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# Date Author Comment
e053f41a 01/15/2022 07:40 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9359 update org.json/json to 20211205 in taxeditor

23f8a87b 01/12/2022 09:06 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9359 update aspectj in taxeditor

2ebe2266 01/12/2022 08:43 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9359 update xercesImpl in taxeditor

bde4e213 01/12/2022 08:36 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9359 update mysql and postgresql in taxEditor

bfa2a878 01/03/2022 03:01 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9359 update iiif-apis and javassist version in taxeditor

f2e2fe71 01/03/2022 02:23 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9359 fix artifactID for httpcore in taxeditor

797afa38 01/03/2022 02:12 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9359 update httpclient, httpclient-cache and httpcore version in taxeditor

9884d3db 12/21/2021 11:23 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9359 updating junit and joda-time to latest version in taxeditor

92605e20 12/21/2021 11:08 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9359 updating commons-lang3 to latest version in taxeditor

6b7f04a6 12/21/2021 11:03 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9359 updating jackson and fop to latest version in taxeditor

c6e48a0a 12/21/2021 09:56 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9359 update spring to 4.3.30 in taxeditor and use mvn properties for spring version

058c75f7 12/21/2021 06:13 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9359 httpcomponents to 4.5.13 and spring-security to 4.2.20 in taxeditor

c4c2f38d 11/29/2021 01:54 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9887 add documentation to required json-lib jdk classifier in taxeditor

2a5543c4 11/27/2021 12:23 AM Andreas Müller

ref #9359 remove further libraries from lib folder in taxeditor (remaining only tools and swtchart) (cont. III)

9c42e66c 11/27/2021 12:17 AM Andreas Müller

ref #9359 remove further libraries from lib folder in taxeditor (remaining only tools and swtchart) (cont. II)

38727a28 11/27/2021 12:11 AM Andreas Müller

ref #9359 remove further libraries from lib folder in taxeditor (remaining only tools and swtchart)

3a9187cb 11/26/2021 04:57 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9886 adapt taxeditor to cdmlib-api changes

49667e09 11/03/2021 01:59 PM jenkins

Updated version in pom / project files to taxeditor version : 5.29.0-SNAPSHOT and cdmlib version : 5.29.0-SNAPSHOT

7cf401e1 10/11/2021 01:01 PM jenkins

Updated version in pom / project files to taxeditor version : 5.28.0-SNAPSHOT and cdmlib version : 5.28.0-SNAPSHOT

691bcda8 08/03/2021 02:47 PM jenkins

Updated version in pom / project files to taxeditor version : 5.27.0-SNAPSHOT and cdmlib version : 5.27.0-SNAPSHOT

8a0c3604 07/15/2021 03:57 PM jenkins

Updated version in pom / project files to taxeditor version : 5.26.0-SNAPSHOT and cdmlib version : 5.26.0-SNAPSHOT

06b435a4 06/02/2021 10:55 AM jenkins

Updated version in pom / project files to taxeditor version : 5.25.0-SNAPSHOT and cdmlib version : 5.25.0-SNAPSHOT

9bbaa6e5 05/20/2021 04:25 PM jenkins

Updated version in pom / project files to taxeditor version : 5.24.0-SNAPSHOT and cdmlib version : 5.24.0-SNAPSHOT

d3d0be17 04/15/2021 04:13 PM jenkins

Updated version in pom / project files to taxeditor version : 5.23.0-SNAPSHOT and cdmlib version : 5.23.0-SNAPSHOT

c7836dd6 03/10/2021 12:58 PM jenkins

Updated version in pom / project files to taxeditor version : 5.22.0-SNAPSHOT and cdmlib version : 5.22.0-SNAPSHOT

5d6e7996 02/10/2021 09:14 AM jenkins

Updated version in pom / project files to taxeditor version : 5.21.0-SNAPSHOT and cdmlib version : 5.21.0-SNAPSHOT

88ff4560 02/04/2021 11:55 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9359 remove objenesis from TaxEditor

658ad631 02/04/2021 11:05 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9359 try to fix compile error in TaxEditor due to missing objenesis class (cont.) - move objenesis from printpublisher to cdmlib

0cb31f28 01/28/2021 01:04 PM jenkins

Updated version in pom / project files to taxeditor version : 5.20.0-SNAPSHOT and cdmlib version : 5.20.0-SNAPSHOT

59066f6b 12/17/2020 10:35 AM Andreas Müller

adapt SpringSource GA Repository to https

0b1617f5 12/03/2020 06:24 PM jenkins

Updated version in pom / project files to taxeditor version : 5.19.0-SNAPSHOT and cdmlib version : 5.19.0-SNAPSHOT

