


| Branch: | Tag: | Revision:

# Date Author Comment
85515c31 04/23/2015 09:41 AM Cherian Mathew

git merge test 2

7207e4a0 04/23/2015 09:37 AM Cherian Mathew

corrected string check

6f501be5 04/23/2015 09:12 AM Cherian Mathew

ConceptRelationshipComposite : made direction aware
EditConceptRelationshipComposite : made direction aware and added arrows as hints
StatusComposite, ConceptRelationshipView : moved taxon table drop handler from status composite to view
edit.scss, styles.css : added arrow styles

3df4ea80 04/22/2015 02:26 PM Cherian Mathew

reverting back authentication hack

6809e6bd 04/22/2015 02:24 PM Cherian Mathew

D3ConceptRelationshipTree, ConceptRelationshipComposite, ConceptRelationshipPresenter, ConceptRelationshipView, IConceptRelationshipComponentListener : added directional variable to display cr tree in both direction
d3.conceptrelationshiptree_connector.js : updated to handle bi-directional display...

08af4f8a 04/21/2015 03:44 PM Cherian Mathew

ConceptRelationshipComposite: added enabling / disabling of edit / delete buttons and firing event when edit concept relationship dialog is opened
EditConceptRelationshipComposite : fixed problems with async calls , adapted to updated operation class, added show in dialog method...

5ab02d9a 04/21/2015 03:16 PM Cherian Mathew

new event handling system for basic event which just have a string id

5200fbd3 04/17/2015 11:24 AM Cherian Mathew

ConceptRelationshipComposite, StatusComposite : implemented drag drop for new concept relationship
CdmDataChangeService, SelectionService : making sure events list is cleared after fire

2ba67e3f 04/17/2015 10:12 AM Cherian Mathew

EditConceptRelationshipComposite : updated ui, added save + cancel + drag&drop functionality
ConceptRelationshipComposite : using the EditConceptRelationshipComposite
StatusComposite : set drag&drop mode
ConceptRelationshipPresenter, EditConceptRelationshipPresenter : moved create, update, edit methods to EditConceptRelationshipPresenter...

9f53671d 04/16/2015 03:01 PM Cherian Mathew

EditConceptRelationshipComposite : updated composite for new and edit functionality
IdAndUuid -> IdAndUuidName : new identity object with name
NewTaxonBaseComposite, StatusComposite, NewTaxonBasePresenter, IConceptRelationshipComponentListener, INewTaxonBaseComponentListener : changed IdUuid to IdUuidName...

218fbd04 04/15/2015 04:10 PM Cherian Mathew

CdmProgressComponent : Component which indicates progress via text and a progress bar
NewTaxonBaseComposite, StatusComposite : Added taxon name field for synonym creation and using new operation and progress component objects
StatusComposite : Corrections...

f1584a2a 04/13/2015 02:35 PM Cherian Mathew

new component to edit taxon relationships

53c75a2d 04/13/2015 02:33 PM Cherian Mathew

StatusPresenter : moved logic to container
StatusComposite, NewTaxonBasePresenterTest, NewTaxonBasePresenterTest : added classification id argument for taxon creation

19730251 04/13/2015 02:29 PM Cherian Mathew

added classification as argument for NewTaxonBaseComposite to allow for creation of taxon node

e5e6f7cc 04/10/2015 02:05 PM Cherian Mathew

revert authentication check

513ad98e 04/10/2015 01:52 PM Cherian Mathew

ConceptRelationshipComposite, ConceptRelationshipPresenter, IConceptRelationshipComponentListener : composite / presenter for the new concept relationship view
D3ConceptRelationshipTree, D3ConceptRelationshipTreeState : js component + state for the concept relationship composite...

45da4f57 04/10/2015 01:45 PM Cherian Mathew

removed unnecessary StatusEditorView

ad4585b6 04/10/2015 01:32 PM Cherian Mathew

added methods to init / get selection service

e48e562b 04/10/2015 11:28 AM Cherian Mathew

added service which tracks selection events for a given ui

77864135 04/09/2015 11:58 AM Alexander Oppermann

remove old theme

1b8dfb1b 04/09/2015 11:52 AM Alexander Oppermann

added new style information to cdm-vaadin

5cf75203 04/08/2015 03:03 PM Cherian Mathew

NewTaxonBaseComposite, INewTaxonBaseComposite, INewTaxonBaseComponentListener, NewTaxonBasePresenter : added new component for creating new taxon / synonym
CdmVaadinSessionUtilities : utility class for vaddin session
CdmVaadinUtilities : utility class for general vaadin ui...

