Add redlist animals to BgbmInstancesUpdater
changes version numbers in appimport
Adapted Redlist Import to new XML Schema...
cleanup BMAuthorImport
minor updates to Moose and othe rimports
latest updates to MTMooseActivator
update datasource for moose and standardliste
add caryophyllales to destinations
exclude proxy narrow from logging
add flora guianas to BGBM instance updater
cleanup RoteListeDbTaxonImport
update pom for eflora, pesi & app-import to 3.4.1
last changes for bfnXmlImport
update app-import to poi-ooxml and 3.10
add new test server DNS
adapt app-import to model 3.4.1
add yourkit repository to app-import
add maven-build-plugin infos to poms in cdmlib-app
add java code level 1.7 to pesi, app-import and xper-integration
remove InnoDB from BgbmInstancesUpdater
some new JAXB io infos
update JaxbImportActivator
update bgbm instance updater
add bgbm instance updater
merge app-import 3.4 branch into trunk
last changes euroMed activator
cleaned up unused imports seperated code of tcs and bfn related imports
added xml importer of bfn data to trunk
update PESI, eflora, app-import
add pesi euromed test db do destinations
add SQLQuery to validation
add RefDetail filter
print query
updates on RefDetail and RelName import from BM
minor updates to BM validation
Add classification name to E+M
Change authorTeam types in NonViralName from INomenclaturalAuthor to TeamOrPersonBase #1489
update JaxbExActivator for use with local file
series handling in BM import
handle Integers in FactsImport and add IdInSource
handle Integers in CommonNamesImport
add OccurrenceNote to BM import
Refine RelTaxonValidation
update destinations
refactor EMActivator
CommonName compatible handling of areas in BMoccurrence
clean up configurator
handle Ab and Uk differently for CommonName import
fix BM RefDetail import with new Reference.abbrevTitle
fix bot. section also after import for E+M #4122
update appimports to new version
use E+M areas in BM import and Pesi export
preliminary publish handling for Taxa in BM Import
use uuid for BMNameImport
rename E+M source
new E+M sources
update sources and make Common Name plural for E+M
added rl_standardliste to destinations
remove dipteraH2
remove logging for unpublished synonyms (will be handled in v3.4)
update validation
adapt EM activator
add new local EM datasource
adapt PESI3 EM datasource
latest changes to taxonX import
new dest
removed some destinations
latest changes to TaxonX import
updated version
TcsActivator for Caryophyllales
remove sdd destinations