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Revision 57978a6e

Added by Andreas Kohlbecker over 9 years ago

adapting existing tests and adding a new one to reproduce #4383 (references in bibliography need de-duplication)

View differences:

9 9
10 10
package eu.etaxonomy.dataportal.selenium.tests.cichorieae;
11 11

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
14 13

15 14
import java.util.List;
16 16
import java.util.UUID;
17 17

18 18
import org.junit.Test;
19 19

20 20
import eu.etaxonomy.dataportal.DataPortalContext;
import eu.etaxonomy.dataportal.elements.BaseElement;
21 22
import eu.etaxonomy.dataportal.elements.FeatureBlock;
22 23
import eu.etaxonomy.dataportal.junit.CdmDataPortalTestBase;
23 24
import eu.etaxonomy.dataportal.junit.DataPortalContextSuite.DataPortalContexts;
46 47
        TaxonProfilePage p = new TaxonProfilePage(driver, getContext(), lactuca_serriola_uuid);
47 48
        String expectedName = "Lactuca serriola";
48 49
        assertEquals(getContext().prepareTitle(expectedName), p.getTitle());

        FeatureBlock distributionBlock = p.getFeatureBlockAt(2, "distribution", "div", "dd");

        List<BaseElement> footnotes = distributionBlock.getFootNotes();
        assertTrue("footnotes must not be empty", footnotes.size() > 0);
        // testing for the duplicate footnotes named below in the  FIXME (related to #4383 )
        assertEquals("40. Komarov, V. L., Flora SSSR 29. 1964", footnotes.get(39).getText());
        assertEquals("43. Komarov, V. L., Flora SSSR 29. 1964 (as Lactuca altaica)", footnotes.get(42).getText());


49 61
        FeatureBlock commonNamesBlock = p.getFeatureBlockAt(3, "common_names", "div", "span");
50 62
51 63

55 67
//        no longer valid since 2013-11-21 (#3475 fixed) String expected = "Common names\n(Mexico): escariola150, lechuguilla150; Albanian (Albania): Ogrisht151; Arabic (Lebanon): خَسّ الزَّيْت152; Arabic (Saudi Arabia): Khass-al-Hammar153; Arabic (Syria): خَسّ الزَّيْت154; Armenian (Armenia): Կաթնուկ կողմնացույց155; Bulgarian (Bulgaria): Компасна салата156; Czech (Czech Republic): Locika kompasová157; Danish (Denmark): Tornet Salat158; English (Australia): Prickly Lettuce159,160,161,162,163,164,165, Prickly lettuce166,167, compass plant166,167, milk thistle166,167";
56 68
//        no longer valid since 2013-12-06 implementing rule 2 and 3 for #3904 String expected = "Common names\n(Mexico): escariola156, lechuguilla156; Albanian (Albania): Ogrisht157; Arabic (Lebanon): خَسّ الزَّيْت158; Arabic (Saudi Arabia): Khass-al-Hammar159; Arabic (Syria): خَسّ الزَّيْت160; Armenian (Armenia): Կաթնուկ կողմնացույց161; Bulgarian (Bulgaria): Компасна салата162; Czech (Czech Republic): Locika kompasová163; Danish (Denmark): Tornet Salat164; English (Australia): Prickly Lettuce165,166,167,168,169,170,171, Prickly lettuce172,173, compass plant172,173, milk thistle172,173";
57 69
//        no longer valid since 2014-08-27 fixing #3915 String expected = "Common names\n(Mexico): escariola153, lechuguilla153; Albanian (Albania): Ogrisht154; Arabic (Lebanon): خَسّ الزَّيْت155; Arabic (Saudi Arabia): Khass-al-Hammar156; Arabic (Syria): خَسّ الزَّيْت157; Armenian (Armenia): Կաթնուկ կողմնացույց158; Bulgarian (Bulgaria): Компасна салата159; Czech (Czech Republic): Locika kompasová160; Danish (Denmark): Tornet Salat161; English (Australia): Prickly Lettuce162,163,164,165,166,167,168, Prickly lettuce169,170, compass plant169,170, milk thistle169,170";
        String expected = "Common names\n(Mexico): escariola155, lechuguilla155; Albanian (Albania): Ogrisht156,157; Arabic (Lebanon): خَسّ الزَّيْت156,158; Arabic (Saudi Arabia): Khass-al-Hammar159; Arabic (Syria): خَسّ الزَّيْت156,160; Armenian (Armenia): Կաթնուկ կողմնացույց156,161; Bulgarian (Bulgaria): Компасна салата156,162; Czech (Czech Republic): Locika kompasová156,163; Danish (Denmark): Tornet Salat156,164; English (Australia): Prickly Lettuce165,166,167,168,169,170,171, Prickly lettuce172,173, compass plant";

