



From 08/10/2022 to 09/08/2022


10:04 PM Revision a59bdc4b (cdmlib-apps): ref #10072 rename log4j.xml to log4j2.xml in app-imports
Andreas Müller
10:00 PM Revision 432cf8da (cdm-dataportal): ref #10072 rename log4j.xml to log4j2.xml in dataportal
Andreas Müller
10:00 PM Revision d9721bcf (cdm-vaadin): ref #10072 rename log4j.xml to log4j2.xml in vaadin
Andreas Müller
09:59 PM Revision d5920333 (cdmlib): ref #10072 rename log4j.xml to log4j2.xml in cdmlib
Andreas Müller
09:38 PM Revision 6d81f886 (taxeditor): ref #10072 remove log4j.xml in taxeditor
Andreas Müller
09:13 PM bug #10118 (Closed): Availability of partial misapplied should be configurable
Seems to work as expected. Andreas Müller
08:53 PM task #8047 (Closed): Remaining issues in TaxDistributionEditor
I close this ticket. All open issues were moved to #8889 as far as I can see. Andreas Müller
08:31 PM task #8047: Remaining issues in TaxDistributionEditor
Katja Luther wrote in #note-64:
> Andreas Müller wrote:
> > >Try to optimize the column width at start or after are...
Andreas Müller
06:48 PM bug #10148 (New): Area selection for distribution editor is not intuitive for non-filtered areas
Wenn man den Distribution Select Wizard öffnet, dann werden alle Areas, auch die angezeigten, als nicht selec...
Andreas Müller
06:29 PM bug #10147 (New): Context menu for columns does not work in distribution editor
.. to hide/show columns. It works in matrix editor. Andreas Müller
06:25 PM feature request #10146 (New): Allow disable Synonyms column in distribution editor (TaxEditor)
... currently it is only possible to disable the rank column via preferences Andreas Müller
01:54 PM bug #10142 (Closed): ReferenceType drop down is not ordered
Works as expected Andreas Müller
08:49 AM bug #10142 (Resolved): ReferenceType drop down is not ordered
This should be resolved, please review. Katja Luther
08:48 AM bug #10142 (Closed): ReferenceType drop down is not ordered
The referencetype drop down for new references in Reference Bulkeditor is not ordered, but should be ordered alphabet... Katja Luther
01:35 PM feature request #10145 (New): Transform accessed field in Reference from DateTime to TimePeriod
Similar to OriginalSource.accessed.
Requires update script, adaptions in TaxEditor and formatter.
For some deta...
Andreas Müller
01:32 PM feature request #9915 (Closed): Make "accessed" also available for references of type "database"
This seems to be fixed with #10057 and the new IDynamicReference introduced there.
Please reopen if you think some...
Andreas Müller
01:17 PM bug #10144 (Closed): Cancel for Specimen-Search does not work
Works as expected. Andreas Müller
10:52 AM bug #10144 (Resolved): Cancel for Specimen-Search does not work
Is fixed, please review. Katja Luther
10:38 AM bug #10144 (Closed): Cancel for Specimen-Search does not work
.. in specimen tree editor.
When I do a search with a large result I get a warning that the result will be large (...
Andreas Müller
12:58 PM bug #10116: Create a new name denied for users
REference: Kusber, W.-H.: TestuserTitle revised. – Phytotaxa 12345: 12345
Task: create a new specimen type for a d...
Wolf-Henning Kusber
12:23 PM bug #10116: Create a new name denied for users
Used Testsystem and testuserwhk,
Successful tested:
Create new reference, edit new reference
Create new species, s...
Wolf-Henning Kusber
12:24 PM task #10124 (In Progress): Adapt deprecated hibernate methods to suggested new methods
Katja Luther
12:09 PM bug #10137 (In Progress): Compressed table does not show derivates anymore
Andreas Müller
12:03 PM task #2035: [MANUAL] Update Editor documentation to current version
Unfortunately we do not have time now. So I move to after performance sprint milestone. Andreas Müller
12:00 PM bug #6228 (Resolved): Fix behavior of multi-language editing
Andreas Müller
11:54 AM bug #10045 (New): Open issues when updating portal translations
Andreas Müller
11:44 AM bug #10108 (Resolved): Description for MediaSpecimen not shown even if it exists (i18n)
Andreas Müller
11:41 AM bug #10114 (Feedback): Problem with parser for author string with whitespace between initials
Andreas Müller
11:30 AM bug #10138 (Feedback): Details view is not updated after freetext change
Andreas Müller
10:52 AM Revision 1d603a0f (taxeditor): ref #10144: fix cancel
Katja Luther
09:16 AM bug #10134: Changing from Synonym to MAN needs save, the other way round, save is not necessary
I guess this fits not so well into the performance milestone therefore I put it to the next. Andreas Müller
08:53 AM bug #10143 (New): After changing from a dynamic reference to another referenceType the accessed field is not removed

The accessed field is not of type ICdmFormElement and therefore not removed when the referenceType changes. This cl...
