


| Branch: | Tag: | Revision:

# Date Author Comment
79295d9d 06/13/2017 11:00 AM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6719 RegistrationItems with edit buttons for name and per typedesignationWorkingSet

22d82e8b 06/13/2017 12:17 AM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6719 improved TypeDesignationConverter

de625740 06/12/2017 11:54 AM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6169 RegistrationItem separate name button + action for type buttons

d574f7e6 06/09/2017 12:24 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6169 TeamOrPersonField with buttons to remove and add Person and Team instances

b6ea271c 06/08/2017 10:23 AM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6169 ToManyRelatedEntitiesComboboxSelect, CdmFilterablePagingProvider and CdmTitleCacheCaptionGenerator implemented

ded94939 06/07/2017 03:40 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6169 fixing NPE

da93b6de 06/06/2017 11:57 AM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6368 adapting cdm-vaadin to new TaxonName model

c46954e3 05/29/2017 03:46 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6169 RelatedEntityListSelect (ToOneRelatedEntityField) edit and select working, add blocked by #6673

1c17a795 05/24/2017 10:52 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6169 RelatedEntityListSelect field with add and edit button

793a7b67 05/24/2017 10:28 AM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6169 ReferenceEditor: field visibility by ReferenceType & inReference field added

a6f051fd 05/23/2017 05:29 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6169 protectecting also AuthorTeam fields

42af5bd2 05/23/2017 05:18 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6169 UserHelper checking permissions:

  • UserHelper as SpringComponent which selfregisters in the VaadinSession
  • disabling fields in PersonField of User has not sufficient permissions
fcba7787 05/23/2017 02:13 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6169 advanced mode for popup editors

6702c7e1 05/22/2017 04:49 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6169 basic TaxonName popup editor

76910e45 05/22/2017 01:45 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6169 RegistrationItemButtonGroups: making names and typeDesignations clickable

91710ccd 05/19/2017 08:00 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6169 remoging service mock and loading ResgistrationSets by citationID

9773ed87 05/19/2017 07:28 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6169 displaying the Registration.submitter to curators

  • implementation of a UserHelper
c8a10c34 05/17/2017 03:21 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

#6169 generic cdm entity select lists and using them in the Registration editor

843f2ff8 05/12/2017 01:25 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6612 support for editor widgets with nested FieldGroups

bc5816ee 05/12/2017 12:27 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6612 Team and Person editor widgets implemented and integrated in reference editor

cd29f770 05/11/2017 02:16 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6612 Custom Textfield with switch for all protectable cache fields

9d5ae601 05/10/2017 04:38 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6612 updating UI components on modified References

838412f6 05/10/2017 03:26 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6612 introducing EntityChangeEvent and generalizing Event class hierarchy

154f5e57 05/10/2017 02:55 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6169 renaming EntityEvents into EditorEvents to better express the purpose

1b557cbf 05/05/2017 02:52 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6169 better bibliographic references

d7c4522d 05/05/2017 01:30 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6169 better bibliographic references

fe8fe1e2 05/04/2017 03:17 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6169 switching from mock Registration to Registration class in cdmlib

d6244300 04/28/2017 01:09 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6169 ReferenceEditor correctly updating view and internal data

5420c5f6 04/28/2017 11:06 AM Andreas Kohlbecker

#6564 TimePeriodFormatter more complete + Partial Formatter both also with support for formats

3afedf26 04/26/2017 10:14 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6564 TimePeriodFormatter with support for ISO8601 date format

  • needs support for formats
  • to be moved into cdmlib
071c2929 04/25/2017 11:19 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

View based authentication with login dialog

fccf3401 04/11/2017 01:57 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

#6169 TimePeriod typo in text field hint

74f4344f 04/11/2017 09:41 AM Andreas Kohlbecker

#6169 TimePeriod field layout improvements

5367d5aa 04/10/2017 05:03 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6169 TimePeriod field with simple and details view

6cc0be7e 04/10/2017 04:08 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6169 JodaTimePartialConverter support for multiple formats