8ef14383 04/07/2015 06:18 PM Alexander Oppermann

Added SQL-Container to DB-Status App

aceb7b1d 04/02/2015 11:03 AM Cherian Mathew

StatusPresenter : added method to update taxon published flag
CdmSpringContextHelper : added method to get taxon service
CdmQueryFactory, LeafNodeTaxonContainer : added uuid to taxon query select
StatusComposite, IStatusComposite : using new taxon published flag update method...

1d066036 04/01/2015 01:27 PM Cherian Mathew

StatusComposite, IStatusComposite : added font awesome refresh icon, updated checkbox generator
CdmSQLContainer : added methods to disable change ebents and possiblity to add items
LeafNodeTaxonContainer : corrected and split queris for taxon and synonyms...

7836684b 03/27/2015 07:07 PM Alexander Oppermann

starting to implement sql queries...the container is not done yet.

374bb513 03/25/2015 05:20 PM Cherian Mathew

StatusComposite, IStatusComposite : implemented filters and context menu
CdmSQLStringDecorator : empty string decorator
StatusPresenter : added getter methods
CdmVaadinBaseTest, StatusPresenterTest , StatusPresenterTest : added tests

c6974750 03/12/2015 04:14 PM Cherian Mathew

StatusComposite : added ui elements for filtering add / removing taxa
styles.css : added custom styles for filter table , grid spacing
StatusEditorUI : changed theme to mytheme

51fe9924 03/12/2015 11:33 AM Cherian Mathew

First commit for Status Editor
StatusEditorUI, StatusEditorView, StatusComposite, IStatusComposite, StatusPresenter : MVP classes for status editor
CdmSQLContainer, CdmSpringContextHelper : using new connection pool method
LeafNodeTaxonContainer : container for status editor...

411327e7 01/19/2015 06:21 PM Cherian Mathew

StatusDTO : corrected set method
DbStatusUI : removed unnecessary "/VAADIN" url pattern
NavigatorTestUI, CdmSpringContextHelperTest : removed umlaut character

7376bad6 01/15/2015 11:21 AM Alexander Oppermann

added style information

1746c51d 01/14/2015 04:48 PM Alexander Oppermann

finalize vaadin app to seperate to prepare the next step for separating vaadin from cdmlib-remote

e6af66a6 01/14/2015 12:34 AM Alexander Oppermann

improving UsersContainer

1b9d7954 01/13/2015 08:11 PM Alexander Oppermann

Implementing UserContainer

6689ac7b 01/12/2015 11:36 PM Alexander Oppermann

improved table component

7cef91f1 01/08/2015 05:07 PM Alexander Oppermann

table component

4c82bcaa 01/05/2015 05:33 PM Alexander Oppermann

Migrating Vaadin into separate Project

  • implementing mvp pattern
  • creating an app structure
  • visual editing via visual designer possible
8343ec26 12/16/2014 03:00 PM Alexander Oppermann

fixed launch configuration
fixed layout problems

203dc822 12/16/2014 11:25 AM Cherian Mathew

added a simple ui just to check that vaading works

ab04087e 12/15/2014 02:18 PM Cherian Mathew

moved all jetty + cdmlib related stuff (except web.xml) to test

c52a98a0 12/15/2014 12:55 PM Cherian Mathew

changed version to match cdmlib.
changed dependency library to provided scope.
changed maven jetty version to the eclipse one
moved widgetset to vaadin package to have vaddin code in a unique namespace

65df455c 12/15/2014 11:22 AM Alexander Oppermann

updated the test dataset to match the new schema

881a1d56 12/11/2014 01:33 PM Alexander Oppermann

moved it to backup

ead0a1ab 12/03/2014 02:16 PM Cherian Mathew

initial commit for project cdm-vaadin