9f3ac470 12/03/2020 04:59 PM Andreas Müller

some doc

4228a4ef 12/03/2020 04:34 PM Andreas Müller

ref 9189 add mchange-commons-java to dependency copy

ca0e1f12 12/02/2020 12:28 PM Andreas Müller

ref #4866, ref #9228 fix postgresql version number and add to gitignore

9306fdac 12/02/2020 12:07 PM Andreas Müller

ref #4866, ref #9228 preliminary revert moving h2, postgresql and mysql from cdmlib to local and include mchange-commons-java in cdmlib

99996219 12/01/2020 03:46 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 remove H2, postgresql and mysql fully from taxeditor.cdmlib

47d8963b 12/01/2020 03:16 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 remove postgresql and mysql connector from taxeditor.cdmlib pom

107fdc7d 10/19/2020 04:54 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 update junit to 4.13.1 in TaxEditor (cont.)

821fe02d 09/21/2020 12:23 PM Katja Luther

create new branch webapp

7acd5ac9 09/02/2020 01:39 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 update to commons-codec 1.15 in taxeditor.cdmlib

fc24a0af 09/01/2020 10:07 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 remove jaxb-api and javax.activation-api from taxeditor.cdmlib

daa8053d 08/31/2020 10:49 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 remove httpmime from taxeditor.cdmlib

cfc91fe1 08/31/2020 09:20 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 remove hibernate dependency dom4j from taxeditor.cdmlib

305734b8 08/31/2020 04:54 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 reattach jboss-transaction-api_xxx_spec to taxeditor.cdmlib as tests are not running anymore

17aae9c1 08/31/2020 03:30 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 remove hibernate-validator-cdi from taxeditor.cdmlib

41fb6986 08/28/2020 11:16 AM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 handle commons-dbcp and commons-pool in taxeditor.cdmlib and taxeditor.test

7a318f97 08/28/2020 10:43 AM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 fix hamcrest-core-1.3 handling (cont.)

24b6b0ef 08/28/2020 10:43 AM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 fix hamcrest-core-1.3 handling

f99a438f 08/26/2020 01:06 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 move junit and hamcrest (junit dependency) to pom and upgrade to 4.13

af3317d9 08/25/2020 11:33 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9208 finally remove cdmlib-remote and cdmlib-print from taxeditor.cdmlib

62c4ea8a 08/25/2020 10:34 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 , ref #9208 move cdmlib-remote and cdmlib-print to taxeditor.printpublisher

806f96a2 08/25/2020 07:02 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9207 , ref #9204 upgrade taxeditor.cdmlib to ehcache-2.10.6

220a3f38 08/25/2020 05:13 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9204, ref #9206 cglib from taxeditor.cdmlib, move cglib-nodep to pom

bccec71c 08/24/2020 01:47 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 move antlr to pom in taxeditor.cdmlib

6b013fa0 08/24/2020 01:11 PM Andreas Müller


afc6aec4 08/24/2020 01:11 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 move apache-log4j-extras to pom in taxeditor.cdmlib

4c4840b9 08/24/2020 01:09 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 fix hibernate version number in taxeditor.cdmlib

57b03f79 08/24/2020 11:36 AM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 use version property for hibernate in taxeditor.cdmlib

d5c136f0 08/24/2020 09:59 AM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 reattache hibernate-envers, upgrade to hibernate 5.1.17 and move hibernate to pom

a69309b2 08/22/2020 12:28 AM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 remove wsdl4j from taxeditor.cdmlib

ab2607f8 08/22/2020 12:21 AM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 upgrade joda-time and switch to dependency in taxeditor.cdmlib

39ec51c6 08/22/2020 12:00 AM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 switch opencsv to dependency in taxeditor.cdmlib

f27c8b65 08/21/2020 11:03 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 upgrade jaxb-api in taxeditor.cdmlib

37dc0842 08/21/2020 10:44 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 switch jdom and jdom2 to dependency in taxeditor.cdmlib and upgrade poi with dependencies

4aa4447f 08/21/2020 09:57 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 switch jdom and jdom2 to dependency in taxeditor.cdmlib

dc1c8ae4 08/21/2020 03:48 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 reattache c3p0 to taxeditor main and revert unitils version to 3.4.2

3d5bd11a 08/21/2020 02:06 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 reattache commons-lang-2.6 to taxeditor

3dfc2334 08/21/2020 01:24 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 upgrade and remove further libraries in taxeditor (including commons-lang und unitils)

075cdc06 08/20/2020 07:42 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 upgrade spring and spring-security and its libraries in taxeditor

ddecba6a 08/20/2020 07:42 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 upgrade hibernate-validation and libraries in taxeditor

ec5399c3 08/20/2020 02:11 PM Andreas Müller


f52bec28 08/20/2020 02:11 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 upgrade xerces in taxeditor

