$rules Array [2] 1 Array [11] type webapp pattern /^http:\\/\\/ww2.bgbm.org\\/herbarium\\/images\\/((?:\\w+\\/)(?:\\d+\\/){4}[\\w_]+?\\.)(.*)$/ replace $1fpx embed_html 1 url_encode 1 path bgbm.org/herbarium title Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Freie Universität Berlin - Digital herbarium prefix

\r\n\tAccess is granted under the following conditions:
\r\n\tThe images may not passed on to any third party without our written\r\n\tconsent and due mention of the copyright restrictions, and may not be\r\n\tused for commercial or non-scientific purposes. Reproduction in\r\n\tscientific publications is authorized on the condition that the source\r\n\tand the copyright are fully acknowledged:
\r\n\t© Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, FU Berlin.\r\n


Contact | Imprint | Disclaimer\r\n

size_x size_y 2 Array [9] type preview pattern /^(http:\\/\\/ww2.bgbm.org\\/herbarium\\/images(?:\\/\\w+)(?:\\/\\d+){4})(\\/)(.*)$/ replace $1/thumbs/$3 url_encode 0 embed_html 0 prefix affix size_x 125 size_y