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Revision ae7e2680

Added by Cherian Mathew almost 9 years ago

ICdmDataChangeService, CdmUIDataChangeService, CdmDataChangeService : added new data change service with different services for the ui and non-ui states
CdmApplicationState, CdmStore : added data change service to app state
CdmChangeEvent, ICdmChangeListener : added change listener and even to fire in case of data changes
ICdmEntitySessionEnabled : extends new change service interface
ICdmEntitySession, CdmEntitySession : removed data change un/registration since this is now handled by the new data change service
BaseRemotingTest, MockCdmEntitySession, *Editor, *ViewPart, *Navigator : refactoring with new change listener
RemotingCdmHandler, RemotingCdmOperation, RemotingCdmUpdateOperation : added new handler / operation architecture base classes
AbstractUtility : added method for running async operation with callback to handler
RemotingChangeAcceptedTaxonToSynonymHandler,RemotingChangeAcceptedTaxonToSynonymOperation : first implementations of new handler / operation architecture
plugin.xml : added standalone and remoting handlers for ChangeAcceptedTaxonToSynonym
*Test : adapted for new handler / operation and change service

View differences:

38 38

39 39
import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.api.application.CdmApplicationRemoteController;
40 40
import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.api.application.CdmApplicationState;
import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.api.application.CdmDataChangeService;
41 42
42 43
import eu.etaxonomy.taxeditor.remoting.cache.CdmRemoteCacheManager;
43 44
import eu.etaxonomy.taxeditor.remoting.cache.CdmTransientEntityCacher;
188 189
189 190
        cdmEntitySessionManager = getRemoteApplicationController().getCdmEntitySessionManager();
190 191

        CdmApplicationState.setCurrentDataChangeService(new CdmDataChangeService());

191 194
        //FIXME:Remoting the authentication code should be replaced by a method call which actually
192 195
        // does the authentication in the editor code so that the 'real' authentication can be tested
193 196

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