Katja Luther


11:26 PM bug #10138: Details view is not updated after freetext change
Maybe related to #10111 Andreas Müller
11:05 AM bug #10138 (In Progress): Details view is not updated after freetext change
The issue about the nameUsedInSource seems to be a problem of the parser, at the beginning of the parsing all element... Katja Luther
10:12 AM bug #10138 (Closed): Details view is not updated after freetext change
... which may lead to data loss.
Fl. Cuba; ich habe eben 2 Synonyme eingegeben, und zwar folgendermaßen:
Katja Luther
11:22 PM bug #10139 (Closed): Existing name cannot be safed to be available for typification under a different reference in PhycoBank
Andreas Müller
09:05 PM bug #10139: Existing name cannot be safed to be available for typification under a different reference in PhycoBank
Tested in the test system.
Working set exactly reproduced.
selected name saved and available for type-input.
Wolf-Henning Kusber
08:14 PM bug #10139 (Resolved): Existing name cannot be safed to be available for typification under a different reference in PhycoBank
Applied in changeset commit:cdmlib|5d739ccc2a2c943051afe05caa6142f2c9b7229a. Andreas Müller
08:13 PM bug #10139: Existing name cannot be safed to be available for typification under a different reference in PhycoBank
```$CommitException: Commit failed
Andreas Müller
01:36 PM bug #10139 (Closed): Existing name cannot be safed to be available for typification under a different reference in PhycoBank
Vaadin (07 Sep 2022):
Routine procedure:
Add a new registration for ….. an exsisting name
Select: Synedra longis...
Wolf-Henning Kusber
11:18 PM bug #10128: Creating new user throws NPE for invalid user names
?? Andreas Müller
11:16 PM bug #10115 (Duplicate): Create new reference denied for users
This is probably a duplicate for #10116. Andreas Müller
11:15 PM bug #10116 (Feedback): Create a new name denied for users
Can you please check in phycobank on test if user "testuserWHK" still has these problems? I added the user manually t... Andreas Müller
11:05 PM Revision 5fc5a35f (cdm-vaadin): ref #10104, ref 10067 update GrantedAuthorityRevokingRegistrationUpdateLister to new hibernate FlushMode
Andreas Müller
10:54 PM Revision d5c57711 (cdm-vaadin): ref #10104, ref 10067 update GrantedAuthorityRevokingRegistrationUpdateLister to new hibernate version (FlushMode still not adapted)
Andreas Müller
10:53 PM Revision 3cfeef69 (cdm-vaadin): cleanup
Andreas Müller
10:02 PM bug #10141 (Resolved): Exception (CCE) caused by logging setLevel in phycobank
This should be fixed, please review. Andreas Müller
09:21 PM bug #10141 (Closed): Exception (CCE) caused by logging setLevel in phycobank
Jiang et al.. 2001: A new species of Tragelomonas angelegt.
Art angelegt “Trachelomonas subplanctonica”
Andreas Müller
10:01 PM Revision cace1fee (cdm-dataportal): cleanup
Andreas Müller
10:01 PM Revision 1f8b10fc (cdm-dataportal): ref #10141 remove setLevel in phycobank-dataportal
Andreas Müller
09:59 PM Revision 572994ea (cdm-vaadin): ref #10141 remove setLevel in phycobank-vaadin
Andreas Müller
09:57 PM Revision 421d5cb4 (cdmlib): cleanup
Andreas Müller
09:56 PM Revision 1ead145c (cdmlib): ref #10141 fix CCE in LogUtils.setLevel()
Andreas Müller
09:11 PM bug #10140 (New): Registration page shortly shows map even if no data exists
wenn ich z.B. ...
Andreas Müller
09:07 PM bug #9088 (Feedback): CCE (ClassCastException) when adding annotation to TextualTypeDesignation in Name-Bulkeditor
What exactly needs to be done for the remaining check. Can this be done fast or should we create a new ticket?
