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# Date Author Comment
24048733 08/31/2020 01:19 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 move fop to taxeditor.print and upgrade version (cont.)

38af6cd2 08/31/2020 12:37 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 move fop to taxeditor.print and upgrade version

41fb6986 08/28/2020 11:16 AM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 handle commons-dbcp and commons-pool in taxeditor.cdmlib and taxeditor.test

f99a438f 08/26/2020 01:06 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 move junit and hamcrest (junit dependency) to pom and upgrade to 4.13

e6c6e2f3 08/26/2020 12:17 AM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 remove jaxb1-impl from taxeditor.cdmlib

eb97fe00 08/26/2020 12:12 AM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 remove icu4j from taxeditor.cdmlib

255a8c7f 08/25/2020 11:34 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 remove springsource -aopalliance and c-ommons.logging from taxeditor.cdmlib

af3317d9 08/25/2020 11:33 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9208 finally remove cdmlib-remote and cdmlib-print from taxeditor.cdmlib

e1c30665 08/25/2020 11:31 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9208 adapt taxeditor to new l10n package

62c4ea8a 08/25/2020 10:34 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 , ref #9208 move cdmlib-remote and cdmlib-print to taxeditor.printpublisher

806f96a2 08/25/2020 07:02 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9207 , ref #9204 upgrade taxeditor.cdmlib to ehcache-2.10.6

220a3f38 08/25/2020 05:13 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9204, ref #9206 cglib from taxeditor.cdmlib, move cglib-nodep to pom

b1942d80 08/24/2020 01:33 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 remove activation-1.1.1 from taxeditor.cdmlib

26a3197a 08/24/2020 11:37 AM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 remove avro library from taxeditor.cdmlib

d5c136f0 08/24/2020 09:59 AM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 reattache hibernate-envers, upgrade to hibernate 5.1.17 and move hibernate to pom

40d7b9fa 08/22/2020 11:42 AM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 remove hibernate-envers from taxeditor

8abb738b 08/22/2020 11:41 AM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 remove hibernate-search 4.x libraries from taxeditor

4c3e4cf6 08/22/2020 12:49 AM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 remove redmine-java-api from taxeditor.cdmlib

a69309b2 08/22/2020 12:28 AM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 remove wsdl4j from taxeditor.cdmlib

ab2607f8 08/22/2020 12:21 AM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 upgrade joda-time and switch to dependency in taxeditor.cdmlib

b54eeb32 08/21/2020 11:11 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 remove xml-resolver from taxeditor.cdmlib

f27c8b65 08/21/2020 11:03 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 upgrade jaxb-api in taxeditor.cdmlib

37dc0842 08/21/2020 10:44 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 switch jdom and jdom2 to dependency in taxeditor.cdmlib and upgrade poi with dependencies

e9e3bd0b 08/21/2020 09:04 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 remove batik libraries from taxeditor.cdmlib

68718e83 08/21/2020 08:07 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 remove jsr250-api from taxeditor.cdmlib

fd96628e 08/21/2020 07:59 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 remove xmlunit from taxeditor.cdmlib

0a6d105e 08/21/2020 07:29 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 remove dbunit from taxeditor.cdmlib and upgrade to 2.7.0 in taxeditor.test

dc1c8ae4 08/21/2020 03:48 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 reattache c3p0 to taxeditor main and revert unitils version to 3.4.2

bf141f4d 08/21/2020 02:31 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 reattache commons-lang-2.6 to taxeditor (cont)

3d5bd11a 08/21/2020 02:06 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 reattache commons-lang-2.6 to taxeditor

3dfc2334 08/21/2020 01:24 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 upgrade and remove further libraries in taxeditor (including commons-lang und unitils)

075cdc06 08/20/2020 07:42 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 upgrade spring and spring-security and its libraries in taxeditor

ddecba6a 08/20/2020 07:42 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 upgrade hibernate-validation and libraries in taxeditor

f52bec28 08/20/2020 02:11 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 upgrade xerces in taxeditor

765bd4c4 08/20/2020 02:07 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9204 upgrade jackson libraries in taxeditor

38b8028b 08/19/2020 09:02 PM jenkins

Updated version in pom / project files to taxeditor version : 5.18.0-SNAPSHOT and cdmlib version : 5.18.0-SNAPSHOT

2e0e76b2 08/19/2020 07:35 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9148 remove duplicate versions for commons-imaging-1.0-alphaX in MANIFEST.MF

9e780f4e 08/18/2020 03:07 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #9148 upgrading apache commons-imaging to 1.0-alpha2

ea24519c 08/13/2020 04:23 PM Andreas Müller

ref #5752 reattache H2 to TaxEditor dependencies

234333cc 07/13/2020 08:02 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9148 add commons-imaging-1.0-alpha1 to TaxEditor dependencies and remove sanselan-0.97-incubator (cont. II)

4a943fb5 07/13/2020 06:38 PM Andreas Müller


0b4fe3ea 07/13/2020 06:06 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9148 add commons-imaging-1.0-alpha1 to TaxEditor dependencies and remove sanselan-0.97-incubator

ebf4cc77 07/08/2020 06:26 PM Andreas Müller

update httpmime to 4.5.12

09522b16 07/08/2020 06:05 PM Andreas Müller

update to httpclient 4.5.12 (cont.)