765bd4c4 08/20/2020 02:07 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 upgrade jackson libraries in taxeditor

38b8028b 08/19/2020 09:02 PM jenkins

Updated version in pom / project files to taxeditor version : 5.18.0-SNAPSHOT and cdmlib version : 5.18.0-SNAPSHOT

2755bf6d 08/18/2020 01:16 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #9148 upgrading apache commons-imaging to 1.0-alpha2

ea24519c 08/13/2020 04:23 PM Andreas Müller

ref #5752 reattache H2 to TaxEditor dependencies

0b4fe3ea 07/13/2020 06:06 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9148 add commons-imaging-1.0-alpha1 to TaxEditor dependencies and remove sanselan-0.97-incubator

3185cbdd 07/08/2020 05:57 PM Andreas Müller

update to httpclient 4.5.12, commons-lang3 3.10 and commons-codec 1.14

dd789975 07/08/2020 12:22 PM Andreas Müller

Revert "remove mysql-connector-java from taxeditor-cdmlib" and use latest mysql-connector version instead

This reverts commit 439eb660e3682cbdd4dafbeed7dd81ef52e6f326.

e6ec6b67 07/02/2020 02:53 PM Andreas Müller

reorder the included artifactIds

67e82e6c 07/02/2020 01:44 PM Andreas Müller

remove redundant version for antrun-plugin

ae1769f4 07/02/2020 12:45 PM Andreas Müller

ref #5752 remove cdmlib-remote-webapp.war from taxeditor.cdmlib (cont.)

096d7d2f 07/02/2020 12:01 PM Andreas Müller

ref #5752 remove cdmlib-remote-webapp.war from taxeditor.cdmlib (cont.)

93381d65 07/02/2020 11:36 AM Andreas Müller

ref #5752 remove cdmlib-remote-webapp.war from taxeditor.cdmlib

439eb660 07/02/2020 09:00 AM Andreas Müller

remove mysql-connector-java from taxeditor-cdmlib

ace1ec64 06/30/2020 04:41 PM jenkins

Updated version in pom / project files to taxeditor version : 5.17.0-SNAPSHOT and cdmlib version : 5.17.0-SNAPSHOT

ab8cbdf4 06/29/2020 05:43 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

upgrading common-beanutils to 1.9.4

6157a0af 06/29/2020 02:40 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

managing commons-beanutils-1.9.2.jar via maven

652a9ae4 06/23/2020 02:01 PM jenkins

Updated version in pom / project files to taxeditor version : 5.16.0-SNAPSHOT and cdmlib version : 5.16.0-SNAPSHOT

930a6a58 06/05/2020 07:04 PM Andreas Müller

remove some dependencies from taxeditor.cdmlib/pom.xml

1a4699cd 05/11/2020 01:20 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

adding missing dependencies for kml and iiif

dcfa31c8 04/08/2020 03:06 PM jenkins

Updated version in pom / project files to taxeditor version : 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT and cdmlib version : 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT

3b4720f8 03/23/2020 12:48 PM jenkins

Updated version in pom / project files to taxeditor version : 5.14.0-SNAPSHOT and cdmlib version : 5.14.0-SNAPSHOT

c1ad99d9 02/11/2020 08:42 AM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #8812 managing dependencies via maven, removing duplicate dependencies, updating httpclient

a4c74614 01/20/2020 01:03 PM jenkins

Updated version in pom / project files to taxeditor version : 5.13.0-SNAPSHOT and cdmlib version : 5.13.0-SNAPSHOT

451335ef 11/14/2019 02:25 PM jenkins

Updated version in pom / project files to taxeditor version : 5.12.0-SNAPSHOT and cdmlib version : 5.12.0-SNAPSHOT

83f6b260 09/23/2019 12:30 PM jenkins

Updated version in pom / project files to taxeditor version : 5.11.0-SNAPSHOT and cdmlib version : 5.11.0-SNAPSHOT

76b888e0 08/29/2019 04:15 PM jenkins

Updated version in pom / project files to taxeditor version : 5.10.0-SNAPSHOT and cdmlib version : 5.10.0-SNAPSHOT

909ca8e0 07/19/2019 02:03 PM jenkins

Updated version in pom / project files to taxeditor version : 5.9.0-SNAPSHOT and cdmlib version : 5.9.0-SNAPSHOT

6e7032cb 05/03/2019 05:25 PM jenkins

Updated version in pom / project files to taxeditor version : 5.8.0-SNAPSHOT and cdmlib version : 5.8.0-SNAPSHOT