Andreas Müller
08:14 PM Revision 5d739ccc (cdmlib): fix #10139 try to fix NPE in RegistrationDTO.typeDesignationSetKeyToTypedEntity()
Andreas Müller
04:29 PM Revision ea5bc1d6 (taxeditor): sort labels for new reference menu
Katja Luther


03:29 PM bug #10137: Compressed table does not show derivates anymore
The derivates column should contain icons for scans, DNA data or character data
see code :
Katja Luther
02:09 PM bug #10137: Compressed table does not show derivates anymore
At the first view it seems that the dto is not filled correctly. Katja Luther
12:49 PM bug #10137: Compressed table does not show derivates anymore
Please also check if type information is still available (I did not check) Andreas Müller
12:49 PM bug #10137 (Closed): Compressed table does not show derivates anymore
e.g. Campanula polyclada ( Andreas Müller


10:21 AM Revision e7915b65 (cdm-dataportal): remove target directory
Katja Luther
09:51 AM bug #8591: Multiple representations problem on setting synonym as basionym
Fl. Cuba, Synonymie von Adenophyllum prophyllum.
Ich hatte ein Synonym (Tagetes cancellatus) hinzugefügt und...
Katja Luther


11:10 AM bug #5823 (Feedback): Fehler beim parallel Editieren von Referenzen
This is a very old multiple-representations-problem ticket. Is there a reason why we think that it is still open or c... Andreas Müller
11:05 AM bug #8510: Non unique object exception when creating FeatureStates
Andreas Müller wrote in #note-4:
> We should check if this is still an open issue and/or if it is related to any oth...
Andreas Müller


10:56 AM feature request #9771: Implement Cdm2Cdm for vocabularies
A Problem are users used in Person or User
Andreas Müller
10:53 AM bug #10135: Created_by and when is missing for User and Group
If this is not (very) fast to implement please remove tag and move to other milestone. It is not a critical issue. Andreas Müller
10:52 AM bug #10135 (Closed): Created_by and when is missing for User and Group
Andreas Müller


03:29 PM Revision 7bf9eb97 (cdmlib): ref #9711 change defaults for Cdm2CdmImportConfigurator
Andreas Müller
03:27 PM Revision a5f7d622 (cdmlib): replace detache by detach
Andreas Müller
03:26 PM Revision 2d68fc40 (cdmlib): cleanup
Andreas Müller
12:59 PM bug #10134 (New): Changing from Synonym to MAN needs save, the other way round, save is not necessary
mail AM:
gibt es eigentlich einen Grund, warum bei Umwandlung Syn=>MAN gespeichert werden muss, bei MAN=>Syn aber ...
Katja Luther


01:43 PM bug #10132: Coding of special characters in Vaadin/PhycoBank (in docker instance only)
Only fields mapped as @Lob seem to have the problem (e.g. Reference.title but not Reference.abbrevTitle) Andreas Müller
11:50 AM bug #10132: Coding of special characters in Vaadin/PhycoBank (in docker instance only)
Helpfull Queries:
FROM SpecimenOrObservationBase osb
WHERE osb.titleCache LIKE 'Mon%';
Andreas Müller
12:10 PM feature request #10133: Improve ontology state vocabularies
SQL for moving "structure subtypes" to Structure Modifier:
UPDATE TermCollection tc
SET tc.termType = 'STMO'
Andreas Müller
12:08 PM feature request #10133: Improve ontology state vocabularies
die praktische Arbeit an einem CharacterTree / einer Matrix stößt einen doch auf Manches. So etwa, dass wir sei...
Andreas Müller
12:07 PM feature request #10133 (Closed): Improve ontology state vocabularies
Some state vocabularies in the additivity ontology are not really states or have a hybrid character state/structure. ... Andreas Müller
12:03 PM Revision cfdc66fc (cdm-server): add env variable to set encoding
Katja Luther
11:49 AM Revision 95d9c858 (cdm-server): add env variable to set encoding
Katja Luther


06:34 PM bug #10132 (In Progress): Coding of special characters in Vaadin/PhycoBank (in docker instance only)
The problem seems to occur only when using the docker installation. When running the CDM Server on the default BGBM i... Andreas Müller
12:52 PM bug #10132 (Closed): Coding of special characters in Vaadin/PhycoBank (in docker instance only)
Copy a special character from a PDF, a MS Word file. Input of a special character by a user, using the keybord of a c... Wolf-Henning Kusber
12:26 PM feature request #10127: Add full reference information to sec. references in dataportal
eine Fußnote fände ich besser, so dass alle Referenzen direkt auf der Taxon-Seite angezeigt würden. Beiden zu...
Andreas Müller
11:25 AM bug #10131: Improve media specimen formatting for type designations
NaK (zu CDM-L Formatierung):
Guter Punkt, dort ist es auch halb-richtig in der Ausgabe, und die Reihenfolge ist an...
Andreas Müller
10:46 AM bug #10131 (Closed): Improve media specimen formatting for type designations
... In der Ausgabe fehlt aber die Seite auf der die Abbildung zu finden ist und der Autor wird abgekürzt ausg...
