bugfix for #2558 (concurrent modification in TaxonNodeServiceImpl.makeTaxonNodeASynonymOfAnotherTaxonNode(...) )
adding permission handling and writing a test for usermanagement
bugfix for imageGallery flag not set #1830
tests for image galleries in derived unit facade and bugfix for test in DescriptionServiceImplTest which didn't run in maven.
Refactoring of taxon business logic methods and started to write tests for these methods. The tests are far from finished.
merge 3.0.2 to trunk
added unplaced and excluded attribute to Taxon
bugfix for derived unit facade test
cache update for identifiable services
merging the last changes from SPRINT-Cichoriea1 into trunk
merging /branches/cdmlib/SPRINT-Chichorieae1/ to trunk
Restored test images that disappeared magically
changes for renaming referencebase table name in persistence, service & io
Intensive model change for referenceBase and subclass, smaller model changes for taxonBase and marker
fix tests in services after model change
common service getReferencedCdmBases
Corrected test data to reflect new uniqueness constraint on uuid
Lots of changes, including adding List orderHints, List propertyPaths to service methods, created IUserService interface for management of user entities
TypeDesignationStatus renamed to SpecimenTypeDesignationStatus
bugfix for TaxonServiceSearchTest
bug in TaxonServiceSearchTest
model change for references (publishers) and taxon status
Merged branches/cdmlib/2.0 changes r5130:5370 into the trunk
Minor problems discovered whilst refactoring CATE: Corrections to User / Group / Authority impl Changes due to upgrade of hibernate-search
delete dataset.xsd and PUBLIC.xsd in service layer
Changes related to refactoring of Auditing info, including auto-population of createdBy and updatedBy fields from the SecurityContext (#630)
Committing large number of changes relating to versioning implementation (#108), plus lsid resolution services
Added some tests