3185cbdd 07/08/2020 05:57 PM Andreas Müller

update to httpclient 4.5.12, commons-lang3 3.10 and commons-codec 1.14

dd789975 07/08/2020 12:22 PM Andreas Müller

Revert "remove mysql-connector-java from taxeditor-cdmlib" and use latest mysql-connector version instead

This reverts commit 439eb660e3682cbdd4dafbeed7dd81ef52e6f326.

e5a23c6b 07/03/2020 12:29 AM Andreas Müller

ref #5752 remove xom and springfox-swagger-common-2.3.1 and springfox-swagger2-2.3.1

7536e2e2 07/03/2020 12:05 AM Andreas Müller

ref #5752 remove hibernate-cglib-repack-2.1_3, hibernate-ehcache-5.0.7.Final

b31e1c21 07/03/2020 12:04 AM Andreas Müller

ref #5752 remove dozer-5.3.0

bd41d7a4 07/02/2020 11:55 PM Andreas Müller

ref #5752 remove spring-security-oauth2 including jackson-mapper-asl and jackson-core-asl

ab49c2fa 07/02/2020 11:45 PM Andreas Müller

ref #5752 remove spring-security-web

e7ffaed2 07/02/2020 11:36 PM Andreas Müller

ref #5752 remove spring-modules-cache and dependeny concurrent-1.3.4

6fa33238 07/02/2020 11:29 PM Andreas Müller

ref #5752 remove javax.servlet-api and spring-webmvc

c38b8384 07/02/2020 01:20 PM Andreas Müller

ref #5752 remove easymock-2.3, easymockclassextension-2.3, h2-1.4.190, h2mig_pagestore_addon, hsqldb-2.3.3, junit-benchmarks-0.7.2, ognl-2.6.9, yip-controller-api-redist from taxeditor.cdmlib

439eb660 07/02/2020 09:00 AM Andreas Müller

remove mysql-connector-java from taxeditor-cdmlib

1fd65fb3 07/01/2020 11:00 PM Andreas Müller

remove xstream and dependencies xpp3(_min) and xmlpull from taxeditor.cdmlib plugin

ace1ec64 06/30/2020 04:41 PM jenkins

Updated version in pom / project files to taxeditor version : 5.17.0-SNAPSHOT and cdmlib version : 5.17.0-SNAPSHOT

8d5dc888 06/28/2020 03:23 PM Andreas Müller

upgrade commons-beanutils from 1.9.2 to 1.9.4

287b0222 06/27/2020 06:05 PM Andreas Müller

ref #9071 update MANIFEST.MF to include format.common package

652a9ae4 06/23/2020 02:01 PM jenkins

Updated version in pom / project files to taxeditor version : 5.16.0-SNAPSHOT and cdmlib version : 5.16.0-SNAPSHOT

c41ac60d 06/08/2020 01:40 PM Andreas Müller

adapt TaxEditor to new package structure for persistence.permission and format.description and some cleanup

752d17aa 06/05/2020 07:50 PM Andreas Müller

remove cdmlib-test from MANIFEST

d503eb16 06/05/2020 06:33 PM Andreas Müller

remove unitils from TaxEditor cdmlib dependencies as they are needed only for tests

5ba9a6c7 05/15/2020 01:48 PM Katja Luther

ref #8785: minor

1a4699cd 05/11/2020 01:20 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

adding missing dependencies for kml and iiif

dcfa31c8 04/08/2020 03:06 PM jenkins

Updated version in pom / project files to taxeditor version : 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT and cdmlib version : 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT

3b4720f8 03/23/2020 12:48 PM jenkins

Updated version in pom / project files to taxeditor version : 5.14.0-SNAPSHOT and cdmlib version : 5.14.0-SNAPSHOT

c1ad99d9 02/11/2020 08:42 AM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #8812 managing dependencies via maven, removing duplicate dependencies, updating httpclient

a4c74614 01/20/2020 01:03 PM jenkins

Updated version in pom / project files to taxeditor version : 5.13.0-SNAPSHOT and cdmlib version : 5.13.0-SNAPSHOT