Andreas Müller
11:22 AM bug #10128 (Feedback): Creating new user throws NPE for invalid user names
Is there a reason why you created your own regex and did not reuse the one in eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.permission.User ... Andreas Müller
11:18 AM bug #10128: Creating new user throws NPE for invalid user names
yes Katja Luther
11:18 AM bug #10128: Creating new user throws NPE for invalid user names
Is this for review? Andreas Müller
11:11 AM bug #10128: Creating new user throws NPE for invalid user names
There were two things to fix, first the validator only checked for empty strings not for the not allowed characters. ... Katja Luther
11:09 AM bug #10128 (Resolved): Creating new user throws NPE for invalid user names
Applied in changeset commit:taxeditor|2c6ebebf07b709b6792ff9309b6dd6d39dbb5181. Katja Luther
11:16 AM bug #10130: Error Message in dataportal
Sorry, I didn't see that this is solved already. So probably we do not necessarily need an example on test, but we ma... Andreas Müller
11:05 AM bug #10130: Error Message in dataportal
On production it is Andreas Müller
10:26 AM bug #10130 (Resolved): Error Message in dataportal
This was a problem of the default value for the parameter, this should be in '' Katja Luther
10:04 AM bug #10130 (Feedback): Error Message in dataportal
Do we have an example in a test portal? Katja Luther
09:21 AM bug #10130 (Closed): Error Message in dataportal
Use of undefined constant span - assumed 'span' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) Katja Luther
11:11 AM Revision c34fc45d (taxeditor): ref #10128: use better dialog message
Katja Luther
11:08 AM Revision 2c6ebebf (taxeditor): fix #10128: adapt validator for new username
Katja Luther
10:18 AM Revision 99b21ba9 (cdm-dataportal): ref #10130: the default value for parameter needs \'
Katja Luther
10:03 AM Revision cfe47149 (cdm-dataportal): ref #10130: do not create empty annotations part
Katja Luther


06:19 PM Revision c193fda8 (cdmlib-apps): ref #4670 fix further E+M problems in BerlinModelImport
Andreas Müller
04:32 PM Revision c5769cfd (cdmlib-apps): ref #4670 fix BerlinModelTaxonImport for non-EuroMed
Andreas Müller
04:31 PM Revision 9c000afd (cdmlib-apps): cleanup
Andreas Müller
04:29 PM Revision 7df5b145 (cdmlib-apps): ref #9359, ref #10072 replace by log4j.xml in app-import
Andreas Müller
02:49 PM Revision a8df3232 (cdmlib): cleanup
Andreas Müller
02:08 PM Revision 3bcf3e7b (cdmlib-apps): adapt app-import to latest changes
Andreas Müller
01:09 PM Revision d2973f10 (cdmlib-apps): ref #10092 changes to FloreGabonActivator
Andreas Müller
01:08 PM Revision 3bb3e6dd (cdmlib-apps): Adapt EfloraTaxonImport to Credit factory change
Andreas Müller
01:07 PM Revision bab269ce (cdmlib-apps): ref #9359, ref #10072 adapt app-import to log4j2 and cleanup
Andreas Müller
01:01 PM Revision 4ef7d1e0 (cdm-vaadin): ref #9359, ref #10072 final adaptations for upgrade to log4j2 in vaadin and cleanup
Andreas Müller
12:59 PM Revision 5c4b07f0 (cdmlib): ref #9359, ref #10072 final adaptations for upgrade to log4j2 in cdmlib
Andreas Müller
12:40 PM Revision 2a2a5802 (cdmlib): cleanup
Andreas Müller


10:58 PM bug #10129: Allow to create MediaSpecimen when creating specimen for a type designation
If not fast to implement please remove tag and move to other milestone. Andreas Müller
10:57 PM bug #10129 (Resolved): Allow to create MediaSpecimen when creating specimen for a type designation
When creating a new specimen (unit) for a type designation one may currently only create a PreservedSpecimen. This sh... Andreas Müller
03:52 PM bug #10114: Problem with parser for author string with whitespace between initials
ich hatte jetzt die Autoreninitialen vorläufig als D.C. ohne Leerzeichen eingetragen. Es genügt, das Leerzeic...
Andreas Müller
03:45 PM task #7987: [DISUCSS] Do we need an editor in Reference linking to TeamOrPersonBase
Ich habe die in der Priorität nochmal nach oben geschoben, da das wirklich ein dringendes Thema ist.
Wobei di...
