From 02/14/2019 to 03/15/2019
- 03:30 PM Revision a296b200 (cdmlib): ref #8169 adding missing @Transactional to VersionableServiceBase.isDeletable()
- 03:29 PM bug #8169: avoid factory.openSession() in DaoBase
- VersionableServiceBase.isDeletable misses the @Transactional(readOnly = true) annotation!
- 03:25 PM bug #8169: avoid factory.openSession() in DaoBase
- Here is a case found in the server log (occurred 6x in a couple of hours):
[phycobank] 2019-03-15 10:27:44,... - 01:57 PM Revision 4186a152 (cdm-dataportal): ref #7755: filter import sources for occurrences
- 01:13 PM Revision a1ce57ce (cdm-dataportal): ref #7755: rename baseURL for occurrences to occurrence/uuid
- 12:02 PM Revision abe0b021 (cdm-dataportal): ref #7755: some order issues in specimen detail page
- 11:44 AM feature request #8181 (New): Further features for bulk editors
- this is a ticket to collect all wanted features for bulkeditors:
Advanced search or column filter options:
* ... - 10:44 AM feature request #7755: Implement advanced detail page for occurrences
- mail from AM:
Hallo Katja,
ich bin im Zuge von FoG über die Specimenseite gestolpert. Sehr schön, dass da jetzt... - 09:21 AM feature request #8180 (Closed): Add property term "Presence/Absence" to CDM default terms
- When describing a specimen via Characters (almost) all structures may or may not exist. To be able to describe if a s...
- 08:35 AM Revision ce7faf74 (cdmlib): ref #8162 update to model cache
- 08:18 AM Revision 31e57990 (cdmlib-apps): Adapt imports to tem model changes
- 06:26 PM bug #8179 (New): PopupEditorException
- Type name editor, PopupEditorException
when saving a name type of a genus
in Workingset - 04:05 PM Revision 63311bd9 (cdm-vaadin): multiple test datasources for tesing multiple test suites
- 02:48 PM Revision 7dc9bbbb (taxeditor): ref #3836: add modifier to description elements
- 02:12 PM feature request #8178 (Rejected): Auto-create absence/presence character for every structure
- Presence/Absence Property (PA)
* Jede Strukture muss in Kombination mit PA-Property einen Character bilden.
* Bei... - 02:04 PM feature request #8121 (In Progress): Allow selecting structural/property modifiers when creating a character
- 01:56 PM feature request #6849 (In Progress): [DISCUSS] How to handle "kind of" term creation in TermEditor
- 01:37 PM Revision d9f54449 (taxeditor): ref #7428: updateEditors method in AbstractUtility class
- 01:07 PM Revision 46567e3a (cdmlib): ref #6413 Throw exception for more than 1 or 0 FieldUnits
- 01:05 PM Revision 28716614 (cdmlib): Adapt test to change in clone() method
- 12:16 PM Revision f9fbd38a (taxeditor): ref #6413 i18n
- 12:11 PM feature request #6413 (Resolved): [DISCUSS] How to create type duplicates (e.g. isotypes) for a taxon name
- The first implementation allows selection one of the already existing specimen type designation for creating the dupl...
- 12:07 PM Revision d436d97b (taxeditor): code cleanup
- 12:00 PM Revision 18a3973f (taxeditor): ref #6413 Disable non-editable text fields
- 12:00 PM Revision 80a540f2 (taxeditor): ref #6413 Implement type duplication in type detail section
- 12:00 PM Revision 0661b3e6 (taxeditor): ref #6413 Add "Clone Type Duplicate" option to name details view
- 12:00 PM Revision 899a348b (taxeditor): Fix copy&paste error
- 12:00 PM Revision 99366401 (cdmlib): ref #6413 Add service method for duplicating type specimen
- 12:00 PM Revision 56b642e9 (cdmlib): Fix clone() method of SpecimenOrObservationBase
- 04:00 PM Revision 123796a3 (taxeditor): ref #7428: move updateViews into AbstractUtility
- 12:52 PM feature request #8175: add name facts to cdm light export
- the name facts are moved to their own table.
- 12:51 PM Revision 24b61cf8 (cdmlib): ref #8175: name facts in a separate table
- 12:30 PM Revision a3c9dcce (cdm-server): cdmlib-developer.log to be ignored by git
- 12:29 PM Revision 14a235fc (cdm-server): ref #8173 setting in the cdm-sever bootloader if not defined otherwise
- 12:17 PM Revision 42b67a16 (cdmlib): Revert "ref #8173 removing 'remoting' profile activation from ide launchers"
- This reverts commit 027eaf7c3181f62d725e7b5a677284f07cd5b43b.
- 12:16 PM Revision dd0d18ea (cdmlib): Revert "ref #8173 activation of profile remoting in the web.xml"
- This reverts commit f2d3f4d37174244ca577203d1228256c6f787a29.
- 10:46 AM Revision 2c44794f (taxeditor): minor
- 09:57 AM feature request #7428 (Resolved): Open issues for updating open data while subtree is updated
- Applied in changeset commit:taxeditor|4fff2d21dfed4ae1ba6c5106e7d59cdf2e82548c.
- 09:56 AM Revision 4fff2d21 (taxeditor): fix #7428: ask for saving and update open views for subtree operations
- 09:36 AM bug #8176 (Resolved): WeaklyRelatedEntityCombobox is slow
- test TaxonNamePopupEditor Genus field, replaced Synonym and Basionym also some ToManyRelatedEntitiesComboboxes and T...
- 09:31 AM Revision aec76ebb (cdm-vaadin): ref #8176 removing workaround with bad performance which was need for broken TaxonNameStringFilterablePagingProvider.idFor()
- 09:02 AM Revision eb8d2f54 (cdm-vaadin): ref #8176 bugfix in TaxonNameStringFilterablePagingProvider.idFor()
- 05:57 PM bug #8176 (In Progress): WeaklyRelatedEntityCombobox is slow
- 02:15 PM bug #8176 (Closed): WeaklyRelatedEntityCombobox is slow
- ## on setting values
The WeaklyRelatedEntityCombobox needs to check if the value to set is at all contained in the... - 05:57 PM Revision af0633ea (cdm-vaadin): ref #8176 WeaklyRelatedEntityCombobox solving minor performance on setValue
- 03:48 PM Revision f2d3f4d3 (cdmlib): ref #8173 activation of profile remoting in the web.xml
- 02:22 PM report #8177 (Worksforme): Discuss: How to add originals of a type specimen
- How to store?
- 01:07 PM bug #6627: Remaining cdm light issues
- the name facts are implemented now, see #8175
- 01:06 PM feature request #8175: add name facts to cdm light export
- please review
- 01:06 PM feature request #8175 (Resolved): add name facts to cdm light export
- Applied in changeset commit:cdmlib|852a1a9e5171370a8e3e6962b21837e38115cf9a.
- 01:04 PM feature request #8175 (Closed): add name facts to cdm light export
- We decided to keep the name facts in cdm, so the name facts should be exported as well
- 01:06 PM Revision 852a1a9e (cdmlib): fix #8175: name facts should be exported by cdm light export
- 12:53 PM bug #8099: Error saving name type designation editor due to problem in poupeditor context
- can not reproduce
- 12:52 PM Revision 98db0610 (cdm-vaadin): ref #8132 fixin bug related to transaction rollback in CdmStore
- 12:03 PM bug #8111: User selection dialog for groups does not filter out existing users
- please review
- 12:02 PM bug #8111 (Resolved): User selection dialog for groups does not filter out existing users
- Applied in changeset commit:taxeditor|cbc83794de4303c54b45309ff151c70627e82e1a.
- 12:02 PM Revision cbc83794 (taxeditor): fix #8111: filter existing users/groups for member/group selection
- 11:34 AM bug #8115: NPE when moving factual data
- please review
- 11:33 AM bug #8115: NPE when moving factual data
- the problem was the not persisted description, therefore the description needs to be passed to the service method. To...
- 11:26 AM bug #8115 (Resolved): NPE when moving factual data
- Applied in changeset commit:taxeditor|803af83ee2911d193d6a95a3f73dee727ae77d45.
- 11:23 AM Revision b5a42086 (cdmlib): ref #8115: fix move elements for not persisted target description
- 11:23 AM Revision 803af83e (taxeditor): fix #8115: fix move elements to not persisted target description
- 10:14 AM Revision 408fe3ed (cdm-vaadin): avoiding LazyInitialitationException
- 09:31 AM feature request #8136: Implement sources for type designations in TaxEditor
- please review
- 09:30 AM feature request #8136 (Resolved): Implement sources for type designations in TaxEditor
- Applied in changeset commit:taxeditor|9f40979f5e0d2fc55100acc5a7fabac00d48ce12.
- 09:30 AM Revision 9f40979f (taxeditor): fix #8136: update type section when changing type to or from lectotype
- 09:09 AM Revision 8f2aad1d (cdm-server): ref #8173 removing 'remoting' profile activation from ide launchers
- 09:09 AM Revision 027eaf7c (cdmlib): ref #8173 removing 'remoting' profile activation from ide launchers
- 08:53 AM Revision df841466 (cdm-server): notes on commented settings regarding debugging of leaky db connections
- 08:36 AM bug #8105: better hotfix branch strategy in git flow to avoid commits in master which are missing in develop
- I did a brief research on the topic of hotfix branches:
1. git flow has the concept of ***support branches*** by whi... - 08:11 AM task #8130: Check if related feature data is cleared when supported facts type is changed
- For nomenclatural code there is a method checkForDeletableParts() where the deletable parts set to null.
But for ...
- 06:10 PM Revision 5261131c (cdm-vaadin): ref #8132 proper transaction rollback in CdmStore - copied from hfx branch
- 05:18 PM Revision 41cb64c2 (cdm-server): Merge branch 'hotfix/5.5.3'
- 05:18 PM Revision 3a3734fc (cdm-server): jenkins: setting project version to 5.5.3
- 05:14 PM Revision 4b98496f (cdm-webapp): Merge branch 'hotfix/5.5.3'
- 05:14 PM Revision ecfdfc7e (cdm-webapp): jenkins: setting project version to 5.5.3
- 05:07 PM Revision 43faffd3 (cdm-vaadin): Merge branch 'hotfix/5.5.3'
- 05:07 PM Revision 4ee41e42 (cdm-vaadin): jenkins: setting project version to 5.5.3
- 05:05 PM Revision 761ee155 (cdm-server): jenkins bumping cdm-webapp.version to 5.5.3
- 05:04 PM Revision 5d752aea (cdm-server): updating poms for 5.5.3 branch with snapshot versions
- 02:47 PM Revision 23459bd5 (cdmlib): Merge branch 'hotfix/5.5.2'
- 02:47 PM Revision e4b983ac (cdmlib): jenkins: setting project version to 5.5.2
- 02:33 PM bug #8174: First test fails if term data is in loaded DataSet
- This is the order how events are handled in unitils:
* [Unitils] beforeTestClass - TestClass1
* [Test] testBefore... - 02:30 PM bug #8174 (New): First test fails if term data is in loaded DataSet
- This is because the unitils/dbunit JpaModul starts the application context only during
~~~ java
beforeTestMethod... - 02:32 PM Revision c766108e (cdm-webapp): jenkins bumping cdmlib.version to 5.5.2 cdm.vaadin.version to 5.5.3
- 02:32 PM Revision 98dbaebe (cdm-webapp): updating poms for 5.5.3 branch with snapshot versions
- 02:23 PM Revision d201d8e5 (cdm-vaadin): Merge branch 'hotfix/5.5.3' into develop
- 02:18 PM Revision e98e8737 (cdm-vaadin): Revert "ref #8132 proper transaction rollback in CdmStore" which has been only been cherry-picked to avoid merge problems during the release later on
- This reverts commit 278e8f9600956b6e8205337045815a153f0a05ac.
- 02:16 PM Revision 278e8f96 (cdm-vaadin): ref #8132 proper transaction rollback in CdmStore
- merging Conflicts in src/main/java/eu/etaxonomy/cdm/service/
- 02:01 PM Revision 23025c30 (cdm-vaadin): ref #8132 proper transaction rollback in RegistrationWorkingsetPresenter
- 02:01 PM Revision 9f8b217c (cdm-vaadin): adding to gitignore
- 01:53 PM bug #8170: javax.sql.DataSource.getConnection() implementation in WrappedCdmDataSource does not conform to the interface
- I opened issue #8171 only for fixing the most severe problem quickly by storing the new connection in the cache field...
- 01:41 PM bug #8170 (Feedback): javax.sql.DataSource.getConnection() implementation in WrappedCdmDataSource does not conform to the interface
- Is this still an open issue after #8171 is solved now?
I also do not fully understand the solution. In #8171 you s... - 01:41 PM bug #8149: ReferenceEditor: filter inReferences ONLY by applicable reference type suppess Generic and NULL
- Related problem:
if e.g. "Phytotaxa" is tiped into the dopdown menue field, "Phytotaxa" is not selected, I have to s... - 01:10 PM feature request #6413 (In Progress): [DISCUSS] How to create type duplicates (e.g. isotypes) for a taxon name
- 12:59 PM feature request #8173 (In Progress): spring profile remoting enabled by default
- 12:55 PM feature request #8173 (Resolved): spring profile remoting enabled by default
- Applied in changeset commit:cdmlib|5ab0f6455f6cb83bfba0bb5ad6aee6e210d8dd14.
- 12:48 PM feature request #8173 (In Progress): spring profile remoting enabled by default
- 12:40 PM feature request #8173 (Closed): spring profile remoting enabled by default
- the spring profile still needs to be enabled by passing `` to cdm-remote instances....
- 12:57 PM feature request #8096 (Resolved): Implement CacheUpdater as long running task with correct progress monitoring
- please review
- 12:55 PM Revision 4478751c (taxeditor): ref #8096: set correct task name in progress monitor manager
- 12:55 PM Revision 5ab0f645 (cdmlib): fix #8173 spring profile 'remoting' activated by default
- 12:55 PM Revision 7d340a47 (cdmlib): fix #8171 internally caching new connection in WrappedCdmDataSource to avoid connection leaks
- 12:55 PM Revision 80595b0d (cdmlib): ref #7106 proper transaction management in turn of solving the problem in CdmRepository.getSession()
- 12:55 PM Revision 8db30ca4 (cdmlib): log level for cdm caches to WARN to avoid constant noise from the TransientCdmCacher
- 12:54 PM bug #8171 (Resolved): javax.sql.DataSource.getConnection() implementation in WrappedCdmDataSource fails to cache the connection which and leaves it unclosed
- Applied in changeset commit:cdmlib|ddaf22cfc36cad56b677c8fecd8eb3e83db5cefb.
