


task #9954

Updated by Andreas Müller about 2 years ago

Aim: Allow developers to navigate easily to information they need 

 How to:  

 * ~~Organize structure~~ 
    * ~~Add TOC and child notes information to every page~~ 
 * ~~Analyze structure to find and merge redundant information~~ 
    * CDM DataPortal (#2091) 
    * TaxEditor (#9990) 
    * CDM Library (#786) 
    * CDM Server (#10023) 
    * Phycobank and Webeditor (#10030) 
    * Geocomponents (#10031) 
    * Media metadata service (#10032) 
    * Other Platform Components ([[PlatformComponents]]) (#10024) 
    * Other EDIT Platform pages ([[EDIT_Platform]]) (#10025) 
    * Data Models and Formats ([[DataModelsAndFormats]]) (#10026) 
    * DevelopmentNotes ([[DevelopmentNotes]]) (#10027) 
    * TaxonomyNotes ([[TaxonomyNotes]]) (#10028) 
    * Other main groups (#10029) 
 * ~~Create overview pages that give explaining links to subpages and to pages with related information~~ => will be handled within the sub-tickets 
 * ~~Remove pure milestone/version pages and move descriptions to the version.description field (keep only pages with descriptions >255 characters, but move them to archive~~  
 * Move information for platform to as far as possible 
      * keep roadmap [[CdmPlatformRoadmap|roadmap ]]? 
      * manuals 
      * information for workshops 
      * project related information 
 * ~~Add Add information on new components (UTIS, Webbrowser (Vaadin), MediaMetaDataService, GeoCache, ...)~~ ...) 
 * Decide on site.xml pages => should be fully removed or reduced to a minimum with links only (#9992) 
 * ~~Decide on files for component documentation~~ => should be removed and content merged with content on component sites or user/admin sites 


 * Components 
     * ~~send retired components to archive (CSSO, ExpertsDB, BDTracker)~~ 
     * add new components  
     * move Roadmap to top level 
 * Other 
     * remove "Community Websites" as it is an "Components Overwiew", maybe add an "Overview" page to "Components" instead or link to according page 
     * remove "Architecture" as it is outdated, add a new architecture site (with updated figures) to "Components" instead 
     * Use-Cases: update the usecases 
     * Geographic Components: Update and add to "Components" 
     * Literature Components: Remove completely or move to archive 

 Decisions from Mar 18th 22: 

 * we start with platform component sites to fully cleanup 
 * sites follow syntax CDM_DataPortal_XXX, TaxEditor_XXX, CDM_Library_XXX, ... 
 * old sites will be moved to a archive folder within the platform folder 
 * typical subpages will be Intro, Install, FAX, Getting Started(?), Components, BestPractices, ...