Andreas Müller
03:42 PM bug #10128 (Closed): Creating new user throws NPE for invalid user names
... instead the name should be validated before saving and if still an invalid name is saved the error should be cach... Andreas Müller
02:38 PM feature request #10127 (Closed): Add full reference information to sec. references in dataportal
Sec-references use the short form (author + year) in the dataportal (and other outputs). We should allow to add a foo... Andreas Müller
01:10 PM task #10009: Cleanup dependencies in TaxEditor
Online search and import works as expected, but importing from a file does not work anymore. I don't know whether thi... Katja Luther
12:02 PM task #10064: Upgrade to Drupal9
Please have a look whether everything works now. I checked adding an image and editing the text, also the layout is t... Katja Luther
11:51 AM task #10064 (Resolved): Upgrade to Drupal9
Andreas Müller wrote in #note-18:
> Also the old drupal databases should be archived?
All old drupal directories ...
Katja Luther
09:58 AM task #10064: Upgrade to Drupal9
Andreas Müller wrote in #note-17:
> Uploading an image while editing content (in basic html mode) did not work. I alw...
Katja Luther
09:47 AM bug #10126 (New): Refresh original source element after changing from dynamic reference to not dynamic reference or other way round
copied from #10057:
Also first implementation in TaxEditor implemented, see commit:29de040015b98 . However, the acce...
Katja Luther
09:45 AM feature request #10057 (Closed): Add "accessed" field to OriginalSourceBase
Andreas Müller wrote in #note-7:
> This is implemented now in model and first implementations for OriginalSourceForm...
Katja Luther


08:16 PM bug #10007 (Closed): fix reindex jobs on jobber
Andreas Müller
05:25 PM task #10064 (Feedback): Upgrade to Drupal9
Also the old drupal databases should be archived? Andreas Müller
03:41 PM task #10064: Upgrade to Drupal9
Uploading an image while editing content (in basic html mode) did not work. I always got the following error:
Andreas Müller
03:29 PM task #10064: Upgrade to Drupal9
There are still folders "/var/www/drupal-8.9", "/var/www/drupal-8" and "/var/www/_drupal-8" on edit-community. Can th... Andreas Müller
10:35 AM task #10064: Upgrade to Drupal9
Problems with url editing is fixed with an update to 9.4.5 Katja Luther
01:48 PM Revision 20b1ef8a (cdmlib): ref #10118: add new PreferencePredicate
Katja Luther
01:26 PM bug #10089 (Closed): Order TypeDesignationSetContainer by status type
Katja Luther wrote in #note-10:
> Test cdmLight implementation
In HOmotypicGroup.csv the example above shows now:...
Katja Luther
10:08 AM bug #10089: Order TypeDesignationSetContainer by status type
Test cdmLight implementation Katja Luther
01:09 PM bug #10118 (Resolved): Availability of partial misapplied should be configurable
This is implemented now. Katja Luther
01:08 PM Revision 62b5eb57 (taxeditor): ref #10118: make availability of partial misapplied name configurable
Katja Luther
12:14 PM bug #3536: Incorrect last version documentation for Editor
The first commit was not enough, yet. I now also removed the maven-changes-plugin. Needs to be checked again after ne... Andreas Müller
12:11 PM bug #3536: Incorrect last version documentation for Editor
Applied in changeset commit:taxeditor|eca286fdec3a0e2d88f46d0efb83afaee19909ef. Andreas Müller
11:16 AM bug #3536: Incorrect last version documentation for Editor
Page still needs to be removed on server Andreas Müller
12:10 PM Revision eca286fd (taxeditor): fix #3536 remove maven-changes-plugin from TaxEditor pom
Andreas Müller
10:58 AM task #10067 (Closed): Update to hibernate 5.4 (or higher) and hibernate search 5.11 and lucene 5.5
All open issues moved to follow up ticket #10104 or related tickets Andreas Müller
10:33 AM task #10125 (New): Upgrade jena dependency
copied from #9359
* check how to upgrade to jena-tdb 3.0.0 (also check if commonsRDF is an alternative: https://c...
Andreas Müller
10:20 AM task #10124 (In Progress): Adapt deprecated hibernate methods to suggested new methods
copied from #10067
* deprecated calls in CdmEntityDaoBase (and maybe others), e.g. line 447 / createCriteria (depr...
Andreas Müller


03:31 PM bug #10114 (In Progress): Problem with parser for author string with whitespace between initials
This should have highest priority. Andreas Müller
03:26 PM task #10072 (Closed): Upgrade fully to log4j2
This should be fixed. Open issues moved to new tickets. Andreas Müller
03:16 PM task #9205 (Closed): Remove apache-log4j-extras from TaxEditor dependencies
Andreas Müller
03:05 PM feature request #10083 (Closed): Add name relationship type "avoids homonym of"/"causes replacement name"
Should be fixed. Open issues moved to related tickets. Andreas Müller
11:12 AM feature request #10083: Add name relationship type "avoids homonym of"/"causes replacement name"
Actually there was a bug in cdmLight, this is fixed. Now the namerelationships are exported to the NameRelationship.c... Katja Luther
03:04 PM feature request #5655 (Closed): [DISCUSS] Do we need further "non xxx" relations?