- 12:53 PM Revision 99583d95 (cdm-vaadin): ref #8132 proper transaction rollback in CdmStore
- 12:13 PM bug #7874: TeamOrPersonBase entity can become unusable due to replacement of the title caches on using getters
- fixed a small bug in updateCaches of which results in the result was always true. commit:cdmlib|694f0ef28f3...
- 12:12 PM Revision 694f0ef2 (cdmlib): fix #7874: updateCaches always returns true
- 11:50 AM Revision 6f71379a (cdm-vaadin): ref #8132 proper transaction rollback in RegistrationWorkingsetPresenter
- 08:18 AM Revision 04819529 (cdm-vaadin): adding to gitignore
- 08:18 AM Revision 8c1dd527 (cdm-vaadin): setting cdmlib version to 5.5.2-SNAPSHOT
- 07:17 PM feature request #8172 (New): Discuss: Cite an image of the holotype
- Probem: in Micoalgae, a type specimen can be designated, but nobody knows how the taxon looks like. E.g. Two differen...
- 05:28 PM Revision e22b441a (cdmlib): log level for cdm caches to WARN to avoid constant noise from the TransientCdmCacher
- 05:27 PM Revision ddaf22cf (cdmlib): fix #8171 internally caching new connection in WrappedCdmDataSource to avoid connection leaks
- 05:25 PM Revision eb370441 (cdmlib): updating poms for 5.5.2 branch with snapshot versions
- 05:17 PM bug #8132: phycobank cdm-server instance problems with db connections
- Another situation in which a connection is being opened but not properly closed is occurring in the `DataSourceConfig...
- 02:02 PM bug #8132: phycobank cdm-server instance problems with db connections
- debugging the cdm-server to find connections that have been opened but which are not being closed properly (DebugC3P0...
- 05:06 PM bug #8171 (Closed): javax.sql.DataSource.getConnection() implementation in WrappedCdmDataSource fails to cache the connection which and leaves it unclosed
- When the existing cached connection in the WrappedCdmDataSource is null a new connection will be created but is not s...
- 04:59 PM bug #8170 (New): javax.sql.DataSource.getConnection() implementation in WrappedCdmDataSource does not conform to the interface
- the documentation of `javax.sql.DataSource.getConnection()` reads like *"**Attempts to establish** a connection with ...
- 02:26 PM Revision 5479cc9a (cdm-vaadin): ref #8132 fixing problem of uncommited transaction in RegistrationWorkingsetPresenter
- 02:24 PM Revision 06cc1a39 (cdm-vaadin): updating poms for 5.5.3 branch with snapshot versions
- 02:21 PM Revision d2accd99 (cdm-vaadin): ref #8132 fixing problem of uncommited transaction in RegistrationWorkingsetPresenter
- 04:58 PM Revision 998a72e0 (cdm-vaadin): ref #7106 refactoring CdmStore in turn of changed CdmRepository.getSession()
- - CdmStore as Spring bean
- CdmStore managed transactions and sessions properly - 03:26 PM bug #8169 (New): avoid factory.openSession() in DaoBase
In DaoBase using `factory.openSession()` is plain wrong, the HibernateTransactionManger should be used instead.
- 03:24 PM bug #7106 (In Progress): avoid factory.openSession() in CdmRepository
- 02:17 PM bug #7106: avoid factory.openSession() in CdmRepository
- since February 25th there are only occurrences related to this issue in the log which affected the phycobank code.
W... - 07:25 AM bug #7106: avoid factory.openSession() in CdmRepository
- with the logging of the stacktrace it now becomes clear where the unmanaged sessions are being created:
java... - 02:57 PM Revision b7647a99 (cdm-vaadin): ref #7106 using new CdmRepository.clearSession() method
- 02:54 PM Revision 6d6ae033 (cdmlib): ref #7106 logging unintentially creation of unmanaged new session in DaoBase with stacktrace
- 02:54 PM Revision ff628107 (cdmlib): ref #7106 throwing Exception instead of unintentially creating unmanaged new session
- 12:37 PM bug #8132: phycobank cdm-server instance problems with db connections
- The problem just occurred again. This time no one was using the Taxeditor since the instance has been started.
The... - 12:03 PM Revision 93fb962c (cdm-dataportal): fix specimen details page -continue
- 11:21 AM task #8168 (New): Check if withdrawing of per entity permission is working correctly for inReferences
- 11:17 AM bug #8167 (Closed): Permission denied for Submitter when adding section to newly created journal
[phycobank] 2019-03-07 09:56:41,648 ERROR [qtp1510067370-69] [org.hibernate.internal.SessionImpl] - HHH000346:...- 11:15 AM Revision 9214096f (cdm-dataportal): revert last changes
- 10:12 AM Revision d2deb7ca (cdmlib): ref #8096: use subprogressmonitor for cache updater
- 09:39 AM task #8118: Update MySQL drivers
- Andreas Müller wrote:
> Some solution is setting on command line e.g. for Central European time (CET):
> mysql>... - 09:25 AM Revision ade2b1f0 (cdm-dataportal): fix css for specimens
- 08:33 AM Revision 000aa820 (taxeditor): removed from taxeditor.cdmlib resources (cont.)
- 09:30 PM Revision 8f43de05 (taxeditor): removed from taxeditor.cdmlib resources
- 08:57 PM task #8118: Update MySQL drivers
- Some solution is setting on command line e.g. for Central European time (CET):
mysql> SET GLOBAL time_zone = '+1:0... - 08:19 PM task #8118: Update MySQL drivers
- Katja, I think you also had the problem localy. What did you do to fix it?
- 08:11 PM task #8118: Update MySQL drivers
- This is what I currently get when connecting to MySQL on PESIHPC:
Caused by: com.mysql.cj.exceptions.InvalidC... - 08:06 PM task #8118: Update MySQL drivers
- 06:20 PM Revision 3cee4d12 (cdm-server): ref #7729 suppress nasty ehcache OutOfMemory warnings to reduce clutter in the server log
- 06:07 PM Revision d75c4b91 (cdm-server): ref #8132 c3p0 settings for debugging lost jdbc connections
- 05:43 PM Revision 568fb7dc (cdmlib): ref #7106 logging stacktrace with 'Opening new session in turn of a HibernateException'
- 05:24 PM Revision 8d98b642 (cdmlib-apps): E+M specific book recognition?
- 05:20 PM Revision 9945900a (cdmlib-apps): minor
- 05:00 PM bug #7106: avoid factory.openSession() in CdmRepository
- In a locally running cdmserver started vi the eclipse launcher *cdm-server - start from war* multiple occurrences can...
- 03:36 PM Revision 74b0ae76 (cdmlib): minor
- 03:34 PM Revision a4649a49 (cdmlib): cleanup
- 03:04 PM Revision 5e339d32 (taxeditor): ref #8044 Add "Move to..." menu to term editor
- 02:54 PM Revision b8f1dbe7 (cdmlib): Fix default term move position
- 02:53 PM Revision 489f7610 (cdm-dataportal): add class specimen to page to avoid bullets for item list
- 02:25 PM Revision 7c9e8720 (taxeditor): ref #8162 move ISourceable to reference package in TaxEditor
- 02:23 PM Revision c5a114a8 (cdm-dataportal): ref #8166 adapting to change in FeatureNode property 'feature' becomes 'term' - 2
- 02:12 PM Revision 19ff6869 (taxeditor): ref #8162 move FeatureTree and FeatureNode to new term package in TaxEditor
- 02:05 PM Revision 7994816f (cdmlib): set FeatureTest preliminary to ignore
- 01:57 PM Revision b011743c (cdm-dataportal): ref #8166 adapting to change in FeatureNode property 'feature' becomes 'term'
- 01:56 PM task #8166 (Closed): Adapt dataportal to term structure changes
- the dataportal needs to be adapted to the changes applied in the context of #6794
- 01:24 PM Revision 9ab4e3ab (cdmlib-apps): ref #8162 move FeatureTree and FeatureNode to term package in cdmlib-app
- 01:22 PM Revision de81ab2a (cdmlib-apps): ref #8162 move OriginalSourceXXX to reference package in cdmlib-app
- 01:16 PM Revision b6b3cb35 (cdmlib): ref #8162 move FeatureTree and FeatureNode to term package
- 01:05 PM task #8162: Move term related classes from model.common to model.term
- Andreas Müller wrote:
> Other classes to move: Sources und IntextReferences, Rights, IReferencedEntity, ReferencedE... - 01:03 PM task #8162: Move term related classes from model.common to model.term
- Also move FeatureNode and FeatureTree to new term package as they become TermTreeNode and TermTree
- 01:02 PM Revision 6ed7a1a7 (taxeditor): ref #8162 move OriginalSourceXXX to reference package
- 12:57 PM Revision 334731bb (cdmlib): ref #8162 missing adaption for moving of OriginalSourceBase
- 12:30 PM Revision 17ff12b9 (cdm-dataportal): Merge tag '5.5.1' into develop
- tagging hotfix release 5.5.1
- 12:30 PM Revision 43bc8f03 (cdm-dataportal): Merge branch 'hotfix/5.5.1'
- 10:49 AM task #8130: Check if related feature data is cleared when supported facts type is changed
- Katja, could you please check how we do these "model validations" in terms of e.g. nomenclatural code changes in Taxo...
- 10:14 AM task #8130 (Feedback): Check if related feature data is cleared when supported facts type is changed
- Andreas Müller wrote:
> We may want to implement hard or soft validation for this. Maybe also an update script to re... - 10:07 AM task #8130 (In Progress): Check if related feature data is cleared when supported facts type is changed
- 10:44 AM feature request #8165 (New): enable logback jmx for cdm-server
- having the logback jmx beans enabled would be a great help during debugging of the production server and other system...
- 10:23 AM bug #5632: ClassNotFoundException for org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.listener.ELContextCleaner during taxeditor mvn integration-test
- Moving the ticket back to decide what we want to do with it
- 10:19 AM bug #5632: ClassNotFoundException for org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.listener.ELContextCleaner during taxeditor mvn integration-test
- This exception is still thrown when the test is run.
This is the log of the last jenkins run: http://int.e-taxonom... - 10:21 AM Revision 9fc5c5ca (taxeditor): ref #5632 Disable CdmServer test
- 09:59 AM Revision b668f047 (taxeditor): ref #5632 Re-enable CdmServer test
- 08:51 AM bug #8164 (New): ClassNotFoundException during deserialization for Reference
- Andreas K.: "Ich habe in dem Produktions-Server-Log seit Oktober 10x
`org.springframework.web.util.NestedServletEx... - 12:35 AM Revision 113347bb (cdmlib): ref #8162 move OriginalSourceXXX to reference package
- 12:30 AM Revision bd491943 (cdmlib): ref #8162 move OriginalSourceXXX to reference package
- 05:42 PM Revision 78a42a9b (cdm-dataportal): fix specimen details from compressed table
- 05:39 PM task #8162: Move term related classes from model.common to model.term
- Andreas Müller wrote:
> we should also adapt persistence layer
done - 12:43 PM task #8162 (Resolved): Move term related classes from model.common to model.term
- Applied in changeset commit:taxeditor|974d02d015234ec80816dfb47eaabde6688c2fa9.
- 12:24 PM task #8162 (In Progress): Move term related classes from model.common to model.term
- 12:23 PM task #8162: Move term related classes from model.common to model.term
- we should also adapt persistence layer
- 12:12 PM task #8162 (Resolved): Move term related classes from model.common to model.term
- Applied in changeset commit:taxeditor|b9dc6bb1d38897b06888836dd74d48684f73c5d5.
- 10:52 AM task #8162: Move term related classes from model.common to model.term
- Other classes to move: Sources und IntextReferences, Rights, IReferencedEntity, ReferencedEntityBase, Language?
- 05:37 PM Revision 0698c0be (taxeditor): ref #8162 export persistence.dao.(hibernate.)term
- 05:34 PM Revision 76cfd0f6 (cdmlib): ref #8162 move term related classes from persistence(.dao.)common to .term
- 05:22 PM bug #8132: phycobank cdm-server instance problems with db connections
- Results from the server log:
The problem occurred again. The jdbc connection which was being used by the tread `qt... - 05:13 PM Revision d91361a3 (taxeditor): minor
- 04:58 PM Revision 89c64d84 (cdm-server): Merge branch 'hotfix/5.5.2'
- 04:55 PM Revision 30fc7ac4 (cdmlib): ref #6794 adapt FeatureTreeController property path to new FeatureNode structure
- 04:51 PM Revision e69e90b6 (taxeditor): Remove hard coded port for localhost in login dialog
- 04:51 PM Revision 99f7ead3 (cdm-server): fixing project versions
- 04:39 PM Revision 6767f1b1 (cdm-server): jenkins bumping cdm-webapp.version to 5.5.2
- 04:39 PM Revision f6563017 (cdm-server): updating poms for 5.5.2 branch with snapshot versions
- 04:25 PM Revision 94f804c7 (cdmlib-apps): fix merge issue in PlantGlossaryCsvImportState
- 04:19 PM Revision eedc312f (taxeditor): fix #8162 add eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.term.init to exported packages
- 04:15 PM Revision 6d6e8fae (cdm-webapp): Merge branch 'hotfix/5.5.2'
- 04:15 PM Revision 79f8e358 (cdm-webapp): jenkins: setting project version to 5.5.2
- 04:13 PM Revision 9cd3787a (cdm-vaadin): Merge branch 'hotfix/5.5.2'
- 04:13 PM Revision a74e0d05 (cdm-vaadin): jenkins: setting project version to 5.5.2
- 04:09 PM Revision e29a4a6e (cdm-server): loggin: eu.etaxonomy.cdm.cache.CdmTransientEntityCacher on level WARN
- 04:07 PM Revision c140ae29 (cdm-webapp): jenkins bumping cdm.vaadin.version to 5.5.2
- 04:07 PM Revision 850c2918 (cdm-webapp): updating poms for 5.5.2 branch with snapshot versions
- 04:05 PM Revision 5976b46d (cdm-vaadin): Merge branch 'hotfix/5.5.2' into develop
- 03:49 PM Revision 09c85ccb (cdm-vaadin): ref #8160 CdmBeanItemContainerFactory @Transactional only where needed and clearing session before each service call
- 02:58 PM bug #8107 (Closed): NPE when throwing PopupEditorException in AbstractPopupEditor
- issue is not reproducible - closing.
