remove unnecessary component scan filters
adapt spring xsd versions in all other applicationContexts
adapt spring xsd versions in cdm-vaadin-servlet.xml
ignoring .scss.cache
cleanup javadoc
fix #9892 solving broken height of type status mutiselect and turning RegistrationSearchFilter into proper java bean
improving spacing of team and person fiels elements
ref #6732 fixing layout problems in valo-theme with native selects
ref #9701 better display of typifications in registration workingset editors
ref #8706 adapting to new DateHeaderFilter package name
ref #8706 DateHeaderFilter to add Date headers to all servlet responses
fix #8345 adding filter text field for publications in RegistrationListView
ref #7356 moving VaadinServletConfiguration from web.xml into CdmVaadinConfiguration
ref #8188 configurable.xml loads hibernate properties from src/test/resources/ - cdm-vaadin
ref #8035 temporary solution to solve layout problems in switchable-textfield
fix #7950 fixing scss for icon button fields and adding variable for box-shadow-width
fix #7949 Reference combobox with begins and anywhere search mode
fix #7245 fixing validation of ToOneRelatedEntityCombobox and re-enabling TaxonNamePopupEditorMode.REQUIRE_NOMENCLATURALREFERENCE
fix #7846 editor context information shown as breadcrumbs in the toolbar of popup editors
svg icons triangle-right-wide
fix #7036 making sure all spring beans are disposed when the vaadin session times out
avoiding symlinks to circumvent bug in jgitflow
readonly notification in editors
ref #7361 icon 'create-new' modified
ref #7361 creating new icon 'create-new' & introducing ButtonFactory for harmonization of button creation
fix #7528 indroducing RegistrationStatusSelect to allow setting the status in the RegistrationWorkingsetEditor
ref #7364 validation section implemented in TaxonNameEditor
fix #7343 addind expanable field for the nomenclaturalTitle of Person
ref #7322 showing sumbitter per registration in working set editor
ref #7269 improving layout of RegistrationMessagesPopup and harmonization of styles
ref #7195 hightlighting of blocked by buttons and layout improvement in reg lists
ref #7195 consistently displaying blocking registrations in list view and registration working set editor:
ref #7195 enabling and highlighting blockedBy button
ref #7206 replacing CdmEntityCache by CdmTransientEntityCacher and implementing EntityCacheDebugger
ref #7023 switched to vaadin-grid
ref #7059 ref #7046 using kindOfunit for TypeDesisgnations instead of DerivationEvent type and fixing save and LIE problems: - intoducing EntityCache to allow re-using previously loaded entities - CdmEntityCache implements EntityCache - ToOneRelatedEntityReloader to replace entities loaded by the LazySelect...
Revert "ref #7035 reducing heardbeat interval to 30s to cleanup open connections" since we no longer need forces cleanup of open view, see issue #7035 for details
This reverts commit 475ec4ee62660184e6c875d3209bcaff8184b276.
ref #7035 reducing heardbeat interval to 30s to cleanup open connections
fix #6997 toolbar with login logout and user name and icon
fix #6846 improving AbstractPageView layout
ref #6724 geolocation field: map improvement
ref #6724 geolocation field: map layout
ref #6724 geolocation field with log lat parsing and map
ref #6759 importing switch-valo theme
fix #6759 using valo theme support included into the addon
fix #6759 last layout adjustment
ref #6759 using new dom style of switch
ref #6759 using new icon style of switch
ref #6724 SpecimenTypeDesignationWorkingsetEditor with Types sub section for contained SpecimenTypeDesignation
ref #6724 Custom Field for geo location Points
ref #6724 SpecimenTypeDesignationWorkingsetEditor improvements
ref #6719 RegistrationItems with edit buttons for name and per typedesignationWorkingSet
ref #6687 reverting hibernate.event.merge.entity_copy_observer to default for next release
ref #6169 TeamOrPersonField with buttons to remove and add Person and Team instances
ref #6169 ToManyRelatedEntitiesComboboxSelect, CdmFilterablePagingProvider and CdmTitleCacheCaptionGenerator implemented
fix #6687 hibernate.event.merge.entity_copy_observer=log to avoid merge problems
ref #6169 add missing tiny, and small style for filtered selects (combobox)
removing remain from removed example UI
ref #6169 implementing lazy loading ToOneRelatedEntityCombobox field and using it for inReferences
ref #6169 RelatedEntityListSelect field with add and edit button
ref #6169 ReferenceEditor: field visibility by ReferenceType & inReference field added
ref #6169 advanced mode for popup editors
ref #6169 RegistrationItemButtonGroups: making names and typeDesignations clickable
ref #6169 displaying the Registration.submitter to curators
ref #6612 Team and Person editor widgets implemented and integrated in reference editor
ref #6612 Custom Textfield with switch for all protectable cache fields
ref #6169 better bibliographic references
#6169 TimePeriod field layout improvements
#6169 custom TimePeriod field with working parser field
ref #6169 impoved TimePeriod custom field
ref #6169 ReferenceEditor with custom component for TimePeriods
fix for missing ListSelect Valo styles
ref #6169 cleanup
ref #6169 message count indicator, edit reference button and impoved layout
ref #6169 Overview on Names and Types in RegistrationWorkingSets
ref #6169 visualization of RegistrationWorkingSets in the workflow view
ref #6169 replacing declarative WorkflowViewDesign
ref #6169 abstract page view having header and sub-header
ref #6169 UI preformance improvement for RegistrationItems
ref #6169 using RegistrationItem in the ListView
ref #6169 design for better list items
ref #6169 showing citation in list and eums items in UPPERCASE
ref #6169 compact string representations for registrations
ref #6169 generic workflows
ref #6169 list view layout improvements and coloring statuses
ref #6169 initial list view on registrations
ref #6169 initial concept fo a workflow view
ref #6169 more views for starting registrations and basic branding
ref #6169 responsive dashboard
porting the devday 2016 ui framework to spring - not fully working
ref #6169 initial design for main application
adding a valo bases edit theme
ref #5285 SpringUI configuration working
cleaning up a bit
ref #2939 adapting vaddin appcontext to new ehcache configuration
setting vaadin production mode to true - globally
ref #6131 Refactor settings dialog