        // FIXME the distribution entries have duplicate foonote key for source references, see #4383 (references in bibliography need de-duplication)
        //       for example "40. Komarov, V. L., Flora SSSR 29. 1964", and "43. Komarov, V. L., Flora SSSR 29. 1964 (as Lactuca altaica)"
        //       this is why the Common name footnote keys are having an offset, the below out-commented string should be the correct one:
        //  String expected = "Common names\n(Mexico): escariola155, lechuguilla155; Albanian (Albania): Ogrisht156,157; Arabic (Lebanon): خَسّ الزَّيْت156,158; Arabic (Saudi Arabia): Khass-al-Hammar159; Arabic (Syria): خَسّ الزَّيْت156,160; Armenian (Armenia): Կաթնուկ կողմնացույց156,161; Bulgarian (Bulgaria): Компасна салата156,162; Czech (Czech Republic): Locika kompasová156,163; Danish (Denmark): Tornet Salat156,164; English (Australia): Prickly Lettuce165,166,167,168,169,170,171, Prickly lettuce172,173, compass plant";
        String expected = "Common names\n(Mexico): escariola168, lechuguilla168; Albanian (Albania): Ogrisht169,170; Arabic (Lebanon): خَسّ الزَّيْت169,171; Arabic (Saudi Arabia): Khass-al-Hammar172; Arabic (Syria): خَسّ الزَّيْت169,173; Armenian (Armenia): Կաթնուկ կողմնացույց169,174; Bulgarian (Bulgaria): Компасна салата169,175; Czech (Czech Republic): Locika kompasová169,176; Danish (Denmark): Tornet Salat169,177; English (Australia): Prickly Lettuce178,179,180,181,182,183,184, Prickly lettuce185,186, compass plant";
59 76
        String firstChars = commonNamesBlock.getText().substring(0, expected.length());
60 77

61 78
        assertEquals(expected, firstChars);
128 128
//        blockTextFull = featureLabel + "\n\n\nAsia-Temperate:\nCyprus 1,2; Lebanon-Syria (Lebanon 3,4,5); Palestine (Israel 6).\n1. Meikle, R. D., Flora of Cyprus 2. 1985, 2. Osorio-Tafall, B. H. & Serafim, G. M., List of the vascular plants of Cyprus. 1973, 3. Mouterde, P., Nouvelle flore du Liban et de la Syrie. Texte 3. 1978-1984, 4. Boissier, E., Flora Orientalis 3. 1875, 5. Post, G. E. , Flora of Syria, Palestine, and Sinai 2. 1933, 6. Zohary, M. & Feinbrun-Dothan, N., Flora Palaestina 3. 1978";
129 129
        // after fixig the bug #3475, more sources are now displayed than ever before:
130 130
        // after layout changes there is an additional space: blockTextFull = featureLabel + "\n\nAsia-Temperate:\nCyprus 1,2; Lebanon-Syria (Lebanon 3,4,5); Palestine (Israel 5,6,7).\n1. Meikle, R. D., Flora of Cyprus 2. 1985, 2. Osorio-Tafall, B. H. & Serafim, G. M., List of the vascular plants of Cyprus. 1973, 3. Mouterde, P., Nouvelle flore du Liban et de la Syrie. Texte 3. 1978-1984, 4. Boissier, E., Flora Orientalis 3. 1875, 5. Post, G. E. , Flora of Syria, Palestine, and Sinai 2. 1933, 7. Zohary, M. & Feinbrun-Dothan, N., Flora Palaestina 3. 19786. (N)";
        blockTextFull = featureLabel + "\n\nAsia-Temperate:\nCyprus 1,2; Lebanon-Syria (Lebanon 3,4,5); Palestine (Israel 5,6,7).\n1. Meikle, R. D., Flora of Cyprus 2. 1985, 2. Osorio-Tafall, B. H. & Serafim, G. M., List of the vascular plants of Cyprus. 1973, 3. Mouterde, P., Nouvelle flore du Liban et de la Syrie. Texte 3. 1978-1984, 4. Boissier, E., Flora Orientalis 3. 1875, 5. Post, G. E. , Flora of Syria, Palestine, and Sinai 2. 1933, 7. Zohary, M. & Feinbrun-Dothan, N., Flora Palaestina 3. 1978\n6. (N)";
        blockTextFull = featureLabel + "\n\nAsia-Temperate:\nCyprus 1,2; Lebanon-Syria (Lebanon 3,4,5); Palestine (Israel 5,6,7).\n1. Meikle, R. D., Flora of Cyprus 2. 1985 (as Prenanthes triquetra), 2. Osorio-Tafall, B. H. & Serafim, G. M., List of the vascular plants of Cyprus. 1973, 3. Mouterde, P., Nouvelle flore du Liban et de la Syrie. Texte 3. 1978-1984 (as Scariola triquetra), 4. Boissier, E., Flora Orientalis 3. 1875, 5. Post, G. E. , Flora of Syria, Palestine, and Sinai 2. 1933, 7. Zohary, M. & Feinbrun-Dothan, N., Flora Palaestina 3. 1978\n6. (N)";
132 132
        p.testTableOfContentEntry(featureId++, featureLabel, featureClass);
133 133
        featureBlock = p.getFeatureBlockAt(featureId, featureClass, "div", "dt", "dd");
134 134


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