- 02:41 PM Revision 66172879 (cdmlib): ref #8096: termservice adapted
- 02:26 PM Revision 0da5fc18 (cdmlib): ref #8096: delete old cache updater and adapt cache updater to moved terms
- 01:59 PM Revision 95371079 (cdmlib): ref #8096: move cache updater and service methods return updateResult -continue
- 01:58 PM Revision 112ab4f7 (cdmlib): ref #8096: move cache updater and service methods return updateResult
- 01:39 PM Revision a2452e25 (taxeditor): minor
- 01:38 PM Revision c01a0dfe (taxeditor): ref #8096: restructure repair menu and use longrunningTaskService for repair functionality
- 12:43 PM Revision 974d02d0 (taxeditor): fix #8162 add eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.term to exported packages
- 12:17 PM Revision ad29970c (cdmlib-apps): fix #8162 adapt PlantGlossaryCategoryAsPropertiesImport to new terms package structure
- 12:12 PM Revision b9dc6bb1 (taxeditor): fix #8162 adapt terms to new package structure in TaxEditor
- 11:49 AM feature request #8163 (Rejected): RegistrationService.setStatus() method implemented
- This method need to be used by the RegistrationWorkingsetPresenter.saveRegistrationStatusChange() method in cdm-vaadi...
- 11:49 AM Revision c715029f (cdmlib-apps): Merge branch 'master' into feature8162
- Conflicts:
app-import/src/main/java/eu/etaxonomy/cdm/io/plantglossary/ - 11:33 AM Revision abfdb8f6 (cdmlib): ref #8162 update to model cache
- 11:33 AM Revision 58e2f57e (cdmlib): ref #8162 updates to test data in further metadata
- 11:33 AM Revision a4ae2ca1 (cdmlib): ref #8162 updates to hibernate.cfg.xml
- 11:33 AM Revision 482ed9fb (cdmlib): minor changes in CdmModelCacher
- 11:33 AM Revision 1c39686b (cdmlib): ref #8162 adapt cdmlip to new term package structure
- 11:21 AM bug #8161 (Rejected): *FilterablePagingProvider classes as transactional readonly spring beans
- the *FilterablePagingProviders only are using service methods which are anyway annotated with `@Transactional(readOnl...
- 11:21 AM bug #7945 (Rejected): TaxonNamePopupEditor: missing genus causes exception when updating name parts visibility
- the *FilterablePagingProviders only are using service methods which are anyway annotated with `@Transactional(readOnl...
- 11:14 AM bug #8075 (In Progress): multiple cascade all-delete-orphan exceptions related to DefinedTermBase.representations
- 10:55 AM bug #8158: cascade="all-delete-orphan" problem when ....
- potentially duplicate of #8160
- 10:51 AM Revision c8236d99 (taxeditor): minor
- 12:19 AM Revision 7ae0512d (cdmlib-apps): ref #8162 adapt cdmlip-app to new term package structure
- 04:45 PM Revision 495f8632 (cdm-vaadin): ref #8162 adapt vaadin to new term package
- 03:36 PM Revision 52aa37ab (cdm-vaadin): ref #8161 TaxonNameStringFilterablePagingProvider as transactional readonly prototype bean
- 03:33 PM Revision ee6886b5 (cdmlib): ref #6794 deproxy term of feature node
- 03:19 PM task #8162 (Closed): Move term related classes from model.common to model.term
- This means moving the following model classes:
* DefinedTerm
* DefinedTermBase
* OrderedTerm
* OrderedTermBase
... - 03:06 PM bug #7881: reference selection combobox broken after error in ...
- potentially duplicate of #8161
- 03:06 PM Revision f8596f2d (taxeditor): ref #8121 Add structural modifier element to character detail element
- 03:04 PM bug #7945: TaxonNamePopupEditor: missing genus causes exception when updating name parts visibility
- potentially duplicate of #8161
- 03:00 PM bug #8065: HibernateException: corrupt session problem breaks SpecimenTypeDesignationworkingsetEditor type designation table
- potentially duplicate of #8160
- 02:07 PM bug #8160 (Resolved): CdmBeanItemContainerFactory as readonly service bean
- 12:43 PM bug #8160 (Closed): CdmBeanItemContainerFactory as readonly service bean
- Turning the CdmBeanItemContainerFactory into a readonly service bean should solve the cascade="all-delete-orphan" pro...
- 02:05 PM Revision 3506344d (cdm-vaadin): changing oder of resource in pom - only cosmetic
- 01:53 PM Revision f4f3c705 (cdm-vaadin): ref #8160 CdmBeanItemContainerFactory as service bean to load entities only in readyOnly transactions to avoid unintendet flushing
- 01:50 PM Revision f4e9f32a (cdmlib): ref #6794 fix termType settings in deleteTerms test and clean it up
- 01:49 PM Revision 277ef650 (cdm-vaadin): updating poms for 5.5.2 branch with snapshot versions
- 01:21 PM Revision 64cf9d1d (cdmlib): ref #6794 fix early setting of termType during term loading
- 01:19 PM Revision 320dfcf7 (cdmlib): fix CategoricalDataTest
- 01:19 PM Revision 12aed930 (cdmlib): cleanup
- 12:47 PM bug #8161 (Rejected): *FilterablePagingProvider classes as transactional readonly spring beans
- Turing the TaxonNameStringFilterablePagingProvider into a readonly service bean should solve the cascade="all-delete-...
- 12:18 PM Revision 3d7968a9 (taxeditor): ref #8146 Adapt AvailableFeaturesWizard
- - temporary disable usage of facet search
- 11:58 AM Revision 0e1842fc (taxeditor): ref #8124: rename createTaxonNameDescriptionOperation - continue
- 11:55 AM Revision 78f2e016 (taxeditor): ref #8124: rename createTaxonNameDescriptionOperation
- 11:52 AM task #4600 (New): Investigate and implement tests for security in cdm-vaadin
- 11:51 AM task #4600 (In Progress): Investigate and implement tests for security in cdm-vaadin
- 11:47 AM bug #7879: Book CacheStrategy does not show 'place published', 'publisher', 'editor'
- Hi Andreas, I am passing this to you since it is a bug in the cache strategy and closely related to #1866
- 11:39 AM feature request #8124 (Resolved): Activate Name Facts in Taxeditor
- please review
- 11:38 AM Revision 872fe921 (taxeditor): ref #8124: fix add NameDescription with source
- 10:16 AM Revision ae31507c (taxeditor): ref #8146 i18n for term drop adapter
- 10:12 AM Revision 9bc62cb0 (taxeditor): ref #8124: add deleteTaxonNameDescription operation
- 09:56 AM Revision 80d9861f (taxeditor): ref #8146 Check termType in term drop adapter
- 08:51 AM Revision de69ffd8 (taxeditor): ref #8146 Restrict "add term wizard" by termType
- 08:49 AM Revision 86dbc0fc (cdmlib): ref #6794 Add termType check to DefinedTermBase and TermVocabulary
- 07:42 AM task #8159 (New): Replace LocalSelectionTransfer for DnD operations
- Using LocalSelectionTransfer is in most cases too generic. It is better to define an own TransferData and assign the ...
- 11:05 PM feature request #6794: Improve term structure
- Current idea for a solution:
* Common base class TermCollection(Base) for all Vocabularies and Graphs ... - 10:00 PM Revision 217236bc (cdm-vaadin): adapting test to modified number of TaxonRelationshipTypes
- 08:29 PM Revision 8a8599be (cdmlib): fixing strange error logging in TestingTermInitializer and throwing RuntineException since error is unrecoverable
- 08:27 PM Revision f178b3fc (cdmlib): moving kindOfUnitTerms from cdm-vaadin:TermsDataSet-ui-registration-with_auditing_info.xml to edit-test:TermsDataSet-with_auditing_info.xml
- 08:26 PM Revision a4a47802 (cdm-vaadin): moving kindOfUnitTerms from cdm-vaadin:TermsDataSet-ui-registration-with_auditing_info.xml to edit-test:TermsDataSet-with_auditing_info.xml
- 04:17 PM Revision c693e3b1 (cdmlib): ref #6794 Add generics to FeatureNode and FeatureTree
- 04:17 PM Revision 444b9ebc (cdmlib): minor
- 04:17 PM Revision 2fe68f38 (taxeditor): ref #6794 Adapt taxeditor to model changes (feature tree/node generics)
- 04:15 PM Revision 1f1ad1bc (taxeditor): Fix potential NPE
- 04:05 PM bug #8132: phycobank cdm-server instance problems with db connections
- It seems as if this problem is being cased by the CdmFilterablePagingProvider which might open an new Sesscion which ...
- 02:46 PM bug #8132: phycobank cdm-server instance problems with db connections
- this here
- 01:58 PM bug #8132: phycobank cdm-server instance problems with db connections
- Andreas Kohlbecker wrote:
> I set `testConnectionsOnCheckIn=true` temporarily via jmx in order to test if this helps... - 02:58 PM Revision 0e5f1701 (taxeditor): Set LocalSelectionTransfer selection to null after dragging is finished
- 11:13 AM task #615 (Closed): remove suns repository
- the repository
<!-- sun repository -->
<url>http:... - 11:11 AM task #615 (Resolved): remove suns repository
- Applied in changeset commit:cdmlib|d402220f823edfb01ec9385d20117d6afee9a77d.
- 11:11 AM Revision d402220f (cdmlib): fix #615 removing unused sun maven repo
- 11:08 AM Revision 899c5dee (taxeditor): ref #8146 Check term type compatibility for drag and drop
- 10:26 AM Revision ba989ecb (cdmlib): ref #6794 Fix termType comparison
- 10:17 AM feature request #8150 (Resolved): Allow editing the representation label of characters in details view
- 10:16 AM Revision 99742785 (taxeditor): minor refactoring
- 10:16 AM Revision adb4cbcf (taxeditor): ref #8150 Allow editing representation label of characters in details
- 10:13 AM Revision b5f4e4d3 (taxeditor): Remove unused methods
- 07:17 AM bug #8158 (Closed): cascade="all-delete-orphan" problem when ....
- I seem to remember that I did the following:
1. RegistrationWorkingsetEditor at
- 09:54 PM feature request #8157 (New): Registration list view: sort registrations by the same order as in the dataportal
- newer registrations should come first.
Oder by created when! (agreed) - 09:50 PM feature request #8156: Registration items show type status in bold letters
- should be easy to implement, thus i am setting the priority to high
- 09:50 PM feature request #8156 (Closed): Registration items show type status in bold letters
- The type status in registration items is not easy to see. Making the status bold would improve the readability.
- 09:47 PM feature request #8155 (Feedback): SpecimenTypeDesignationEditor: allow choosing the typified name from the homotypical group for specific type status
- 09:47 PM feature request #8155: SpecimenTypeDesignationEditor: allow choosing the typified name from the homotypical group for specific type status
- For how urgent do you consider this feature, Henning? I guess this situation will occur quite frequently?
- 09:42 PM feature request #8155 (Feedback): SpecimenTypeDesignationEditor: allow choosing the typified name from the homotypical group for specific type status
- In case of lecto-, epit- and neo-types the SpecimenTypeDesignationEditor should selecting the typified name from the ...
- 05:30 PM bug #7514: Change direct and inverse symbol for pro parte synonym and misapplied name relationship types.
- the test page
- 05:24 PM Revision 2ae1c797 (cdm-dataportal): ref #7514 adapting tests to conform to new misapplied name symbols
- 04:56 PM Revision f8fea9b6 (cdmlib): Fix potential NPE
- 04:55 PM Revision 77aef047 (taxeditor): ref #8146 Restrict character matrix to characters
- 04:47 PM Revision 983949ab (cdmlib): ref #8153 Fix feature tree type check for distinct features
- 04:36 PM Revision d343a6cf (taxeditor): ref #8146 Adapt feature tree editor and move operation to model change
- 04:35 PM Revision 62b71512 (taxeditor): ref #8146 Adapt character matrix to termType model change
- 04:12 PM bug #8154 (Worksforme): NameController.doGetTaggedName fails due to [UPDATE] not permitted for 'anonymousUser' on Person
fails every ~4 times... - 04:09 PM Revision cb9ebcd2 (cdmlib): ref #8153 Further adapt cdmlib to model changes
- - Adjust feature node service to model changes
- 03:05 PM bug #8152 (Duplicate): ReferencePopupEditor: inReference field allows to select references with type GEN but field validation fails in this case
- Henning: References with type 'Generic' must not be in the list, filter only by matching type
So this is a duplica... - 01:05 PM bug #8152 (Duplicate): ReferencePopupEditor: inReference field allows to select references with type GEN but field validation fails in this case
- Heba reported an error which was due the Journal "Rickia" having the Referencetype 'Generic'
The reference could b... - 01:35 PM Revision cc0fa0be (cdmlib): ref #8153 Adapt cdmlib to model changes
- - Add constructor for creating a FeatureNode for a given termType
- Adjust feature node service to model changes - 01:30 PM feature request #8153 (Closed): Adapt cdmlib to FeatureNode/FeatureTree model changes
- * Since the introduction of term trees with the last model change (5.6.0) `FeatureNode.getFeature()` is deprecated an...
- 01:24 PM Revision 8619ed30 (taxeditor): minor
- 01:22 PM Revision 3e5f990d (cdmlib): ref #8017 cleanup
- 12:57 PM Revision 5400ca5d (taxeditor): revert changes in NaturalLanguageDetail elements
- 12:54 PM Revision aac942e0 (cdmlib): Revert "ref #8124: adapt NaturalLanguageGenerator to usage in nameFacts"
- This reverts commit c495b39b090fa3af00d870a8ba8171d7300e66a4.