451335ef 11/14/2019 02:25 PM jenkins

Updated version in pom / project files to taxeditor version : 5.12.0-SNAPSHOT and cdmlib version : 5.12.0-SNAPSHOT

6c8d17c5 11/06/2019 01:19 PM Katja Luther

ref #8470: export ConstraintViolationException

9a17a3b1 10/17/2019 12:46 PM Katja Luther

adapt tax editor to changes in longrunning task service

83f6b260 09/23/2019 12:30 PM jenkins

Updated version in pom / project files to taxeditor version : 5.11.0-SNAPSHOT and cdmlib version : 5.11.0-SNAPSHOT

76b888e0 08/29/2019 04:15 PM jenkins

Updated version in pom / project files to taxeditor version : 5.10.0-SNAPSHOT and cdmlib version : 5.10.0-SNAPSHOT

d9054fe5 08/13/2019 05:02 PM Andreas Müller

adapt TaxEditor to Schema changes v5.8.1

909ca8e0 07/19/2019 02:03 PM jenkins

Updated version in pom / project files to taxeditor version : 5.9.0-SNAPSHOT and cdmlib version : 5.9.0-SNAPSHOT

6e7032cb 05/03/2019 05:25 PM jenkins

Updated version in pom / project files to taxeditor version : 5.8.0-SNAPSHOT and cdmlib version : 5.8.0-SNAPSHOT

aef8731c 04/26/2019 12:10 PM Patrick Plitzner

ref #8248 Implement OWL import wizard

4d7307cd 04/12/2019 11:45 AM jenkins

Updated version in pom / project files to taxeditor version : 5.7.0-SNAPSHOT and cdmlib version : 5.7.0-SNAPSHOT

0698c0be 03/05/2019 05:37 PM Andreas Müller

ref #8162 export persistence.dao.(hibernate.)term

eedc312f 03/05/2019 04:19 PM Andreas Müller

fix #8162 add eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.term.init to exported packages

974d02d0 03/05/2019 12:43 PM Andreas Müller

fix #8162 add eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.term to exported packages

5b5cdeb7 02/25/2019 01:33 PM Patrick Plitzner

Merge branch 'develop' into termSearch

48fcf86f 02/21/2019 04:47 PM Patrick Plitzner

ref #8118 Remove outdated mysqlconnector dependency

168c2abf 02/21/2019 04:24 PM Patrick Plitzner

ref #8118 Update/remove mysqlconnector dependency

5937d209 02/18/2019 09:40 AM Patrick Plitzner

ref #8011 Implement experimental occurence facet search

a85eb65a 02/14/2019 02:13 PM jenkins

Updated version in pom / project files to taxeditor version : 5.6.0-SNAPSHOT and cdmlib version : 5.6.0-SNAPSHOT

16a5a5e5 11/29/2018 08:53 AM Patrick Plitzner

ref #7837 Update docx4j version

ad042feb 11/22/2018 09:33 AM Patrick Plitzner

ref #7837 Add docx export to feature tree context menu

44ad5ba2 10/25/2018 02:09 PM jenkins

Updated version in pom / project files to taxeditor version : 5.5.0-SNAPSHOT and cdmlib version : 5.5.0-SNAPSHOT

43803bca 09/17/2018 10:50 AM jenkins

Updated version in pom / project files to taxeditor version : 5.4.0-SNAPSHOT and cdmlib version : 5.4.0-SNAPSHOT

e54b05e2 09/12/2018 09:12 AM Katja Luther

add eu.etaxonomy.cdm.strategy.cache to export packages in cdmlib

4f2039f3 08/17/2018 02:20 PM jenkins

Updated version in pom / project files to taxeditor version : 5.3.0-SNAPSHOT and cdmlib version : 5.3.0-SNAPSHOT

d05bf8bd 07/13/2018 02:52 PM Patrick Plitzner

ref #7549 Add quant statistic tooltip to character matrix

a3a12095 07/13/2018 08:32 AM Patrick Plitzner

ref #7549 Add/use apache common math for frequency distribution

41883468 07/12/2018 12:45 PM Patrick Plitzner

ref #7549 Implement historgram tooltip for categorical data

b9231fd2 06/27/2018 02:49 PM jenkins

Updated version in pom / project files to taxeditor version : 5.2.0-SNAPSHOT and cdmlib version : 5.2.0-SNAPSHOT

d113f0b3 06/08/2018 09:44 AM Andreas Müller

ref #3560 add exception package to TaxEdtior

9fb97d48 05/18/2018 10:03 AM Patrick Plitzner

Fix version number for develop build

7218b4ea 05/17/2018 12:24 PM Patrick Plitzner

Updated version in pom / project files to taxeditor version : 5.1.0 and cdmlib version : 5.1.0-SNAPSHOT