ref #7980, ref #8871, ref #9795 fix source handling in StructuredDescriptionAggregation
remove cloneNotSupportedException from DescriptionElementBase and some cleanup
ref #9797 Taxon.isMisapplicationOnly() as transient method
minor and cleanup
include taxon name in taxon node referencing objects formatter
ref #9798 add Spanish country labels to term csv files
ref #9798 make Spanish uuid public
minor issues for StructuredDescriptionAggregationTest
ref #6387 add code validation for cultivar group epi
ref #9477 fix term loading for ordered new terms
ref #9762, ref #9755 Add nameCache annotation to cultivar fields
ref #9778, ref #9782 fix parsing for (sub)proles
ref #9757 add test for parsing into existing name
ref #9754 fix tests
ref #9754 fix appended phrase handling in cultivar formatter (cont.)
ref #9754 fix appended phrase handling in cultivar formatter
ref #9755 add DENOMINATIONCLASS to isCultivar()
ref #9782 adapt abbreviation for proles - adapt tests
ref #9782 adapt abbreviation for proles
ref #9755 update script for grex infraspec. representation
ref #6387 test that convar is not a cultivar
ref #9778, ref #9755, ref #9754, ref # 9757 split grex and add new ranks lusus, subproles and subgrex
ref #9754 handle infraspecific epithets better
ref #9754 handle null values for cultivar epis better
ref #9757 fix emptying name before parsing
ref #9757 fix cultivar parser test
ref #9754 support author and nom. ref. handling for cultivar formatting
ref #9757 improve cultivar parser
ref #9772: deproxy the term in getTermByClassAndUUID
ref #7099 documentation on the intendet purpose of CdmAuthority
ref #7099 javadoc added to CdmAuthority
ref #7099 implement toString and isEqual for CdmAuthority
ref #9014 allow any word with number as detail in parser
change to model version 5.27.0
ref #9755 update cultivarName->cultivarEpithet
ref #9757 fix cultivar group parser text encoding
ref #7640, ref #4209 update country labels and split label from official title (still handled in description)
ref #9755 add abbrev to cultivar group representation
ref #9761 add cultivarGroup column
ref #9710: switch to dtos for descriptive data set and descriptions for character matrix
fix #9759 fix not existing protectedCache field in persistence matcher
fix #9759 fix missing deduplication for parsed person (and maybe also team)
ref #9757 further improve cultivar parsing
ref #9754 , ref #9757 further improve cultivar name parsing and formatting
ref #9757 first implementation of cultivar parsing
ref #9754 first implementation for cultivar formatter
ref #9747 add getCdmVocabularyUuids to Language
ref #7646 , ref #9752 make "hort." parseable
ref #9752 remove warning for getTitleWithoutYearAndAuthor for some refTypes
fix #9706 reducing field visibility of sections to authors, pages and inReference
ref #9701 taggedText to string method with exclude option
ref #9747 add language to TermType.getEmptyDefinedTermBase
Cleanup and javadoc
ref #9729, #9728, #9664 remove deprecated method setNomenclaturalTitle
ref #9729, #9728, #9664 remove calls to deprecated method setNomenclaturalTitle
ref #9729, #9728, #9664 Adapt handling of nomenclaturalTitleCache setter and javadoc
fix #9738 fix recursion for only titleCache protected nomenclatural source
ref #9340, #9734, #9668: further improvements for configurable sec handling during taxon(base) operations
fix #9728 completing bean property Team.nomenclaturalTitleCache
ref #9657 cleanup and make Partial comparator configurable for null handling
ref #9657 fully implement compare method for partials used in CDM
fix #9705 fix case with empty reference having only protected titleCache
fix #9705 remove nomRef token and fix nomRef formatting for references without title
fix #8140 #note-5 removed paralectotype from list of sourcable type designation status
ref #9702 add factory method for Collection
ref #5655, ref #5640 unspecific 'non' NameRelationshipType added
fix #9695 a predicate for supportsTaxonConcepts
adapt correct model schema number
ref #9692 add operation class and link from TaxonRelationship
add schemaversion 5.25.1
ref #9599 fix taggedFullTitle test
ref #9678 improve titleGeneration for derived units with empty field units
ref #9663 adapt test to test for removing the suffix (jpg and &mo=file)
ref #4311 add initials + family default for collectorTitleCache
ref #9664 , ref #4311 fix cache handling for collectorTitle and nomenclaturalTitle
ref #9664 , ref #4311 fix updateCaches in Person
fix updateCaches - do not set nomenclaturalTitle but nomenclaturalTitleCache
ref #4311 fix collectorTitleCache handling in Team an in person2Team
remove isGeneratingTitleCache which is not in use anymore