


task #9359

Updated by Andreas Müller over 2 years ago

A lot of version updates and updates to how dependencies are handled in TaxEditor has been done already in #9204. 

 However, further cleanup and update is needed. 

 mvn versions:display-dependency-updates 
 mvn dependency:tree 
 mvn dependency:tree -Dscope=compile 
 mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:2.10:tree -Dverbose=true    (verbose flag has been removed in 3.0 ( 
 mvn dependency:analyze 
 mvn versions:display-plugin-updates     (upgrade required maven version from time to time!) 

 also all other maven projects (CDM Server, cdm-vaadin, webapp, utis(2/3x) need CDM Server needs dependency updates 


  * spring 
  * hibernate 
  * lucene 
  * others 
  * remove cdmlib-persistence from taxeditor dependencies (also removes hibernate dependencies) (#9208) 
  * upgrade to hibernate >5.1 
  * remove apache-log4j-extras from taxeditor #9205 
  * update maven-compiler-plugin to 3.x in cdmlib    #6407/#9919 
  * update maven-resources-plugin to 3.2.0 in cdmlib-remote (see comment in pom) 


 Open issues from older tickets: 

 #3403: Update remaining libraries: 

 * Try to remove springmodules dependency in remote and remote-web-app and maybe also in vaadin: #3408 
 * Try to remove json-lib (and dependendent xom, xmlParserAPIs) dependency and replace by jackson: #4009 
 * Don't forget to update dependencies in Taxonomic Editor and CDM Server (e.g. 

 #3344: Migrate to hibernate 4 

 * check if exclusion in parent.pom for hibernate-search-engine is still needed 
 * check all applicationContexts.xml (xxx-test.xml) for redundant data 
 * check preliminary hardcoded type in CdmEntityDaoBase.addOrder 
      * AK: Ich denke das können wir vorerst mal so lassen, da ohnehin fast alles als String indiziert ist. Mit dem neuen hibernate search könnte da nun anders sein. Das würde dann eventuell id und date betreffen. Diese Freetext Methoden auf dao ebene werden bisher ohnehin nicht verwendet insofern besteht eh keine gefahr. 
 * remove deprecated new FlatXmlDataSet by DataSetBuilder -> will be handled later 
 * uncomment _c3p0ConnectionTest in src/test/resource/cp30-config.xml and remove this file in test (still exists in main) 
 * check all errors when running in commandline (e.g. all locks on index updating and others) - index locking problem solved r17458 
 * check @Ignore necessary for all tests (especially in service layer) 

 #2031 Update Hibernate to latest stable 4.1.1: 

 * All open issues in ticket, kept open for now, including OrderedColumn ticket (see #3722) 
 #4716 Other dependencies to be updated 

 * remove and solve ignore from DescriptionServiceImplTest.testMoveDescriptionElementsToTaxon => see comment #4716#note-6 
 * AK: fix hibernate search related issues 
     * 8096b11 : IndexDocValue relates issues solved, indexing now without exceptions, most tests in TaxonServiceSearchTest successful 
     * remove `Index annotations from abstract classes, hibernate search seems not capable of indexing polymorph classes. This will remove the @HSEARCH000044` warings. 
 * AK: use the encrypto Passwordencoder in UserService instead of the deprecated one 

 * move remoting-services.xml and httpInvokerServices.xml to remoting 

 * try to remove exclusions where possible 

 * check if the postcommit handler were set correctly in CdmPostDataChangeObservableListener and ValidationEventListenerBase 

 * fix EntityValidationCrudJdbcImplTest and remove ignore 

 * move TableGeneratorGlobalOverride back to cdmlib-test (see r27338) 

 * remove dependsOn=tableGeneratorGlobalOverride from sessionFactory in persistence.xml and security_base.xml in production mode. It should be used only for test.   

 * find a solution for dbunitModul to load datasets also from jars and other packages to avoid duplication of standard dataset files (TODO create ticket with detailed information) 


 * aspectj-main anttask in model-pom still uses org.springframework.aspects and not sring-aspects (?) and aspectjtools version 1.7.1 

 * we may concider removing commons-dbcp.commons-dbcp by org.apache.commons.commons-dbcp2 (maybe only used by unitils-database) 

 * AK: what is with json-lib, ~~why does it have [classifier]jdk15[/classifier] and is the dependency net.sf.json-lib:json-lib:jar:jdk15:2.4 still required~~ => see #9887 

 * do we want to move xpp3.xpp3 (1.1.4c) to org.ogce.xpp3 (1.1.6) ? 

 * do we want to move xom.xom (1.2.5) to com.io7m.xom.xom (1.2.10) ? Already upgraded from 1.0 to 1.2.5 

 * do we still need hibernate-parent (last version was 3.6.)? 

 * decide which oracle driver to use 

 * check if usertype.jodatime has been replaced by usertype.core 

 * check how to upgrade to jena-tdb 3.0.0 (also check if commonsRDF is an alternative: ) 

 * resolve those spring configuration files which still do have a spring-beans-3.0.xsd schema location 

 * remove apache snapshot repository (for jena) and others 

 * check if we can upgrade hibernate tooling with dependencies to hibernate 3.2.4 in persistence pom (tooling 5 is not yet released) 

 * Check if SpringModule dependencies can be fully removed (it is only used in AbstractOaiPmhController for Caching, this could probably handled by other caching frameworks like EhCacheCache from spring-context-support) 

 * we may want to further normalize spring config files: #5380 

 * check if TaxonNodeByNameComparator is needed as spring bean as it is currently the case 

 * Try to fix the HHH90000003 warnings (thrown in org.hibernate.boot.model.source.internal.hbm.ModelBinder line 2416, probably related to hibernate-envers, can be switched off by (related but not solved:#7289) 

 * fix open issues for cdmlib-db (#6025) 

 * see if we can do more cross-project version management using toolchain plugin ( or enforcer plugin or similar solutions 
