


| Branch: | Tag: | Revision:

# Date Author Comment
54d7e850 12/23/2021 10:04 AM Andreas Kohlbecker

proper logging instead of system.out

ea112e7e 11/02/2021 04:02 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

fix #9834 adding lost nomenclaturalTitleButton again & removing debug code modification

58bc40a9 11/02/2021 03:55 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

improving spacing of team and person fiels elements

e1e73a5e 09/06/2021 03:02 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

fix #8979 tooltip descriptions for all person fields

1810fb30 07/30/2021 02:32 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

fix #9728 updating field binding to renamed bean property Team.nomenclaturalTitleCache

f18466c9 06/25/2021 12:14 PM Andreas Müller


33227403 03/11/2021 12:06 PM Andreas Müller

combine service-layer utility packages in vaadin

764269a1 09/04/2019 04:01 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

fix #8342 solving layout problems of the AbstractTimePeriodField

8b58ece8 08/13/2019 04:24 PM Andreas Müller

adapt Vaadin to model changes v5.8.1

c02fc11a 07/02/2019 06:17 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

fix #8346 flexible editing of annotations for Curator and Admin roles

16ee34cb 03/22/2019 07:21 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

fix #8184 using NativeSelect instead of ListSelect to avoid circumvent a bug in the ListSelect which affects the Chrome browser

495f8632 03/04/2019 04:45 PM Andreas Müller

ref #8162 adapt vaadin to new term package

592b9851 02/18/2019 05:25 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #8107 getFieldGroup() returns Optional to avoid NPEs and logging errors before rethrowing as PopupEditorException

a3a78809 11/22/2018 01:14 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #7217 better geo coordinate validation and parsing error feedback by creating LongLatField

fc2887de 11/21/2018 01:51 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

fix #7919 using opentopomap as map layer for the GeoLocationField

9e57a9b3 11/21/2018 08:51 AM Andreas Kohlbecker

fix #7218 GeoLocationField: reference system select fully functional

d8487d07 11/20/2018 05:52 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

fix #7916 visualizing the error radius in the GeolocationField map

f610b87d 11/20/2018 04:58 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #7217 validator and converter for geolocations used in GeoLocationField

5250237d 11/19/2018 10:50 AM Andreas Kohlbecker

using IntegerConverter for Geolocation.errorRadius field

ea92bdaa 11/16/2018 01:13 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #7910 TeamOrPersonField adapting read only state handling to available teammebers setter

6fa4d604 11/06/2018 03:30 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

fix #7888 using EventBase.timespan for collection date

dee4cf65 10/25/2018 06:30 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #7867 attempting to avoid FieldGroup in TeamOrPersonField without having any idea why this can happen & better logging for further analyis

db262dfa 10/25/2018 11:08 AM Andreas Kohlbecker

fix #7855 preventing nomenclaturalTitle from being changed in PersonField without user interaction

e1aaf938 07/26/2018 11:45 AM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #7586 not setting datasource to readOnly when user lacks permissions

cd661671 07/20/2018 05:09 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

removing useless select clean

1641827e 07/20/2018 05:07 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

fix #7574 adding the ToOneRelatedEntityReloader to the TeamOrPerson and Person field directly

1fc42b13 07/20/2018 08:41 AM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #7566 solving problem with unselectable entities due to eagerly selection clearing in updateToolBarButtonStates()

1fef7214 07/16/2018 04:06 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

fix #7554 resetting nested components readonly states when setting new team or person instance

320ad9d6 07/16/2018 02:51 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #7550 replacing the selfregisration of the VaadinUserHelper to the vaadin session by a UserHelperAccess bean

37f70555 07/12/2018 02:40 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #7550 moving the actual CdmUserHelper to cdmlib and making it available in cdm-vaadin by extending the UserHelper class and interface hierarchy

c09732ba 07/09/2018 12:25 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #7361 creating new icon 'create-new' & introducing ButtonFactory for harmonization of button creation

87bbccd4 07/06/2018 08:27 AM Andreas Kohlbecker

fix #7535 TeamOrPersonField and PersonField without OK button

cf8c950b 06/26/2018 01:30 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #7458 fixing readonly state in FilterableAnnotationsField

6a066197 06/25/2018 09:34 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #7458 solving generic type parameter problem in FilterableAnnotationsField

a2415b9f 06/25/2018 05:41 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #7458 initial implementation of a note field at the example of the TaxonNameEditor

d34cd38e 06/15/2018 06:30 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

finally solving the nasty readonly problem with TeamOrPersonBaseField on updating authorship information

a136d47b 06/11/2018 11:56 AM Andreas Kohlbecker

fixing NPE introcdued in caf42d50

0a94e611 06/07/2018 03:39 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

fixing readOnly issue in TeamOrPersonField

caf42d50 06/06/2018 04:53 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

fixing inconsistent nomenclaturalTitleCacheField behavior

fbd0f4fc 06/06/2018 01:37 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ignore readonly states of the datasource on setValue in TeamOrPersonField

82522760 05/17/2018 09:43 AM Andreas Kohlbecker

fix #7425 VerbatimTimePeriodField implemented

94e1dc4e 05/16/2018 07:31 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #7238 fixing field binding in PersonField to adapt to model changes

341ee038 05/12/2018 03:11 PM Andreas Müller

ajust first and lastname field names

f173032b 05/02/2018 12:26 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #7366 disabling readonly during commmit when TaxonOrPersonField-Editor is write enabled

