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# Date Author Comment
0748ebca 07/11/2017 09:04 AM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6724 geolocation field: map improvement

475e401d 07/10/2017 03:09 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6724 geolocation field: map layout

65ac8231 06/29/2017 10:57 AM Andreas Kohlbecker

fix #6759 using valo theme support included into the addon

05ce2673 06/29/2017 08:36 AM Andreas Kohlbecker

fix #6759 last layout adjustment

93a60750 06/28/2017 09:25 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6759 using new dom style of switch

240a4ed8 06/28/2017 08:14 AM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6759 using new icon style of switch

4a3c0817 06/23/2017 12:00 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6724 SpecimenTypeDesignationWorkingsetEditor with Types sub section for contained SpecimenTypeDesignation

f68f9e94 06/22/2017 01:54 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6724 Custom Field for geo location Points

cfabbeb0 06/22/2017 11:25 AM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6724 SpecimenTypeDesignationWorkingsetEditor improvements

  • better country select item captions
  • extending the SpecimenTypeDesignationWorkingSetDTO
  • adding more fields to the editor
  • Custom component for the min-max-freetext fields like 'Absolute elevation'
d574f7e6 06/09/2017 12:24 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6169 TeamOrPersonField with buttons to remove and add Person and Team instances

bef42c71 06/01/2017 08:23 AM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6169 implementing lazy loading ToOneRelatedEntityCombobox field and using it for inReferences

1c17a795 05/24/2017 10:52 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6169 RelatedEntityListSelect field with add and edit button

bc5816ee 05/12/2017 12:27 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6612 Team and Person editor widgets implemented and integrated in reference editor

cd29f770 05/11/2017 02:16 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6612 Custom Textfield with switch for all protectable cache fields

2921c66d 04/10/2017 02:19 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

#6169 custom TimePeriod field with working parser field

9c553d89 04/10/2017 09:42 AM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6169 impoved TimePeriod custom field

2260591f 04/07/2017 08:14 AM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6169 ReferenceEditor with custom component for TimePeriods