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Revision 9c021029

Added by Andreas Müller almost 2 years ago

ref #10097 change originalNameString to originalInfo in cdmlib

View differences:

370 370
    public void setOriginalSpelling(TaxonName originalSpelling);
371 371

372 372
     * Sets the orginal name string in the nomenclatural source.
     * Sets the original info in the nomenclatural source.
374 374
     * Creates the source if it does not exist.
375 375
    public void setOriginalNameString(String originalNameString);
    public void setOriginalInfo(String originalInfo);
377 377

378 378
379 379
     * Returns the taxonomic {@link Rank rank} of <i>this</i> taxon name.
517 517
     * @param  typeSpecies              the taxon name to be used as type of <i>this</i> taxon name
518 518
     * @param  citation                 the reference for this new designation
519 519
     * @param  citationMicroReference   the string with the details (generally pages) within the reference
     * @param  originalNameString       the taxon name string used in the reference to assert this designation
     * @param  originalInfo             any information from the original source, might be the name as written in the source (#10097)
521 521
     * @param  isRejectedType           the boolean status for a rejected name type designation
522 522
     * @param  isConservedType          the boolean status for a conserved name type designation
523 523
     * @param  isLectoType              the boolean status for a lectotype name type designation
530 530
     * @see                             TypeDesignationBase#isNotDesignated()
531 531
532 532
    public NameTypeDesignation addNameTypeDesignation(TaxonName typeSpecies, Reference citation,
            String citationMicroReference, String originalNameString, NameTypeDesignationStatus status,
            String citationMicroReference, String originalInfo, NameTypeDesignationStatus status,
534 534
            boolean isRejectedType, boolean isConservedType,
535 535
            /*boolean isLectoType, */
536 536
            boolean isNotDesignated, boolean addToAllHomotypicNames);
542 542
     * @param  typeSpecies              the taxon name to be used as type of <i>this</i> taxon name
543 543
     * @param  citation                 the reference for this new designation
544 544
     * @param  citationMicroReference   the string with the details (generally pages) within the reference
     * @param  originalNameString       the taxon name string used in the reference to assert this designation
     * @param  originalInfo             any information from the original source, might be the name as written in the source (#10097)
546 546
     * @param  status                   the name type designation status
547 547
     * @param  addToAllHomotypicNames   the boolean indicating whether the name type designation should be
548 548
     *                                  added to all taxon names of the homotypical group this taxon name belongs to
552 552
     * @see                             TypeDesignationBase#isNotDesignated()
553 553
554 554
    public NameTypeDesignation addNameTypeDesignation(TaxonName typeSpecies, Reference citation,
            String citationMicroReference, String originalNameString, NameTypeDesignationStatus status,
            String citationMicroReference, String originalInfo, NameTypeDesignationStatus status,
556 556
            boolean addToAllHomotypicNames);
557 557

558 558
569 569
     * @param  status                   the specimen type designation status
570 570
     * @param  citation                 the reference for this new specimen type designation
571 571
     * @param  citationMicroReference   the string with the details (generally pages) within the reference
     * @param  originalNameString       the taxon name used in the reference to assert this designation
     * @param  originalInfo             any information from the original source, might be the name as written in the source (#10097)
573 573
     * @param  isNotDesignated          the boolean status for a specimen type designation without specimen type
574 574
     * @param  addToAllHomotypicNames   the boolean indicating whether the specimen type designation should be
575 575
     *                                  added to all taxon names of the homotypical group the typified
581 581
     * @see                             TypeDesignationBase#isNotDesignated()
582 582
583 583
    public SpecimenTypeDesignation addSpecimenTypeDesignation(DerivedUnit typeSpecimen, SpecimenTypeDesignationStatus status,
            Reference citation, String citationMicroReference, String originalNameString, boolean isNotDesignated,
            Reference citation, String citationMicroReference, String originalInfo, boolean isNotDesignated,
585 585
            boolean addToAllHomotypicNames);
586 586

587 587
590 590
591 591
     * @param text                      the text
592 592
     * @param language                  the language of the text, if no language is defined {@link Language#UNDETERMINED()} is used
     * @param isVerbatim                wether or not this the text is a verbatim text from a reference
     * @param  citation                 the reference for this new specimen type designation
     * @param  citationMicroReference   the string with the details (generally pages) within the reference
     * @param  originalNameString       the taxon name used in the reference to assert this designation
     * @param  addToAllHomotypicNames   the boolean indicating whether the specimen type designation should be
     * @param isVerbatim                whether or not this the text is a verbatim text from a reference
     * @param citation                  the reference for this new specimen type designation
     * @param citationMicroReference    the string with the details (generally pages) within the reference
     * @param originalInfo              any information from the original source, might be the name as written in the source (#10097)
     * @param addToAllHomotypicNames    the boolean indicating whether the specimen type designation should be
598 598
     * @return
599 599
600 600
    TextualTypeDesignation addTextualTypeDesignation(String text, Language language, boolean isVerbatim,
            Reference citation, String citationMicroReference, String originalNameString,
            Reference citation, String citationMicroReference, String originalInfo,
602 602
            boolean addToAllHomotypicNames);
603 603

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