ref #9279 fix TypedEntity for source
ref #9279 add TypedEntities to TypeDesignationDTO
ref #9279 use RegistrationDTO instead of TypedEntityReference for TypeDesignations
ref #9279 fix make WorkingSet a Map again and cleanup
ref #9279 make WorkingSet a Map again and fix typo in RegistrationDTO attribute and fix jsonConfigurations
ref #9279 improve generics for TypedEntityReference
ref #9279 separate formatting from TypeDesignationSetManager and extract TypeDesignationWorkingSet as top level class and some cleanup
ref #9279 remove redundant typifiedNameRef (TypedEntityReference) and cleanup
ref #9272 remove invalid state from nom. ambig. and nom. confus.
ref #9279 remove redundant string and TaggedText computing and fix post separator for names type sets
ref #9282 adapt some nomenclatural standings in test dataset and fix/cleanup update script
ref #9311 update labels in test terms
ref #9282 add NomenclaturalStanding and INomenclaturalStanding and related method in TaxonName, NomenclaturalStatusType and NameRelationshipType
avoid NPE in Typedesignation Manager for sources without reference
fix presence questionable handling in test terms
Update javadoc for CdmPreference related classes.
replace links to trac tickets by links to redmine tickets in javadoc
ref #9302 remove bracket around year in short citations for type designations and add citationDetail to short citations
ref #9253 removing initstrategy from DTO service method - cleaning up
ref #9253 removing initstrategy from DTO service method
ref #8774: save term tree informations
ref #9252 piping baseofRecord through KeyTermValueProcessor
ref #9279 improve TypeDesignationSetManager
remove unused method in depracted FeatureNodeService
ref #8774: avoid NPE in delete method
ref #8774: improve save method for new characternodes
ref #8774: save method for new characternodes
ref #9252 renaming property derivates to derivatives
ref #9252 removing deprecated property listLabel
ref #9252 using IEnumTerm for recordBase
ref #9252 documenting further needed refactoring
ref #9134 improving regex in DefaultMediaTransformations for digilib
ref #8774: reuse treeDto for all node dtos
ref #8774: fix test in suite
ref #8774: termnode dto tests - continue
fix test (cont.)
fix test
fix #9267: add no sec reference to newly created taxon moved from synonym
ref #8774: implement tests for dto handling - test changing representation
ref #8774: implement tests for dto handling - comment the assert statement
ref #8774: implement tests for dto handling - continue
ref #8774: implement tests for dto handling - to be continued
ref #8774: save plural of representation was missing
ref #9263 use lower case for SpecimenTypeDesignationStatus
ref #8774: further implementations for using term dtos in editor
ref #9262 further cleanup citation handling in TypeDesignationSetManager (cont.)
ref #9262 further cleanup citation handling in TypeDesignationSetManager
cleanup TypeDesignationSetManager
ref #9262 fix failing test by adding lectotype to name type status in test terms
ref #9262 unify buildString methods in TypeDesignationSetManager and unify some minor formatting issues
remove deprecated method from TypeDesignationSetManager
ref #9262 javadoc link to ticket
correct rank for name type tests in TypeDesignationSetManagerTest
ref #9262 add test for lecto-nametype with designated by and fide
ref #9262 move lectotype citation for name types in stringify(NameTypeDesignation) method
ref #9262 move designated by out of brackets
fix linux compilation issue
ref #9262 fix fide and designated by handling for cdmlight export and TypeDesignationSetManager
ref #9252 adding to DerivedUnitDTO.listOfMedia
improve generics for TypeDesignationSetManager TypedEntityReference
remove 2 deprecated methods from ImagesUtility
ref #9252 adding mostSignificantIdentifier to DerivedUnitDTO
ref #9252 using TypedEntityReference for DerivedUnitDTO.associatedTaxa
ref #9252 adding id as propery to recover lost UuidAndTitleCache property for the taxeditor
try to fix failing (in suite) test (cont.)
try to fix failing (in suite) test
remove some further null values from test data
remove some null values from test data
ref #9252 using DefinedTermBase for term fields in DTOs and TypedEdityRefernce for indentifications
ref #9252 localizing kind of unit in SpecimenOrObservationBaseDTO
fix #9258 using Partial for date field in FieldUnitDTO
ref #8419 ref #9252 introducing specimenIdentifier field in DTO and experimental accessionNumber cleanup
ref #8423 OccurrenceServiceImpl.findFieldUnitDTO() : fixing merge problem of derivate paths
ref #9253 cleaning up caller of OccurrenceServiceImpl.findFieldUnitDTO(..)
ref #8423 raising log level of problematic situation and code cleaning
ref #8423 ref #9253, ref #9252 fixing duplicate addition of DerivedUnitDTOs
ref #9252 basing SpecimenOrObservationBaseDTO on TypedEntityReference
ref #9252 determinig hasTypes from actual data and fixing type probelms in methods
ref #9257 comments including questions on missing filtering in the DrivedUnitDTO construction