


| Branch: | Tag: | Revision:

# Date Author Comment
5e97e1b2 08/22/2011 08:28 PM Andreas Müller

bugfix for #2558 (concurrent modification in TaxonNodeServiceImpl.makeTaxonNodeASynonymOfAnotherTaxonNode(...) )

1d6bc341 06/21/2011 12:41 PM Katja Luther

adding permission handling and writing a test for usermanagement

9b3e6c3f 02/11/2011 11:57 AM Andreas Müller

bugfix for imageGallery flag not set #1830

8051fca9 02/10/2011 01:31 PM Andreas Müller

tests for image galleries in derived unit facade and bugfix for test in DescriptionServiceImplTest which didn't run in maven.

fd992c0d 01/03/2011 05:14 PM Niels Hoffmann

Refactoring of taxon business logic methods and started to write tests for these methods. The tests are far from finished.

1d36aa54 12/01/2010 04:17 PM Andreas Müller

merge 3.0.2 to trunk

8799d546 09/21/2010 12:26 AM Andreas Müller

added unplaced and excluded attribute to Taxon

48ef8231 07/14/2010 11:53 PM Andreas Müller

bugfix for derived unit facade test

b17d9121 07/06/2010 06:57 PM Andreas Müller

cache update for identifiable services

443f1bb1 06/21/2010 01:32 PM Niels Hoffmann

merging the last changes from SPRINT-Cichoriea1 into trunk

892efc69 06/16/2010 05:30 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

merging /branches/cdmlib/SPRINT-Chichorieae1/ to trunk

0bf14ad2 03/30/2010 03:50 PM Niels Hoffmann

Restored test images that disappeared magically

2ff67c03 11/25/2009 02:25 PM Katja Luther
fd6c56e6 09/21/2009 03:20 PM Andreas Müller

changes for renaming referencebase table name in persistence, service & io

57606ee3 09/21/2009 02:21 AM Andreas Müller

Intensive model change for referenceBase and subclass, smaller model changes for taxonBase and marker

0f56fae5 09/07/2009 06:25 PM Andreas Müller

fix tests in services after model change

60e03b35 06/29/2009 09:28 PM Andreas Müller

common service getReferencedCdmBases

60002599 06/03/2009 11:37 PM Ben Clark

Corrected test data to reflect new uniqueness constraint on uuid

d44277a9 05/07/2009 01:45 PM Ben Clark

Lots of changes, including adding List orderHints, List propertyPaths to service methods, created IUserService interface for management of user entities

2db7ad80 04/20/2009 05:22 PM Anahit Babadshanjan

TypeDesignationStatus renamed to SpecimenTypeDesignationStatus

a03d917a 03/31/2009 02:10 PM Andreas Müller

bugfix for TaxonServiceSearchTest

4294e2b1 03/29/2009 05:04 PM Andreas Müller

bug in TaxonServiceSearchTest

9f2211a1 03/25/2009 04:24 PM Andreas Müller


e133b83b 03/24/2009 07:10 PM Andreas Müller

model change for references (publishers) and taxon status

7a1d87e3 03/19/2009 05:29 PM Anahit Babadshanjan

Merged branches/cdmlib/2.0 changes r5130:5370 into the trunk

ecdabe81 03/12/2009 06:00 PM Ben Clark

Minor problems discovered whilst refactoring CATE:
Corrections to User / Group / Authority impl
Changes due to upgrade of hibernate-search

3cea02d9 03/10/2009 10:57 AM Andreas Müller

delete dataset.xsd and PUBLIC.xsd in service layer

f127f08f 03/05/2009 12:38 PM Ben Clark

Changes related to refactoring of Auditing info, including auto-population of createdBy and updatedBy fields from the SecurityContext (#630)

6dc51956 02/25/2009 01:54 PM Ben Clark

Committing large number of changes relating to versioning implementation (#108), plus lsid resolution services

7b567c03 02/19/2009 12:18 PM Anahit Babadshanjan

Added some tests