2921c66d 04/10/2017 02:19 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

#6169 custom TimePeriod field with working parser field

9c553d89 04/10/2017 09:42 AM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6169 impoved TimePeriod custom field

f140f6e5 04/07/2017 09:33 AM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6169 removing usued bean reference

2260591f 04/07/2017 08:14 AM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6169 ReferenceEditor with custom component for TimePeriods

29078af6 04/04/2017 02:02 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

refactoring package structure

  • presenters moved into view
  • per cdm domain subpackage
  • component presenters moved into component package
1d2e0764 04/04/2017 12:22 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6169 cleanup

c7627153 04/04/2017 10:44 AM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6169 message count indicator, edit reference button and impoved layout

7a044d6b 04/03/2017 03:37 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6169 reusing RegistrationItem for WorkflowView

b99cbf31 04/03/2017 11:04 AM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6169 Overview on Names and Types in RegistrationWorkingSets

664d0a00 03/29/2017 11:55 AM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6169 visualization of RegistrationWorkingSets in the workflow view

2d981b4e 03/24/2017 03:21 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6169 RegistrationWorkingSets more complete, validation problems accessible via UI

210b9aa6 03/23/2017 04:49 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

better WorkflowView title, validation, some EventListeners

c21c9bf6 03/21/2017 05:22 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6169 removing replaced RegistrationItemDesign

5b4537c4 03/21/2017 05:20 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6169 replacing declarative WorkflowViewDesign

eaee371d 03/21/2017 03:25 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6169 renaming phycobank in packages to registration

ce3b8933 03/21/2017 03:16 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6169 layout improvelemts and openButton clickable

08f24060 03/20/2017 04:06 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6169 abstract page view having header and sub-header

4b501287 03/20/2017 12:12 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6169 UI preformance improvement for RegistrationItems

  • using GridLayout
  • disabling lazy loading
6f9eb1fe 03/17/2017 01:47 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6169 using RegistrationItem in the ListView

bc74cf95 03/13/2017 05:15 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6169 generic workflows

ec462234 03/09/2017 06:33 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6169 initial list view on registrations

0b44c814 03/03/2017 01:56 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6169 using mvp for the RegistrationWorkflowView

7b2a0df1 12/20/2016 11:50 AM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6190 removing svn property place holder in first line of code

f5b90187 11/02/2016 12:04 PM Patrick Plitzner

ref #5458 Performance and usability

  • avoid re-initialization of distribution settings
  • removed Save button
bd46f97b 10/17/2016 01:30 PM Patrick Plitzner

ref #5458 Fix potential NPE

5eece89f 10/17/2016 12:47 PM Patrick Plitzner

ref #5458 Split settings window into two

  • one for distribution/taxonomy settings and one for other setting
ce1318e1 09/26/2016 05:31 AM Patrick Plitzner

ref #5458 Enhance detail window messages

3e9b93db 09/21/2016 04:30 PM Patrick Plitzner

ref #5458 Correctly log out of session when clicking logout button

5b5a7e10 06/13/2016 10:58 AM Patrick Plitzner

Refactored setting window to work on taxon nodes #5458

10cc0e5e 05/07/2015 12:40 PM Cherian Mathew

NewTaxonBaseComposite : add exception handling when name already exists
StatusComposite : added tab sheet with main / excluded tabs
CdmQueryFactory, LeafNodeTaxonContainer : added rank filter for ranks below species aggregate
NewTaxonBasePresenter : added check if name exists...

f1a1f6de 05/06/2015 06:38 PM Cherian Mathew

ConceptRelationshipComposite, ConceptRelationshipView : using source from event to set primary composite
LeafNodeTaxonContainer : checking for nulls
SelectionEvent : added source object as member
StatusComposite : adding component as source instead of in the list of objects...

9d11084b 05/05/2015 05:06 PM Cherian Mathew

related to #4886
ConceptRelationshipComposite, D3ConceptRelationshipTree, ConceptRelationshipPresenter, IConceptRelationshipComponentListener, d3.conceptrelationshiptree_connector.js : added possibility to clear concept relationship tree
CdmChangeEvent : added new constructor with possibility to add source component...

