-q:Release3.12-Hotfixes , id, subject, status)}} 

 ## CDM Platform 3.12 (released on December 21st, 2015) 

 Note: Version 3.9, 3.10 and 3.11 were minor releases mostly for development reasons and were not published  

  **What's new?**  

 * DataPortal 

   * Taxon experts can now be displayed in a new tab of the taxon pages.  

   * Maps adapted to different screen size. Openlayers try to adapt to the screen size and the map aspect ratio can be set instead of fixed width and height (#5385) 

   * **MapProxy** established (#5023): Background layers for the maps can now be retrieved via the [Cybertaxonomy MapProxy]( The layers served through the map proxy are delivered much faster and availability problems of some map server are circumvented this way. It is therefore highly recommended to use the map proxy versions of the base layers instead of the original ones so far a map proxy version is available. You may want to adapt the _Geo & Map_ settings in your dataportal accordingly. 

 * Taxonomic Editor 

   * Support for **remote access** without using ulteo (or any other virtual desktop)  

     * most important new feature,  

     * to be accessed via 'Connect' in the editors 'File' menu 

     * old access via 'Datasource View' still possible if direct database access exists, but deprecated and will be removed in a future version 

     * [[TaxonomicEditorRemotingUserHowTo|Remote Editor How To]] 

   * Derivative (specimen tree) view improved 

     * unified search and editing view 

     * a couple of new features 

     * some bugfixes 

     * now considered as stable 

   * Java JRE bundled with Editor (2 versions are now available for each platform, 1 without java bundled, 1 with java(jre) bundled) 

   * ABCD Import improved 

   * LSIDs for scientific names editable 

   * Ordering of terms 

   * Deleting concept relationships 

   * Scopes for polytomous keys 

   * Deletes in bulk editor configurable 

   * Common name and scientific name search made consistent 

   * Feedback for impossible deletes improved 

   * Image shown also in simple media view 

   * Bugfixes 

     * switch synonym to misapplied name 

     * deleting terms 

     * moving descriptions 

     * deleting taxa being used in multiple classifications 

     * incorrect behavior when pressing cancel in popups 

     * delete specimen media 

     * merging 2 persons 

     * convert person to team 

     * many minor bugfixes 

  **Milestones and tickets**  

 {{ref_issues(-q:Release3.12 , id, subject, status)}} 

 ## CDM Platform 3.8 (released on September 10th, 2015) 

  **What's new?**  

 * DataPortal 

   * Simple search runs by default on the selected single classification, **IMPORTANT! ** If your portal has multiple classifications, You may check the according settings option in the cdm_dataportal/settings/layout/search admin page. 

   * Distribiution maps show circles as symbols for areas which are too tiny to see the colored area. 

   * Option to display the so called sec reference for the taxa in all parts of the DataPortal. This can be configured via the name render template settings in    `admin/config/cdm_dataportal/settings/layout`  

 * Editor 

   * LibrAlign editor is now available for single read alignment (experimental feature) 

   * Media can be opened in external browser by button click. 

   * Allow searching for uuid in bulk editors 

   * Taxon can now be edited and deleted when a PolytomousKeyNode is not a leaf 

   * Improved error handling 

   * Layout improved for error messages 

  **Milestones and tickets**  

 {{ref_issues(-q:Release3.8 , id, subject, status)}} 

 ## CDM Platform 3.7 (released on    July 19th, 2015) 

  **What's new?**  

 * Editor-Features: 

   * Team convertable to persons and vice versa (Bulkeditor) 

   * Name parser allows comma separated authors and improved handling for et al. authors 

   * Datasource view is loading faster in datasource view (not after selecting a datasource) 

   * ABCD import: import for DNA (ABCD-DNA) and associated units 

   * Usergroups deletable (Rights&Roles) 

   * Vocabularies can be ordered 

   * Improved error handling for media URIs including bugfixes 

   * Resizing of user dialogs improved if content changes (e.g. reference type changes) 

   * Text cells selectable in referencing objects view 

   * Media attached to description elements allow simple / advanced view switch 

 * Editor-Bugs:  

   * Fix duplicated team members when editing a team 

   * Fix ignored title cache protectedion for taxa 

   * Fix show abbreviated author in taxon name author fields 

   * Other (minor) bugfixes 

 * DataPortal 

   * Optional switch on/off taxon profile picture placeholder 

   * New API hook in the Drupal module cdm_dataportal allow developers to flexibly modify the content of feature blocks shown on the taxon general page. 

   * Distribution areas show distributions status on mouse over (not yet working in hierarchic distribution display) 

   * Condensed distribution string in Euro+Med style available 

   * Multiple bug fixes regarding distribution filtering 

   * Display later homonym information for accepted names 

  **Milestones and tickets**  

 {{ref_issues(-q:Release3.7 , id, subject, status)}} 

 ## Previous Releases Archive 

 see [[CdmPlatformRoadmapArchive]]