#5890 Evaluate taxon node based on selected cassification or taxon
#5890 Adjust service method to work on taxon node instead of classification
git issues
#5890 Use ModelAndView for portal controller
#5890 Add new controller method to get the root node for a given classification
#5890 Rename classification parameters to taxon node
#5852 dao, service and controler for taxonNode sibling retrieval
refactoring taxonNode controllers - return dtos from the service layer, support for #5887
#5858 adding missing join fetch in AutoPropertyInitializer
#5859 avoiding pollution of the log file with stack traces
Rename TaxonNodeDao to TaxonNodeDto
harmonizing OrderHintPresets
#5482 web services now support different orderBy modes
#5677 adding request paramter for DistributionOrder
removing depreceted controller methods
Implement natural ordering for distributions in data portal #5677
fixing cdm database detection for h2 databases
fixing LIE related to point locatins in OccurrenceListController
Fix CCE in DefinedTermDaoImpl.getPartOf (#5556) and make deproxy more generic
Merge branch 'hotfix/3.12.3' into develop
Conflicts: cdmlib-services/src/main/java/eu/etaxonomy/cdm/api/service/TaxonNodeServiceImpl.java cdmlib-services/src/test/java/eu/etaxonomy/cdm/api/service/TaxonServiceSearchTest.java
fixing init strategy which was broken after refacoring
#5532 adding missing item to init strategy
solving more problems which stem from previous refactoring
solving problems which stem from previous refactoring
#5479 preliminar solution for user defined presenceAbsence terms vocabularies
Merge branch 'hotfix/3.12.1' into develop
#4962 fixing LIE by re-adding init strategy for taxonNames
solving last merge problem
resolving conflicts after merge of ticket_4716 into develop
Cleanup description generics (related to #5357)
#5397 replacing swagger-springmvc by springfox-swagger2
#5397 fixing mapping problems in Description* controllers
organizing imports
#5397 creating separate controller for DescriptionElemens: avoids need for CdmAntPathMather and thus simplifies the Spring configuration
#4716 reduicing clutter in the lucene index and solving performance problems which probably fixes #4277 and #3663
Fix issues after rebase #4716
Further adapt to new jackson and new lucene version #4716
Upgrade to spring 4.2.2, spring-security 4.0.2 and latest hibernate validator #4716 and #4702
#4962 commenting performance measure print-out via System.err
#4962 avoiding bean initialization in getChildNodesAtRank() as much as possible - performance improvement
Fix typo
#4313 relationship type as additinal filter option for TaxonNodeAgentRelation services
#4313 implementing full stack of methods to expose TaxonNodeAgentRelations throught the AgentController with filter options
#4313 introducing AgentPortalController
#4313 implementing full stack of methods to expose TaxonNodeAgentRelations via remote controllers
Evaluate publish flag in portal controller
#5297 Refactor ProgressMonitorController, Add Remoting Progress monitor
#5297 Add progress monitor service, Add test services
#5297 Add monit import method
#5297 Update no. of work units
#5297 Add new thread class for remoting monitors
#5297 Add owner field to monitor thread and user checks in service...
Fix test in dataportal with strict bean initalization #5077
typos in documentation
#5229 implementing output of TaxonBase.getTaggedTitle in web services - turning the TaxonBeanProcessor into TaxonBaseBeanProcessor - adding taggedTitle to the taxon instances returned by the portal service
using UNKNOWN_RANK as default lowerRank in transmission engine
#5040 - adding parameters to transmission engine webservice to set targetAreaLevel, lowerRank & upperRank
#5070 - adding missing part in init stategy for second level derivatives
#4408 removing occurences of fallbackAreaMarkerType in methods and renaming parameter in controller
fixing broken pager of getNamedAreasInUse
implementing fallbackArea rule into DescriptionUtility.filterDistrubution for EuroPlusMed - #4408
Improve transmission engine parameters for web service (#5040)
some bugfixes in CondensedDistribution composition code - #3907
base framework for condensedDistributions implemented - #4911
Rename remaining occurrences of xxxAuthorTeam #4968
Rename remaining occurrences of combinationAuthorTeam and basionymAuthorTeam in code and other files
implementing modifications requested in #2880
performance improvement in AbstractBeanProcessor.getMergedExcludes(), avoids the merging of the collection each time the processBean() method is called, this can take place several 10 thousand times for one request - contributes to #4925
missing @Override
option to skip json processing for debugging purposes, see #4925
fixing #4752 (RL Webservice 9: CommonName Webservice)
inalizing implementing option to update the database scheme via cdmlib-remote, related to r19571
fixing #4798 (NPE in DescriptionListController at descriptionElement/byTaxon?taxon={uuid})
fixing NPE in TaxonPortalController.doGetSubtreeMedia() for the request path taxon/{uuid}/subtree/media
fixed request parameter to match the convention of using the pathvariable
implementing better namedAreasInUse service for #3994 (Select widget to choose the filter areas for the advanced search)
make indexing type collection a list (was Set before)
moved flockSearch from checklistDemoController to TaxonController and renamed it to inlucdedTaxa
adding missing statisticalValues to init strategy, related to #4639 (Show quantitative data correctly in Data portal (for Cyprus portal))
change subtree param name
Add correct paging to findByIdentifier
allow streaming for PagerParams
fixing ambigious mvc controller mapping
fixing bug regarding taxon lsid in catalogue service
adding lsid to TaxonInformation
extended controller to enable feature export
avoid LIE for subtree
make matchmode case insensitive in controller
improve byIdentifer service
Rename mapping endpoint for findByIdentifier with subtree
change name of findByIdentifer in TaxonController