series handling in BM import
handle Integers in FactsImport and add IdInSource
handle Integers in CommonNamesImport
add OccurrenceNote to BM import
Refine RelTaxonValidation
update destinations
refactor EMActivator
CommonName compatible handling of areas in BMoccurrence
clean up configurator
handle Ab and Uk differently for CommonName import
fix BM RefDetail import with new Reference.abbrevTitle
fix bot. section also after import for E+M #4122
use E+M areas in BM import and Pesi export
preliminary publish handling for Taxa in BM Import
use uuid for BMNameImport
rename E+M source
new E+M sources
update sources and make Common Name plural for E+M
added rl_standardliste to destinations
remove dipteraH2
remove logging for unpublished synonyms (will be handled in v3.4)
update validation
adapt EM activator
add new local EM datasource
adapt PESI3 EM datasource
latest changes to taxonX import
new dest
removed some destinations
latest changes to TaxonX import
TcsActivator for Caryophyllales
remove sdd destinations
update some destinations
changes to TCS
better use of generics in service layer and persistence list methods
preliminary FK test
latest changes to AT
latest improvements to AT Type import
fix encoding issue
Handle partof references in BerlinModel import better
Some updates for AlgaTerra Types import
latest changes to AlgaTerra import
last version ATImportActivator
first version of MorphologyImport AlgaTerra
handle inverse and doubtful taxon relations in Berlin Model import
new destination
add original media to AT import
remove isFigure from getImageMedia
Bug logging for some AT import bugs
update images handling for AlgaTerra
voucher fix
new AlgaTerra Media URLs
handle NPE in DNAImport
change AlgaTerra preview
debug collection and institution for excel import
refactor GlobisActivator
add EDITImport to destinations and cacheUpdater
latest changes to specTax import
add NomStatus vocabulary for ICZN #4085
latest changes to Globis import
latest change to Cyprus ALtitudinal Import
latest globis import changes and update for IPartionedIO signature for app-import
latest updates to globis import
latest changes for Cyprus Altitude Import
latest changes for globis reference import
username for globisimport
commit changes TaxonX import
new globis sources
Cyprus ALtitude import update
minor changes and cleanup in globis import
E+M source update
return type for occurence import and setting E+MArea map to empty
make description.setTaxon protected and cleanup cyprus altitudes and destinations
reverting back the cdm application configuration refactoring
renaming ICdmApplicationConfiguration to ICdmApplicationDefaultConfiguration
comment publish flag for Synonyms handling in BM import
reintegrate cdmlib-apps patricia into trunk
Salvador destination
remove imports
fix WebMarker import for BerlinModel
fix test source
bugfix for validating synonyms accepted taxa in synonym relations
bugfix for integer facts
message handling for name relationships