ref #9262: fix homotypical group name comparator
ref #8802 fix jaxb annotations for ExtendedTimePeriod
framework for SchemaUpdate to 5.18.4
ref #8774: further implementations for using term dtos in editor
ref #8802 add TemporalData to jaxb annotation in DescriptionBase
ref #9262 fix et. al position in cdmlight
improve javadoc link
fixing compilation problem stemming from outdated javadoc @link references
ref #9252 using DefinedTermBase for term fields in DTOs and TypedEdityRefernce for indentifications
ref #9252 determinig hasTypes from actual data and fixing type probelms in methods
ref #9252 adapting service method no new DTO name
TypedEntityReference reducing factory methods to one
revert change in TermNode
ref #8774: dto and service adaptions to use dtos for term tree editors
ref #9238 extending SpecimenTypeDesignationDTO with more fields and associated DTOs, introducing ReferenceDTO, supressing unwanted and dangerous fields of RegistrationDTO
ref #9124 fix incorrect Altituded recommended measurement unit update script
ref #9225 fix setNomenclaturalSource bidirectional setting
ref #6581 , ref #9225 cleanup TaxonName from nomenclaturalSource handling
ref #9225 revert direction of TaxonName.nomenclaturalSource -> NomenclaturalSource.sourcedName mapping and some related issues
ref #9225 implement NomenclaturalSource (cleanup and update script)
ref #9225 implement NomenclaturalSource
ref #6581 add listener to TaxonName.nomenclaturalSource (cont.)
ref #6581 add listener to TaxonName.nomenclaturalSource
cleanup and some java doc
fix TaxonName.getCitationString()
remove method rectifyNameCacheStrategy and some cleanup
fix return type of clone methods in CdmBase classes and some cleanup
add base functionality for model update 5.15.2 -> 5.18.0
ref #9121 and ref #9124 add abbreviations to feature and add measurement unit to feature altitude
close csv reader for TermLoader
ref #9211 add TODO on Classification.source
try to fix exception in MatchStrategyConfigurator
add KeyStatement to PermissionClass
ref #6581 remove unused reference and microreference fields from SingleSourced classes (incl. TypeDesignationBase)
ref #6581 improve setNomenclaturalReference(...) handling
ref #6581 fully remove nomenclaturalReference and nomenclaturalMicroReference fields from TaxonName (cont.)
ref #6581 fully remove nomenclaturalReference and nomenclaturalMicroReference fields from TaxonName
ref #6581 fix source type in TypeDesignationBase
ref #6581: activate nomenclatural source
ref #6581: fix problems with getter and setter
ref #6581: adapt getter/setter of citation/microcitation in typedesignationbase
ref #9199: adapt TypeDesignationBase to usage of source
code cleaning TaxonNode/Classification
ref #9199, ref #9194 remove IReferencedEntity
ref #9204 remove commons-lang2 from cdmlib dependencies
ref #9199 fix TaxonNode issues with new super class (cont.)
ref #9199 fix TaxonNode issues with new super class
ref #9199: TaxonNode is SingleSOurcedEntity
ref #9199: TaxonNode should extend SingleSourcedEntityBase
ref #9204 upgrade hibernate validator to 6.1.5 (and dependencies)
ref #9194, ref #6581 fix propOrder
ref #9194, ref #6581 Remove ReferencedEntityBase
ref #9194, ref #6581 use DescriptionElementSource for SingleSourcedEntityBase
ref #9116: adapt taxonnode methods to source instead of reference - continue
ref #9116: adapt taxonnode methods to source instead of reference
handle nameType is null for TaxonNameDefaultCacheStrategy
ref #9134 preventing persistance of volatile modified media
ref #9157 handle articles and book sections matching stricter
add empty factory method to TemporalData
fix #9126 implement phenology import
ref #9148 change the name of CDM class ImageInfo to CdmImageInfo to avoid name calsh with commons-imaging/ImageInfo
ref #9146 typo
ref #9146 media metadata service method with cdm property based include and exclude filter definitions
try to improve DefinedTermBase.clone() (cont. II)
try to improve DefinedTermBase.clone() (cont.)
try to improve DefinedTermBase.clone()