This should be fixed, open issues moved to related tickets. Andreas Müller
02:48 PM bug #10123 (New): NameRelationship display should be more configurable in portal
Katja Luther
02:47 PM bug #10120 (In Progress): After status change symbol not shown in navigator
Andreas Müller
02:07 PM bug #10120 (Closed): After status change symbol not shown in navigator
Katja Luther
02:46 PM feature request #10103 (New): Add "Included" as default status to taxon node status
Andreas Müller
02:16 PM feature request #10103 (In Progress): Add "Included" as default status to taxon node status
Katja Luther
02:45 PM bug #10122 (New): NameRelationship display should be more configurable in cdmLight
Katja Luther
02:31 PM bug #10089: Order TypeDesignationSetContainer by status type
mail WB:
das Type Statement in der HomotypicGroup.csv muss ich für Publikationen umsortieren. Beispiel:
Katja Luther
02:20 PM bug #10090 (Closed): Many LIEs in cdmserver log for Team.getCollectorTitleCache()
Andreas Müller
02:17 PM bug #10121 (In Progress): ConstraintViolationException when editing placement notes
Katja Luther
02:15 PM bug #10121 (Worksforme): ConstraintViolationException when editing placement notes Katja Luther
02:16 PM feature request #10096 (Closed): Add new TaxonNode status and make notes field more general
Katja Luther
02:14 PM feature request #10096: Add new TaxonNode status and make notes field more general
Katja Luther wrote in #note-21:
> When adding taxonnode status and status note, but this seems to be a problem with t...
Katja Luther
02:07 PM feature request #10096: Add new TaxonNode status and make notes field more general
Katja Luther wrote in #note-22:
> Newly set status are not shown in the navigator (tested for 'taxon included in par...
Katja Luther
01:14 PM bug #9088 (In Progress): CCE (ClassCastException) when adding annotation to TextualTypeDesignation in Name-Bulkeditor
The initial issue is fixed, for other elements this should be checked too. Katja Luther
12:42 PM bug #10119: New source should appear at the beginning of the list
This needs further discussion on how to implement. The current implementation uses the fact that unpersisted CdmBase ... Andreas Müller
11:50 AM bug #10119 (New): New source should appear at the beginning of the list
Currently a new source details element appears at the end of a list of not saved sources, but should appear at the be... Katja Luther
11:46 AM bug #10118 (Closed): Availability of partial misapplied should be configurable
mail WB:
es wäre schön, wenn man diese Option (partial misapplied) einstellbar ausschalten könnte, so dass man sie...
Katja Luther
11:27 AM Revision 7644f3dd (taxeditor): ref #9088: fix CCE for TypeDesignations
Katja Luther
08:52 AM task #9975: Create new UML diagramms for the CDM
We decided to use UML Lab (
- Easy to handle
Belen Escobari


03:38 PM feature request #10098 (Closed): Implement timePeriod for Credit in TaxEditor
Works as expected. Andreas Müller
03:04 PM Revision 657c46b5 (taxeditor): ref #10009: remove hibernate-search-engine again as it is not required by IOcuurenceService anymore
Andreas Müller
03:02 PM Revision 181447cd (cdmlib): ref #5655, #10083: fix cdmLight namerelationship handling
Katja Luther
02:50 PM Revision 6ea669d4 (cdmlib): Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into develop
Andreas Müller
02:12 PM Revision b8d40694 (cdmlib): ref #10009, ref #9359 replace hibernate search Rectangle by RectangleDTO
Andreas Müller
02:06 PM Revision 89cdafd5 (cdmlib): ref #10009, ref #9359 replace hibernate search Rectangle by RectangleDTO
Andreas Müller
01:59 PM Revision aebb5b71 (cdmlib): dummy
Andreas Müller
01:36 PM Revision ed9555a5 (cdmlib): ref #10009, ref #9359 replace hibernate search Rectangle by RectangleDTO
Andreas Müller
01:21 PM feature request #10083: Add name relationship type "avoids homonym of"/"causes replacement name"
Andreas Müller wrote in #note-12:
> Mail sent to datamanager to adapt their data (list of effected DBs see #note-5)....
Katja Luther
01:03 PM feature request #10110 (Closed): Show barcode also on PreservedSpecimen General details element not only on specific element
This is fixed. Katja Luther
12:57 PM bug #10033 (Closed): For new FeatureTree only uuid is shown in dataportal
Andreas Müller wrote in #note-9:
> If this is fixed already please add it to the release notes https://dev.e-taxonom...
