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Andreas Kohlbecker, 09/03/2019 01:26 PM

Registration interface user guide

This is a the user guide for the PhycoBank registration user interface. The guide covers the roles Curator and Submitter. This guide is complemented by the PhycoBank registration reference documentation.

Please also read the PhycoBank Registration FAQ.

Start a new registration

- selecting or creating a new publication record


First: Check, if the publication is already in PhycoBank available. Default is a search by the first author (selected parts of the publication are shown to identify the publication). Clicking "Contains" allows to search for a characteristic part of a publication, such as a scientific name. If the publication is not in PhycoBank available go to "New".

Add a new publication

- using the Reference


1 Select the reference type (such as article, book, book section)
2 Enter the date published (this can be left open once the manuscript is under revision)
3 Title, please enter the title (or the tentative title once the manuscript is under revision)
4 Select an author or an author team from the pick list (if there is no data...)
5 Enter a new author, or if there is more than one author...
6 Enter a new author team
7 Select the journal (in case you enter an article). This entry is mandatory. If the journal is missing in PhycoBank...
8 Enter a new journal
9 allows to edit a journal title you have already entered
10 Enter the volume (this can be left open once the manuscript is under revision)
11 Enter the pages of the entire article (this can be left open once the manuscript is under revision)
12 Enter the doi (without https, without "doi:")
13 Enter the URI (just in case no doi is available and the link is predicted to be stable over time)
14 Editional notes are internal (it can be used for missing data)
15 An additional note can be added
16 Save the record, or
17 Cancle your entry

Registration working set editor

- changing the status of a registration

Submitter: The only status available for this role are PREPARATION and CURATION. As long as the registration with the scientific name and type designations is being edited and modified by the submitter, the registration is in PREPARATION. Once the editing process is completed. The submitter will set the status to CURATION in order to pass the data set to the curatorial process. The curator is now responsible for further state changes.

Curator: For curators all status are available but the selection of the available status is limited to guarantee a directed and clear workflow.
Only states which make sense for the next step in the workflow are allowed.

The possible transitions are:

Current status Next allowed status

Updated by Andreas Kohlbecker over 4 years ago · 22 revisions