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Revision 33b10701

Added by Andreas Müller over 5 years ago

Shorten some preference labels

View differences:
375 375
GfBioTerminologyImportPresenter_SEARCH_TOO_SHORT_MESSAGE=Search phrase with <4 letters are not possible for all ontologies. Please select a specific ontology
376 376
GfBioTerminologyImportPresenter_SEARCH_TOO_SHORT_TITLE=Search phrase too short
377 377

PublishFlagPreference_description=Configure the default settings for the publish flag in new created taxa
PublishFlagPreference_description=Default value of the publish flag of a newly created taxon
379 379
PublishFlagPreference_description_not_allowed=The configuration of the default settings for the publish flag in new created taxa is not possible in local preferences. \nIf you want to change the configuration, please contact an administrator.
380 380
PublishFlagPreference_do_not_set=Don't set publish flag
381 381
PublishFlagPreference_inherit=Inherit from parent
382 382
PublishFlagPreference_set=Set publish flag
383 383

384 384
NomenclaturalCodePreferences_available_codes=Available Codes
NomenclaturalCodePreferences_description=Configure the default settings for the nomenclatural code, this is used for new created taxa.
NomenclaturalCodePreferences_description=Nomenclatural default code for creation of new taxon names
386 386

387 387
NameDetailsViewConfiguration_description=Configure the simple name details view. The selected parts are displayed, others are not visible in a simple name details view.
388 388
NameDetailsViewConfiguration_description_not_available=The configuration of the name details view is not possible in local preferences. \nIf you want to change the configuration, please contact an administrator.
382 382
PublishFlagPreference_set=Publish Flag setzen
383 383

384 384
NomenclaturalCodePreferences_available_codes=Verf?gbare Codes
NomenclaturalCodePreferences_description=Konfiguration des verwendeten Nomenklatorischen Codes beim Erstellen eines neuen Taxons
NomenclaturalCodePreferences_description=Nomenklatorischer Standardcode beim Erstellen eines neuen Taxonnamens
386 386

387 387
NameDetailsViewConfiguration_description=Konfiguration eines vereinfachten Namensdetailsviews. \nDie ausgew?hlten Parts werden angezeigt, die anderen sind nicht sichtbar.
388 388
NameDetailsViewConfiguration_description_not_available=Die Konfiguration des Details Views kann nur ?ber die Admin Pr?ferenzen ge?ndert werden, da kein lokales ?berschreiben erlaubt ist. \nWenn Sie dennoch ?nderungen vornehmen m?chten, wenden Sie sich an einen Administrator.

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