Katja Luther
12:41 PM bug #10071 (Closed): TaxonNodeDtos should be created directly not from taxon objects
Andreas Müller wrote in #note-3:
> Is this fixed?
Yes status note is shown in portal and dto creation is optimised.
Katja Luther
12:39 PM bug #10078 (Closed): Symbol and details view title of misapplied name type is not the same as shown in the type combo element
Code cleaning done. Katja Luther
12:39 PM Revision 2890a5e8 (taxeditor): ref #10078: code cleaning
Katja Luther
12:31 PM bug #10084 (Closed): Adding a new specimen to character matrix fails
Everything ok. Katja Luther
11:54 AM Revision 709d14a7 (taxeditor): ref #10009: revert some dependency issues
Katja Luther
11:23 AM bug #10117 (New): Missing stacktrace for failed taxon node delete
mail ERS:
es gelingt mir nicht, den Taxonknoten Gagea maroccana sec. Raab-Straube zu löschen. Ich habe schon alle ...
Katja Luther
11:10 AM feature request #10087 (Closed): Add taxon node source to status notes in cdmlight
I think we can close this ticket. If there are open issues reported by users we will open a new ticket. Andreas Müller
10:25 AM feature request #10087: Add taxon node source to status notes in cdmlight
The code looks fine and if WB checked the output, the ticket can be closed Katja Luther


03:07 PM bug #10116 (Closed): Create a new name denied for users
Blocker (2, role user)
Not able to create a new name in a given reference (submitted by curator or admin)
Title: ...
Wolf-Henning Kusber
03:05 PM bug #10115 (Duplicate): Create new reference denied for users
Role User:
Blocker (1, role user): not able to create a new reference
Title: Create new reference denied
Wolf-Henning Kusber
03:04 PM feature request #10096: Add new TaxonNode status and make notes field more general
Newly set status are not shown in the navigator (tested for 'taxon included in parent taxon with doubts' and 'unplace... Katja Luther
02:55 PM feature request #10096: Add new TaxonNode status and make notes field more general
When adding taxonnode status and status note, but this seems to be a problem with the note.
last remote method ...
Katja Luther
02:50 PM bug #10114: Problem with parser for author string with whitespace between initials
danke für das Ticket. Dabei ist zu beachten, dass dieser Fehler durchaus nicht immer auftritt, sondern sogar ...
Andreas Müller
02:44 PM Revision 2b06f876 (taxeditor): revert remove of hibernate search in gitignore
Katja Luther
02:13 PM Revision b698cbb5 (taxeditor): revert remove of hibernate search in pom
Katja Luther
12:21 PM Revision 76a052cc (taxeditor): revert remove of hibernate search
Katja Luther
12:09 PM task #9975: Create new UML diagramms for the CDM
Can you still format the above comment as real table (see Andreas Müller


01:59 PM Revision 349f2c7c (taxeditor): ref #10080: always remove not_designated checkbox and create new
Katja Luther
12:53 PM bug #10080: Source Element sometimes does not appear after selecting a new designation status and after creating a new type designation
Andreas Müller wrote in #note-5:
> Has this been reported by a user? If yes please add as watcher.
I can not reme...
Katja Luther
12:52 PM bug #10080: Source Element sometimes does not appear after selecting a new designation status and after creating a new type designation
Andreas Müller wrote in #note-4:
> I got an NPE when changing to no status:
> ~~~
> last remote method : https...
