



CDM Data Portal Development Requirements

This page describes the requirements and basic installations for dataportal developmenent

Drupal 7 modules and themes as web frontend to publish data hosted in a cdm server.

This project has a monolithic structure, that is it contains multiple projects in one git repository.

Project dependencies required for bundling the final installation package are managed via composer.
Dependencies of sub-projects like modules/cdm_dataportal, themes/zen_dataportal, etc still have manually copied dependencies.

Information on setting up the development environment are found in PhpStorm_Settings

Project structure

  • ./drush: commands, configuration and site aliases for Drush
  • ./debug: scripts that help debugging problems with drupal multisite setups
  • ./modules: drupal modules, the actual cdm_dataportal module is found here.
  • ./scripts/composer: scripts, installed by composer and manually added ones
  • ./scripts/jenkins-ci: scripts for testing, release, deployment in jenkins.
  • ./site: documentation source code, will be build by maven (see pom.xml)
  • ./src: java project with selenium tests
  • ./themes: drupal themes

Generated folders which must not be comitted to the repository:

  • ./target: target folder of maven, used for the side documentation (source in ./site) and selenium tests (source in ./src)
  • ./screenshots: screenshots taken during the selenium test execution
  • ./vendor: composer cache
  • ./web: final installation bundle of drupal 7 with modules, themes, profiles, etc. that is created by composer update

Creation of the composer project

The parent composer project (./composer.json) has been created using the official drupal project template:

composer create-project drupal-composer/drupal-project:7.x-dev -n dist

On using composer with drupal projects


NOTE: For detailed instructions which also cover the setup of apache and mysql please refer


  • mysql (v5.x) or MariaDB (v10.0 to v10.3) server, create a new user "drupaluser", the password should be the same as defined in setting.php and plugin='mysql_native_password', see also
  • http server: apache or nginx; in this guide we will only cover the configuration of apache 2 (v 2.4)
  • php 7, or php 5.6+ if php 7.x is not yet available for your system. php 8 will not work!
  • java8

Install php 7.4 or 7.2 with the following extensions:

If you are using ubuntu 22.04 or higher, the php8 would be installed and php7.4 is not available. Therefore please follow the instructions from this side:

export PHP_VERSION=7.4 ; apt-get install php$PHP_VERSION php$PHP_VERSION-mysql php$PHP_VERSION-gd php$PHP_VERSION-json php$PHP_VERSION-curl php$PHP_VERSION-xml php$PHP_VERSION-mbstring zip unzip php$PHP_VERSION-zip  libapache2-mod-php$PHP_VERSION

For running the CDM Data Portal it is required to assign sufficient memory to php.
Please open your /etc/php/7.4/apache2/php.ini and set the memory_limit parameter (memory_limit) to at least 128M.
The php.ini responsible for the php processes executed in apache is found in current Debian Linux and derivatives at
/etc/php/7.4/apache2/php.ini or /etc/php/7.2/apache2/php.ini .

; Resource Limits ;
memory_limit = 128M      ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (128MB)

Git is needed for downloading (cloning) the CDM Dataportal Drupal 7 installation package and to keep it up-to-date.

sudo apt-get install git

Download & extract

Download the latest release from to the location where you want
to install the cdm-dataportal Drupal 7 project e.g.

cd /var/www

This archive contains a shallow clone of the whole project together with a ready to use drupal 7 installation with the
cdm-dataportal module, zen_dataportal theme and other requirements. The drupal-7 installation is in the sub folder ./web

extract, change to root folder of drupal-7-cdm-dataportal and adapt the ownership of the some folders:

tar -xzf drupal-7-cdm-dataportal-{VERSION}.tar.gz
cd drupal-7-cdm-dataportal
./scripts/admin/  --web-user www-data

