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# Date Author Comment
5915a355 04/17/2018 10:09 AM Andreas Kohlbecker

avoiding LIE in SpecimenTypeDesignationWorkingsetEditorPresenter collectors field and externatlizing init stratiegies

0844524a 04/11/2018 04:55 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

switching vom id based to uuid based ui navigation and entity references

e8674a36 02/02/2018 05:05 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #7195 introducing the concept of EditorActionContext stacks to facilitate creating blocking relations

be4a9789 02/01/2018 02:56 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

fix #7231 replacing SpringApplicationEventBus by scoped Vaadin4Spring Event Bus

374696fa 01/30/2018 04:21 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6740 TypeDesignationSetManager switched from workingsetid to baseReference

e5dfaec8 01/24/2018 05:14 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #7214 fixing wrong usage of cacher methods

e6feb60e 01/24/2018 12:07 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #7206 fixing multiple representations problem in ToOneRelatedEntityReloader

b8853d8d 01/23/2018 12:19 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #7206 replacing CdmEntityCache by CdmTransientEntityCacher and implementing EntityCacheDebugger

333b3e62 01/18/2018 05:20 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

fix #7205 using ToManyRelatedEntitiesListSelect create edit button in TaxonNamePopupEditor

  • includes commit relared to ref #7204
d9cb9015 01/12/2018 01:19 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

enabling media reference edit and add buttons in SpecimenTypeDesignationDTORows

556dd2bd 01/08/2018 04:50 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

adding missing CdmFilterablePagingProvider for teamOrPerson fields

2b9b03a1 01/08/2018 04:30 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

fix #7154 CdmEntityCache can update cached entities and using this in ToOneRelatedEntityReloader and in
SpecimenTypeDesignationWorkingsetEditorPresenter to update the ui with modified collections

72141255 12/22/2017 04:07 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

fix #7150 fixing per entity granting of authorities for CollectionEditor

b36e8dd1 12/22/2017 12:38 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

fix #7149 implementing CollectionEditor

19ba9005 12/12/2017 03:53 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

fix #7135 TeamOrPersonField allows selecting from existing Persons and Teams

6ab3b976 11/23/2017 12:36 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

delete of SpecimenTypeDesignationWorkingSet implemented

9dab9096 11/23/2017 10:17 AM Andreas Kohlbecker

moving bussiness logic from presenter into DTO Service

fc51e651 11/22/2017 03:52 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

implementing delete operations in SpecimenTypeDesignationWorkingsetPopupEditor

5e97d775 11/14/2017 10:16 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

solving multiple representation probelms when adding source references to MediaSpecimen

  • extending PersistentContextAnalyzer
  • EntityCache support for more than one base entities
6533a479 11/14/2017 03:23 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

attempt to fix the enabled state in SpecimenTypeDesignationDTORow - no success

a4ef0a5a 11/14/2017 12:49 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

SpecimenTypeDesignationWorkingSetDTO with nore knowledge on typifiedName and citation simplifies presenters

02ec8d6b 11/14/2017 11:39 AM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #7059 ref #7046 using kindOfunit for TypeDesisgnations instead of DerivationEvent type and fixing save and LIE problems:
- intoducing EntityCache to allow re-using previously loaded entities
- CdmEntityCache implements EntityCache
- ToOneRelatedEntityReloader to replace entities loaded by the LazySelect...

a69668dc 11/07/2017 05:38 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

fix #7059 using KindOfUnit instead of DerivationEventType

d6bdb890 11/03/2017 03:10 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #7046 removing prepareAsFieldGroupDataSource() which was opening connectinos which where never closed and adding missing initStrategies

2f02081c 11/02/2017 12:42 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #7046 completely removing open session per view implementation and adding init strategies for Name and Typedesignation editor

3d9a0098 10/23/2017 05:07 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6867 RegistrationWorkingsetEditor: granting UPDATE permissions for SpecimenOrObservationBase entities

b393aff8 10/19/2017 12:18 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

fix #6999 generic button state updater for toOne relation field

1ff11053 07/21/2017 03:33 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6169 feature completed: adding new type designation workingsets

b3e242fe 07/13/2017 03:34 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

fix #6810 View for starting new registrations implemented

519b4513 07/10/2017 11:57 AM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6724 removing initstrategy which is no longer nedded after #6687 is fixed and disabling referenceSystemField

fe785c1e 07/07/2017 11:48 AM Andreas Kohlbecker

fix #6687 per view implementation of the 'session-per-conversation' pattern

1af6dc9f 06/27/2017 11:04 AM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6687 SpecimenTypeDesignationWorkingsetEditor save operation

  • implementing saveBean() method
  • fixing bug in CdmStore
262c713c 06/26/2017 01:39 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6687 moving all update and delete operations into a dedicated class: CdmStore

28cacf65 06/23/2017 11:38 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6724 types editor row items enablement by derivationEventType & avoiding LIEs durting DerivedUnitConversion

4a3c0817 06/23/2017 12:00 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6724 SpecimenTypeDesignationWorkingsetEditor with Types sub section for contained SpecimenTypeDesignation

cfabbeb0 06/22/2017 11:25 AM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6724 SpecimenTypeDesignationWorkingsetEditor improvements

  • better country select item captions
  • extending the SpecimenTypeDesignationWorkingSetDTO
  • adding more fields to the editor
  • Custom component for the min-max-freetext fields like 'Absolute elevation'
fdb645e1 06/19/2017 10:51 AM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6724 implementing SpecimenTypeDesignationWorkingSetDTO as editor dto and modifying the TypeDesignationConverter accordingly

  • SpecimenTypeDesignation editor operates on SpecimenTypeDesignationWorkingSetDTO
  • TypeDesignationConverter.TypeDesignationWorkingSet have field for the baseEntity
b38e19e0 06/13/2017 03:13 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6724 initial trunk implementation for a SpecimenTypeDesignationWorkingsetEditor