factual data for bulkeditor, improving referencing objects view, make delete in bulkeditor visible for synonyms
adapted menu and view labels for validation framework, removed menu for problems view
merge validation editor branch to trunk
Updated version in config files to 3.4.1-SNAPSHOT
Updated version in config files to 3.4.0
added a new propertytester to check if the editor is connected to database
hide popupmenu in taxon navigator view if not connected to database
disable checklist editor initially
chnaged description for LanguagePrefrence menu
fixed ticket #4367
Renamed classes to match the new order in PreferenceMenu
Changed default language to language and changed former Language pane to Representation pane.
fixed #4523
Fix for ticket #4519
CdmDataSourceRepository : added a new method to create default h2 data source eu.etaxonomy.taxeditor.cdmlib : updated build paths to output test classes in test-classes dir and moved resources package to avoid conflict ApplicationWorkbenchWindowAdvisor : added call to the new method (above) to create a default H2 db
merged trunk into branch
MessagingUtils : added new method for a warning dialog when not connected to a datasource CdmStore : changed warning dialog to new method mentioned above LanguagePreferencePage, PreferencesUtil, AbstractMenuPreferences : checks to fail nicely if not connected to a datasoruce
removed throwing of runtime exception since we already have a warning (#4365)
made bug fixes for:
changed classpath to 3.5.0
added checks to makes sure no other exception is thrown within the dialog creation code #4502.
language display bug should be fixed
latest changes from trunk
Added simple CSV Export to Taxonomic Editor
fixing problems in bulkeditor and minor
fixing #2547
removed version dependency for org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.compositetable and added the composite table jar to the p2 update
fix #4450