


task #10055

Updated by Andreas Müller over 1 year ago

All tasks that should be considered during the 2023 updates, upgrades and cleanup sprint 

 * Upgrade linux to latest major version (if necessary) 
 * All developers update to latest Eclipse version 
 * upgrade to latest Java version 
     * updated jboss-logging to 3.5.0.Final once we use java11 
 * upgrade to latest Drupal version (include Cichorieae Network instance #10209) 
 * update to latest Vaadin version (#9955, #9837) ( 
 * upgrade Redmine 
 * update selenium tests to latest version 
 * update swagger/OpenAPI to latest version 
 * update jenkins moduls (and check if they are all still needed) 
 * fully upgrade to log4j2 (#10072) 
 * ... 

 Dependency updates 
 * concider to create a commonly used cdm-versions pom project to upgrade all version at one place 
 * cdmlib dependencies 
     * spring ( ,,, (also think about Quarkus and other fast/native image technologies): #10216 
     * ehcache => 3.x (#10077) 
     * minor dependencies 
     * httpclient => httpclient5    (not yet tested if this created problems) 
     * hibernate 
          * hibernate 5.6 (see comment in #10070) 
          * hibernate 6.x #10070 
          * hibernate-validation 
          * hibernate-search #10069 
          * from older #4716 
                 * AK: fix hibernate search related issues 
                          * 8096b11 
                         *8096b11 : IndexDocValue relates issues solved, indexing now without exceptions, most tests in TaxonServiceSearchTest successful 
                 * remove Index annotations from abstract classes, hibernate search seems not capable of indexing polymorph classes. This will remove the @HSEARCH000044 warings. 
     * check new group-id com.opencsv for OpenCSV 
     * try to remove json-lib (and dependent xom, xmlParserAPIs) dependency and replace by jackson: #4009 
     * ... 
 * TaxEditor dependencies 
     * move further dependencies to specific plugins (test and local and print) which are not necessarily deployed with core in future (for previous work on this see #10009) 
     * remove cdmlib-persistence from taxeditor dependencies (also removes hibernate dependencies) (#9208, #10009, ...) 
 * CDM Server dependencies 
 * dataportal dependencies 
 * utis dependencies 
 * mvn plugins 
     * update maven-compiler-plugin to 3.x in cdmlib #6407/ #9919 
     * update maven-resources-plugin to 3.2.0 in cdmlib-remote (see comment in pom) 
 * open issues from #9359 (also migrate them to this ticket) 
 * jgitflow (#9946) 
 * repository "dependencies" in poms (are they all still needed? If not removing them will speed up build workflows) 
 * go through all poms and check for outdated information 
 * remove json lib for GBIF specimen search (#10205)  
 * ... 

 mvn versions:display-dependency-updates 
 mvn dependency:tree     (better use "Dependency Hierarchy" view in eclipse) 
 mvn dependency:tree -Dscope=compile 
 mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:2.10:tree -Dverbose=true    (verbose flag has been removed in 3.0 ( 
 mvn dependency:analyze 
 mvn versions:display-plugin-updates     (upgrade required maven version from time to time!) 
 * also try 
 * for checking newer versions: (more info then in maven repo)  

 * check if logging in CdmServer can be adapted so it uses log4j2 (see TODO in eu.etaxonomy.cdm.server.logging.LoggingConfigurator) 


 * Check user and admin documentation on 
 * Check developer documentation on wiki 
 * Check user documentation in markdown/word/pdfs and links on [[Platform_Documentation]] 


 * Check which projects can be retired ( 
 * Run cache updating if still needed 
 * Reindex lucene index 


 * Check all ignored tests if they still need to be ignored or if they could be fixed or removed 
 * check all errors when running in commandline 


 * Check if #8127 related hibernate issue is fixed in the meanwhile (see also #10101) 

 From older tickets and not merged in above issues: 

 * #3344 uncomment _c3p0ConnectionTest in src/test/resource/c3p0-config.xml and remove this file in test (still exists in main) 
 * remove and solve ignore from DescriptionServiceImplTest.testMoveDescriptionElementsToTaxon => see comment #4716#note-6
