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Revision 41e2f693

Added by Cherian Mathew over 9 years ago

Moved all logging and dialog functionality to the new class MessagingUtils.
Refactoring code to adapt to above change.
Added new custom error dialog - CdmErrorDialog
Added runtime exception handling to the ApplicationWorkbenchAdvisor by adding a custom status handler

View differences:

34 34
import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.taxon.TaxonRelationshipType;
35 35
import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.persistence.hibernate.CdmDataChangeMap;
36 36
import eu.etaxonomy.taxeditor.model.DataChangeBridge;
import eu.etaxonomy.taxeditor.model.MessagingUtils;
37 38
import eu.etaxonomy.taxeditor.preference.PreferencesUtil;
38 39
39 40

90 91
    	TaxonNode taxonNode = CdmStore.getService(ITaxonNodeService.class).load(taxonNodeUuid, null);
91 92

92 93
		if(taxonNode == null){
			EditorUtil.warningDialog("Not yet implemented", TaxonEditorInput.class, "Selected element is not type TaxonBase.");
			MessagingUtils.warningDialog("Not yet implemented", TaxonEditorInput.class, "Selected element is not type TaxonBase.");
94 95
			return null;
95 96
96 97

111 112
    	TaxonBase taxonBase = CdmStore.getService(ITaxonService.class).find(taxonBaseUuid);
112 113
    	if (taxonBase != null){
113 114
	    	if(taxonBase.isOrphaned()) {
	    		EditorUtil.warningDialog("Orphaned Taxon", TaxonEditorInput.class, "This is an orphaned taxon i.e. a taxon that is not connected to a classification and not having any taxonomic relationships. Editing of orphaned taxon is currently not supported.");
	    		MessagingUtils.warningDialog("Orphaned Taxon", TaxonEditorInput.class, "This is an orphaned taxon i.e. a taxon that is not connected to a classification and not having any taxonomic relationships. Editing of orphaned taxon is currently not supported.");
115 116
116 117
	    	else if(taxonBase.isInstanceOf(Taxon.class)){
117 118
	    		Taxon taxon = CdmBase.deproxy(taxonBase, Taxon.class);
118 119
119 120
	    		if (taxon.getTaxonNodes().size() == 0 && taxon.isMisapplication()){
120 121
	    			// TODO get accepted taxon
121"trying to open Mispplied Name ");
122"trying to open Mispplied Name ");
122 123
123 124
	    			Set<Taxon> acceptedTaxa = new HashSet<Taxon>();
124 125
	    			Set<TaxonRelationship> relations = taxon.getRelationsFromThisTaxon();
158 159
159 160
		}else if(taxonNodes.size() == 0){
160 161
			// this is an undesired state
			EditorUtil.warningDialog("Incorrect state", TaxonEditorInput.class, "The accepted taxon is not part of any classification. This should not have happened.");
			MessagingUtils.warningDialog("Incorrect state", TaxonEditorInput.class, "The accepted taxon is not part of any classification. This should not have happened.");
162 163
163 164
    	return null;
164 165
176 177
			return getInputForMultipleNodes(conversation, taxonNodes);
177 178
		}else if(taxa.size() == 0){
178 179
			// this is an undesired state
			EditorUtil.warningDialog("Incorrect state", TaxonEditorInput.class, "Trying to open accepted taxon for a synonym or misapplication but" +
			MessagingUtils.warningDialog("Incorrect state", TaxonEditorInput.class, "Trying to open accepted taxon for a synonym or misapplication but" +
180 181
					" no accepted taxa are present. This should not have happened.");
181 182
182 183
    	return null;

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