- 12:45 PM Revision df6e6291 (taxeditor): minor
- 12:45 PM Revision 1c59050a (taxeditor): ref #8146 Restrict tree selection in descriptive data set editor
- 12:45 PM Revision 4832aaf7 (taxeditor): ref #8146 Add character voc selection in character editor
- 12:45 PM Revision b9492486 (taxeditor): ref #8146 Add termType to feature tree composite and selection dialog
- 12:45 PM Revision d4cccf9c (taxeditor): ref #8146 Add termType to vocabulary selection dialog
- 12:45 PM Revision 47ce5432 (taxeditor): ref #8146 Fix potential class cast exceptions
- - replace deprecated FeatureNode.getFeature() with getTerm()
- 12:43 PM Revision 2a8f0c28 (cdmlib): ref #8124: add new TaxonNameDescriptionDefaultCacheStrategy
- 12:16 PM feature request #4611 (New): I18n for the TaxEditor menu
- sorry, was a mistake
- 12:12 PM feature request #4611 (Resolved): I18n for the TaxEditor menu
- 12:14 PM feature request #8124: Activate Name Facts in Taxeditor
- Katja Luther wrote:
> when activating the name facts for the name displayed in the details view, the details view is... - 11:24 AM feature request #8124: Activate Name Facts in Taxeditor
- when activating the name facts for the name displayed in the details view, the details view is the selectionProviding...
- 12:11 PM Revision b6f51ff3 (taxeditor): ref #8124: activate name facts for name in taxon details view
- 11:57 AM bug #7107: "Omit level" (TDWG Level2) in distribution hierarchy should not supress distributions source reference
- OK
- 11:52 AM bug #7107 (New): "Omit level" (TDWG Level2) in distribution hierarchy should not supress distributions source reference
- Ich glaube nicht, dass das für E+M relevant ist, da wir in E+M ja das E+M Voc verwenden, welches keine Omit levels ha...
- 11:37 AM bug #7107 (Feedback): "Omit level" (TDWG Level2) in distribution hierarchy should not supress distributions source reference
- Hallo Andreas, ich denke das ist auch für Euro+Med releveant, oder?
Wenn ja, sollten wir das Tag hinzufügen und di... - 11:57 AM feature request #4610: [DISCUSS] I18n for the EDIT platform
- Please do not move unreviewed tickets to Reviewed milestone
- 11:50 AM Revision c495b39b (cdmlib): ref #8124: adapt NaturalLanguageGenerator to usage in nameFacts
- 11:05 AM bug #8151 (Resolved): after creating a new synonym and pasting a name string the default string is not removed
- the call of placeCursor() caused that the cursor was at the end of the "Klicken, um ..." string. Removing this method...
- 10:58 AM bug #8151 (Closed): after creating a new synonym and pasting a name string the default string is not removed
- mail von S. v. M.:
Beim Reinkopieren eines neuen Synonyms blieb der Text “Klicken, um Namen hinzuzufügen” stehen.
... - 10:53 AM Revision ddc5d7b6 (taxeditor): do not call placecursor after creating new synonym
- 10:49 AM Revision 52d76872 (taxeditor): ref #8124: adapt editor to be able to edit NameFacts
- 09:18 AM Revision a0275f90 (cdmlib): ref #7514 adapt MAN symbol to portal tests (cont.)
- 09:13 AM Revision feef1ad0 (cdmlib): ref #7514 adapt MAN symbol to portal tests
- 08:07 AM feature request #8146: Adapt taxeditor UI to structure and property term type
- Add character to term menu with commit:2c98dda6165033a58c7df8c06b21518d380307b3
- 07:39 AM Revision 1b28edc1 (taxeditor): ref #8146 Restrict term tree selection by termType
- 05:03 PM Revision 716825dd (cdm-vaadin): minor
- 05:02 PM Revision 68a8023a (cdm-vaadin): ref #3560
- 04:31 PM Revision 2c98dda6 (cdmlib): ref #6618 , ref #8012, ref #3853 add TermType.Character
- 03:52 PM bug #8132: phycobank cdm-server instance problems with db connections
- I set `testConnectionsOnCheckIn=true` temporarily via jmx in order to test if this helps avoiding this connectivity p...
- 03:30 PM feature request #8124: Activate Name Facts in Taxeditor
- for the name bulk editor the name facts are activated now.
still missing is the activation if name is selected in ... - 03:24 PM Revision 16aed412 (cdmlib): cleanup and MultilanguageText.add(Language, String) added
- 03:11 PM Revision defd0d5c (taxeditor): ref #8146 Restrict term tree selection by termType
- 03:10 PM Revision b6d3c69f (cdmlib): ref #8146 Add service method for UuidAndTitleCache by termType for trees
- 02:44 PM Revision df0abd11 (cdmlib): ref #8146 Refactor service method
- 02:24 PM feature request #8150 (Closed): Allow editing the representation label of characters in details view
- 02:21 PM Revision f34f795b (cdmlib): ref #8146 Adapt getEmptyDefinedTermBase() for new term types
- 01:56 PM feature request #8136 (In Progress): Implement sources for type designations in TaxEditor
- 01:53 PM Revision 89084783 (taxeditor): ref #8136: add reference part for lectotype
- 12:10 PM Revision 87934a59 (taxeditor): ref #8136: move sources to supplemental data
- 11:08 AM Revision 741b8c90 (taxeditor): fix test
- 10:34 AM bug #8149 (Closed): ReferenceEditor: filter inReferences ONLY by applicable reference type suppess Generic and NULL
- In reference type = article
Drop down of Journals should only search for entries = journal (not for all references)
... - 10:19 AM bug #8148 (In Progress): Login Dialog cuts off information
- 10:18 AM bug #8148 (Resolved): Login Dialog cuts off information
- Applied in changeset commit:taxeditor|a08af9f9d2b8840b48fc63b647aca9ee0a34b68c.
- 09:38 AM bug #8148 (Closed): Login Dialog cuts off information
- In the case of an exception and for the advanced section information is not correctly displayed.
![](picture896-1.... - 10:18 AM Revision a08af9f9 (taxeditor): fix #8148: fix login dialog problems
- 09:34 AM feature request #8147 (Resolved): Add "plural" to representation detail element
- Fixed with commit:taxeditor|754fbf873ca0b63addc6842c089298fff76eb30d
- 08:44 AM feature request #8147 (Closed): Add "plural" to representation detail element
- 09:21 AM Revision 24376297 (taxeditor): ref #8142 code refactoring
- 09:18 AM Revision 754fbf87 (taxeditor): ref #8142 Add representation plural to details view
- 09:04 AM Revision 46b6729e (cdmlib): ref #8142 Add getter/setter for plural
- 08:58 AM Revision 18d5bf2c (taxeditor): ref #8147 minor refactoring
- 08:55 AM Revision 8f743056 (taxeditor): ref #8147 code cleanup
- 08:49 AM Revision 2a743618 (taxeditor): Revert "temporary ignore test for nightly build"
- This reverts commit 7fd8d99d2169cbc2614a4de65b090e77d47e939a.
- 08:48 AM Revision 7fd8d99d (taxeditor): temporary ignore test for nightly build
- 08:37 AM feature request #8146 (Closed): Adapt taxeditor UI to structure and property term type
- 1. ~~Add term editor menu for each~~
1. ~~Restrict tree selection in CharacterEditor~~
1. ~~Restrict context menu,...
- 07:46 PM Revision 5bc58b89 (cdmlib): removing unused private fiels in H2DatabaseType
- 04:59 PM Revision 84bbc7d1 (cdmlib): cleanup
- 04:57 PM Revision 1634067b (cdmlib): ref #7514 update misapplied name symbols & add tests
- 04:55 PM feature request #3616: Show DescriptionElementBase.timeperiod in Dataportals
- Improvements for formatting copied to #8145
- 02:37 PM feature request #3616: Show DescriptionElementBase.timeperiod in Dataportals
- Andreas Müller wrote:
> Generally it looks fine.
> Only the formatting maybe needs discussion. It differs from... - 02:26 PM feature request #3616 (Feedback): Show DescriptionElementBase.timeperiod in Dataportals
- Generally it looks fine.
Only the formatting maybe needs discussion. It differs from the default formatting of ti... - 01:00 PM feature request #3616 (Resolved): Show DescriptionElementBase.timeperiod in Dataportals
- Implemented
please review, for the page used by the integration test, please see : - 03:33 PM Revision f37da5d1 (cdm-dataportal): ref #8011 Adapt to cdmlib model change for Pair in DTOs
- 03:31 PM Revision c30d94b9 (cdm-vaadin): removing unused xsd files
- 03:09 PM feature request #8145 (New): Implement TimePeriod DTO with localized formatting
- for details see #3616#note-10 ff.
Once implemented we also need to adapt dataportal code to use the new timeperiod... - 02:57 PM Revision 5760437b (taxeditor): Merge branch 'develop' into termSearch
- 02:57 PM Revision 6f5a0cd4 (cdmlib): Merge branch 'develop' into termSearch
- 01:58 PM Revision fd2fae75 (taxeditor): fix test in ProgressMonitorServiceTest, extraUser needs to be in group editor
- 01:58 PM Revision d7aa17fe (taxeditor): fix test in ProgressMonitorServiceTest, extraUser needs to be in group editor
- 01:42 PM task #7356: setup selenium test suite for cdm-vaadin
- Adding master thesis on Vaadin TestBench
- 01:25 PM Revision 1938c553 (cdmlib): updated model cache
- 12:12 PM feature request #8144: Check if modifiers and modifyingText is handled correctly for description elements in data portals
- since modifiers and modifyingText can not be added to the database easily I need to wait until the issue #3836 is com...
- 12:09 PM Revision 940bbcf2 (cdm-dataportal): ref #3616 implementing tests for DescriptionElementBase.timeperiod
- 11:54 AM Revision 90425089 (cdm-dataportal): ref #3616 implementing display of DescriptionElementBase.timeperiod
- 11:53 AM Revision d0e8e73c (cdm-dataportal): ref #3616 fixing multibyte character problem related to time periods
- 11:33 AM Revision 341ee745 (taxeditor): adadpt editor to changes in TypeDesignationBase
- 11:10 AM task #8118: Update MySQL drivers
- Andreas Müller wrote:
> Starting with MySQL JDBC Driver 5.1.33 serverTimezone needs to be explicitly defined in conn... - 12:32 AM Revision 556e3ea7 (cdmlib): minor
- 12:22 AM Revision 038695b2 (cdmlib): fix some compilation issues with generics
- 12:13 AM Revision a2dba78c (cdmlib): cleanup
- 12:11 AM Revision 2d308550 (cdmlib): cleanup
- 11:14 PM Revision 1715c505 (taxeditor): try fixing compile error
- 11:09 PM Revision c3025a3c (taxeditor): update H2 database after model update
- 10:59 PM Revision 564e560a (taxeditor): try fixing compile error
- 10:54 PM Revision 1c073da5 (cdmlib): doc
- 10:08 PM feature request #3746: Implement time period scope for description elements in TaxEditor
- Andreas Kohlbecker wrote:
> The output in the taxeditor can very ugly depending on the partial fields being used:
>... - 05:28 PM feature request #3746: Implement time period scope for description elements in TaxEditor
- The output in the taxeditor can very ugly depending on the partial fields being used:
* Timescope: start month: ... - 10:01 PM feature request #3836: Implement modifiers and modifying text for Description Elements in TaxEditor
- As we have decided to check for old unimplemented model issues in this version I add it to current milestone. But we ...
- 09:13 PM Revision d8b0cbe6 (cdmlib): cleanup
- 09:12 PM Revision 45fd6fd3 (cdmlib): ref #8118 update mysql driver path in code and tests
- 08:54 PM bug #8140 (Resolved): Update list of type designation status which allow an explicit source
- Applied in changeset commit:cdmlib|2a0a678b59b88779f6db98619be4d4510ea26f93.
- 02:31 PM bug #8140 (Closed): Update list of type designation status which allow an explicit source
- This list is currently returned by transient method TypeDesignationStatusBase.isLectotpye().
Currently it contains... - 08:54 PM bug #7772: Rename TermBase_inverseRepresentation to DefinedTermBase_InverseRepresentation
- Applied in changeset commit:cdmlib|3b49207de7d71fa2af4fcd8a6e7d913dc654d733.
- 08:54 PM bug #7859: Increase size of CdmPreference.value
- Applied in changeset commit:cdmlib|da556b1537505b615fe45afc8ea7f0d06c5d256b.
- 08:49 PM Revision 757c09fe (cdmlib): rename cdm 5.5 update script package
- 08:49 PM Revision 9d893279 (cdmlib): update remote-web-app test DB to 5.0
- 08:49 PM Revision 9b7205bb (cdmlib): ref #8128 first implementation to support EnumSet hibernate user types (not yet ready)
- 08:49 PM Revision 3987e8b8 (cdmlib): ref #8017 add isLectotype to helper class
- 08:49 PM Revision cd63748a (cdmlib): ref #8120 add structure- and property modifier
- 08:49 PM Revision fe4b9d2e (cdmlib): cleanup
- 08:49 PM Revision a26edfb3 (cdmlib): ref #8142 update script for Representation.plural and ref #8017 TypeDesignation.sources
- 08:49 PM Revision 62d21be1 (cdmlib): ref #8142 add plural to representations
- 08:49 PM Revision eabf0992 (cdmlib): ref #8019 add orthography and etymology as name features
- 08:49 PM Revision 2a0a678b (cdmlib): fix #8140 update "lectotype" type designation status
- 08:49 PM Revision ce490fbf (cdmlib): fix #8139 add test for valid lectotype source
- 08:49 PM Revision ee1b78e8 (cdmlib): ref #7470 some javadoc
- 08:49 PM Revision cbb5cfdf (cdmlib): cleanup
- 08:49 PM Revision b09f8d3c (cdmlib): ref #8120 Add structuralModifier and propertyModifier to Character
- 08:49 PM Revision bb0ac5d5 (cdmlib): add comment to x.inverseRepresentations
- 08:49 PM Revision d8b202c2 (cdmlib): minor
- 08:49 PM Revision 26dbefd5 (cdmlib): ref #8006, ref #7514 , ref #7857 fix TermRepresentationUpdater sql
- 08:49 PM Revision df9e3e2b (cdmlib): ref #7859 fix update script for CdmPreference.value => CLOB
- 08:49 PM Revision 8641421a (cdmlib): ref #7414 handle optional column remove
- 08:49 PM Revision be4d3325 (cdmlib): cleanup
- 08:49 PM Revision 3b49207d (cdmlib): fix #7772 Rename TermBase_inverseRepresentation to DefinedTermBase_InverseRepresentation
- 08:49 PM Revision 7a74af02 (cdmlib): cleanup
- 08:49 PM Revision 0c1509cb (cdmlib): fix #8079 remove cascading from User and Group
- 08:49 PM Revision 79ff2176 (cdmlib): ref #7470 add verbatim type designation / TextTypeDesignation
- 08:49 PM Revision 625c14de (cdmlib): cleanup
- 08:49 PM Revision 562e0ea4 (cdmlib): ref #8019 add Typification Notes as name feature
- 08:49 PM Revision eac82784 (cdmlib): ref #8017 add sources to TypeDesignationBase (cont.)
