


RegistrationUserGuide » History » Revision 11

Revision 10 (Wolf-Henning Kusber, 08/24/2019 07:01 PM) → Revision 11/24 (Wolf-Henning Kusber, 08/24/2019 07:18 PM)

# Registration user guide 

 This is a draft user guide for the Phycobank registration user interface. The guide covers the roles *Curator* and *Submitter*. 

 Please also read the [[RegistrationFAQ|Phycobank Registration FAQ]]. 

 ## Start a new registration 

 ### selecting or creating a new publication record 


 First: Check, if the publication is already in PhycoBank available. Default is a search by the first author (selected parts of the publication are shown to identify the publication). Clicking "Contains" allows to search for a characteristic part of a publication, such as a scientific name. If the publication is not in PhycoBank available go to "New".  

 ## Registration working set editor 

 ### changing the status of a registration 


 **Submitter**: The only status available for this role are `PREPARATION` and `CURATION`. As long as the registration with the scientific name and type designations is being edited and modified by the submitter, the registration is in `PREPARATION`. Once the editing process is completed. The submitter will set the status to `CURATION` in order to pass the data set to the curatorial process. The curator is now responsible for further state changes. 

 **Curator**: For curators all status are available but the selection of the available status is limited to guarantee a directed and clear workflow.  
 Only states which make sense for the next step in the workflow are allowed. 
 The possible transitions are: 

 | Current status | Next allowed status                          |  
 | -------------- | ------------------------------------------ | 
 | PREPARATION      | CURATION                                     | 
 | CURATION         | PREPARATION, READY                           | 
 | READY            | PUBLISHED, REJECTED                          | 
 | PUBLISHED        |                                              | 
 | REJECTED         |                                              |