Katja Luther
12:43 PM feature request #10098: Implement timePeriod for Credit in TaxEditor
Timeperiod is implemented, please review. Katja Luther
12:42 PM feature request #10098 (Resolved): Implement timePeriod for Credit in TaxEditor
Applied in changeset commit:taxeditor|35c569e4b0ff1545d0d3a37d8736b4b70334441e. Katja Luther
12:42 PM Revision 35c569e4 (taxeditor): fix #10098: add timeperiod to creditelement
Katja Luther
12:35 PM Revision ce3cc213 (taxeditor): fix bug with list of last references
Katja Luther
11:50 AM feature request #10081 (Closed): Show name in source for sec ref of accepted taxon
The whitespace is removed, so I close this ticket Katja Luther
11:47 AM Revision fe8ca5d8 (cdm-dataportal): ref #10081: add secNameInSourceSeparator to separator list
Katja Luther


12:43 PM bug #10108: Description for MediaSpecimen not shown even if it exists (i18n)
Adding the description is implemented now, we should discuss whether it should be collapsable. Katja Luther
12:38 PM bug #10107 (Resolved): i18n bug when editing media not having a default language title
This should be fixed,please review Katja Luther
12:37 PM Revision bff0ad69 (taxeditor): ref #10107, #6228: fix default language handling
Katja Luther
11:53 AM Revision 32071906 (taxeditor): ref #10107, #6228: add remove button to MultiLanguageTextElement and fix default text
Katja Luther
11:51 AM bug #6228 (In Progress): Fix behavior of multi-language editing
Katja Luther
11:51 AM bug #6228: Fix behavior of multi-language editing
The issue that only two languages are saved is solved in the meanwhile, the missing deletion was added with the last ... Katja Luther
11:46 AM bug #8224 (Worksforme): Misleading initial language selection in TranslationWizard
This is fixed in the meanwhile, no language and no text is selected in the right part of the translation wizard Katja Luther


02:25 PM bug #10102 (Closed): Non-names formatted in italics
Walter reviewed the export, sowe can close this ticket. Katja Luther


03:06 PM bug #10114: Problem with parser for author string with whitespace between initials
This exception also appears when trying to update sortindex in caryo_amaranthaceae. Katja Luther


01:38 PM Revision 55e5323a (taxeditor): ref #10108: with new implementation createTitle is not necessary and wrong
Katja Luther
12:27 PM feature request #10062: Migrate TaxEditor word documentation to markdown
Created all md files for Editor documentation. Katja Luther
12:27 PM bug #10114: Problem with parser for author string with whitespace between initials
The exception appears while session.flush() before starting search for matching persons in CdmGenericDaoImpl (line 638) Katja Luther
09:39 AM bug #10114 (Closed): Problem with parser for author string with whitespace between initials
mail ERS:
irgendetwas stimmt mit dem Parser nicht.
Ich bekomme diese Fehlermeldung, wenn ich lediglich eine Ini...
Katja Luther


01:13 PM bug #10108 (In Progress): Description for MediaSpecimen not shown even if it exists (i18n)
Katja Luther
01:10 PM bug #10108: Description for MediaSpecimen not shown even if it exists (i18n)
I would add the description not only a warning if a description exist.
Maybe we can make it collapsable, then it is ...
Katja Luther
01:12 PM Revision 5dec995b (taxeditor): ref #10108: add description field and handling i18n text like in media element
Katja Luther
01:11 PM Revision 2fac67f3 (taxeditor): in multiLanguageText use preferredLanguage also for refresh
Katja Luther
12:06 PM bug #9007 (Closed): Enable i18n support for media description UI
The ticket can be closed because now the language text is get by "getPreferedLanguageText" Katja Luther
09:39 AM Revision cafa2d8c (cdm-dataportal): revert test
Katja Luther
09:37 AM Revision 90ddfcaa (cdm-dataportal): fix compile error
Katja Luther
09:23 AM Revision 436e6bdf (cdm-dataportal): ref #10081: remove whitespace in front of separator
Katja Luther


04:07 PM Revision b403a6b1 (cdm-dataportal): ref #10081: add test for secundum name in source
Katja Luther
02:39 PM bug #10102: Non-names formatted in italics
This should be fixed, send an example to Walter for review. Katja Luther
02:39 PM bug #10102 (Resolved): Non-names formatted in italics
Applied in changeset commit:cdmlib|241046afcdfe91c97acf02d438b5c4e0f57e3c4d. Katja Luther
02:39 PM Revision 241046af (cdmlib): fix #10102: non names should be in italics
Katja Luther
02:13 PM bug #10113: Exception when opening map in details view for linux
Katja Luther wrote in #note-1:
> mail KL:
> ich habe mal ein bisschen recherchiert und es scheint an einer fehl...
Katja Luther
02:12 PM bug #10113: Exception when opening map in details view for linux
mail KL:
ich habe mal ein bisschen recherchiert und es scheint an einer fehlenden library zu liegen, könntest Du e...
Katja Luther
02:08 PM bug #10113 (New): Exception when opening map in details view for linux
mail NK:
nur in der Linux Version des TaxEditor bekomme ich nachfolgende Fehlermeldung, wenn ich in den Faktendate...
Katja Luther
02:06 PM bug #10112 (New): Add a delay for the search in search dialogs
mail WB:
kann man im Auswahldialog Referenzen irgendwie eine * Eingabe am Anfang abfangen, sodass nicht gleich all...
Katja Luther
01:29 PM bug #10111: Data loss e.g. when entering type information
Sometimes the dirty flag is not set when changing the status and I think that I had a case where the specimen was rem... Katja Luther
09:09 AM bug #8764 (Worksforme): moving subtree results in NPE
This should be fixed because the sortindex problem is fixed. Katja Luther

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