90cf504a 05/05/2015 02:29 PM Cherian Mathew

Fixed layout issues.
StatusComposite : added async operation for disableing components when reloading taxa

a453d164 05/04/2015 04:26 PM Cherian Mathew

StatusComposite : seperated init and refresh methods for the txa table, using seperate method to set visible comun ids
LeafNodeTaxonContainer : corrected isSynonym method

be1478a2 04/30/2015 01:08 PM Alexander Oppermann

Fixed problem for toolbar and new authentification object. Added getter method to CdmVaadinAuthentication, in order to get the principal object with user name and roles.

c3dcb24c 04/29/2015 07:15 PM Cherian Mathew

StatusComposite : added 'set as unresolved' action to context menu
LeafNodeTaxonContainer : added sorting of synonym container

29aeffbe 04/29/2015 06:47 PM Cherian Mathew

EditConceptRelationshipComposite : show notification only when creating concept relationship
NewTaxonBaseComposite : added second sec. combobox for the case of creating synonyms
INewTaxonBaseComponentListener, NewTaxonBasePresenter : creating separate containers for acc. taxon and synonym references...

0312ac03 04/28/2015 11:27 AM Cherian Mathew

Merge branch 'creditor'

5b2505f1 04/28/2015 10:32 AM Cherian Mathew

StatusComposite : using new added context menu addon instead of vaadin actions
ConceptRelationshipView : setting classification combobox to read only for classifications from url

21a1bf2d 04/27/2015 02:33 PM Cherian Mathew

EditConceptRelationshipComposite, EditConceptRelationshipPresenter : hack for checking relationship rules (currently only for congruence)
INewTaxonBaseComponentListener, NewTaxonBaseComposite, NewTaxonBasePresenter : Setting default secundum when addin taxon / synonym...

4bdae8e0 04/27/2015 01:15 PM Alexander Oppermann
  • Fixed selection view and replaced twin selection component with combobox

  • fixed display issue with deproxy method

1a3e979c 04/24/2015 04:21 PM Alexander Oppermann

*added new config window
*added settings icon
*removed edit button from toolbar
*added double click listener
*added sql container and changed query
*added popupView for better editing
*saving back works properly

aee16929 04/23/2015 06:34 PM Cherian Mathew

ConceptRelationshipComposite : ui fixes for controls
EditConceptRelationshipComposite : changed polling interval to 1 sec
IStatusComposite, StatusComposite, StatusPresenter, ConceptRelationshipUI, ConceptRelationshipView : allowing setting of classifications via url parameters...

98b72f8e 04/23/2015 04:00 PM Cherian Mathew

ConceptRelationshipComposite : added methods to update controls
EditConceptRelationshipComposite : added bi-directional capability

6f501be5 04/23/2015 09:12 AM Cherian Mathew

ConceptRelationshipComposite : made direction aware
EditConceptRelationshipComposite : made direction aware and added arrows as hints
StatusComposite, ConceptRelationshipView : moved taxon table drop handler from status composite to view
edit.scss, styles.css : added arrow styles

6809e6bd 04/22/2015 02:24 PM Cherian Mathew

D3ConceptRelationshipTree, ConceptRelationshipComposite, ConceptRelationshipPresenter, ConceptRelationshipView, IConceptRelationshipComponentListener : added directional variable to display cr tree in both direction
d3.conceptrelationshiptree_connector.js : updated to handle bi-directional display...

08af4f8a 04/21/2015 03:44 PM Cherian Mathew

ConceptRelationshipComposite: added enabling / disabling of edit / delete buttons and firing event when edit concept relationship dialog is opened
EditConceptRelationshipComposite : fixed problems with async calls , adapted to updated operation class, added show in dialog method...

