popup editor window width, method documentation and SpecimenTypeDesignationWorkingsetPopupEditor to undefined width
ref #6724 SpecimenTypeDesignationWorkingsetEditor improvements
ref #6724 implementing SpecimenTypeDesignationWorkingSetDTO as editor dto and modifying the TypeDesignationConverter accordingly
Merge branch 'feature/#6687' into develop
ref #6724 initial trunk implementation for a SpecimenTypeDesignationWorkingsetEditor
ref #6169 button tooltips
ref #6169 add, remove, move buttons in ToManyRelatedEntitiesListSelect operational and with correct state
ref #6169 fixing width
ref #6707 1st attempt to make editing transient properties possible - save fails with LIE
ref #6169 documenting bean nesting in ToManyRelatedEntitiesListSelect
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