Delete warnings in TermNotFoundException
Delete warnings in view
Delete warnings in location
Delete warnings in description
Delete warnings in media
Delete warnings in molecular
warning clean cdmlib-model agent and jaxb
Fixed Hibernate mappings, JAXB annotations, and typos after model review.
AuthorCache protected and NameCache protected
Parser enhancement
TimePeriod bugfix
parser update
corrected a typo
test for isMisapliedName
taxon.isMisapliedName model
Finished JAXB annotations for media, reference, and molecular packages
Some bug fixes
List of State has been corrected to List of StateData
Search for specific references implemented (getReferencesByTitle)
OriginalSource NewInstance with Citation and microRef
TimePeriod null-Pointer bug
Documentation of Media classes
Jaxb export/import working for Cichorieae including distribution data
Rank -> warn -> info
further TaxonRelationshipTypes
Image in Feature Node
Feature "Image"
GeoService URL removed from model Distribution class
Finished Jaxb annotations for common and description packages.
changed default behaviour of getEditGeoServiceUrlParameterString()
Distribution Test
geoservice Distribution
Cichorieae distribution import: TDWG areas and presence status supported
add DerivedUnit for Units with unknown RecordBasis - does not work :/
persistentTitleCache -> titleCache
int -> Integer
TimePeriod -> jodaTime
add setOfReferences to DeterminationEvent
Addition of standard deviation
Read distribution data from spreadsheet
clone return type
clone() must return Object ;-)
Level "Country" added
Remove transient field from propOrder list
Create table DescriptionElementBase_Modifier
Add NewInstance() method with parameters
Cloneable and other changes to occurrence classes
DerivationEventType 2
DerivationEventType 1
DnaSample Cloneable
Point Cloneable
EventBase Cloneable and some minor changes to Extension and IdentifiableEntity
MultilanguageText Cloneable
Table name corrected
Split table DefinedTermBase_TermVocabulary into DefinedTermBase_RecommendedModifierEnumeration and DefinedTermBase_CategoricalEnumeration.
Removed control character that was inserted by Notepad++ when converting to UTF-8 format
Changed encoding to UTF-8
Load predefined terms StatisticalMeasure and DerivationEventType
Assigned continents to ISO 3166 countries using TDWG scheme
Move synonyms, misapplied names, and descriptions from old accepted taxon to new accepted taxon for “Make synonym this taxon’s accepted taxon”
Distribution geoService Url updated
Set fullTitleCache = titleCache in case parser has problems
Removal of name relationships implemented.
distribution hack
geoWebService actual
GatheringEvent: set of NamedAreas (debug if Hashset null...)
update geoServiceUrl creation
colors for PresenceAbsence & DistributionUrl
PresenceAbsenceTerms added
Fixed makeEmpty()
Changed locality from type String to type LanguageStringBase
Adapted JAXB annotations for set of named areas
change GatheringEvent: addCollectingArea instead of setCollectingArea (Set of NamedArea)
Added getLanguageByIso() to ITermService. Bug fix getFullTitleCache().
Implemented methods getFullTitleCache() and getDatabaseType() for Taxonomic Editor.