#5909 revert unwanted commit
#5909 fix failing test
#5852 dao, service and controler for taxonNode sibling retrieval
refactoring taxonNode controllers - return dtos from the service layer, support for #5887
Simplify taxonDao
refactoring NodeSortMode
add limit and pattern to the uuid and titlecache methods
add limit and pattern to getTaxonNodeUuidAndTitleCacheOfAcceptedTaxaByClassification
Further develop the CDM preferences #3958
Add generic find(clazz, uuid) method #5853
Show stable identifier in specimen page (if present) #5515
Remove generics from Reference in cdmlib (except for cdmlib-model) #5830
new method to get UuidAndTitleCache objects with nomenclatural titleCache for teamOrPersonBase
fix polytomouskey delete, if root node is null
Add preferred stable URI to Derived Unit Facade #5765
fix delete of polytomous keys
Remove method agentsUsedAsUsers related to #5743
Clean up AnnotationDao and AnnotationService
small changes for moving taxonnodes
#5482 web services now support different orderBy modes
revert a small change in taxonservice
improve delete configurator for taxa and synonyms
Merge branch 'develop' of ssh://dev.e-taxonomy.eu/var/git/cdmlib into develop
smaller changes for fauna europaea import and csvNameExport
Fix order for areas #5677
Fix potential NPE
Reload type designation before deleting it to avoid caching conflicts.
Fix compilation error for Distribution comparator #5677
Implement natural ordering for distributions in data portal #5677
fix move taxonnode and remove null values from childrenlists in several places
Add IEventBaseService to application controller #5403
Add uuid based method for deleting type designations #5490
TaxonNodeByNameComparator is not a component anymore and add configurable delete method for media
fix move synonym to another accepted taxon
Refactor associated taxa assembly to include uuid #5611
workaround for delete of polytomous keynodes, because of null values in children list
removing all (almost all) spy6 references and dependencies
Fix et al. for collectors #5568
Adjust specimen delete configurator
Add missing Transactional annotation to delete method
Fix CCE in DefinedTermDaoImpl.getPartOf (#5556) and make deproxy more generic
Fix javassist error for specimen cache strategy loading #5545
Merge branch 'hotfix/3.12.3' into develop
Conflicts: cdmlib-services/src/main/java/eu/etaxonomy/cdm/api/service/TaxonNodeServiceImpl.java cdmlib-services/src/test/java/eu/etaxonomy/cdm/api/service/TaxonServiceSearchTest.java
Implement preliminary Specimen cache strategy using facade cache strategy
Revert last commit (taxon node handling is done in taxeditor)
Fix potential NPE when creating a new taxon for a classfication
cherry pick from develeop
new createNewTaxonNode service method
Fix specimen retrieval by assignment status
Cleanup CdmTermCacher and CdmCacher
Use correct StringUtils class
Fix NPE in DistributionNodeByAreaLabelComparator
Add assignmentStatus as parameter to occurrence retrieval in service method
Update dependencies to the latest versions (except for lucene) #4716
fixing problems regarding lucene search after merge - one test still failing
resolving conflicts after merge of ticket_4716 into develop
avoiding NPEs in pager
Cleanup description generics (related to #5357)
add null check for delete and minor
organizing imports
#4716 reduicing clutter in the lucene index and solving performance problems which probably fixes #4277 and #3663
Generalize term service method listByTermType()
#4761 performance improvent of massindexer by using new hibernate 5 massindexer, speedup by 3x
#4761 avoiding deprecations in highlighter api
#4761 updating means to obtain the IndexManager to new hibernate search api and extending according test
#4761 TopDocs adapting to removed IndexSearcher.setDefaultFieldSortScoring(boolean, boolean) method
#4761 TopDocs now supports maxScore, so TopGroupsWithMaxScore has become obsolete
#4761 correcting usage of new paramaters joinQuery parameters ScoreMode and multipleValuesPerDocument
#4761 fixing broken area filter join query, by circumventing a bug in lucene LUCENE-4824 (numeric fields not supported in join queries)
#4716 using BooelanQuery added with Occur.FILTER instead of deprecated search method
#4716 removing deprecated usage of new BooleanQuery, using BooleanQuery.Builder instead
index creation without errors, most lucene search test working again
Add uuid based method for getAllChildDerivatives()
Specified method signature as type designations are only available for DerivedUnits
changes for #4960 and #4959
Add convenience service methods to occurrence service
#4716 IndexDocValue relates issues solved, indexing now without exceptions, most tests in TaxonServiceSearchTest successful
Add load method for uuid lists
Fix issues after rebase #4716
Fix compile issues after rebase #4716
Update to hibernate 5 for cdmlib-io #4716
migrate to hibernate 5 for cdmlib-services and cdmlib-ext #4716
Upgrade to hibernate 5 with persistence tests running #4716
Fix all compile errors from services to remote (some only preliminary) #4716
Remove MultCollector class #4716
The original is now available through lucene 4.10
Further adapt to new jackson and new lucene version #4716
Upgrade to spring 4.2.2, spring-security 4.0.2 and latest hibernate validator #4716 and #4702
#4313 implementing full stack of methods to expose TaxonNodeAgentRelations via remote controllers
fix #5341 and fixing deletion of specimen