5200fbd3 04/17/2015 11:24 AM Cherian Mathew

ConceptRelationshipComposite, StatusComposite : implemented drag drop for new concept relationship
CdmDataChangeService, SelectionService : making sure events list is cleared after fire

2ba67e3f 04/17/2015 10:12 AM Cherian Mathew

EditConceptRelationshipComposite : updated ui, added save + cancel + drag&drop functionality
ConceptRelationshipComposite : using the EditConceptRelationshipComposite
StatusComposite : set drag&drop mode
ConceptRelationshipPresenter, EditConceptRelationshipPresenter : moved create, update, edit methods to EditConceptRelationshipPresenter...

9f53671d 04/16/2015 03:01 PM Cherian Mathew

EditConceptRelationshipComposite : updated composite for new and edit functionality
IdAndUuid -> IdAndUuidName : new identity object with name
NewTaxonBaseComposite, StatusComposite, NewTaxonBasePresenter, IConceptRelationshipComponentListener, INewTaxonBaseComponentListener : changed IdUuid to IdUuidName...

218fbd04 04/15/2015 04:10 PM Cherian Mathew

CdmProgressComponent : Component which indicates progress via text and a progress bar
NewTaxonBaseComposite, StatusComposite : Added taxon name field for synonym creation and using new operation and progress component objects
StatusComposite : Corrections...

f1584a2a 04/13/2015 02:35 PM Cherian Mathew

new component to edit taxon relationships

53c75a2d 04/13/2015 02:33 PM Cherian Mathew

StatusPresenter : moved logic to container
StatusComposite, NewTaxonBasePresenterTest, NewTaxonBasePresenterTest : added classification id argument for taxon creation

19730251 04/13/2015 02:29 PM Cherian Mathew

added classification as argument for NewTaxonBaseComposite to allow for creation of taxon node

513ad98e 04/10/2015 01:52 PM Cherian Mathew

ConceptRelationshipComposite, ConceptRelationshipPresenter, IConceptRelationshipComponentListener : composite / presenter for the new concept relationship view
D3ConceptRelationshipTree, D3ConceptRelationshipTreeState : js component + state for the concept relationship composite...

45da4f57 04/10/2015 01:45 PM Cherian Mathew

removed unnecessary StatusEditorView

5cf75203 04/08/2015 03:03 PM Cherian Mathew

NewTaxonBaseComposite, INewTaxonBaseComposite, INewTaxonBaseComponentListener, NewTaxonBasePresenter : added new component for creating new taxon / synonym
CdmVaadinSessionUtilities : utility class for vaddin session
CdmVaadinUtilities : utility class for general vaadin ui...

aceb7b1d 04/02/2015 11:03 AM Cherian Mathew

StatusPresenter : added method to update taxon published flag
CdmSpringContextHelper : added method to get taxon service
CdmQueryFactory, LeafNodeTaxonContainer : added uuid to taxon query select
StatusComposite, IStatusComposite : using new taxon published flag update method...

1d066036 04/01/2015 01:27 PM Cherian Mathew

StatusComposite, IStatusComposite : added font awesome refresh icon, updated checkbox generator
CdmSQLContainer : added methods to disable change ebents and possiblity to add items
LeafNodeTaxonContainer : corrected and split queris for taxon and synonyms...

374bb513 03/25/2015 05:20 PM Cherian Mathew

StatusComposite, IStatusComposite : implemented filters and context menu
CdmSQLStringDecorator : empty string decorator
StatusPresenter : added getter methods
CdmVaadinBaseTest, StatusPresenterTest , StatusPresenterTest : added tests

c6974750 03/12/2015 04:14 PM Cherian Mathew

StatusComposite : added ui elements for filtering add / removing taxa
styles.css : added custom styles for filter table , grid spacing
StatusEditorUI : changed theme to mytheme

51fe9924 03/12/2015 11:33 AM Cherian Mathew

First commit for Status Editor
StatusEditorUI, StatusEditorView, StatusComposite, IStatusComposite, StatusPresenter : MVP classes for status editor
CdmSQLContainer, CdmSpringContextHelper : using new connection pool method
LeafNodeTaxonContainer : container for status editor...

1746c51d 01/14/2015 04:48 PM Alexander Oppermann

finalize vaadin app to seperate to prepare the next step for separating vaadin from cdmlib-remote