- 08:49 PM Revision d62d6bb3 (cdmlib): cleanup
- 08:49 PM Revision b5c5e6fc (cdmlib): ref #8017 add sources to TypeDesignationBase
- 08:49 PM Revision d825b848 (cdmlib): cleanup
- 08:49 PM Revision 9414cfe9 (cdmlib): fix #8012 add TermTypes structure and property
- 08:49 PM Revision ffe5e099 (cdmlib): ref #6794 add termType to FeatureTree and FeatureNode
- 08:49 PM Revision 15e58dad (cdmlib): ref #6794 remove setRoot from FeatureTree
- 08:49 PM Revision ba862b53 (cdmlib): cleanup
- 08:49 PM Revision 06d21702 (cdmlib): fix #7372 make allowDuplicates configurable in FeatureTree
- 08:49 PM Revision 08a38652 (cdmlib): ref #7859 removed test for CdmPreference.value size
- 08:49 PM Revision b904d2da (cdmlib): ref #8004 add sortIndex to JAXB annotation
- 08:49 PM Revision a2228e59 (cdmlib): ref #8006 update labels for MAN, ppSynonyms, inval. desig. & tax. included
- 08:49 PM Revision 2971012a (cdmlib): fix #7514 update symbols for MAN and ppSynonyms
- 08:49 PM Revision 3d88a9ce (cdmlib): fix #7683 fix ExternalLink_AUD.uuid allows null and fix TableCreator for future
- 08:49 PM Revision 65df4525 (cdmlib): fix #7857 update name relationship type respresentations and symmetrie
- 08:49 PM Revision da556b15 (cdmlib): fix #7859
- 08:49 PM Revision a3cae466 (cdmlib): cleanup
- 08:49 PM Revision 9c9fe9df (cdmlib): fix #7682 set Point.precision to null where 0
- 08:49 PM Revision f15eb5ec (cdmlib): fix 8004 add sortindex to DescriptionElementBase
- 08:49 PM Revision 2fc20029 (cdmlib): add framework for schema update to 5.5
- 08:46 PM Revision e443ff93 (cdmlib): ref #8118 update mysql driver package string
- 08:28 PM task #8118 (Feedback): Update MySQL drivers
- Starting with MySQL JDBC Driver 5.1.33 serverTimezone needs to be explicitly defined in connection string or one may ...
- 06:22 PM bug #8143 (Resolved): It is possible to open multiple instances of the login dialog
- Applied in changeset commit:taxeditor|e25ce35073e04836a1b382da50faf21ab605ae16.
- 05:45 PM bug #8143 (Closed): It is possible to open multiple instances of the login dialog
- With every click on General -> Login another login dialog is opened.
This could be potentially dangerous because t... - 06:22 PM Revision e25ce350 (taxeditor): fix #8143 Make login dialog modal
- 06:13 PM feature request #3747 (Closed): Check if time period is handled correctly for description elements in data portals
- check for and modifiers and modifyingText copied to new ticket, closing this issue
- 06:08 PM feature request #3747: Check if time period is handled correctly for description elements in data portals
- since modifiers and modifyingText can not be added to the data easily I need to wait until the issue #3836 is complet...
- 06:03 PM feature request #3747 (In Progress): Check if time period is handled correctly for description elements in data portals
- The scope of this ticket includes modifiers and modifyingText ... reopening issue
- 06:00 PM feature request #3747 (Closed): Check if time period is handled correctly for description elements in data portals
- the output of timeperiod for DescriptionElements is missing so far in the Dataportal. So ticket #3616 becomes relevan...
- 06:10 PM feature request #8144 (In Progress): Check if modifiers and modifyingText is handled correctly for description elements in data portals
- not relevant for TextData as we expect that TextData will handle modifiers with its text (see #3836)
- 06:04 PM feature request #3616 (In Progress): Show DescriptionElementBase.timeperiod in Dataportals
- 05:45 PM feature request #8142 (Resolved): Representations have optional "plural" as additional field
- 05:32 PM feature request #8142 (Closed): Representations have optional "plural" as additional field
- additional to label (required), description (optional, but recommended), abbrevLabel(optional)
https://wiki.bgbm.o... - 04:00 PM bug #8105 (In Progress): better hotfix branch strategy in git flow to avoid commits in master which are missing in develop
- it turned out that it can happen that cherries need to be modified when picking them from hotfix to develop. This hap...
- 03:48 PM bug #8132: phycobank cdm-server instance problems with db connections
- Andreas Kohlbecker wrote:
> I added `autoReconnect=true` to the connection string of the phycobank datasource.
us... - 03:21 PM bug #8132: phycobank cdm-server instance problems with db connections
- I added `autoReconnect=true` to the connection string of the phycobank datasource.
- 01:06 PM bug #8132: phycobank cdm-server instance problems with db connections
- these connectivity problems should be prevented by c3p0 since the `idleConnectionTestPeriod` is set to `600` (10 minu...
- 02:48 PM feature request #8017 (Resolved): TypeDesignations need sources additional to lectotypifcation sources
- We may also want to rename the existing "citation" attribute. This will be doen within #6581
- 02:37 PM bug #8141 (New): explicitSource as additional attribute for TypeDesignationStatus
- Some type designation status do allow an explicit source (see #8139). Currently the list of status are handled hardco...
- 02:15 PM feature request #8139 (Resolved): [Rule] Validate lectotype sources
- 02:10 PM feature request #8139 (Resolved): [Rule] Validate lectotype sources
- Lectotypes and some other type status allow an additional source which mentions in which source the lectotypification...
- 02:04 PM feature request #6665 (New): Add "Add specimen duplicate" context menu item to specimen editor
- Ok, maybe I closed this too fast. #6413 serves more as a master ticket and this is one step in solving it.
- 02:01 PM feature request #6665 (Duplicate): Add "Add specimen duplicate" context menu item to specimen editor
- Closed as duplicate because the issue description is fully copied to #6413
Also the discussion is done there - 01:36 PM Revision a875a434 (taxeditor): Merge branch 'hotfix/5.5.1'
- 01:33 PM Revision 5b5cdeb7 (taxeditor): Merge branch 'develop' into termSearch
- 01:32 PM Revision 057a9c0f (cdmlib): Merge branch 'develop' into termSearch
- 01:33 PM feature request #7653 (Resolved): [DISCUSS] Delete NameFacts => Result: no
- The public flag requirement from #7653#note-5 was moved to a new ticket #8138. I think we can close this ticket now ...
- 12:47 PM feature request #7653: [DISCUSS] Delete NameFacts => Result: no
- Unification of extensions and facts moved to new ticket #8133
- 01:30 PM feature request #8138 (Closed): [DISCUSS] Publish flag for facts and type designations
- In #7653#note-5 there was the wish for an individual publish flag on type desginations (especially for text based typ...
- 01:11 PM feature request #8137 (Closed): Implement sources for type designations in data portal
- For details see #8017.
Be aware that there are 2 different types of sources "lectotype"(hasDesignationSource) sour... - 01:04 PM feature request #8136 (Closed): Implement sources for type designations in TaxEditor
- For details see #8017.
Be aware that there are 2 different types of sources "lectotype" sources and general source... - 12:58 PM feature request #8135 (Closed): Implement verbatim type information in TaxEditor
- for details see #7470 and #7653
1. Implement a new detail element for verbatim type designations
2. Implement but... - 12:53 PM feature request #8134 (Closed): Implement verbatim type information in dataportal
- For details see also #7653#note-5.
Implementation of verbatim type information in cdm in #7470 - 12:41 PM feature request #8019: Add "Typification Notes", "Ortography" and "Etymology" to NameFeature vocabulary
- Also "Ortography" and "Etymology" added.
- 12:28 PM feature request #8133 (New): [DISCUSS] Combine Facts and Extensions
- for a first discussion see #7653
Facts (DescriptionsElements) and Extensions are both meant for a generic extensio...
- 01:01 AM bug #8024 (Duplicate): IndexOutOfBoundsException caused by RegistrationWorkingSet.getRegistrationDate()
- seems to be duplicate for #7895
- 12:46 AM bug #7896: NPE, NullPointerException in RelationshipTermBase
- There is not much information what data to use for reproducing error. However, I think dbb48641 should fix the proble...
- 12:42 AM bug #7896 (Resolved): NPE, NullPointerException in RelationshipTermBase
- Applied in changeset commit:cdmlib|dbb486417a2345628d068d0470c845b1cb3dee3a.
- 12:42 AM Revision dbb48641 (cdmlib): fix #7896 fix NPE in RelationshipTermBase.getInverseRepresentation
- 12:31 AM Revision 2216f589 (cdmlib): Cleanup
- 12:15 AM feature request #6316: display source references of media objects in media page
- To me it looks like this is already implemented. I add to current milestone just to check. Either close+remove milest...
- 12:08 AM feature request #5232: use TaxonBase.getTaggedTitle to get the sec reference in theme_cdm_taxonRelationships()
- Shouldn't this be closed? See #note-26
- 09:28 PM Revision 4a5b4e97 (taxeditor): ref #8088: fix publish flag in edit wizard
- 09:28 PM Revision 7d50358d (taxeditor): ref #8088: fix publish flag in edit wizard
- 06:38 PM bug #8132 (Worksforme): phycobank cdm-server instance problems with db connections
the phycobank cdm-server instance which is running in a docker container got problems with the db connections
P...- 06:28 PM bug #8119 (Rejected): Link a PhycoBank Id in a Proof to Portal
- this is only a side effect of as problem with the server which fails to respond sometimes
- 05:54 PM bug #8119: Link a PhycoBank Id in a Proof to Portal
- the requires status message seems to be visible only for logged in users:
- 06:18 PM feature request #8093 (Closed): harmonize registrationId links and make tesing easier
- 06:17 PM feature request #8093 (Resolved): harmonize registrationId links and make tesing easier
- Applied in changeset commit:cdm-dataportal|977bba78560ff1387b601420f9c55409ac19fd92.
- 06:17 PM Revision 977bba78 (cdm-dataportal): fix #8093 registration identifier links configurable
- 06:09 PM bug #6380: typedesignations missing in homotypic group
- Is this still a relevant issue once #7696 is fixed. As the later is on 5.6 I also moved **this** back. If we decide t...
- 06:02 PM feature request #7696: use compact type representations in the synonymy as provided by the typedesignations/byTaxon/{taxon_uuid} service
- This is related to the current milestone topic (typification) so I suggest to keep in current milestone. Also I think...
- 05:59 PM feature request #7408: [E+M] Support for preferred common names in data portal
- This is important for E+M and was promised for 5.5 already. Ok to keep in current milestone?
- 05:51 PM bug #2074: network independend CdmUpdaterTest
- yes this can be closed
- 04:22 PM bug #2074 (Rejected): network independend CdmUpdaterTest
- I am no longer using eu.etaxonomy.cdm.database.update.CdmUpdaterTest since cdm-remote supports the `force-scheamupdat...
- 05:47 PM feature request #5807: Implement sub-distribution area inclusion in TaxonService.findTaxaAndNamesByFullText()
- As this is E+M related I put it to highest. We may discuss who will finally fix it. I have to work on transmission en...
- 04:45 PM feature request #5807 (New): Implement sub-distribution area inclusion in TaxonService.findTaxaAndNamesByFullText()
- this is still not working: - 04:10 PM feature request #5807 (Feedback): Implement sub-distribution area inclusion in TaxonService.findTaxaAndNamesByFullText()
- trying to reproduce this at the euro+med portal, since this taxon no longer is found in the caucasus portal:
http:... - 05:37 PM feature request #7470 (Resolved): Verbatim type designation information
- 05:22 PM bug #5774: cdmserver misses to detect some errors in failed instances
- I guess you are right. I was lowering the priority that much because the issue has not been reported for 2 years, but...
- 04:03 PM bug #5774: cdmserver misses to detect some errors in failed instances
- hmm, I consider this a very anoying and dagerous bug as one may not realize that some instances do work (we do not ha...
- 05:15 PM bug #7087 (Worksforme): description/accumulateDistributions webservice can not be triggered
- tested by using httpie and it works again, it seems this has been fixed meanwhile
- 05:05 PM Revision 3a973027 (cdmlib): ref #7106 logging if the worse case is actually happening
- 05:03 PM bug #7106 (Feedback): avoid factory.openSession() in CdmRepository
- I am modifying the logging in mentioned case to allow us checking in the server logs if this case is actually happeni...
- 04:34 PM feature request #8120 (Resolved): Add structural and property modifiers
- 10:05 AM feature request #8120 (In Progress): Add structural and property modifiers
- 09:28 AM feature request #8120 (Closed): Add structural and property modifiers
- We need two specialized modifier types in the context of character creation:
* Structure modifier
* defining the... - 04:18 PM bug #8131 (Rejected): reindexing fuction in dataportal setting reports fails
- it was really the wrong credentials that i used
- 04:09 PM bug #8131 (Rejected): reindexing fuction in dataportal setting reports fails
- even with correct credentials "Error: Are your credentials correct?" is being reported
- 03:52 PM bug #7938: cdmserver sub-processes (threads) with constant high cpu
- this never occurred since 3 months, lowering priority
- 03:41 PM bug #8105 (Closed): better hotfix branch strategy in git flow to avoid commits in master which are missing in develop
- 03:31 PM bug #8099: Error saving name type designation editor due to problem in poupeditor context
- Da gab es mehrere Korrekturen und Bearbeitungen [vielleicht ein Spezialproblem, das im normalen Betrieb nicht vorkomm...