Apache2 configuration

Install required modules

sudo a2enmod headers
sudo a2enmod ssl
sudo a2enmod rewrite

You may now want to copy the apache 2 site configuration files from scripts/apache2.4/ to /etc/apache2/sites-available/
and to activate one of them, preferably the ssl site configuration:

cd /var/www
sudo cp drupal-7-cdm-dataportal/scripts/apache2.4/dataportal.test* /etc/apache2/sites-available/

Open dataportal.test.conf and remove the comment on the line with the AliasMatch and maybe you have to adapt the path to your drupal root directory

AliasMatch ^/d7/([^/]+)(.*)     var/www/drupal-7-cdm-dataportal/web$2

Next step is to enable the site:

sudo a2ensite dataportal.test-ssl.conf
sudo a2ensite dataportal.test.conf
sudo systemctl restart apache2

You may now want to add the hostname to the /etc/hosts file:

echo " dataportal.test" | sudo tee -a  /etc/hosts

NOTE: The virtual host dataportal.test is only suitable for development purposes.
For production systems you will need to rename the virtual host so that it matches a public host name.

Site installation

Now you are prepared to install a dataportal drupal site.

If you want to use a local copy of an existing dataportal please follow the instructions in On migrating Data Portal sites between servers
to copy the dataportal files to your local develop environment.

If you want to start from scratch use the following instructions.

A template for the below script can be found in scripts/user/
Make an executable copy from as

cp; chmod u+x

Adapt the below shown variables in the script to match your desired setup:

## Configure below variables


# HOST_NAME and PROTOCOL determine the base URL of the new site
# The default values will form the base URL like http://dataportal.test
# See also MULTI_SITE below
PROTOCOL='https' # values 'http' ot https'
# For MULTI_SITE=0 the site will be installed at the base BASE_URL
# In multisite setups (MULTI_SITE=1), however, the site URL results 
# in http://dataportal.test/test-site
# !! Mutisite support ist still experimental !!
MULTI_SITE=0 # values: 1 = true, 0 or other = false




Execute the script from within the folder scripts/user/, otherwise the $DRUPAL_ROOT variable will not match the ./web folder !

Once the script has fished it will print out the final URL of the new site together with other useful information.

Update - method 1

Strategy: In-place updating of the installation by making use of git and drush or composer.


  • Pro: Update of drupal and custom modules independent of what is provided by the installation package.
  • Con: Initial preparation is more complex,


Install composer v 1.10.x

!!! Composer v2.x would fail to preserve existing site installations !!!

In case the version provided by apt is too old (=2.0.0), you may want to install composer
manually in the project directory /var/www/drupal-7-cdm-dataportal.
In the following we assume you have installed composer this way and will use ./composer
instead of composer.

cd /var/www/drupal-7-cdm-dataportal
php -r "copy('', 'composer-setup.php');"

Below command may fail when the composer-setup.php has changed after these lines have been written.
So you may receive the message "Installer corrupt". In this case, please update the corresponding
command with the new one from

php -r "if (hash_file('sha384', 'composer-setup.php') === '906a84df04cea2aa72f40b5f787e49f22d4c2f19492ac310e8cba5b96ac8b64115ac402c8cd292b8a03482574915d1a8') { echo 'Installer verified'; } else { echo 'Installer corrupt'; unlink('composer-setup.php'); } echo PHP_EOL;"
php composer-setup.php

Now install the latest composer 1.x.x version:
And clean up.

php composer-setup.php --filename=composer --version 1.10.25
php -r "unlink('composer-setup.php');"

Un-shallow the installation package

The installation package contains a shallow clone of the git repository only. In order to easily upgrade the
dataportal-module it is highly recommended to un-shallow the git repository clone

git fetch --unshallow
git config remote.origin.fetch "+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*"
git fetch origin
git checkout origin/master

install dependencies

This will also install drush

 ./composer install --no-dev

Updating to a specific CDM DataPortal release

NOTE: The modules and themes in the ./web/sites/all/ are sym-linked to the source code in ./modules and ./themes.
Hence, updating the dataportal only involves checking out the according release from the git remote:

To see the list of available release tags:

git tag --list | egrep '[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+' | sort -V

Checkout the release tag. For example to checkout the release 5.23.0:

git checkout 5.23.0
scripts/admin/fix-permissions --web-user www-data

Git will respond with a warning that "You are in 'detached HEAD' state.", this is OK and no need to be concerned.

