removing unused dto
ref #7359 reverting change applied in 9239e1b and avoiding granting UPDATE,DELETE for existing nom-references
ref #7359 setting editor readonly after bean has set
renaming package from to etaxonomy.cdm.vaadin.permission
disabling ToManyRelatedEntitiesComboboxSelects when user lacks permissions
fix #7359 CdmEditorPresenters check user permissions to set the editor to readoly if persission is insufficient
minor refactoring to clarify code
swapping icons for cancel and delete buttons
setting vaadin textarea null representation
avoiding LIE
avoiding NPE when submitter is null
selecting newly created basionym in taxon name editor
selecting newly created collection in collection editor
selecting newly created collection and reference in specimen type designation workingset editor
selecting newly created name nameTypeEditor
ref #7355 avoiding unneccesary lazy select reload
fix #7355 selecting newly created nomenclatural reference
fix #7353 SpecimenTypedesignationsWorkingsetEditor: adapting to changes in DerivedUnitConverter and blockig kindOfUnit changes in case of multiple typeDesignations per specimen
enabling EntityCacheDebugger for all AbstractPopupViews
avoiding LIE in SpecimenTypeDesignationWorkingsetEditorPresenter collectors field and externatlizing init stratiegies
NPE fix
TaxonNameEditor: avoiding LIE in authorship fields
TextFieldNFix trim empty string to null
fix #7350 fixing GatheringDate set method & fixing field type
ref #7349 prevent from setting nbew persons as value to person select - fixes problem with person fields being mixed up
#7231 fixing bug in EntityCacheDebugger
ref #7348 moving RegistrationDTO related classes from cdm-vaadin to cdmlib-services
ref #7348 moving RegistrationDTO related classes into cdmlib-services conformant packages
switching vom id based to uuid based ui navigation and entity references
ref #7101 fixed bug related to uppercase column names and refactored
ref #7101 using uppercase column names to fix HSQLDB tests and enabled testSynonyms test
ref #7344 updating presenter entity caches with beans modified in popup editors and refreshing teamOrPerson Fields (2)
fixing missing typifiedNameRef in case of existing reg with name
ref #7344 updating presenter entity caches with beans modified in popup editors and refreshing teamOrPerson Fields
ref #7344 inferring authorship from the editor fields, reducing calls to updateAuthorshipFields(), fixing valueChange event handling
ref #7344 new TaxonNameEditor mode to allow autofilling of name authorship fields
ref #7039 made preparations to retrieve uneditable areas from preferences
ref #6903 removed unused TermCacher
fix #7343 addind expanable field for the nomenclaturalTitle of Person
avoiding null captions
ref #7241 modifications to use generic DelegatingErrorHandler
fix #7337 adding typifiedName reference to TypeDesignationWorkingsetEditorAction
fix #7314 DecimalConverter and IntegerConverter for better parsing of numbers in min max fields
fix #7333 initializing blockedBy in newly created registrations to avoid LIEs
ref #6740 re-enabling type status flags by default
ref #7331 cicrumventing the bug for RegistrationWorkingSetService.loadWorkingSetByReferenceID()
adding missing type filter to TeamOrPerson select to avoid class cast exceptions
fix #7249
ref #7322 showing sumbitter per registration in working set editor
adding button descriptions to RegistrationItemNameAndTypeButtons
ref #7322 hiding addTypeButton when user is not permitted to update the registration
ref #7269 manaing enabled state of messages button and adding description text
ref #7269 improving layout of RegistrationMessagesPopup and harmonization of styles
ref #7269 layout improvements in messages popup window
ref #7269 basic implementation of the registration messaging UI
fixing bug in ShowDetailsEventEntityTypeFilter: wrong filter class used
extending userHelper by method to access the current user
externalizing default support contact string for error messages
ref #7241 documentation, adding serial ids
ref #7241 DelegatingErrorHandler more generically
ref #7241 documentation, adding serial ids, fixing logging
renaming RegistrationItemEditButtonGroup to RegistrationItemNameAndTypeButtons
renaming RegistationDTO.messages to validationProblems
ref #7244 changed listselect to optiongroup
ref #7244 changed layout
ref #7254 add all children to container
Use classification root node as starting point for building tree table view
ref #7244 added general help window and refactored
ref #7241 added DelegatingErrorHandler for components
using ApplicationConfiguration in CdmVaadinConfiguration
ref #6804 sort available distributions
ref #7103 TypedEntityReference: harmonizing equals with hashCode method (ignore label) and reenabling testcase in SpecimenTypeDesignationWorkingSetServiceImplTest
fixing compile error and cleaning up
fix #7207 NomenclaturalTitle, Collector titel and bibliographic title for TeamOrPersonField
ref #7246 ReloadableLazyComboBox performance improvement
fix #7246 consitent implementation of LazySelect reloading of modified entity beans:
fixing bug related to inReference editing
setting TaxonNamePopupEditor to full size again
ref #7247, ref #7081 TypeDesignationSetManager: optional use of typeName or typeDesignation as base entity to allow for deduplication
ref #6740 setting typified name when no other type designations are in the registration
ref #7247 adapting base entity comparator to modified base entity type
ref #7247 adapting NameTypeDesignationPresenter to modified base entity type
fix #7247 TypeDesignationSetManager uses typedesignation itself as base entity for NameTypeDesignations
ref #7195 hightlighting of blocked by buttons and layout improvement in reg lists
ref #7195 consistently displaying blocking registrations in list view and registration working set editor:
ref #7195 showing blocking registrations in RegistrationWorkingsetEditor
no longer deleting registration when typedesignation editors are canceled
avoiding NPE in PersonField
ref #6740 enabling typeName button in NameTypeDesignation editor and first changes to make delete working
fixing window close [x] button bug
documenting intendet usage of EntityEditorActionListener
null save sorting of type desgnation status types
ref #7195 creating blocking relations and showing 'em in the listView
new TaxonEditorMode: requireNomenclaturalReference
fitering TaxonEditorModes before passing to basionym editor
code cleaning
ref #7195 enabling and highlighting blockedBy button