- 10:01 AM bug #8099: Error saving name type designation editor due to problem in poupeditor context
- AHH ich glaube jetzt habe ich es. Ein alter Dump der DB hat mir*Geitleriaceae Kilgore & J.R.Johans.* auf die Sprünge...
- 03:04 PM Revision 2a54863f (cdm-server): Merge branch 'hotfix/5.5.1'
- 03:04 PM Revision 9c61ebe3 (cdm-server): jenkins: setting project version to 5.5.1
- 03:02 PM Revision 9b59c16d (cdm-server): jenkins bumping cdmlib.version to 5.5.1
- 03:01 PM Revision 84319ad5 (cdm-server): updating poms for 5.5.1 branch with snapshot versions
- 02:57 PM Revision c9cbfe94 (cdm-server): Merge branch 'hotfix/5.5.1'
- 02:57 PM Revision 82756262 (cdm-server): jenkins: setting project version to 5.5.1
- 01:34 PM task #8130: Check if related feature data is cleared when supported facts type is changed
- We may want to implement hard or soft validation for this. Maybe also an update script to remove existing data (if it...
- 01:16 PM task #8130 (In Progress): Check if related feature data is cleared when supported facts type is changed
- For example:
1. Set a feature to support quantitative data and assign recommended measurement units, statistical m... - 01:28 PM bug #7703 (New): Multiple names cannot be shown in TypeDesignationDetailElement for specimens
- 01:28 PM bug #7703: Multiple names cannot be shown in TypeDesignationDetailElement for specimens
- Displaying the names is not the problem. What would take time is implementing the possibility of editing them. Right ...
- 01:00 PM bug #7703: Multiple names cannot be shown in TypeDesignationDetailElement for specimens
- Patrick Plitzner wrote:
> Before I try to fix this: Is this a frequent use case? Because you can also just create tw... - 01:18 PM Revision 4fe50de7 (cdm-server): updating poms for 5.5.1 branch with snapshot versions
- 01:16 PM Revision 26ad5193 (cdm-webapp): Merge branch 'hotfix/5.5.1'
- 01:16 PM Revision 609caabc (cdm-webapp): jenkins: setting project version to 5.5.1
- 01:13 PM Revision 874dedf4 (cdm-vaadin): Merge branch 'hotfix/5.5.1'
- 01:13 PM Revision 254467b1 (cdm-vaadin): jenkins: setting project version to 5.5.1
- 01:09 PM feature request #7741: Refresh supplemental data view title when editing terms
- This is still an open issue. But I would rather fix this together with the other refresh tickets of #4135. It is more...
- 12:36 PM feature request #7741: Refresh supplemental data view title when editing terms
- Is this still an open issue or has it been fixed with the new term editor implementation?
If not yet fixed we shou... - 01:09 PM Revision 870d55c5 (cdmlib): minor
- 12:36 PM Revision 4b856a46 (cdmlib): Merge branch 'hotfix/5.5.1'
- 12:31 PM bug #8129 (Closed): Load images asynchronously in media details view
- Loading images takes often very long if full size images with e.g. ~10MB are involved. Currently the TaxEditor become...
- 12:27 PM bug #5632: ClassNotFoundException for org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.listener.ELContextCleaner during taxeditor mvn integration-test
- We recently talked about this issue. I just moved it to the release to check if it still happens and if there is an e...
- 12:22 PM feature request #8011 (In Progress): Implement term search view
- 11:32 AM bug #8126: Mediarepresentations should not be shown in Referencing objects view
- AM:
gibt es für das Problem, dass MediaRepresentations bei den referencing objects von Media angezeigt werden eige... - 11:02 AM bug #8126 (New): Mediarepresentations should not be shown in Referencing objects view
- MediaRepresentations belonging to the media object therefore they should not be shown in the referencing objects view...
- 11:29 AM feature request #7860: [Master] Remaining E+M editor issues
- E+M should be highest priority
- 11:25 AM feature request #8128 (In Progress): Add indicator for feature facts and/or vocabularies which description type they support
- 11:24 AM feature request #8128 (Duplicate): Add indicator for feature facts and/or vocabularies which description type they support
- we need to distinguish if features and/or their vocabularies support taxon facts, specimen facts and/or name facts.
... - 11:25 AM feature request #8124: Activate Name Facts in Taxeditor
- Also consider #8128 for future implementations.
- 11:19 AM feature request #8124: Activate Name Facts in Taxeditor
- Can we also activate name facts in the same way as supplemental data are activated => if focus is explicitly on a nam...
- 10:30 AM feature request #8124 (In Progress): Activate Name Facts in Taxeditor
- 10:30 AM feature request #8124 (Closed): Activate Name Facts in Taxeditor
- Namefacts should be shown for names in bulk editor. (see discussion in #7653)
Therefore following is needed:
* ac... - 11:18 AM bug #6627: Remaining cdm light issues
- Can you add the name facts to the TODO list? Is there an explicit ticket?
- 10:25 AM bug #6627: Remaining cdm light issues
- the name facts should be implemented in 5.6
- 11:07 AM task #8127 (Discussed): [Reminder] to check if Hibernate Null Value bug still exists
- see #5681 for details (closed as duplicate, still open issue is ht... - 11:03 AM feature request #7637: Handle intext references in CDM light
- Andreas Müller wrote:
> Do we really want to keep in 5.6. We wanted to work on intext references in 5.7.
ups no, ... - 11:02 AM feature request #7637: Handle intext references in CDM light
- Do we really want to keep in 5.6. We wanted to work on intext references in 5.7.
- 11:00 AM task #7515: TypeDesignationStatusComparator to sort by vocabulary first and then by term order
- We may also include the upcoming new term structure (using TermCollections) #6794.
- 10:48 AM Revision 491b261a (cdmlib): jenkins: setting project version to 5.5.1
- 10:37 AM feature request #8089: improve abcd preference page
- Does this not fit to our current milestone which includes preferences?
- 10:33 AM bug #8125 (New): ClassCastException when adding person to newly created team
- Hallo,
vermutlich ein ungünstiges Timing ...
Bulk Editor, neues Team, cache eingegeben -> Details view, Add Person,... - 10:26 AM feature request #8123 (Closed): Make available features a DB preference
- ... also distinguish taxon facts, specimen facts and name facts.
Adapt this also in the local preferences.
Stor... - 10:20 AM bug #5278: Creating new taxon is slow in some cases
- when creating a new taxonnode with a lot of siblings it takes some time because the sortindex is newly set for all si...
- 10:16 AM feature request #8046: Term lists in term manager should be positiv lists
- Doesn't this belong much to the focus of our current milestone (terms, preferences, typification). So maybe we can ke...
- 10:07 AM feature request #7810: DB preference to make Specimen editors visible
- Because some major issues were implemented in 5.4. However, I think we should split the ticket for all remaining issu...
- 09:01 AM feature request #7810: DB preference to make Specimen editors visible
- Andreas Müller wrote:
> Patrick Plitzner wrote:
> > @all: Why is this ticket still open? What is left to do?
>... - 10:01 AM bug #7689 (Worksforme): Mutliple representation exception when creating taxon nodes
- I think this is fixed with the restructured taxonnode wizard (see #7680)
- 09:45 AM feature request #8096 (In Progress): Implement CacheUpdater as long running task with correct progress monitoring
- 09:44 AM bug #8115 (In Progress): NPE when moving factual data
- 09:35 AM feature request #8122 (New): Implement selection of modifier vocabulary for structures and properties
- In the term editor for structure and property terms it should be possible to select one or more modifier vocabularies...
- 09:32 AM feature request #8121 (Closed): Allow selecting structural/property modifiers when creating a character
- When creating a character from a structure and a property the user can select from a predefined list of available mod...
- 05:18 PM feature request #7810: DB preference to make Specimen editors visible
- Patrick Plitzner wrote:
> @all: Why is this ticket still open? What is left to do?
Isn't this quite obvious. See ... - 04:41 PM feature request #7810: DB preference to make Specimen editors visible
- Patrick Plitzner wrote:
> @Katja: Can you take a look at my last commit please commit:taxeditor|06ae687fc2061c691d70... - 04:04 PM feature request #7810: DB preference to make Specimen editors visible
- @Katja: Can you take a look at my last commit please commit:taxeditor|06ae687fc2061c691d70c87b1da7e8b41b903385
@al... - 05:13 PM Revision 9a02c3fb (cdmlib): ref #8118 fix DatabaseTypeEnumTest
- 05:10 PM task #8118: Update MySQL drivers
- I read through the change sets, all are looking as expected.
As next step we should run a test against a maria db ... - 03:28 PM task #8118 (Resolved): Update MySQL drivers
- 02:26 PM task #8118: Update MySQL drivers
- compile error fixed
- 02:04 PM task #8118 (In Progress): Update MySQL drivers
- I added both drivers to cdmlib-db (b137f4e3)
- 02:02 PM task #8118 (Feedback): Update MySQL drivers
- We are using old JDBC drivers for MySQL. ALso we do not have drivers for MariaDB. Should be added.
- 04:47 PM Revision 48fcf86f (taxeditor): ref #8118 Remove outdated mysqlconnector dependency
- 04:46 PM Revision b599ad36 (cdm-vaadin): ref #8117 commenting orthographic corrected names filter to prevent from unclear performance probelms, see ref #7899
- 04:24 PM Revision 168c2abf (taxeditor): ref #8118 Update/remove mysqlconnector dependency
- 04:17 PM Revision 3e6b02bb (taxeditor): ref #8118 Update mysqlconnector dependency
- 04:02 PM Revision d8ff3161 (taxeditor): ref #7810 Fix preference check for "Open in Specimen Editor"
- - remove unused IPreferenceKey
- 04:01 PM Revision 06ae687f (taxeditor): ref #7810 Fix preference check for "Open in Specimen Editor"
- - remove unused IPreferenceKey
- 03:50 PM bug #8105: better hotfix branch strategy in git flow to avoid commits in master which are missing in develop
- note for developers added to the ticket description .....
- 03:40 PM bug #8105 (Resolved): better hotfix branch strategy in git flow to avoid commits in master which are missing in develop
- by this the git-hfx-cherry-check should be executed for all HFX_FINISH jobs, in case of errors the job will FAIL sinc...
- 03:36 PM bug #8105: better hotfix branch strategy in git flow to avoid commits in master which are missing in develop
- and ... using in and
- 03:22 PM bug #8105: better hotfix branch strategy in git flow to avoid commits in master which are missing in develop
- Script to check for cherries in the HFX Finish jobs created:
- 03:22 PM bug #7703 (Feedback): Multiple names cannot be shown in TypeDesignationDetailElement for specimens
- Before I try to fix this: Is this a frequent use case? Because you can also just create two TypeDesignation with diff...
- 09:18 AM bug #7703: Multiple names cannot be shown in TypeDesignationDetailElement for specimens
- This belongs content wise to our current milestone. Please decide if we should move it to 5.6 and who should work on it
- 03:13 PM Revision 1d33838c (cdmlib): ref #8115: first steps to solve problems with moving description elements
- 03:08 PM Revision 7920febf (cdmlib): ref #8118 added MariaDbDatabaseType
- 02:59 PM Revision 552649f9 (cdm-webapp): jenkins bumping cdmlib.version to 5.5.1 cdm.vaadin.version to 5.5.1
- 02:58 PM Revision ca67be9d (cdm-webapp): updating poms for 5.5.1 branch with snapshot versions
- 02:41 PM bug #8117: CdmFilterablePagingProviderFactory.taxonNamesWithoutOrthographicIncorrect() causes performance overhead
- Correction: The sql query showing the problem is:
select as id1_499_2_, this_.created as cr... - 12:29 PM bug #8117: CdmFilterablePagingProviderFactory.taxonNamesWithoutOrthographicIncorrect() causes performance overhead
- the most time is actually consumed by
Do we need to update the mysql driver for some r... - 12:24 PM bug #8117: CdmFilterablePagingProviderFactory.taxonNamesWithoutOrthographicIncorrect() causes performance overhead
- The query created by the restriction performs not so bad (55ms):
select as id1_499_2_, this_... - 11:32 AM bug #8117 (New): CdmFilterablePagingProviderFactory.taxonNamesWithoutOrthographicIncorrect() causes performance overhead
a restriction is being used whic...- 02:38 PM Revision aeddf804 (cdm-vaadin): fixing probelm with unchecked optional
- 02:28 PM bug #8119 (Rejected): Link a PhycoBank Id in a Proof to Portal
- Proof (as of 21 Feb 2019), Phytotaxa:
Heterocapsa triquetra var. litoralis Er.Lindem., nom. corr. (Turland et al., 2... - 02:23 PM Revision c60cae60 (cdmlib): ref #8118 fix compile error in SequenceTableCreator
- 02:09 PM Revision a8a19cd5 (taxeditor): ref #8088: fix publish flag in edit wizard
- 02:07 PM Revision 14292cfa (taxeditor): ref #8088: fix publish flag in edit wizard
- 02:04 PM Revision b137f4e3 (cdmlib): ref #8118 drivers for MySQL updated and MariaDB added
- 12:40 PM Revision 8d8da57a (cdm-vaadin): ref #8117 commenting orthographic corrected names filter to prevent from unclear performance probelms, see ref #7899
- 12:36 PM Revision 79564e6c (cdm-vaadin): jenkins bumping cdmlib.version to 5.5.1
- 12:35 PM Revision 6d34eaf7 (cdm-vaadin): updating poms for 5.5.1 branch with snapshot versions
- 12:24 PM Revision 61ff7940 (taxeditor): fix merge conflict
- 12:19 PM Revision 8ebb13a2 (taxeditor): Further update of getting-started documentation
- 12:19 PM Revision 02f4b5a9 (taxeditor): Further update of getting-started documentation
- 12:16 PM Revision 3f7099d8 (taxeditor): fix merge conflict
- 12:16 PM Revision ad2f71e9 (taxeditor): ref #8088: adapt labels and fix publish flag in edit wizard
- 12:02 PM Revision 017a14f2 (taxeditor): Update getting started documentation
- 12:01 PM Revision c5af512a (taxeditor): Update getting started documentation
- 12:01 PM bug #8088: Open taxon node wizard issues
- The hotfix tasks seem to work now.