Finally apply any pending database updates and clear the cache. NOTE: Below we assume that the command is being
executed in the installation package root e.g. /var/www/drupal-7-cdm-dataportal and that the site is available under
https://dataportal.test. Please adapt to your specific settings if needed.

./vendor/drush/drush/drush -r /var/www/drupal-7-cdm-dataportal/web/ -l https://dataportal.test updatedb
./vendor/drush/drush/drush -r /var/www/drupal-7-cdm-dataportal/web/ -l https://dataportal.test cc all

Updating drupal and modules

IMPORTANT: If the fails at some point it is crucial to restore the backup that has been
crated as first step in the update process. See below for details on restoring updates.

The drupal-7-cdm-dataportal installer provides a script for convenient and secure updating of single or multisite setups.
It will

  1. create backups archives in $HOME/drupal-cdm-dataportal-backups
  2. set the site(s) to maintenance mode
  3. Update drupal core and contributed modules via composer
  4. Run any pending database updates and clear the caches

A brief help for this script is available from scripts/admin/ --help

USAGE: [--deactivate-install] [--multi-site] [--mailto <ADDRESS>]
  --deactivate-install :  The install.php will be hidden by appending '.off' to the filename
  -h, --help:  Print this help text
  --mailto <ADDRESS>:  send a email to the ADDRESS with a log of the update process
  --multi-site:  Do a multi-site update. Requires dataportals-drush. 
  --site-url:  The site url to be used with drush. This option disables the --multi-site option

First move to dataportal folder

cd /var/www/drupal-7-cdm-dataportal

Update a single site installation with default site URL

scripts/admin/ --deactivate-install 

Update a single site installation with custom site URL

scripts/admin/ --deactivate-install --site-url http://edit.test/d7/cichorieae/ 

Update a multi-site installation with custom site URL

scripts/admin/ --deactivate-install --multi-site

Recover from broken updates / Restore backups

NOTE: The backup archives are tar files which unfortunately have colon characters in their name and thus can not
be extracted by tar (tar interprets parts of the file name as host name and tries to restore the file on a remote
machine). Therefore, the archive needs to be renamed or symlinked before extraction!

Backup archive are found in ~/drupal-cdm-dataportal-backups

cd /var/www 
ln -s ~/drupal-cdm-dataportal-backups/drupal-cdm-dataportal-backup-${timestamp}.tar.gz ./drupal-cdm-dataportal-backup.tar.gz
mv drupal-7-cdm-dataportal drupal-7-cdm-dataportal-old; mkdir drupal-7-cdm-dataportal; cd drupal-7-cdm-dataportal; tar -xzf ../drupal-cdm-dataportal-backup.tar.gz ./

Update - method 2

Strategy: Downloading of the installation package for a new release of the cdm-dataportal and replacing the old
installation by the content of the installation package.

  • Pro: Few simple steps.
  • Con: The steps described here are not suitable for multi-site installation or when additional modules are installed.
cd /var/www
mv drupal-7-cdm-dataportal drupal-7-cdm-dataportal.last

remove old installation packages

rm drupal-7-cdm-dataportal*.tar.gz*

now follow the steps in the chapter Download & extract above.

finally copy the default site to the new installation

cp -r drupal-7-cdm-dataportal.last/web/sites/default/ drupal-7-cdm-dataportal/web/sites/

apply any pending database updates

drush updatedb
drush cc all

Once you have confirmed that the updated installation is working correctly:

rm -r drupal-7-cdm-dataportal.last

Updated by Katja Luther over 1 year ago · 22 revisions