Prerequisites: ======================================================== Required php extensions: - CURL Required additional Drupal Modules: JQuery Update with manual update to jQuery 1.2.1 -------------------------------------------------------- release 5.x-1.0 updates to jQuery version 1.1.2 IMPORTANT: cdm_dataportl requires jQuery version 1.2.1 The contributed Drupal module 'jquery_update' however updates only to version 1.1.2, thus a manual update as described in is nessecary. I addition you must edit compat-1.0.js: replace lines 24 - 26 by: /* * a.kohlbecker: unload is still a valid event type and must not be replaced! * compat-1.0.js breaks plugins wich are using this event e.g. thickbox * => thus I removed load from var e. */ var e = ("blur,focus, resize,scroll,unload,click,dblclick," + "mousedown,mouseup,mousemove,mouseover,mouseout,change,reset,select," + "submit,keydown,keypress,keyup,error").split(","); Installation procedure: ======================================================== - Install the module by extracting it into the folder sites/all/modules or into a site specific module folder - Enable the module cdm_dataportal in the admin section. - Go to admin/settings/cdm_dataportal and configure the cdm web service connection according to your needs.