- 10:58 AM bug #8088 (Resolved): Open taxon node wizard issues
- please review the hotfix tasks.
- 09:30 AM bug #8088: Open taxon node wizard issues
- Hallo,
bekomme diese Fehlermeldung beim Anlegen eines neuen Taxons.
viele Grüße und schöne WE
~~~ tex... - 11:37 AM bug #7772 (Resolved): Rename TermBase_inverseRepresentation to DefinedTermBase_InverseRepresentation
- Renamed TermBase_inverseRepresentation to DefinedTermBase_InverseRepresentation and attribute term_id to definedTermB...
- 11:28 AM bug #8116 (New): ProgressMonitorManager: logging instead of System.err
- In the ProgressMonitorManager an ignored error is logged to `System.err.println`
All logging should go to the logg... - 11:06 AM bug #8099 (Feedback): Error saving name type designation editor due to problem in poupeditor context
- 11:05 AM bug #8099: Error saving name type designation editor due to problem in poupeditor context
- Hakllo Henning
ich verstehe Step 2,3 oben nicht, was hat du da genau gemacht?
Andreas - 10:56 AM Revision d9757a33 (taxeditor): ref #8088: fix publish flag in edit wizard
- 10:51 AM Revision b4072196 (taxeditor): ref #8088: fix publish flag in edit wizard
- 10:27 AM bug #6784 (Feedback): Right click menu in Specimen Editor appears after Details View refresh
- When I tested, the context menu was rendered first and afterwards the details view. Could you try again? Maybe this i...
- 09:49 AM bug #8115: NPE when moving factual data
- Katja: I assign this to you because it has to do with the operations of the NameEditor which are executed during saving.
- 09:35 AM bug #8115 (Closed): NPE when moving factual data
- Steps to reproduce:
1. Create the following factual data ![](picture643-1.png)
1. Move the abstract element with ... - 09:42 AM Revision d669970d (taxeditor): ref #8088: adapt labels and fix publish flag in edit wizard
- 09:11 AM Revision cb7b8f2b (taxeditor): ref #6554 Reduce details view rendering
- - enhance check against previous selection
- remove unused methods
- 11:31 PM bug #7772 (In Progress): Rename TermBase_inverseRepresentation to DefinedTermBase_InverseRepresentation
- 07:13 PM bug #8114 (Duplicate): used author name cache in nomenclatural reference
- For taxonomists/users it might be misleading when in the name editor the bibliographic authors are shown. In case of ...
- 04:35 PM Revision 18960c83 (taxeditor): ref #8088: open taxonnode from result
- 04:08 PM Revision 2acbc78a (taxeditor): Fix potential widget disposed exception
- 04:04 PM Revision c861560c (taxeditor): Fix potential widget disposed exception
- 04:02 PM Revision c3b48aa2 (taxeditor): ref #8088: open taxonnode from result
- 03:45 PM feature request #7923 (New): Add context menu and drag'n'drop to CharacterEditor
- 03:45 PM bug #7112 (New): Ask for saving dirty editors when closing Taxeditor
- 03:45 PM feature request #6774 (New): Implement OWL export
- 03:36 PM Revision 3a99aa7c (cdmlib): ref #8088: fix save taxonnode method
- 03:33 PM Revision 6f2311af (cdmlib): ref #8088: fix save taxonnode method
- 03:23 PM Revision 149c69ec (taxeditor): Merge branch 'develop' into termSearch
- 03:20 PM Revision ac0c5f74 (cdmlib): Merge branch 'develop' into termSearch
- 02:43 PM Revision 4877da13 (cdmlib-apps): Import terms as Features instead of modifiers
- - Add idInSource, idInVocabulary
- 02:29 PM bug #6205 (Duplicate): Move excluded nodes to the bottom of the list in TaxEditor navigator
- this is already implmented in #6547
- 12:19 PM bug #8113 (In Progress): Update TypeDesignationStatus labels
- 12:19 PM bug #8113 (Closed): Update TypeDesignationStatus labels
- ~~Currently SpecimentTypeDesig use upper case while NameTypeDesignations uses lower case.~~ => #9263. Also check corr...
- 12:18 PM Revision 774459a9 (taxeditor): ref #8088: use existing taxon for new taxonnode or when editing node
- 12:18 PM Revision 6ad6a6e4 (taxeditor): ref #8088: fix TOE in edit taxon node wizard when changing taxon
- 12:07 PM Revision 3adf46dc (taxeditor): ref #8088: taxon should be selectable in taxonnode wizard when editing existing node
- 12:04 PM Revision da113e80 (cdmlib): ref #8088: save newly created taxonnode with existing taxon
- 12:01 PM Revision aa5b9df6 (cdmlib): ref #8088: save newly created taxonnode with existing taxon
- 12:00 PM Revision ddc81360 (cdmlib): fix save taxonnode
- 11:59 AM Revision 72b32530 (cdmlib): fix lazyLoading exception when creating new taxonnode
- 11:51 AM Revision 7fefb32a (taxeditor): Updated version in pom / project files to taxeditor version : 5.5.1 and cdmlib version : 5.5.1
- 11:49 AM Revision 795ee1e1 (cdmlib): updating poms for 5.5.1 branch with snapshot versions
- 11:34 AM Revision 7e2d59f9 (cdmlib): ref #8088: save newly created taxonnode with existing taxon
- 11:34 AM Revision aeb812fd (cdmlib): ref #8088: save newly created taxonnode with existing taxon
- 10:21 AM Revision 3b0ec7a1 (taxeditor): ref #8088: use existing taxon for new taxonnode or when editing node
- 09:55 AM Revision 0d3d2e38 (taxeditor): ref #8088: fix TOE in edit taxon node wizard when changing taxon
- 09:52 AM bug #8088: Open taxon node wizard issues
- Ich habe versucht das Taxon eines Taxonnodes zu ändern und bekam den Fehler unten.
Gibt es dafür schon ein Ticket? K... - 09:45 AM Revision 4b7c1b80 (cdmlib-apps): Import plant glossary categories as modifier terms
- 11:19 PM bug #8112: Refresh for Group doesn't work
- This seems to be related to #2414 though #2414 is closed. Maybe behavior changed with remoting.
It is also relevan... - 11:15 PM bug #8112 (New): Refresh for Group doesn't work
- How to:
* Open User bulk editor and Group bulk editor and search for "*"
* In User bulk editor choose a user and ... - 11:02 PM bug #8111 (Closed): User selection dialog for groups does not filter out existing users
- ... but shows all users by "*". Same holds for Group selection dialog for Users.
- 06:57 PM feature request #7912: Enhance checkbox tree viewer
- Please always add the follow up tickets to the "related issues" section, too.
- 05:57 PM Revision a94f8d8f (cdmlib): fix CacheUpdater
- 05:57 PM Revision a5902245 (cdmlib): implement merge for ImportResult
- 05:57 PM Revision 0fd9720a (cdmlib): cleanup
- 05:46 PM bug #8097: Problem with inserting a section - inReference is "lost"
- issue completed.
Please review. - 05:46 PM bug #8097 (Resolved): Problem with inserting a section - inReference is "lost"
- Applied in changeset commit:cdm-vaadin|2bcb1498b2db48c720edfcfcac25e733be35cfb8.
- 05:07 PM bug #8097: Problem with inserting a section - inReference is "lost"
- As first solution to this problem we decided on making the inReference field required for all iSection refernfence ty...
- 05:46 PM Revision 2bcb1498 (cdm-vaadin): fix #8097 inReference field required for section reference types
- 04:48 PM bug #5699 (Closed): user profile settigs in cdm_dataportal module done wrong
- 04:48 PM bug #5699 (Resolved): user profile settigs in cdm_dataportal module done wrong
- Applied in changeset commit:cdm-dataportal|bf31af5f546f2b686f6d05c1357ce41d4bf6d09c.
- 04:46 PM bug #5699: user profile settigs in cdm_dataportal module done wrong
- this feature isn't used in any of the portals can can be removed.
- 04:48 PM Revision bf31af5f (cdm-dataportal): fix #5699 complete removal of unused per user default tab settings
- 04:34 PM Revision 533b4c79 (taxeditor): Merge branch 'develop' into termSearch
- 04:33 PM Revision 264a8b3c (cdmlib): Merge branch 'develop' into termSearch
- 04:13 PM task #4564: [Post 3.4] Check if originalLabelInfo is handled correctly in CdmDataPortal
- Havn't we decided to handle model change tickets in current release?
- 04:08 PM bug #8104 (Closed): TaxonName.getLastNamePart erroneously renamed .getFamiliyNamePart
- The revert looks reasonable
- 11:31 AM bug #8104: TaxonName.getLastNamePart erroneously renamed .getFamiliyNamePart
- Please can you have a quick look on the reversion of your commit?
- 11:30 AM bug #8104 (Resolved): TaxonName.getLastNamePart erroneously renamed .getFamiliyNamePart
- Applied in changeset commit:cdmlib|6b548bff807c53bdc4e3676d4b74b83b8f31be4f.
- 04:04 PM feature request #7747: Enhance display for URI element
- The space is reserved by the URI element for error messages when parsing the URI.
I chang... - 04:01 PM Revision 21e704da (cdmlib-apps): ref #7420 last changes to Phycobank higher classification import
- 02:49 PM feature request #7695 (In Progress): web service providing compact TypeDesignation representation for homotypic groups and individual taxa
- 12:53 PM bug #8110 (New): Editing name in bulkeditor sets nameEditor dirty, but saving nameEditor after bulk editor reverts the changes
- when editing a name which is open in name bulk editor and in name editor sets both editors dirty. But the changes are...
- 11:30 AM Revision 6b548bff (cdmlib): fix #8104 renaming familiyNamePart back to lastNamePart
- 11:02 AM feature request #4922: GrantedAuthorities not reusable anymore
- I have concerns about duplicating GAs as this will complicate first data inserters and managing of default GAs in gen...
- 10:27 AM task #8109: Concept for linking from taxon entries to name pages
- most important will be that it is configurable per project how and where all the different information is shown.
- 09:29 AM task #8109 (New): Concept for linking from taxon entries to name pages
- Taxon entries in the data portal do not allow to navigate to the according name page.
This will become important o... - 10:26 AM Revision d88833a9 (cdmlib): ref #8011 Fix serialization problem
- - Use Map.Entry instead of hibernate.envers.Pair
- 10:25 AM Revision bf45901f (taxeditor): ref #8011 Adapt to cdmlib change of Pair to MapEntry
- 10:24 AM Revision 3af5dbb6 (taxeditor): ref #8011 Fix potential NPE
- 10:14 AM feature request #7653 (In Progress): [DISCUSS] Delete NameFacts => Result: no
- We decided to keep name facts to handle categories like "Notes on typification" or "Etymology".
We still need to ... - 09:18 AM feature request #8108: Name page shows complete name information (I)
- Hallo,
Allerdings ist die Frage schon interessant: Das wirkliche Potential Taxon fehlt halt in >99% der F... - 09:17 AM feature request #8108: Name page shows complete name information (I)
- Hallo,
will ja nicht pingelig sein, aber ein „Name used in Source“ ist ja im Prinzip ein Potential Taxon und kann ... - 09:16 AM feature request #8108: Name page shows complete name information (I)
- AM:
Wichtig wäre hier auch die Frage, wie man diese expliziten Namensinformationen auf einer normalen Taxonpage ve... - 09:15 AM feature request #8108 (Closed): Name page shows complete name information (I)
- Derzeit ist diese Seite mehr oder weniger nur ein Weiterleitungsmechanismus zu den zugehörigen Taxa.
Die besser a...
- 10:34 PM feature request #8017 (In Progress): TypeDesignations need sources additional to lectotypifcation sources
- 10:26 PM Revision 543f3969 (cdmlib): fix save taxonnode
- 06:05 PM bug #8107 (Feedback): NPE when throwing PopupEditorException in AbstractPopupEditor
- 06:05 PM bug #8107: NPE when throwing PopupEditorException in AbstractPopupEditor
- [Henning:]
> Hier waren Gattungsnamen vor dem Import nicht verfügbar, daher wurde das Pflichtfeld Gattungsname nic... - 05:01 PM bug #8107 (In Progress): NPE when throwing PopupEditorException in AbstractPopupEditor
- The NPE occurred during while creating the PopupEditorException to be thrown in turn of an other exception which has ...
- 04:51 PM bug #8107 (Closed): NPE when throwing PopupEditorException in AbstractPopupEditor
- Heba reported an NPE which occurred while saving a name popup editor:
Problem beim Speichern um 10:08 Uhr.
http:/... - 05:25 PM Revision 592b9851 (cdm-vaadin): ref #8107 getFieldGroup() returns Optional<FieldGroup> to avoid NPEs and logging errors before rethrowing as PopupEditorException
- 04:40 PM Revision 0c1dd4b9 (cdmlib): ref #8011 Make dtos Serializable
- 04:37 PM Revision 070e6317 (taxeditor): ref #8088: taxon should be selectable in taxonnode wizard when editing existing node
- 04:11 PM feature request #8106 (Closed): improve image gallery settings labeling
- done!
- 04:11 PM feature request #8106 (Resolved): improve image gallery settings labeling
- Applied in changeset commit:cdm-dataportal|5358baffb125a13d97910717acfcca8e978d63f5.
