test for #4423 (DescriptionElement media no longer visible)
adapting existing tests and adding a new one to reproduce #4383 (references in bibliography need de-duplication)
refactoring the handling of annotations, sources and name in source information. cleaner and simpler code, less complex statements and preserving at the same time existing output, except that the ticket #2288 (Cyprus: ChromosomeNumbers: formating nameInSource) has been solved
additional test
refactoring theme_cdm_descriptionElementTextData() #3484 , mock implementation of feature block settings #3257, solves most issues of #3915 (handling of annotations and sources inconsistent in theme_cdm_descriptionElementTextData)
refactoring the feature node blocks - 2 + adapting test suite
more information in case of assertion errors
refactoring the feature node blocks - 1
solving #4309 ([E+M] hide synonymy in taxon page toc) and also changing the featureTOC into page-toc
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