420e07bf 05/02/2018 12:01 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #7366 allowing to remove related TeamOrPerson when TeamOrPerson is readonly

a8ce6934 04/27/2018 11:58 AM Andreas Kohlbecker

consistent readonly state of TeamOrPersonField in TaxonNameEditor

c8cf806c 04/26/2018 09:52 AM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #7366 fixing problems with readonly states while setting values

eb7f6dbe 04/24/2018 05:59 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

removing commented line

fbae3d00 04/24/2018 05:58 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #7366 fixing problems with readonly states in TeamOrPersonField and subcomponents and fixing problems with removal and re-adding of entities

6d29f629 04/24/2018 11:38 AM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #7366 TeamOrPersonField read only if user lacks editing permissions

877a8283 04/23/2018 10:23 AM Andreas Kohlbecker

renaming package from to etaxonomy.cdm.vaadin.permission

32c67f95 04/17/2018 09:38 AM Andreas Kohlbecker

NPE fix

0ce0edd2 04/13/2018 06:27 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #7349 prevent from setting nbew persons as value to person select - fixes problem with person fields being mixed up

adad0cac 04/05/2018 04:27 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

fix #7343 addind expanable field for the nomenclaturalTitle of Person

ee699257 03/28/2018 11:16 AM Andreas Kohlbecker

fix #7314 DecimalConverter and IntegerConverter for better parsing of numbers in min max fields

85ddc538 02/09/2018 12:36 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

fix #7207 NomenclaturalTitle, Collector titel and bibliographic title for TeamOrPersonField

4c273fd5 02/06/2018 04:39 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

avoiding NPE in PersonField

d8e0a88c 02/02/2018 01:13 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

fix #7240 changing labels to Family name and Other/given names

31a2f09b 01/26/2018 07:16 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

fix #7224 adding initials to PersonField

6a24c1a8 01/26/2018 02:13 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

label text changes

0824e7df 01/26/2018 02:11 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

swapping long lat fields

caab6ec6 01/24/2018 05:10 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

PersonField: fix setValue implementation

2b266c5e 01/16/2018 11:44 AM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #7182 fixing bug in setDeepReadOnly()

7f92f180 01/15/2018 12:58 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

fix #7181 readOnly implemented in TeamOrPersonField

3ddd6c8d 01/15/2018 09:50 AM Andreas Kohlbecker

fixing TimePeriodField being not committed

60e594ad 12/22/2017 08:41 AM Andreas Kohlbecker

fixing ugly 'null' representation also for MinMaxTextField and fixing wrong label

ecb93813 12/21/2017 03:00 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

fixing ugly 'null' representation in vaadin TextField

98f59aa5 12/21/2017 10:43 AM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6867 GrantedAuthorityRevokingRegistrationUpdateLister implemented

de16e733 12/12/2017 04:07 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #7135 relaxing to strict non null value constraint

19ba9005 12/12/2017 03:53 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

fix #7135 TeamOrPersonField allows selecting from existing Persons and Teams

834db381 12/07/2017 04:37 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6867 assigning UPDATE,DELETE for new Persons and Teams and fixing bugs related to TeamOrPersonField:

  • prevent from saving empty persons and teams
66d3bbf2 11/03/2017 05:35 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

fix #7053 fixing inconsistent field enablement

3668c4ea 09/20/2017 12:02 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

fixing swapped long lat in geolocation field

b4d87f3f 07/25/2017 12:44 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

fix #6855 disabling add Team, Person buttons when privileges insufficient

  • also extending UserHelper class
5791a9f1 07/11/2017 09:35 AM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6724 converter to deproxy hibernate beans

0748ebca 07/11/2017 09:04 AM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6724 geolocation field: map improvement

ca54f1bd 07/10/2017 03:03 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6724 geolocation field with log lat parsing and map

519b4513 07/10/2017 11:57 AM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6724 removing initstrategy which is no longer nedded after #6687 is fixed and disabling referenceSystemField

93a60750 06/28/2017 09:25 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6759 using new dom style of switch

240a4ed8 06/28/2017 08:14 AM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6759 using new icon style of switch

f68f9e94 06/22/2017 01:54 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6724 Custom Field for geo location Points

cfabbeb0 06/22/2017 11:25 AM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6724 SpecimenTypeDesignationWorkingsetEditor improvements

  • better country select item captions
  • extending the SpecimenTypeDesignationWorkingSetDTO
  • adding more fields to the editor
  • Custom component for the min-max-freetext fields like 'Absolute elevation'
d574f7e6 06/09/2017 12:24 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6169 TeamOrPersonField with buttons to remove and add Person and Team instances

b6ea271c 06/08/2017 10:23 AM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6169 ToManyRelatedEntitiesComboboxSelect, CdmFilterablePagingProvider and CdmTitleCacheCaptionGenerator implemented

c46954e3 05/29/2017 03:46 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6169 RelatedEntityListSelect (ToOneRelatedEntityField) edit and select working, add blocked by #6673

793a7b67 05/24/2017 10:28 AM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6169 ReferenceEditor: field visibility by ReferenceType & inReference field added

a6f051fd 05/23/2017 05:29 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6169 protectecting also AuthorTeam fields

42af5bd2 05/23/2017 05:18 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6169 UserHelper checking permissions:

  • UserHelper as SpringComponent which selfregisters in the VaadinSession
  • disabling fields in PersonField of User has not sufficient permissions
fcba7787 05/23/2017 02:13 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6169 advanced mode for popup editors

6702c7e1 05/22/2017 04:49 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6169 basic TaxonName popup editor

843f2ff8 05/12/2017 01:25 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6612 support for editor widgets with nested FieldGroups

bc5816ee 05/12/2017 12:27 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6612 Team and Person editor widgets implemented and integrated in reference editor

cd29f770 05/11/2017 02:16 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #6612 Custom Textfield with switch for all protectable cache fields