- 04:03 PM feature request #8106 (Closed): improve image gallery settings labeling
- requested by AM:
Vielleicht könnte man bei der Configuration den Text noch etwas anpassen, so dass klar ist was pa... - 04:11 PM Revision 5358baff (cdm-dataportal): fix #8106 better labels for the imagegallery settings related to the thumbnail size
- 04:09 PM Revision 79af0b2b (cdmlib): fix lazyLoading exception when creating new taxonnode
- 03:55 PM Revision 273e1f05 (cdmlib-apps): Implement Prometheus properties import
- 02:34 PM Revision e89c1115 (cdm-dataportal): details page for specimen with item list
- 01:55 PM Revision af7030a7 (taxeditor): ref #4227 Trim .classpath template file
- 01:55 PM Revision b11e5ce8 (taxeditor): ref #4227 Delete .settings folder for test and webapp plugin
- 01:55 PM Revision f1ae6ccd (taxeditor): ref #4227 Fix file deletion in
- 12:22 PM bug #8105 (In Progress): better hotfix branch strategy in git flow to avoid commits in master which are missing in develop
- During the release of the taxeditor 5.5.0 it turned out, that the `master`branch has received commits from the `hotfi...
- 11:42 AM task #7811: Import higher classifications
- I give this back for review
- 10:30 AM Revision e91eca08 (taxeditor): Merge branch 'develop' into termSearch
- 10:30 AM Revision a272cd08 (taxeditor): Remove double initialisation of vocabularies in term editor
- 10:19 AM Revision 18190ef3 (taxongraph-view): switching base url to
- 10:16 AM Revision 7dcedec2 (taxongraph-view): non minified version of dagre.js
- 10:13 AM Revision ba56c9d7 (taxongraph-view): adding updated full test data set
- 09:51 AM bug #8104 (Closed): TaxonName.getLastNamePart erroneously renamed .getFamiliyNamePart
- **The TaxonName property `lastNamePart` has erroneously been changed during the refactoring for #7238 to `familyNam...
- 09:40 AM Revision 5937d209 (taxeditor): ref #8011 Implement experimental occurence facet search
- 09:39 AM Revision b558cbe6 (cdmlib): ref #8011 Add service method to find DerivateDtos
- 09:38 AM Revision a731ca32 (cdmlib): ref #8011 Make entity reference Serializable
- 04:57 PM bug #8101 (New): cdm-server docker container uses wrong timezone
- The docker container uses UTC but should be in the same timezone as the host system.
edit-production ~ # dat... - 04:40 PM bug #8098 (Duplicate): Cache update for Portal view
- I can no longer reproduce this problem, the reference looks ok now.
I thus will close this issue as duplicate of #... - 04:02 PM bug #8098: Cache update for Portal view
- seems to be a result from update problem in documented in #8100
- 03:24 PM bug #8098 (Duplicate): Cache update for Portal view
- Documentation (release version):
ID 100486 was prepared as shown in the screen shot.
Under curation the journal "... - 04:37 PM bug #8100: Cache update in UI
- It seems as if the updating of in-reference Article is not causing the contained reference section to be updated.
- 04:30 PM bug #8100: Cache update in UI
- in the article just the journal was missing
- 04:30 PM bug #8100: Cache update in UI
- Did not update the in-reference
- 04:29 PM bug #8100: Cache update in UI
- Did you update the inreference "Fottea"? The Article was not touched?
- 04:00 PM bug #8100 (New): Cache update in UI
- If a reference has been not correct when preparing novelties
And the reference was updated,
the uncorrected referen... - 03:51 PM bug #8099 (Closed): Error saving name type designation editor due to problem in poupeditor context
- Documentation:
Step 1: open Name type of "Geitleriaceae"
Step 2: type name was wrong, select unregistered genus nam... - 02:39 PM Revision 4b8701e3 (taxeditor): ref #8011 Sort facets by category
- 02:33 PM bug #8097 (Closed): Problem with inserting a section - inReference is "lost"
- IAPT Entry:
Astartiella bahusiensis (Grunov) Witk., Lange-Bert. & Metzeltin
in Biblioth. Diato... - 02:31 PM Revision 0a0a634c (taxeditor): ref #8011 Layout improvements
- - wrap description text
- Use SashForm for SearchComposite - 12:55 PM task #7811: Import higher classifications
- Euastrum exists with 2 authors. Arbitrarily Euastrum Ralfs, Brit. Desmid.: 49, 78. 1848 has been taken for import of ...
- 12:24 PM task #7811: Import higher classifications
- Wolf-Henning Kusber wrote:
> Navicula Grunow is an old import error to be deleted
> Navicula Bory is the only r... - 12:21 PM task #7811: Import higher classifications
- Wolf-Henning Kusber wrote:
> Arachnophyllum exists 2x in ae5e4774-9657-4910-812c-937e2ebe5647. Once as child of Dele... - 12:20 PM task #7811: Import higher classifications
- Wolf-Henning Kusber wrote:
> Gymnocystodinium exists 2x in 174d5905-9b28-406d-8e15-98958123b4ae: with parent Gymnodi... - 11:40 AM task #7811: Import higher classifications
- Navicula Grunow is an old import error to be deleted
Navicula Bory is the only right one - 11:37 AM task #7811: Import higher classifications
- Navicula exists 2x as accepted taxon in Phycobank, with 2 different authors. During import of 03c791d0-2da4-42d0-8bc6...
- 11:13 AM task #7811: Import higher classifications
- Arachnophyllum exists 2x in ae5e4774-9657-4910-812c-937e2ebe5647. Once as child of Delesserioideae, 2nd time as child...
- 11:07 AM task #7811: Import higher classifications
- Gymnocystodinium exists 2x in 174d5905-9b28-406d-8e15-98958123b4ae: with parent Gymnodiniaceae and child Gymnodinium ...
- 11:01 AM task #7811: Import higher classifications
- Wolf-Henning Kusber wrote:
> #9
> Eolimna exists twice in 03c791d0-2da4-42d0-8bc6-15a2154ad241.
> To be deleted: O... - 10:54 AM task #7811: Import higher classifications
- Arachnophyllum exists 2x in ae5e4774-9657-4910-812c-937e2ebe5647. Once as child of Delesserioideae, 2nd time as child...
- 10:50 AM task #7811: Import higher classifications
- Gymnocystodinium exists 2x in 174d5905-9b28-406d-8e15-98958123b4ae: with parent Gymnodiniaceae and child Gymnodinium ...
- 10:17 AM task #7811: Import higher classifications
- #9
Eolimna exists twice in 03c791d0-2da4-42d0-8bc6-15a2154ad241.
To be deleted: Once as direct child of Naviculales... - 09:35 AM task #7811: Import higher classifications
- Ordo of Polypodochrysis in 03c791d0-2da4-42d0-8bc6-15a2154ad241 (Pinguioch **r** ysidales)
differs from above Ordo... - 09:28 AM task #7811: Import higher classifications
- Eolimna exists twice in 03c791d0-2da4-42d0-8bc6-15a2154ad241. Once as direct child of Naviculales (line 754), other t...
- 09:23 AM task #7811: Import higher classifications
- Also there is a new column subfam. As rank columns are hardcoded in import code all new columns need to be explicitly...
- 12:49 PM Revision 5b158275 (taxeditor): ref #8011 Remove unused parameters
- 12:49 PM Revision 219d7e87 (taxeditor): ref #8011 Use termType as facet category
- 12:48 PM Revision 394be96b (cdmlib): ref #8011 Add uri and termType to DTO query
- 12:02 PM bug #8088: Open taxon node wizard issues
- Something went wrong in previous ticket #7794. The taxon itself should be selectable for both "New" and "Edit" mode. ...
- 09:15 AM Revision ec7d18e2 (taxeditor): ref #8011 Set termType in search controller constructor
- 09:10 AM Revision 73addc03 (cdmlib): ref #8011 Allow null for termType to ignore this filter
- 09:05 AM Revision 3ff018d4 (taxeditor): Merge branch 'develop' into termSearch
- 09:04 AM Revision b73f045d (cdmlib): Merge branch 'develop' into termSearch
- 04:20 PM task #8091: Discuss Referencetype PrintSeries with respect to user needs of PhycoBank and taxonomic projects
- yes please
- 10:45 AM task #8091 (In Progress): Discuss Referencetype PrintSeries with respect to user needs of PhycoBank and taxonomic projects
- 10:45 AM task #8091: Discuss Referencetype PrintSeries with respect to user needs of PhycoBank and taxonomic projects
- ok, that I have a look on this first?
- 02:47 PM Revision 445e8bf0 (taxeditor): Merge branch 'release/5.5.0' into develop
- 02:47 PM Revision 1b2434c8 (taxeditor): Merge branch 'release/5.5.0'
- 02:39 PM Revision b3b49290 (taxeditor): deleting file to solve merge conflicts during the release which came with hotfix 5.4.3
- 02:37 PM Revision d3622550 (cdmlib-apps): update pom versions in appimport
- 02:30 PM Revision 5352fccb (cdmlib-apps): minor
- 02:29 PM Revision 92efed9c (cdmlib-apps): latest changes to Greece image import
- 02:28 PM Revision cd79d676 (cdmlib-apps): ref #1444 ref #7976 some changes to ERMS import
- 02:13 PM Revision a85eb65a (taxeditor): Updated version in pom / project files to taxeditor version : 5.6.0-SNAPSHOT and cdmlib version : 5.6.0-SNAPSHOT
- 02:13 PM Revision 62bd08ed (taxeditor): Updated version in pom / project files to taxeditor version : 5.5.0 and cdmlib version : 5.5.0
- 02:08 PM Revision c2a2c9f0 (taxeditor): also remove checklist editor from fragment.e4xmi
- 02:00 PM Revision 2a4913e6 (taxeditor): remove old checklistEditor classes
- 01:44 PM Revision 9ef77492 (taxeditor): ref #8011 Filter term results by term type FEATURE
- 01:43 PM Revision 1da9046b (cdmlib): ref #8011 Add termType to service method
- 11:37 AM Revision 08267c16 (taxeditor): ref #8011 Use term search in feature tree context menu to add features
- 11:35 AM Revision 23fa8987 (taxeditor): ref #8011 Add search button to term search
- 11:34 AM Revision 35b01984 (taxeditor): ref #8011 Refactor AddFeatureOperation to use uuid
- 11:21 AM Revision df5691ff (taxeditor): Merge branch 'release/5.5.0' into develop
- 11:21 AM Revision cfa5702f (taxeditor): Merge branch 'release/5.5.0'
- 11:16 AM Revision 44944fb8 (taxeditor): Updated version in pom / project files to taxeditor version : 5.6.0-SNAPSHOT and cdmlib version : 5.6.0-SNAPSHOT
- 11:16 AM Revision 16b07bc6 (taxeditor): Updated version in pom / project files to taxeditor version : 5.5.0 and cdmlib version : 5.5.0
- 10:46 AM task #7918 (Closed): Revision of reference type specific properties
- As remaining issues are now in #8091 we can close this ticket.
- 10:42 AM Revision e744728b (cdm-server): Merge branch 'release/5.5.0' into develop
- 10:42 AM Revision e9cc6c37 (cdm-server): jenkins merging release branch into master (strategy: theirs)
- 10:42 AM bug #7998 (Closed): Store newly created Characters in selected vocabulary
- I think we can close this ticket now.
- 10:41 AM Revision 11b49aac (cdm-server): updating poms for branch'release/5.5.0' with non-snapshot versions
- 10:41 AM Revision ec3f9371 (cdm-webapp): Merge branch 'release/5.5.0' into develop
- 10:41 AM Revision 5907dcdc (cdm-webapp): jenkins merging release branch into master (strategy: theirs)
- 10:41 AM Revision 6e016ec0 (cdm-webapp): updating poms for branch'release/5.5.0' with non-snapshot versions
- 10:40 AM Revision 759f6dd7 (cdm-webapp): jenkins bumping cdmlib.version and cdm.vaadin.version to 5.5.0
- 10:30 AM Revision 3c6137bf (cdm-vaadin): Merge branch 'release/5.5.0' into develop
- 10:30 AM Revision 079231b5 (cdm-vaadin): jenkins merging release branch into master (strategy: theirs)
- 10:27 AM Revision a5fbcd21 (cdm-dataportal): Merge branch 'release/5.5.0' into develop
- 10:27 AM Revision 4993d534 (cdm-dataportal): updating poms for branch'release/5.5.0' with non-snapshot versions
- 10:27 AM Revision b8f92085 (cdm-vaadin): updating poms for branch'release/5.5.0' with non-snapshot versions
- 10:27 AM Revision 27499fee (cdm-dataportal): release-preparation: production level css
- 10:27 AM Revision 37df124b (cdm-vaadin): jenkins bumping cdmlib.version to 5.5.0
- 10:26 AM Revision 28a7edb0 (cdmlib): Updating develop poms back to pre merge state
- 10:26 AM Revision fd8a1882 (cdmlib): Merge branch 'master' into develop
- 10:26 AM Revision 1c2d3c56 (cdmlib): updating develop poms to master versions to avoid merge conflicts
- 10:26 AM Revision 0df9a844 (cdmlib): Merge branch 'release/5.5.0'
- 10:10 AM Revision 29284bac (cdmlib): updating poms for branch'release/5.5.0' with non-snapshot versions
- 09:43 AM Revision c0f28148 (cdm-webapp): jenkins bumping cdmlib.version and cdm.vaadin.version to 5.5.0-SNAPSHOT
- 09:43 AM Revision 3ab1f813 (cdm-webapp): updating poms for 5.6.0-SNAPSHOT development
- 09:43 AM Revision df40fb3f (cdm-webapp): jenkins bumping cdmlib.version and cdm.vaadin.version to 5.6.0-SNAPSHOT
- 09:42 AM Revision 5db4b0f8 (cdm-vaadin): jenkins bumping cdmlib.version to 5.5.0-SNAPSHOT
- 09:41 AM Revision 70675b1f (cdm-vaadin): updating poms for 5.6.0-SNAPSHOT development
- 09:41 AM Revision b9033cb4 (cdm-vaadin): jenkins bumping cdmlib.version to 5.6.0-SNAPSHOT
- 09:41 AM Revision e33dc21e (cdm-dataportal): updating poms for 5.6.0-SNAPSHOT development
- 09:41 AM Revision 60938c99 (cdm-server): updating poms for 5.6.0-SNAPSHOT development
- 09:39 AM Revision 4ca23610 (cdmlib): updating poms for 5.6.0-SNAPSHOT development
- 08:56 AM feature request #8030 (Closed): Cache updater service methods externalized and base class specific
- review completed, no issues found
- 08:55 AM bug #7874 (Closed): TeamOrPersonBase entity can become unusable due to replacement of the title caches on using getters
- looks like fixed by 100%
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