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# Date Author Comment
e1c71b47 03/08/2016 10:26 AM Katja Luther

fix for update to 4.0

c839d071 03/08/2016 10:26 AM Katja Luther

fix project after dependency updates

084507a8 09/10/2015 05:09 PM Cherian Mathew

Adapt to tagged text methods change to protected

f1a1f6de 05/06/2015 06:38 PM Cherian Mathew

ConceptRelationshipComposite, ConceptRelationshipView : using source from event to set primary composite
LeafNodeTaxonContainer : checking for nulls
SelectionEvent : added source object as member
StatusComposite : adding component as source instead of in the list of objects...

9d11084b 05/05/2015 05:06 PM Cherian Mathew

related to #4886
ConceptRelationshipComposite, D3ConceptRelationshipTree, ConceptRelationshipPresenter, IConceptRelationshipComponentListener, d3.conceptrelationshiptree_connector.js : added possibility to clear concept relationship tree
CdmChangeEvent : added new constructor with possibility to add source component...

6809e6bd 04/22/2015 02:24 PM Cherian Mathew

D3ConceptRelationshipTree, ConceptRelationshipComposite, ConceptRelationshipPresenter, ConceptRelationshipView, IConceptRelationshipComponentListener : added directional variable to display cr tree in both direction
d3.conceptrelationshiptree_connector.js : updated to handle bi-directional display...

08af4f8a 04/21/2015 03:44 PM Cherian Mathew

ConceptRelationshipComposite: added enabling / disabling of edit / delete buttons and firing event when edit concept relationship dialog is opened
EditConceptRelationshipComposite : fixed problems with async calls , adapted to updated operation class, added show in dialog method...

2ba67e3f 04/17/2015 10:12 AM Cherian Mathew

EditConceptRelationshipComposite : updated ui, added save + cancel + drag&drop functionality
ConceptRelationshipComposite : using the EditConceptRelationshipComposite
StatusComposite : set drag&drop mode
ConceptRelationshipPresenter, EditConceptRelationshipPresenter : moved create, update, edit methods to EditConceptRelationshipPresenter...

513ad98e 04/10/2015 01:52 PM Cherian Mathew

ConceptRelationshipComposite, ConceptRelationshipPresenter, IConceptRelationshipComponentListener : composite / presenter for the new concept relationship view
D3ConceptRelationshipTree, D3ConceptRelationshipTreeState : js component + state for the concept relationship composite...